DD 30 C Deed of Dedication ~.3-tJ-C .Tulle 2;, 195'1 Mr. A. Frank Katsent1De Attorney at Law DuPont BuUd1ng Miami, Florida Dear Sil"l Please find enclosed herevith dee4 trom the 'l'r11Stees of the Internal ID1Pl'O"f'8ment Fund ot the state ot Florida to you and Mrs. Ka tzent1De which conveys So parcel ot land 1f,esterly of and adjacent to Lots 13, llf., 15 and 16 ot Block 3 of Second. Ocean Front SUbdivision. This deed is delivered to you pursuant to the te1"'U ot that certain agreement dated January 10, 195'0 between you and Hrs. Yatsent1ne as owners and the City of' Miami Beach which, as you wUl recal1t concerns the tU1 and bulkhead by the c! ty of the submerged. land referred. to. I am fUing for record the deed ot dedication which you have deposited with me under the terms ot the agreement. You have heretotore been not1tie4 of the lien which the city now holds tor a portion ot the COlt ot the 1Dstallation ot the bulkhead. Vert t!'U1y "0\11'8, C. W. 7oJIl:lnaon City Clerk CWTIOII Enol. February 10. 19JO Mr. A.. hank Ka taent1ne Attorney at Law duPont Bu1ldtnc M1ua1. nor14a Dear Mr. Ka t..nttne I I a'lU enclosing herevi th tor yoU%' tile an executed copy of the agreement in resard to the Indian Creek Drive widening project. The or1s1nal agreement bas been recorded. The Deed ot Dedica t10n reterred to therein 1s being held by me in accordanoe with the te1'll8 ot sa1d acr..ent. Yours "'.'1.7 trul7, o. W. Toml1nSoa Clt7 Clerk CW'l/p 1 enolosure .January ?f';, 195'1 .:lon. ..-I. :.J. Leath.arr-:an Clerk C ircni t Court Court LOU"" Miami 3r, Florida He: Portion or Lots 11,J!~,15 and 16, '3lock 3, '; econd o,~ 'iHln Front Subdi vis ion iJear "~lr: closed harmvi th 1s Dam} of Dedication "eC:1rcl1ng :l bm: e proper;;;y ;:hi ch ::-:1 nd ly place of re cord a~~ter ufnb=ing ':: ;;tat,~ docume!:t ry stamp :1"n ';\;"1 .f': ou' t of 1 ,"!~,J, - .'.' t . I:i,!(l"! Y bill . he C1 ty cr 11j ar'iCoach POI' yonI' recorr1inf fees. Very truly yours, C. ". TOFlinson City Clerk :-; ~;:F' BOOK31~59 PAGW90 DEED OF DEDICATION THIS INDENTURE, Made this rp-kday or January A. D. 19'50, between A. FRANK KATZENTIHE and UCOLA KAT- ZENTItlli, husband and wife, Parties or the First Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H That the Part of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) DOllars, and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The easterly thirty (30) feet of Lots Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) of Block Three (3) of the SECOrID OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the ~~ended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said thirty (30) feet being mea- J sured at right angles to the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat (now Indian Creek Drive). The Part ies of the First Part hereby reserves unto themselves heirs, ad- , their BOOK345~' pp,Gw91 ministrators and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN 1:!ITNESS \'lHEREOF, the Part ies of the First Part ha ve hereunto set their h.and s and seal s the day and year above written. (Seal) (Seal) In the presence of: ~ r;-:W~ ~~~- BOOK345g ;.~G,892 STATE OF FLORIDA: ~(' OiJ COUNTY OF DADE: I HEREBY CERTIFY tha t on this day pe rsonal1y appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and tal\:e acknovlledgments, A. FRANK KATZENTINE and UCOLA KATZGNTINE, Husband and wife, to me \'Tell Immm and Immm to fie to be the individuals descr:i.bed in the foregoing instrument of dedication, and \'Tho acknoHledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. HITNESS County of Dade January my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, and State of Florida, this /~ay of A. D. 1950. " ';;/I{" .".~ :;:';"'- '4 _~} . -'..... ~- C cDa-- -~.e,1- Notary Public, State of Florida at Large <::1,' " ',:' ~:,; ,.J,fi ,l '.r" U D.':-l......, :.;. ~ 0" ."~. '" -~ r'", ......./ of.... ..,...:......... " ',. ()1'....,;. ( \' , ";. ' , SP:\ {o.}iy commission expi res: 'lfU&IIiIH\\" ," Notary PU,b1ic, State of Florida At [1~~". My CommlssiOll Expires Aug lj' , 01.' . .L I J.;;;;L.~ State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the,d-:zL.,.day of.~~ 1951 at/~a:.€1.9M and duly recorded in,~:('..:___ BooL3.~ ..;l=:Z'on Page.3..Z~.. File No. AA.k '? L/- t.,2.. E. S, LEATHERMAN ~~ By ~ D,C