Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report Miami Beach Deleted and Adjusted Fee Report PM-Permit,PL-Plan,CC-Code Case, BL-Bussiness Licensing,VIO-Violation From: 5/4/2020 to 5/8/2020 ADJ-Fee Adjustment, DEL-Fee Deletion Record Fee Name User Original Amt.Current Amt. Comment Date/Time Module Type J6090o:o.r$..r .,•?AtpASTER:ENGWEER-I3UFernand'Silva $808,099.41.; $0.00 AGREED ORDER,,;,SEE ATTAcReo , ..,, »,x x5/6/202,0 12,26 49PM; ,a;,.. .CG: ADJ ',> ILD SM Finesg�: _ _ ' ..�a�..»s.a-:..,h. u. ...,.u.+.. ... .£. �....,,.......� u., .. .z. .u6.5�P...wzvi aww..-...3z,« ...!r...e..:.��.ra...auau..: .,., ,.�._...u.,w...,Ya.A.a-u.w•ww,.uowwaw,.:�..e,,..✓,.. ... � ...r.,,u..,..,,,..i .. ....a...M.... ..,.F....�,......,z.ex,,..w.:G+_ ..eau,ww..�i................ ...z .,,.z.e,....,,.£. ..,.....a...,.:.,�% JC08000839 JCMASTER:ZONING-SPECFernanda Silva $86.00 $0.00 AGREED ORDER(SEE ATTACHED) 5/6/2020 12:19:33PM CC ADJ IAL MASTER FEES JC090005 , , --3JCS MATER"tUICENSE=:,Crnan ODFeda:Silva y'.` 460b8 ' �,,. 00.- ; 0 - AGWO REEDRDER"SEEATTACHED 516/2020 w122049PM GC 03ADJ:-' 1 IN AND BEFORE THE SPECIAL MASTER OF i`.. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CASE NUMBERS: JC08000839, JC09000035, JC09000036, JC09001096, i,. and JB09000375 Property Address: 800 84T" Street, Miami Beach, Florida Violator: Line Martin Owner: U.S. Bank National Association, as Certificate Trustee for AMH-21 Trust ("AMH-21") / AGREED ORDER DISMISSING CASES PURSUANT TO GLOBAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS CAUSE came onto be heard on the City of Miami Beach's("City") request to dismiss the following cases: JC08000839, JC09000035, JC09000036, JC09001096, and JB09000375, pursuant to paragraph 2(c)(i) through (v) of the Settlement Agreement entered into by AMM-21 and the City in Case'No. 19-20805-CIV-Cooke/Goldman and approved by the City Commission in Resolution 2020-31196, and the Special Master having reviewed the files and noting the agreement of the parties, IT IS HEREBY: ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that: 1. The City's request to dismiss case numbers: JC08000839, JC09000035, JC09000036, JC09001096, and JB09000375 (the"Cases"), is hereby granted. 2. All fines associated with the Cases are hereby waived. 3. All court costs associated with the Cases are hereby waived. 4. The Clerk of the Special Master shall release all recorded liens associates with the Cases. DONE AND ORDERED in Miami-Dade County, Florida, this,3t day of 4JJ3' (2020. Enrique Zamora, as Co.:, ` pecial Master '`for the City of Villi;- p Rach Florida Copies to: Steven H. Rothstein, Deputy City Attorney Vivian A. Jaime, Esq., Attorney for AMH-21