DD 30 B (""-.;:'ti' \")"_'01_ c. . 'l'olll son G1 t. Glerl: .,:'"t."3-""'Y +"';"111 ~r CYiJ1"'S \' ...._ t. iJ _. _ _~ '.:: ~..,,_ "0 , i:;.~'t'1:'111rj n{.~ ~~tO~}, ~ -:1'-\ ell 611<;.;)1d 'jl1 the Cit'flf ~ ':v1' :'OJ.' tLe r,'cordt g fees together with bills for atler doc'trents \-lhich are to he-'ecorded. J.y : 12:ce of' r(~coT'd t,. Ii} e:~lclosdd "eed of )ed .}.<~~.l t:lOi'1 :In.d Part;t:,~l .'~e l~:~~ls e of :~ortgaf'e coverl~l,g :1'''ove ]lrOpcrtYlt'terJ,f f':1 xing c't 101' documen:;ar:r st.''lTI\P on t;'IE! De,'o r r ;:)ed 1:"lt:10::-'. Da,':-:r ;~ir: c<e' -)o,..t4 n"" (,f' 1',0"" "11 ", d 1':\ "locI- 3 _, ~, _.j. ^~ ,_J '. /....., ~.. :"';':-'. ~.__,~,."t . --"'"I .,J ..... , ':econd Oce:Ll I'ront Subdiv sion. j. _'j. Ilen tIle rma 11 Circuit Court llo'L1se 30, I~lor1da Clerl: G ourt ::lard June 26, 1951 IJJJ "v -. --.....-----"".-."-----.--- JtJD.e 2~t 1951 Mr. Wolt MDJ.ler 860 lt1th Court Miami Beach, nonda Dear Sirt Please f'ind enclosed deedf'rom the 'lrUtee8 t4 the Internal Improvement Fund of' the state of' Florida to Wolf' Ml111er and Luzie R. MI.1l1er, his vUe, and Joseph Waldman and Yetta Waldman, his wife, conveying a tract of submerged land in Iadian Creek. This deed is delivered to you pursuant to the terma of that certain agreement dated November '119lt9 between you and others as owneft, Morris Levy as 1 81101'1 and the City of' Miami Beach. The agreement! as you wil recallil had to do with the bUlkhead and f'U ad3acent to Lots and 12 of Block 3 of Second OCean Front SUbdivision. In accordance with 1n8t1"Uctioas of' the City' Manager, I am now fU1ng for record the deed of' dedication and the partial release f'rom }.tr. Levy's TllOl"tgage in accordance with the terms of the agreement. You have heretof'ore bean notified of' the lien which has been aeqq~ bY' the citY on account of the installation by it of th- bu1khead. VeJ!7 tftlJ' yours t C. W. T-,U,nson City Clerk CW'.r:om Enol. .' ~ October 18t. 19S1 Mr. Hany st.-.rr 4twrnay.at-Law ;,2; Borth ""'01'8 Dr1... Miad. 37, F'1or!da Re: Low 11 .i 12, Block 3bSeeond Ooean "ront Subdivision - \IoU Mu .. Dear Hr.. S1lloDh.o1't: En.c1.oaed herw! th is 11 copy of a letter written to Hr. \IIolt Muller, 860 "7th Court, ~I1Uli Beach, l1'l.Ol'ida, on June 25, 195'l, Which i. ..It-explanatory. No doubt HI'.. Muller has the deed In ;lueat1on in his tiles. Very truly yours, Ben Sheparc1 City A tto'me,. SE!' Encl. tn.9- 3,0 ~ t3 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THreSE PRESENTS: \'JHEREAS ,.rCf!P : ;UI,L-:::: and LUZIE II. Ifu'1,L H, his \1';.:1:'''', __A .1OE;'F.r'I ',i>rT)!1)~T; "','''' d Tr",'Tj\ ',rAl'n7<^~T '-'is i"" _ ... u..r......."" _Ul.__.k <""" _..J,., C. " -,-",..iLl', L \II LO, by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 3rd day of .rUle., A. D. 1949 , and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, in Mortgage Book 2117 , page 198 granted and conveyed unto HO' '"'I" r ""'....,. j.O.i .~, ':,,:,. j.J 'if') v.., his heirs and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of with interest as therein mentioned: AND \<IHEREAS, the said 1'1011' Huller and LUZIE II. j'~ull"''' 1-:1" ,rlfe ""-'d' .10"'('-",1, :}:-ld""''''1 ,. ,yJ.., , ~ ".__. ''..4.., 0 ....,c'.'... .1.__,,_ -!,;(A,J; ",tt'" r ~ ld'-'''''' L 1,.. fA." C~ ~_ '."-;..1.4, 2UG \life, HOP I " . "-'~rtr requested the said ",.. ,~, J"bv.~, to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage, NO\'l, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said Horrh Levy as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of tions, ' Ono (:,;1.()) Dol1<lI' ,.'.Xl!" ot)'W1' val'iuble co; SidOl'O~.lJ.aI', to lliI.'l in hand paid by the said Io1f'; "u.lor and LUZIE Ii. ::ul1al' :i8 wife, and Josoph ',) ,'le'l.'-.",',','l p,."l ".""'"t,-, ,r, Mr''''.... 'is ",.' .pL:, .... . ~ ....."'" M ....~ W \-..00;. "~ ,-. ,",_.,(~A.': ".. _.&0. '\OJ, at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit- , .' a ... claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said 'Jolf' HuTler and LUZIE .. .. 11 . .. if' Ll. ;:u er, l:,LS \1 e, I:" Joseph ',laldnnn.md Yetta Ho.ldmon, Lis \life, their heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: Deginning\t Qoint which is the intersection of'. the southerly Una of Lot meven (11), Block Throe (3) of' the Second Ocean Fl'ont ;)ubdiVlsiol'l.\ ac\:,ording to tlle.,l.tlended PInt tba','oof, rocorded in Plot Book 23, at pne:EI ",3, of the 1'1,\)110 !~~cords of Dade County, Plorido., and the ves.terly 11ne of j lC.l'(Jing Drive, us ~f,own on scdcl r+lnt, (nov Indian Creek Drive); thence vesterly along the n,id south,jrly 2.:1no of' Lot:.::leven (11) for 0. distance ot ten (10) feet~ tbnce nOl'tt,er1y uJ.ong n line u (t:tstc.nce of' seveaty-six (76) toot ,ore or less, to 12 oint oSika. o:M;,LC'l"ly line of add Lot,:1avcn (11) s,Jd :;oint being t\ieEty-f'ive (;:'i) foet \fOc'iterly of tho "osterly 11:10 of sa1(' Ear 'trag }''i':t.vo (riml 1:\dinn Creel Drive); thoDCO nor- tiie'ly c.lorlg 0 :Line nistnnco of seventy-tivo (7,) feet, rore or less! to n noi:lt on t.':c :m.'thcrly line of Lot Twelve (12); sd.d l.oint be:1r:g th l~:k (3()) "'OCI'" -lC3t""!"^rl" ().f'-'r~.)C\ '1,..,~tt"~~1'~ 11""'e ,..r ,Cr,,,'n.1..t't"\f'I D, onive (""li"lolt.. T.,,/'.'tnn Cr'e~ _ .I.' .." '-';:> c"" ,I . ~ ".....:. . ""a ,,"- . / __ ... .J i. .c,,", c...I..:"","" - c.vw -, .".. .,.u." '-' D::'ive) ~ t'~ence easterly alo Ct.:c said no:rtb~l~ly l:L!lG: of' l,ot '];,101ve (12) for a (i:1ntnnee of tl.i:r.ty OCJ) foet to 0. p01l1t on t~h, said 1.1esterly line of Harding Drive (um: 1:':<1:1.0.11 CreeL Drive); ,0;,100 southerly uloLE tI~e said ;;c13terly lie of Zlo.:'d:1.He Drive (new IndinL Creel: Drive) -['01' ;1 <.11::.;(; ,,1CO of one l1undrod fiff.y and ~>:l..xty-eieht onc';'UldY'e<.lths (15:~;.(';8) foot, r:~ore or less, to tLcoint ofiegin;d.ng. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said Jolt iIullers'd LUZIE ,. .:'u1.le:r, Lis \-1ife, anJ JO:J.h.';)\' "::ldn,.,n d Yetta ,hldran, his wife. their heirs ""--t-.....( Lr 1i. ~...tjJ.. AcJ ~ ~ l{tll'l.At)cl~ and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; provided, always, nevertheless, that nothing herein con- tained shall in an~lise impair, alter or diminish the ef- fect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN \o/ITNESS \'JHEREOF, the said Mortgagee ha 8 hereunto s'et his hand and seal this ';).7't/.. day of ~ A. D. 1949. (~.1::~l---lSea1) . /ht". (Seal) (Seal) ~(Seal) ~~ E4 -n .~ _(SEAL) .. S'aS fP !JEW YORK: : . COU!P.I'Y OF !JEW YOft]C, I UERF.BY CER'l'Ii'X. 'that on tb1a -1 pe1"8otal1.7 a.ppeared bet01"e _. an o.t.ttc.r dulyauthol"1se4 to adm1n1attlr ORb and taklt aCk.n0lJ1e4gIlsenta. MOBIlIS a;vx to !:18 _11 known to be the ptlNa1 deecribed 1n an4 who execute\! the foregoing lnatrument. and ac1mowletlge4 be:!'oI-e me thet he executed the same :f'1olee17 aM. volun- ta!"11y tor the purpose. therein exp1"'f'!9!1M'1. 'fI,Li:~SS 1q bam'l aDd of"t"lctal .-1 at New York .. County or New Y01"'k and Sta ttl or fl'mr Yo1'k. thi. ;L 1 day or ~..p~r A. D. 1949. lIotal"y ~4 .Pub c. 8te. te ot U8W Il t Large !.t1 oonde.ion 8Xpu-..: AI.BERT A, Y.USTIG NOrAllY P,::BLlC. STATE OF NEW YORI[ ResldUlq iu Queem. County ONeen. Co. elk:_ No 567, Reg. No. 34-t-O X". Y. Co. CUt aNa. 892. Reg No 82 L 0 In{HI Co. elk' a, No. 206, Req. No i04-i:g Bronz <=:0. elk s No. 45, R~9" No. 19-L- RIchmond Co. (lk's No. 24L Nassdu Co. elk's No. 4.L.50 O.n. file~ ~~ Weatchestel' Co. cue. om 00--........ ElIpir.. M...ch 30. 18$C1 O. -..,; . ~ --.. &19- 3AJ - (3 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: \'lHEREAS, t'lOLF HULLlill and LUZIE H. !lliLLER, his wife, and JOSEPH l1ALm1A1J and YETTA 'i:JAlm1AN, his wife, by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1949 , and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, in Mortgage Book 2117 , page 198 granted and conveyed unto MORRIS LEVY, his he1rs and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, , to secure the payment of the sum of with interest as therein mentioned: AND \I'lHEREAS, the said \ololf l-1ul1er and Luzie H. Nu11er, his ',life, and Joseph i'ia1dman a.Yld Yetta Ua1dman, his wife, requested the said MOm~IS LEVY, to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage, NOvI, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said Morris Levy as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of tions, . One ($1.00) Dollar and other valuable considera~Bmi)-~., to him in hand pai d by the said 1'lolf Huller and Luzie H. HUl1ert his Wife, and Joseph i~a1dman and Yetta irl3.1dman, his w fe; at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, qUit- , " claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said Wolf Muller and Luz1e H. NUller, his \vife, rmd J"oseph l:Jaldman and Yetta l'laldman. his wife, their heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said Jnor..tRal?:e to. wi.t.~ Beginning at a Doint which is the intersection of the southerly lrn~dr Lbt~even (11), Block'~1ree (3) of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision! aceording to the Amended Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the I~lblic Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on said Plat. (now Ind1an Creek Drive); thence westerly along the said southerly line of Lot Eleven (11) for a dista.nce of ten (10) feet; thence northerly along a line a distance of seventy-six (76) feet nore or less, to a Taint on the l'orther1y line of said Lot Eleven (11) I s:Jd point being tuenty-five (25) feet llGster1y of the \-1esterly line of said Harding Drive (nm,; Indian Creek Drive); thence nor- therly along a line a distance of seventy-five (75) feet, mora or less to a point on the northor1y line of Lot T1..e1ve (12); said point being thIrty (0) fect \lesterly of the uaster1:! line of Harding Drive (now Indian Croek Drive); thence easterly a10rg the soid northerly line of Lot T1ie1ve (12) for a distance of thirty (30) feet to a point on the said westerly line of Harding Drive (no\'1 Indian Creel: Drive) ;;'1ence southerly along the said i'J'esterly 1il"e of Harding Drive (nO\" Indian Creek Drive) for Q dist:mce of one hundred fifty and sixty-eight one hundredths (150.68) feet. nore or less, to the :;:oint of begimdng. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said Holf 'Huller and Luzie H. Huller, his wife. and JOS8Ilh Ha1dman acd Yetta Ju1dman. his \iife, their heirs and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; PrOVided, always, nevertheless, that nothing herein con- tained shall in anY'..ise impair, alter or diminish the ef- fect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagee set his hand and seal s .;t 7 ~ day of A. D. 19 49. ha S hereunto w.t1te.~\e.e .to 'f " ~ 'Iij,~~ ~/ ~ and de- resence ". i1l\<!.~~ ~<l a' 7i. ~~f!.. "".u.....lu4. .0..( ~... 111&\" '\\\.\11 (SEAL) .-- -- Sl'A'l'!: OF IBW YORlC: : 88 C OURfi OF NEW YORK: I HEREBY CERTIFY# That on th1a day personally appeared before me. an officer duly authol'ised to admln1ater oatha and take acknowledgJnenta, JlOlUlIS LEVY to me well known to be the penon de.crIbed in and who executed the fONgoing In. tJ."UJllen t, and aclmowledged betoN me that he exeouted the same tNel,. and volun- tapily top the purpose. therein expreased. WIftESS my band and oft1c1al ...1 at New York County of New York and state of Ne... YOrk~ th1a ~ 1" day ot S'eptember A. D. 1949. Notary ork f!y comm1aa1on expires: AI_BERT A, '_USTI~ NOTARY .;:3UC, STATE OF NEW YOU RSliiwDq in Queens CO\Ul.ty OUe!en. Co. elk'. No 557, Req. No. 34~t~O ~- Y. Co. elk'. No. 882, Req. No. 92-L.0 KIngs Co. elk's No. 200. lieq. No 104.t-Q Bronz Co. elk's No. 45, Reg. No. 19-L-O Richmond Co. Uk'a No. 24L NusClu Co. elk'. No. 4.I...50 Gen. fil&~ ~J?o Weatchsst., C(l. elk'. Office ('---....- ElopU.. Mazch 30, 1851 J., .., 00 ?w ~ /3 ~~ OF DEDIC~TfOn ") --1 t: -r:-:; THIS INDEHT1JRE, Hade this ;,.-.! day ot jA. II.;f< (v A. D. 1949, between HOLF r.fULLER and LUZIE H. HULLER, his wite, and JOSEPH \'lALDMAN and YETTA \,'lALDMAll, his wife, Parties of the First Part, and CITY OF l{IAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation ot the State ot Florida, Party of the Second Part, WITI{~SSETH; That the Party of the First Part, tor and in consideration of the sum ot Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereot is hereby acknowledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the pUblic, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Miami Bench, County of Dade and State ot Florida, to-witt Beginning at a point which is the intersection ot the southerly line of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3) of the SECOlm OCEAlr FROl~ SUBDIVISIOIrl according ~o the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2~, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly line of Harding Drive, as shown on laid Plat (now Indian Creek Drive); thence westerly along the said soutfterly line of Lot Eleven (11) for ,a distance of ten (10) feet; thence northerly along a line a distance of seventy-six (76) feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly line of said Lot Eleven (11), laid point being Twenty-five (2,) feet westerly of the westerly line of said Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence northerly along a line a distance of seventy-five (7,) feet, more or less, to a IJoint on the northerly line of Lot Twelve (12); said point being thirty (30) feet westerly of the westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence easterly along the said northerly line of Lot Ti<lelve (12) for a distance of thirty (30) feet to a point on the said westerly line of t~rding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence southerly along the said westerly line of Harding Drive (nov Indian Creek Drive) for a distance of one hundred fifty and sixty-eight one hundredths (150.68) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The Parties of the First Part hereby reserve unto themselves, their heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or abandoned. IN WITNESS 1nlEREOF, the Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their handS and seals the day and I~!~ J. ~ YfJA/h~~A--- (Seal) . .. ." ll'" STATE OF FLORIDA. COUNTY OF DADE. I HEml:BY CERTIFY, that on this da;r personallY appeared sa before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknOWledgments, 1,o10LF l.ruLLER and LUZIE H. IIDLLER, his wife, and Je9i:JilEi "'lIT~IMJil and BII'" <J'!'l"'JIlI.'.lf, his wife, to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in the foregoing instl"UlI1ent of dedication, and who aoknowledged betore me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and offidal leal at ~~ State of Florida, this 7 day of ~ A. D. 191+9. ~B~ Notary Public, state of F1.orti a My commission expires: ~ ~ I, /<:;I"J STA'I'E OF m~LAWARE t SS OOUN'fY 01!~ ~ t I nEm::I3Y OER'I'IFY that on th1a day per8onall,. appeared before me. an offioer duly authori..d to administer oatba and take aOknowledgDlents, JaIF.PH WALDMAN and lETTA WALDJIAN, his wite, to me well known to be the persone described in and who eXflouted the foregoing 1nat1"\1BWnt, and acknowledged before _ that they execut.d the lam. treely and voluntaI'lly for the purposes therein expressed. WI'l'NRSS my band and. ofticial aeal at Wilmingt~. com ty of ~ ~ and state ot D.la....re, this :)1- day of OctOber, A. D. 194.9. w...~ ~~a..re a t Large .,. OOJlllll1aa1on expires I ~-.l-J \C\.!\ 8001\3280 PAGE318 ~ 1,1 THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into thi~/ day of # (}/f-'~ , A. D. 1950, by and betvleen WOLF MULLER and LUZIE H. MULLER, his "Tife, and JOSEPH VlALDMAN and YETTA ;,lALDNAN, his ,'ife, Parties of the First Part, HaRRIS LEVY, Party of the Second Part, AND CITY OF MIM1I BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, Party of the Third Part, WIT N E SSE T H That, ~1HEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore entered into an agreement under date of November 9, 1949, filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Dade County, Florida, on the 3rd day of February, 'I.. D. 1950, under Clerk's File No. Z-11908, and recorded in Deed Book 3236, page 358, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which said agreement contained, among other things, a provision requiring the completion of the filling and bu1k~ea~ing contemplated by said agreement not later than June 1, 1950, and pro- viding that said agreement shall be at an end after June 1, 1950, and T!HEREAS, the Parties to said agreement D.utua11y desire to extend said time limit to September 1, 1950, NO~:J, THllliSFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties that said agreement be and is hereby modified and amended by inserting "September 1, 1950" therein in the place of "June 1, 1950" \.,herever said" June 1, 1950" appears in said agreement. IT IS AGREED between the parties that nothing herein con- tained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect of the covenants, terms and conditions of the original agreement hereinbefore referred to, except in so far as said agreement is specifically amended and modified hereby. IN 'nTNESS l'IHEREOF, the parties of the first and second parts have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the party of the third part has caused these presents to be signed in its corporate name, by its duly authorized officers, and the corporate seal to be affixed, the day and year above written. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA - - '3') '1 ~ 3 f Q ~n:"'lY, -:{~~ l ::,1_1";. 1 ""', ~lJJ...... - ,y<'___"~.- ,',"'.u_, _t.~ In the presence of: ./,,/" / /' As Lu ~~ ~ ~J' As ~fris LeVY'~ ,,!\ \ ..,8 ^ ". - - ~/"' . -- ,.\_~ ~,",.. --.: CI ". '" ~..... \'" "': 1:[8;, (fL'.TEDf* A t.t'~t: c-~,c. .'... .,<'~..' 'C' ......." . . 1/ ., r ,,, \ , '" , ~Jf,~ 1/~I L~ () ,- ~~ !leJr;:- ~ ~ ...---- CITY OF NIAMI BEACH By4f0~ a~ )~ ~~.,J2___# Cf1;y Clerk -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATT-ORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) --- (Seal) (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA: 800:;3280 rAGE32Q State at Florida. Gf Dade. - ThLs instrument,,,,, tor fE.'Cord th!L...~~nd~ QL~~ 1950 at.Z.~.~d'L: .:nd du~y ,ecordGU tn..J?~~=!.'"_~,~,,,~ Boo' k .:?'; vt!"',-- ,-,,"p .3'../p tl'k ,.~O ";....s-o..so <;> ., ...~..~..{;l~"'_T._L.tj 1 ai:;_;,;......_~.d...-.~I .'"" !~ . L._~~.____~__......_...L E.. e. l..EATHER1.1AN Cler~ Circuit C<i1.\1't ss COUNTY OF DADE: By rY-'7/ __ 1 _....-'V_ . "1"'L ....... #--. - "'''-----'' C =:;. ..... _~~~.U< l .j I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmovTledgments, ';1OI,F ~ruLLER and LUZIE H. NULLER, his 'fife, to me "Tell lrno"Tn to be the persons described in and 1,Tho executed the fore- going instrument, and acY~owledged before me that they executed the same freely and vohmtarily for the purTloses therein expressed. <<'J ,/ :/..;' ...'.~. .', . -. <,'" ''illNESS my hand and official seal at Niami Beach, County of ", ~ ""Fe -.... . " Dadil!. e:-:nd ( . . . .. ~ .. ;r<". - .') I l;~d~:i '''~''::-.,/ State of Florida, this ~ Irt day of ~^'~ A. D. Ny conunission NO~~iC' State \ML. C I'. Large expires: O~.... ~ l lif 2.- ' ,.."'":," , "r" ~'. - - - - - - - - - - - STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DillE: SS I HEHEBY CERTIFY, Th03.t on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmo'\rrledgments, JOSEPH ':JALDHAI\) and YETTA VU\.LDW\.T1, his vlife, to me well YJlOHn to be the persons described in and \'Tho executerJ the fore- going instrument, and ackno~jJledged before rne thac they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. I ';J., <.\ ';'/.1.,/" .' , ,... TITI~E-3S my hand and official seal at Niami Beach, County of ':',';," ",'" :: -..;< :: :~' -~("~: lo, \'__~,.,'_ , . I " /, , . .D~de. ,and 19~dLj ..-" :c , ~',.' 0' State of Florida, this :; lit day of ~ A. D. -. ,co /'~" ~. . ,. I ~ ITotary Pul)lic, State n~ r L; Large Ny conunission expires: ~-- - It" r f-Cr'l-- at - - - - - - - - - - - - STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: SS I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, NORRIS LEVY, to me well known to be the person des- cribed in and "Tho executed the :foregoing instrument, and aclmmfledged before me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. ',JITNZSS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, this 3 try!- day of ~ .\\. D. ,.... .. "'..~.: ~ ~ . J ;.... : Hy' ~,!~1ission ~.A" ., "~~".~....: f"f l' eXPires:~fl ~- Notary Public, State Large ,j: ' lpj~:.. , '. ./. ;;' ~,,;~~.,. . :.' ," ....."'. .. . , , . , -~ '.~.; ~ r " ~ . '. Iq[-V OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA