DD 30 D Agreement &ff~a June 2~, 1951 Hr. George B. Dorel,e c/o '!homaa H. Anderson, Att01"De7 904 P:12's t National Bank Building Miami, Florida Dear S1rl I hand you herewith a deed from the Trust... ot the Internal Improvement Fund ot the state ot Florida which conveys to you a parcel of submerged. land westerly or and adjacent to Lot 17 of Block 3 of Second Ocean Front Subdi,,1sion, which has heretofore been bulkheaded and filled by the City of Hiami Beach under the terms of an agreement dated January 31, 19,0 between you and the City. I aJI filing for record in tb.e.otrlce ot the Clerk or the Circuit Court the dead of dedication which vas deposited with me together with the agreement. You have heretofore been notified of the lien which has accrued to the City by reason of the construction ot tho bulkhead. yours "epY' trulY, C. w. !OJal1nson City Clerk cvrr.OJI Encl. . l~. 13. Lc 3. tllerr:lo.r, :':10,] Cirelli t G(urt GUi,:l't Eel'sa i~7i ]C, Florida j)e~u:, ~)ir: June ?(, 19"1 ':nclosed herewith is Deed of Dedication to 11e plc,cod ot record after aff~J::l.!,lL documelrt,) "Y starnp in tLe'H'lOlUlt of 10(~. ':ind]'r 'lil1 the Cit7 cf' n... nY'~i Dea.1) fer \'nn' racor': j fee. mn." ., Vcr;! truly yours, ('. :. Torrlinson Ci t'I Clerk fH)--3e .& 800v.3280 PliGE314 THIS AGREEHENT, Hade and entered into this 2'+th day of NII,j,L(CH , A. D. 1950, by and between GEORGE B. DODGE and HELEN DODGE, husband and ,life, partie s of the fir st part, and CITY OF IvrIAlU BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, party of the second part, WIT N E SSE T H : That WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into an agreement under date of January 31, 195'0, \vhich said agreement contained, among other things, a provision requiring the completion of the filling and bulkheading contemplated by said agreement not later than June 1, 1950, and providing that said agreement shall be at an end after JUDe 1, 1950, and WHEREAS, the parties to said agreement mutually desire to extend said time limit to i3eptember 1, 1950, NO'.!, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties that said agreement be and is hereby modified and amended by inserting "September 1, 195011 therein in the place of IIJune 1, 195011 wherever said II June 1, 195'011 appears in said agreement. IT IS AGREED bet,.reen the parties that nothing herein con- tained shall in anYVJise impair, alter or diminish the effect of the covenants, terms and conditions of the original agreement herein- before referred to, except in so far as said agreement is specifi- cally amended and modified hereby. IN fITNESS I,fHEREOF, the parties of the first part have here- unto set their hands and seals, and the party of the second part has caused this agreement to 'be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized of~icers and its corporate seal to be affixed, the day and year above written. (Seal) 10 ""$.- : C ./5, ~(i '..~ ;* \\.to \;', Lt' H~~j . . /~ ~ttes't:../~' h ~ .. :; t~"''''';v'' ' q 6)b-'~. ~... r o 2l ity Clerk OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA ~,~ (Seal) Y OF JvII,Al:II BEACH ~( .. 3')")0 315 aDOK' ,...0 ~:4GE'" STATE OF c9J? ~~ : COUNTY OF en j) (J : -..... r1 UU I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmovlledgment s, GEOHGE B. DODGE to me well kn01'in to be the person described in and 1,1ho executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. wITNESS my hand and official seal at ~' County of --10~ and State of ~ ~ day of fn~~ A. D. 1950. , this , ~ i t~ IJUt 'If 4 "1 i L S "" ".. ~ 0 .,.~ ~... .*'.....E... ..;;. ~--;": ..~...Il ...... '.;.. '"',:-" ....,,, I~ 4'" "". -:-. . n \ I,. ,~ f~.. {~:' .-' -^>, ..- 1 ;. '<;" . tfyo e.<x~!-<~on -, .-'~~ ~"-, ~~ ..~,....~ ')',~~'" ~".r.. (/;.:- ."........ io... ....\"'" "',,,,::": "" ":-[D'\ \ I},. ,;s' "'/"'.'1"'1\,;1,\\\ 7n U' )y~ Notary Public, State of expires: '-,',( t'. ,;''- ., ~ Ii '. 'r',,""" ,.'t!. i,.. ~ ,!,. ,::,,:0 .~i '^ STATE OF ~, ~ SS COUNTY OF I HKBEBY CERTIFY, That on this day Dersonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take ac1mo1;lledgment s, HEL,ElT DODGS, to IDe \vell Imown to be the person described in and ',rho executed the foregoing instru- ment voluntarily, and acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. dITNESS my hand and official seal at ~" County of ~ and State or ~. this ~ day , of ~ .it. D. 1950. My comraission expires: ~~,. N. A-/'F Ndtary Public, State of ~, ~~ /'.t!/ /"7.5"..5, \\.,;-(11U/(tt! \\' lill ",,\ \'\. G /(, "~ .;:-, \. "~~"~." ~ ........ ~ \:. ."\'i:i I} 'I..'., ~ f .>..;;;::,~;\,~~~~:l~',_ ~\./ ~~,;,?:.::::\ - "'-' ~"'" "=:l c' 1...... ,,'......... - t'~':~;~~i:"':\\} ~ :~;~::,J <'. L 7...~.f.;1J?L.1\.. ,.,):. "', .", ......." \ <;;, ,,' "', "Ii v \' v "c" 11'1_;1 ! ~~ II P \ \ l" \\\\, Stale of Florida, COH!i~/ of Dade. This jnstru~';ili'i":",,, for record the.n.-:-:::'"~...day oL.~ 1950 at.Z::.~~_'2a. ;. c: duly i8(",-:!r.(/ i".~j ~~ ' , Book :J,~ Pc ",:,,, ....:i'..' _/~~-~ .'n..:...._............_ . .~_W:.u.Z_~ __...,,,1: I "LJ.....Zr.:,h!(: rio. L~'!Z..:;;-o? E. E~. i-f;./'.TH~~:'MJ.\N Cler... Circuit Cculi. By ~~, 7a..~".,-~~ /, ,'l' -----.-..----..___.O,c. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA