DD 30 I Release of Mortgage DOW ALL MEN B!' THESE PIlESEftS. WHEREAS, DBAUVILLB CORPOBA~ION aD4 XUOR lI'lWUC O. PRUIft, as ReceiTer, by Indenture ot Mortsage dated the 15'th dq ot 'ebruary, A. D. 1946, and recorded in the ottiee ot the Clerk ot the Ciredt Court 111 an4 tor the County ot Dade. 8tate ot Plorida, in Mortgage Book 16)8, at page 35'5'. cranued and. eon- veyed unto D.A.DI-COMMODBAL!H TITLE IHS'URAN'CB COKPAIr!', its auoeesaors and a.s1cnl. the pr-.i.e. therein partiwlarly de.cribed. to .eeve the p.qment ot the ._ ot TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND AnD NO/lOa DOLLARS <$250,000.00) with interest at therein mentioned, .aid mortsage having been heretotore a.signed to The We.tern and Southern Lite In.vanee Company, an Ohio Corporation, ancl WHBREAS, the 8aid DBAUVILLE CORPORATION and. MA.TOR J'R.ARI: O. PRUI~T, as Reeei....r, have requested the said THE WESTERlf All) SOUTHEHlf LIPE INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio Corporation, to release the premi.es hereinatter de.eribed, beinC part ot said mortgaged preses, trOll the lien and operation ot .a1d Jlortgage, lOW, TIiBREPORI, 1tIOW YBt That the .aid THE WEftBRJf .AND SOUTHERlf LIlI'E INSURAJI'CE COHPJJtt, a8 well in consideration ot the premi... as ot the 8ua ot 81.00 and other good and valuable con- sideration., to it in hand paid by the said DEAUVILLB CORPORA~IOlf and MAJOR l"RAlf1C O. PRut!!, as Re.eiTer, at the time ot the exe- cution hereot, the l' eceipt whereot i8 hereby aeknowledged, does rGl1se, release, quit...claim, exonerate and di8char.e tram the lien and operation ot said mortgage unto the said DBAUVILLB CORPOllAfIOlf and KAJOR FRANX O. PRUITT. as Receiver, their heirs, succe.sors and ass1,nS, all that pi..e, parcel 01' tract ot land, being a part ot the premises conveyed by said mortlage, to-w1tt Beginning at a point whieh i. the inters..tion ot the southerly line ot Lot !went7-eight (28) I Blook Three ()) ot the SECOND OCEAN mON'! SUBDIVISION, aocording to the Amended Plat thereof t recorded -1- in Plat Book 28, at page 28, ot the Public Records ot Dade County, lPlorlda, and the westerly line ot Harding Drl...e, as shown on said Plat, (now Indian Creex Dri...e>l thence westerly along the said louther y line ot Lot 'fW'enty-eight (28) for a distanoe ot thirty-seven (7) teet to a point; thence northerly along a line tor a distance ot leventy..-nine and seven-tenths (79.7) teet, more or le.s, to a point on the northerly line ot said Lot'fW'enty...ight (28) sdd point being torty (1tO) teet w.ster!.,. ot said w.sterly line ot Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drlve); thence easter17 along sa1d northerly line ot Lot Twent,....ight (28) tor a distance of torty (1tO) teet to a point on said westerly line ot Harding Drive (now Indian CJ'e.k Dr1'9'e); thence southerly al one said westerly Une of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Dr1...e) for a distance ot seventy-nine and seven-tenths (79.7) feet, more or le.s, to the point ot beglnning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenanoes, unto the said DEAUVILLB CORPORATION and KA.JOR llRA1'fK O. PRUITT, as Recei...er, their sucoessora and assigna, for....er treed, exonerated and disohareed ot and trOll the lien of said lI.orteag., and flYer,. part thereot; PrOVided, always, nevertheless, that noth11l1 herein contained shall in anywise impalr, alter or diminish the ettect, lien or incumbrance of the atore.aid mortgage on the r_a1n1nC part of said mortgaged premise., not hereby released Ibere.trca, or &n7 of the rights and reedles ot the holder thereot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Morte..ee has oaused the.e pre.ent. to be signed in its name, by it. duly authorlse4 otti.ers, ite corporate .eal to be tft1x.4, attested by It. Seoretary, this 11 th4q of May .A.. D. l~. THE WBSTEBN AND SOUti1$f!.N LIFE INStJRA..NCE COMP.A.I! By' -1A 'P 7-=, ~/ Vice Pre. Atte.t. " ~--?'.) , L"';h~;.~ _ Secretary -2.. SUTI OF OHIO. COUNTY OF HA:'.1ILTON . I HEREBY OERTIll'Y that on th1 s 11 th dq ot May .A.. D", 19l59, before me personally appeared Vm. C. Willging and J. E. Meehan Yice JPr..ident and Secretary, respecti?ely, ot THE WESTERN ll'D SOlltWSHN LIFE INSUR.A.NOE COMPANY, ss an Ohio Corporation, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such ofti- eel's, and .everally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their tree act and deed a. such offi.ers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they aftixed thereto the otticial seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official leal at Cincinnati in the .atore.aid County and State, the day and year last aforesaid. . //J y--;; / Ohio My commission expire.. September 3, 1950.