DD 30 G ~ June "Jr, , " 195'1 ii01~. L. B. Lea;',hernan Clerk Circuit Court Court Louse lIiami 30, Florida Ra: ?ortioD of T,ot Lot 25 Jess so. ,,') ft. of' .,;Joe]" j of Second Ocean F'l'o::,t Bub. Dear Sir: ~~nclosed 'herewith 111 Deed of Ded1~nt10n ilnd PTrtial ::eleaG ''I of ~;ortga,'e for recording. nc11y affix a Fy" "'.clte st:llnp to ';he Deed of )C'l'latiOL. Till >,0'1 please 1,jll the Cit'! of 1:1am! Beach for 701.' r record Ing f'ees. '. erv 'Grul:r :'To'],r s, G. '. Tomlinson CitY" Clerk -.:"-'"11':'\ lJLJ:l J)f} 30 -Cj - June 2$, 19$1 Mr. Jordan H. Da ndson 1$30 Washington Avenue Miami Beach 39, Florida near Mr. Davidson: Enclosed please find a deed from the Trust..s of the Internal Improvement Fund of the state of Florida "hich conveyS to you the parcel of submerged land adjacent to the northerly $0 feet of Lot 2$, Block 3, Second OCean Front SUbc11'Vision. '!'his deed is delivered to you pursuant to the terms of the agreement of November 9 19*9 between you as owner, Isaac Esses as mortgagor, and the City of Miami Beach, which agreement had to do with the widAnir"g or Indian Creek Drive and the filling in and bulkheading by the city. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, I am filing for record a deed of dedication which you executec1 and left with me as well as a partial release of IllOrtgage executed by M1'. Esses and also delivered to .8 with the agreement to which I have referred. You have heretofore been notit'iecl of the lien which has accrued to the 01 ty by reason of the bulkhead improve- _nt. Yours very trulY, c. w. '101Il1nSOnsC 1 ty Clerk CW'fIOll Encl. ""-----~~.__.._-- Boov.3236 PI~GE3f)9 . " THIS AGRF.~ii~IJT, Hade and entered into this 9th day of Uovernber, A. D. 1949, by and bet'.reen JORDAN H. DAVIDSON, a single man Part y of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the "Ol,mer", and ISAAC ESSES, P8.rt y of the second 1Jart, '1.ereinafter referred to as the "Lienor", and the CI'rY OF lIIAl1I ::JE;;'CH, a Florida I.;un1cipal Corporo.tion, Party of the third part, herein- after referred to as the nCi ty" , WIT N E SSE T J : 'limEREAS, the "Duner" is the mmer of the fee simple title in and to the follo'.:ling descr!bed land, situat;e, ly- ing and being in t11e City of lIiumi Beach, County of Dade, State of Florida, to-wit: Lot Twenty-five (2~)? less the south Twenty-five (25) feet thereof, of Block Three (3) of the SEC01ID OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and ',nJ:E:.18AS, the IlLienor" is the mmer and holder of a mortgage encurpbering said land, and ""',_-......J,......._~~_,..;..~, -....... .BoO\(3-236 PAGE370 ':IHEREAS, the City Council of the City of N1ami Beach deems tt to be to the best interest of the "City" to acquire, for the use of the public, an easement across the easterly portion of said land, for the purpose of uidening Indian Creel<: Drive, 0. public street in said City, for street and side"lall: purposes, said easterly portion of said land being hereinafter more fully described, and I.!lIERJ!:AS, the "O,merll has indicated '1is 1:nllingnesS to dedicc,te to the public for street and sic1e1:TalJ~ uses, saic"l strip of land, and the "Lienor" has eXl1ressed his ':lilline;rless to release s<'.id stri, of land from the lien of his mortgage, both in consideration of the filling, by t11e nCity", at the nCity's" eX}1enSe, of a tract of subnerged land nml lying ,.resterly of and adjacent to the lands hereinbefore descr~.bed, equal in depth and area at least to the depth and area of the strip of land to be required by the "City" for the street ::>no side\mlk pur- poses hereinbefore referred to, said fill to consist of material to be dredged from Indian Creek and to be filled to an el~vation of at ieast 2.5 feet above mean high water, and , 'f']",,;r'Y~'AS ,,1~"'-' , the construction of 2. seu\'rall or bulkhead is deemed by all the purties 11ereto to be necessnry for the purpose of retaining ~nd protGcting the fill to be made by the "Ci ty" ~lS aforesaid and to '"e of special bene. fit to the land so filled and to the land adjacent thereto end hereinbefore described, and 'cJl1EREAS, it is desired by the parties hereto that the full cost of the construction of the sea'.mll or bulk- head, hereinbefore referred to, shall be Tnet in t1:1e first instance by tho "City" ana tnnt a portion of such cost shall be assessee af,ainst the land filled as aforesaid and the land hereinbefore described, the construction of said sea- 8001(32:36 PAGE371 wall or bulkhead and the assessment for the cost thereof to be done and performed substant ially as provided for in Sections 29 and 30 of the Charter of the IICity", NOH, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. The 1I0wner" has deposited a Deed of Dedication and the IILienorll has deposited a "Release of Lienll, both documents describing the strip of land off of the easter- ly side of II Owner I Sll land "lvhich it is contemplated will be used for street and sidewalk purposes, ~Tith the City Clerk of the IICityll, which Deed perpetually dedicates said strip to the use of The Public and which Release discharges the "Lienor's" Lien as to said strip. 2. The said Deed and Release above-mentioned shall be retained by the said City Clerk until such time ~ as the City Engineer of the 1I'ei:j:;y" sha+l hage certified to him, in writing, that the filling and bulkheading to the west of "Owner's" land has been substantially com- pleted as herein contemplated, and there has been pro- cured by the IICityll at the "City's" expense, and delivered to said l'Ownerll, a deed from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, conveying to the "Ownerll that certain tract of submorged land bounded as follows: Bounded on the westerly side by a portion of the line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot Twenty-three (23), Block Three (3), amended Plat of Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book ~qenty-eight (28), Page Twenty-eight (28) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said point being Thirty-one (31) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three (3); thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot Twenty-six (26) of said Block Three (3) said point being Thirty-five (35) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three (3); bounded on the southerly side by the westerly extension of a line parallel to and Boo!\m~36 pJiGE372 . Twenty-five (25) feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot Twenty-five (25) of said Block Twenty-three (23) to its intersection .,ith the above described weste;cly boundary said po~nt of ~ntersect~on be~ng Thlrty-seven (j() feet~ mo~~ or less, westerly of the westerly line of said Block Three \i)' bovpded on the northerly side by the westerly extension of th~ nortnerly line of Lot Twenty-five (25) of said Block T~ee (3) to its intersection with tne above described wester y boundary said po~nt of intersection bein~ Thirty-seven (37 feet~ ~ore or less, westerly of the westerly l~ne of said Block Three i)' bounded on the easterly side by the westerly line of said lotk Three (3); whereupon said City Clerk shall make such disposal of said Deed and Release as shall be directed by the City Manager of said City. 3. The additions to nOwner'sll land by reason of such bulkheading and filling shall be encumbered by lILienor's" lien to the same effect and extent as though the same had been in existence at the date of said lien and had been expressly described in and encumbered thereby as a part of the original security thereof. 4. The "a_mer" and the "Lienor" do hereby _mive any and all irregularity and defects in the various proceed- ings incidental to the assessing of the "Olmer' s" proper- ty (inciuding additions made by bulkheading and filling but excluding the part thereof to be used for street purposes as herein contemplated) and they do waive any and all objections to the legality or the assessment herein provided for, and the power and authority of the nCity" to make such assessment; and they do waive all no.. tices required for the purpose of making a final, binding and valid assessment against said lands for bulkheading the same and they severally agree that the pro-rata cost of such bulkheading, determined substantially in the manner provided by the Charter of the City, shall be and constitute a valid and enforceable lien in favor of the City against the "Owner's" property (including additions made pursuant to the plan above set forth and excluding the portion thereof to be used for street and sidewalk purposes), which lien shall be superior to "Lienor's" lien against the same, and said assessment lien of the City shall be as effective as though each and all requirements . ,,,,,')0[> ')73 SGOiIO(,,-jO P?CE) of law relative thereto had been followed and observed without any deviation, error or irregularity whatsoever, and this agreement, without any other thing or act what- soever, shall be sufficient to create such lien as of but not prior to the completion of the work to be done by or under the direction of the City, either by its own personnel or by independent contractor, at the option of the "City". 5. The pro-rata cost of bulkheading which shall be assessed against the "Owner's" land shall be payable in ten equal, annual installments, beginning one year after the completion of said bulkheading, with interest from said date of completion at the rate of 4% per annum, payable annually upon sums remaining from time to time unpaid, provided the '!O.mer" shall have the option to pay the entire assessment together with accrued interest, at any time; provided, however, that the principal amount of such assessment Shall not exceed the sum of $35.00 per lineal foot of bulkhead. 6. The amount to be assessed against "Owner's" property for said bulkheading shall be fixed and de- termined substantially in the manner set forth in the Charter of the City to the end that each property owner shall bear no more than a just share of the cost of im- provement made in the area of his property. 7. The widening and paving of Indian Creek Drive shall be undertaken, commenced and completed in the shortest practicable time after the required right of way shall have been obtained to the end that the purposes and objects hereof may be consummated and realized as soon as possible and the "City" agrees that the full cost of paving, sidewalks and street lighting will be borne by the "City". 8. If any part of the land described in the documents deposited as above recited shall be entered upon by the "City" and work shall be commenced for the 3.....og '37'" 80al,' ~'~I\) PAGE, . :t purpose of widening Indian Creek Drive, then the City shall be ob1ignted to complete the same and to carry forward to completion the work of bulkheading and fill- ing to the west of "Owner's" land as contemplated hereby. 9. The right of the City to assess the cost of bulkheading as herein contemplated against the "Owner'sll land shall not be dependent upon the beginning or com- pletion of the work of widening Indian Creek Drive, but if the "City'" commences the work of bulkheading and/or filling on the ground as herein contemplated, then it shall be bound and obligated to complete the same, where- upon it shall be entitled to assess the cost of the same against "Owner'sll property as herein contemplated. 10. The filling and bulkheading herein contem- plated shall be substantially completed not later than June 1, 1950. 11. If the filling and bulkheading herein con- templated shall not have beensubstant ially completed by the date mentioned in Paragraph 10 above, then the "Owner" and "Lienor" shall have the right to withdraw the documents deposited as above recited with the City Clerk of the City, upon demand and without prior notice. 12. If at any time prior to actual commencement of the work upon the ground, the "City" shall determine not to undertake the work of bulkheading and filling herein contemplated, it shall return the documents de- posited as above set forth to the "Owner" and "Lienor" whereupon this agreement shall be at an end and there shall be no liability on the po.rt of the "City" to either "O~mer" or "Lienorll. 13. After June 1, 1950, this agreement shall in any event be at an end and the "City's" right, title and interest in the lands above described shall rest and BOOK 3236 PAGE 37 5 depend solely upon the documents deposited hereunder, provided the IICityll shall have become entitled to take possession of said docQments by doing the work herein contemplated, and after the date last mentioned no per- son shall be charged with notice hereof or of any claim or interest in said lands by virtue hereof on the part of said "City" and thereafter all persons dealing with the 1I0wnerll or with the II Lienorll relative to the 1I0tmer' s" property shall be entitled to treat this document as a nullity and as an option which has expired, provided the expiration of this document by limitation of time shall not in any wise affect the llCity'sll lien acquired by ac- tually doing the bulkheading at or adjacent to the 1I0wner'sll property as herein contemplated, by the doing of which the IICityll shall become entitled to the documents deposited hereunder as above recited and to a lien therefor as herein provided) and the IICityll agrees that it will execute and deliver any further document deemed necessary by the "Ownerll or IILienorll for the purpose of relinquishing any rights acquired hereby, in the event the work herein contemplated is not undertaken by the IICity", provided that one blanket document shall be deemed sufficient for all "Owners" and IlLienorsll in the event such should become proper by rea- son of the "City'sll failure to do the vlOrk contemplated. 14. Owner's property which is to be used for street and sidewalk purposes is described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of a line Twenty-five (25) feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot Twenty-five (25), Block Three (3) of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to the Amended Flat thereor~ recorded in Plat Book ~~enty-eight (28), Page Tvlenty-eight (28) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat, (now Indian Creek Drive); thence westerly along said line Twenty-five (25) feet northerly of and parallel with the southerly line of said Lot Twenty-five (25), a distance of Thirty-two (32) feet to a point; thence northerly along a line ror a distance of Fifty and four tenths (50.4) feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly line of said Lot Twenty- five (25); said point being Thirty-three (33) feet westerly of the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive)~ thence easterly along ,said northerly line of Lot ~qenty-five (25) for a distance of Thirty-three (33) feet to a point on the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence southerly along said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian '~''''''{~ 3'-7~ .BOo.~, v?~)') PAGE i u Creek Drive) for a distance of Fitty and four tenths (50.4) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. 15. Each and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall be valid and binding and shall enure to the benefit of the respective heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns of the several parties and the record hereof shall be effective to that end, except as limited by Paragraph 13 hereof. IN lJITNESS 1iJHEREOF, the several parties have here- unto set their respective hands and seals as of the ~ day of Dec@ber A. D. 1949. ( n.~~--. _'I ~ -~ (Seal) In the of: (Seal) ~Seal) (Seal) ~ \ .,t, L-.', \ \\ . .."1 C'\ f;,..... .,. ' .""-~ MIAMI BEACH ~~{---- By "" iZC1/~- City Clerk , ., 1 'i. A'Hast: ,\,' , ,'" <... '- 30;'11(' 3 (7 BOOK 'c....:h) of.GE' ~:. STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE . . SS I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, Jordan H. Davidson, to me well known to be the person descri,bed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that he executed the same freely and volun- tarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach County of Dade and state of Florida , this JI day of December A. D. 1949 . 3~J.P~ x I I Notary Public, State of Florid~ T ;,j",.'ji;;'i} Illi!;o', .. \.....'.~...j. " ."",:~ .." " ~" : .... '::"\ '. ::..: . . My commission expires: : ' . - .' ,,\.;;. " ......... \'" \, i\lct:'.i/Y :;,::",;~,\:,::, St3":a of F1oric3 c::t !~,......~ "'h' Comt'iis~ion eApir~:; Feb. I. 1...._;. ,. 1. \ , ~ BOOK323G Pf\GE378 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ss I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this da~ personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ISAAC ESSES to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that he executed the Same freely and volun- tarily for the purposes therein expressed. lIHTNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach 3'lAf Dade and State of day of ~he~ , this County of Florida {~~;. A. D. state of My commission expires: 7Ltn;. d-II 17<r/ ~:" ", ~~.~f,", ,,1. ".; u., U':~~'i ; " f'" , f D ' "'", .? C\ ,,'3de. T: . .. ;1;1' 19' 'I ,-,/' '",h,,~,.., J".., ,_:::1- ~\J,;IT; '/~Ai18'''j . a,l, CD/ cf<?C~ ---_y""! Ul/\ ~. _ __ A " BOOkd..2...a'CGil i'ag8.J.'2.r,,; " ,~ E, ' //,fi'.(?'h2 Ci21"h lif;.,'ui ("...:.-. 'i B~.._,_':;) , We., t -~ / DC d-"-~--~._nh."'_--~~_n_uu*... . .