DD 30 F Partial Release (2) BOOl-< '867' fAGf 190 PARTIAL R~LEASE OF MORTGAGE IrrTOV ALL In:;H BY '1'11[3E P RESli:HTS: 1:fEEREAS, OCEAN BHEEZE APARTTIEITT3, INC., a Florida Corpora- tion, and JJARILYH KAY, by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 29th day of September, A. D. 191i.9 and recorded in tile office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, in Hortgap;e Book 2172, at page 36i3, granted and conveyed unto F'IRST PEDERAL SAVIITGS AiTD LOAH ASSOCIATION OIi' lIIAEI, a Uni ted States Cor- poration, its successors and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of Ninety Thousand ($90,000.00) Dollars with interest as therein mentioned, the title to said premises having heretoforo been acquired by HElifRY ELLIOTT, and HHEREAS, the said Fi:r{ST FEDEllAL SAVIHGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF THAIII has been requested by the said liEHHY ELLIOrET to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of sai d mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said mortgage, NOll, TJIEREFOHE, KN01[ YE, That the said PIHS'l' PEDEHAL SAVINGS AHD LOiiJ'1 ASSOCIA'I'ION aIi' EIP1TI, as well in consideration of the premises as of the SLlm of :~1.00 and other good and valuable considerations, to it in hand paid by the sai.d HElmy ELLIOTT, at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt ,~lereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, qui t-claim, exonerate a"1d discharge from the lien 8Jld operation of said mortsage unto the said H:SNHY ELLIOTrE,his heirs and assigns, all that piece, pHrcel or tract of land, beinr; a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-vat: That certain parcel of land bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of t1'le southerly line of the northerly tHenty- fi ve (25) reet of Lot Twenty-four (21i,), Block 'I'hree (3) of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision, accorru.ng to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 213, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, l"lorida, and the Hesterly line of Harding Dri ve as sho-VJ!1 on said FI at (no-vI Indian Creek Drive); thence wes terly along the -1- , _/~'/ ~;-t --c1 ":'; <J .,t: ,./ (J. _",,,", /;., /' OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA GOUK 867 PAbE191 said southerly line of the northerly tHenty- five (25) reet of Lot THenty-four (2LtJ a distance of Thirty-one (31) reet to a point; thence northerly a distance of Fifty (50) reet more or less to a point which is on the northerly line of the southerly Twenty-five (25) feet of Lot Ti..Jenty-five (25), said Block 'l'hree (3), said point beinr, Thirty-three (33) feet westerly of Harding Dri ve (now Indian Creek Drive); thence easterly along said northerly line of the sou- therly twenty-five (25) feet of said Lot Twenty- five (25) a distance of Thirty-three (33) feet to the westerly line of said Hm>ding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence southerly along the westerly line of said Harding Drive (now Indian Creek ~rive) for a distance of Fifty (50) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. TO HAVE AIm 'TO HOLD the same, Hith the a~)purten811ces, unto the said HilliRY ELLIOTT, his heirs and assigns, forever rreed, exonerated and dischar' ged of and from the lien of said mortr:;ar;e, snd every par't thereof; Provided, ahJays, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall in alywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incum- brance of the aforesaid mortgage on the remaining part of said mort- gaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or illl.Y of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN '.'fITNESS 1;IHEHEOF, the said Hortgagee has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its duly authorized officers, its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its secretsry, this ..d.d~ day of A. D. 1952. J:?IRST FEDERAL SAVIHGS AIm LOAN ASSO- CIATION OF' HIAHI. By_fi.: 0. )~ Vice - President 1- Attest: .~ Secretary ., '. :-.......... ... ..../- ,:'-','-0 : ' : t,:; c_:, -.:; :. t- >.-- ,;, ,".-" . ," ~ /> 0, ""~ '" .' -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA saOK 867 ?As~192 STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNT'I OF DADE: I HEHEBY CERTIFY, That on this day be1'ore me personally appe ared Vice- President R. P. F'ORD and H. D. DAVIS and Secretary, respectively, 01' FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AIm LOAN ASSOCIA'l'ION OF t:IAI1I, a United States Corporation, to me knovm. to be the persons who signed the 1'oregoinc; instrum,ent as such officers, and severally aclmowledged the a.."Cecution thereof to be their free act and deed as such of ricers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they arrixed thereto the ofricial seal or said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. 1rJITlTESS my signature a"1d official seal at T:iarni in the aforesaid County and State, this cl~/l.-Lday of flrr;) A. D. 195')... .""'~ (0, tI7J2 - ~ kts.ry Public, State ~ida at Large , 'IL'" ,"j.. ~( 1../"" ..:', 'V .,....... ..:" '-". ,.....;; ....... ...... $,.,"',," '.~ ';~i"" \) T4y {~qp~S'.::lion expires: ..- i ~/_,t-~o't~;~"PU..b~J ~~ of Florida at large <'-' \ 'MI ~n\mi!;si~.:rpires Sept. 12, 19:i5. ,"'. ". 8~ndod by .ttm-U<.4n Suroty Co. of N, Y. .",...... "'... .~.. .It"", ,- ,<'"0,' .......... '1;, \,. .- ';""'1 C) \\J" """..,,1 i'~ ~~ufo " ~ ~;.r(CO~~:d';~:::l~~ :.>;.jY,(?,,,fiis No, BB .c2.&.dt2f ~, E:. ?:,?, LE.t\THE.~RMAN Clerk CirCUli Court By ~~~A.#~bJ D.C.-- OFFICE OF CITY ATT'ORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA