Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report PM-Permit, PL-Plan,CC-Code Case,BL-Bussiness Licensing,VIO-Violation From: 4/27/2020 to 5/1/2020 ADJ-Fee Adjustment, DEL-Fee Deletion Record Fee Name User Original Amt.Current Amt. Comment Date/Time Module Type JC12000734 1CMASTER.PM=CODE SM Femanda Silva $305,980.86 $2,214.00 "agreed orderwithattorney.:see"attached copy 4/28/2020 1 35€58PM CC _ADJ.'`: Fines Totals: $305,980.86 $2,214.00 r &EL ( Irc�a-,.,A- c� Reviewe Name / \/ i / / Signature an a e t , . % • ; 51 ia\ 0o 1 w .. JC12000734 .. e ...;.-,-.....c....-... g /'4"aL rm* a"P A �,. gip.. . ' as , . .° ate ate •, , + Cast Type Spec mastercode A,,.,,'.,,:, Pro]ect if1 1. Case'Status !Closed ,,,.,,,,Districtf1 CCC . i =Des ri ion Vacant structure PMunsecure,cracked stucco,paint,trash...RB Asst ned To,(Silva,Fernando Parcels 1 Addres ( ) ses(1) Zones Violator/Contacts(1) Na es(7) elActivities(1) Fees(2) 1 0 Holds- inspection Cases I r _ Fees, Deleted Fees ,, Voided Fees si Y, =:.:$0.00 Fee Name I Input Value ,Computed Amount Status Manually Added' Fee Order Invoice } +F.! 1JWASTER PM-CODE SM Fines l D•00 ,214.00 rfm r q.f 1 00224559 !1 _..-.._ ice—. __.. _._ _ a PI7CMASTER;PM SPEG[AL MASTER F D.DD Ill OD Paid DM >' 00224559 11 1 0� . 11607e/i 4 IN AND BEFORE THE SPECIAL MASTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CASE NO.: JC07001158; JC11000864; and JC12000734 Property Address: 235 18th Street Violators: South Beach 18 LLC Owners: South Beach 18 LLC AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE, having come before the Special Master upon a Notice to Appear and the Special Master being advised of the following: 1. Case number JC12000734/CE12006789 was issued to South Beach 18 LLC in connection with exterior property maintenance; and 2. Thereafter, the property owner obtained a full building 'permitfor the rehabilitation of the property, and in doing so, expended substantial funds; and 3. Case number JC12000734ICE12006789 is in compliance and eligible for mitigation; and 4. There are remaining monies owed to the City for court costs in connection with Case Numbers, JC070.01158 ($75 — Wharton Guest House LLC) and JCI1000864 ($100 — Continental Mutual Mortgage); and 5. The parties have agreed that the finesand costs for all three(3).cases.should be reduced to$2,500, inclusive of costs and recording fees, and apportioned as follows: JC07001158-$75 JCI 1000864-$100 MI2000734 Mfigg 6. Upon receipt of said funds, the Clerk of'the Special Master will issue and record a Satisfaction of Lien in connection with case number JC1200.0734/CE12006789; and 7. The parties are in agreement to the entry of this Order. IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED,that: The Petition for Mitigation in case number JC12000734/CE12006789 is hereby granted. South Beach 18 LLC shall pay the City the sum of$2,500 inclusive of costs and recording fees within thirty(30)days from the date of this Order. In the event of non-payment, the total amount of fines and court costs will be reinstated. DONE AND ORDERED in Miami-Dade County, Florida,thisaW day of April, 2020. Enrique Zamora, as Chief Special'Master for the City of Miami Beach, Florida