DD 30 B Deed of Dedication
. ..
BO'OK3459 PAGE 396
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TIUS nmENTURE, Hade this;(?
day of @c7o?e" A. D.
19L~9, bet,'leen HOLF NULLEF, and LUZIE H. NlJLLER, his "life, and
JOSEPH ltJALDHAN and YETTA l'lALDNAN, his ,.,ife, Parties of the First
Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the
State of Florida, Party of the Second Part,
That the Party of the First Part, for lli~d in consideration
of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable
cOLsiderations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, have dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual
use of the public, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following
described land lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County
of Dade and State of Florida, to-vlit:
Be~inning at a point which is the intersection of the southerly
line of Lot Eleven (11), Block Three (3) of the SECOlm OCEMJ FRONT
SUbDIVISIOlJ~ according ~o the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in
Plat Book 26, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County,
Florida, and the Hester1y line of Harding Drive, as shown on said
Plat, (noH Indian Creek Drive); thence westerly along the said
southerly line of Lot Eleven (11) for a distance of ten (10) feet;
thence northerly along a line a distance of seventy-six (76) feet,
more or less, to a point on the northerly line of said Lot Eleven
(11), said point being nlenty-five (25) feet westerly of the westerly
line of said Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence northerly
along a line a distance of seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, to
a point on the northerly line of Lot Twelve (12); said point being
thirty (30) feet vlesterly of the \'Jesterly line of Harding Drive (now
Indian Creek Drive); thence easterly along the said northerly line
of Lot TvJelve (12) for a distance of thirty (30) feet to a point
on the said vJesterly line of Harding Drive (no\'J Indian Creek Drive);
thence southerly along the said ilJester1y line of Harding Drive (now
Indian Creek Drive) for a distance of one hundred fifty and siJcty-eight
one hundredths (150.68) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
The Parties of the First Part hereby reserve unto themselves,
their heirs, administrators and assigns" the reversion or reversions
thereof, or any part thereof, Hhenever' du.1y 'v'aca'ted or'abandoned.
IN -.JITNESS 1'lliER80F, the Parties of the First 'Part have hereunto
set their handS and seals the ea written.
In the
t5/j. ~Seal)
~ (8eal)
~, . (Seal)
. BOOK 3459 PAGE 397
I HEI;BBY CERTIFY, that on this dqy personally appeared
before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and
take acknowledgments, WOLF ~w~LER and LUZIE H. MULLER, his wife,
and J'l' !(ll'~FJ. ..uU:J:JHAN and YfiTT ~ ~,JA T,m.I't.:'[~, his vTife, to me \.,ell known
and Imown to me to be the individuals described in the foregoing
instrumer-t of dedication, and vma aclmowledged before me that
they executed the same freely a~d voluntarily and for the purposes
therein expressed.
1jITNESS my hand and official seal at
?l-..~ 8'4. cL
State of Florida,
day of ~
A. D. 1949.
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My commission expires:
Notary Public, State of Flor:id a
,It '"'t;-..~.t." '1.rj
I HEREBY CERTIFY that QIl this day lMl'sGnally appeared
before me, an officer dltly authorized to administer oaths
and take aoknowledgments, JOSEPH WALDMAN and. 'YETTA WALDJIAN,
lilis wife, to me well known te be the persons described in ami
who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclmnledged before
.e that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for
the purposes there in expressed.
commission expires:
~ <J'*- '1,4,",,1
WITNESS my bJ,nd and official seal at'Wilm1ngten, ,,"""!t!/
.f ~ ~ and state of Delaware, this d-7~ ,<:,:..',l.:,~ ;>'"
October, A. D. 194.9.~ ,<,/...... f'f; ....<r}~
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'Notary u c, a e 0 el.a~j...~lil'jJJ,ji'.\('.
State of Florida County of -at.eLarge "',/.li";-:........<..~ "..,::-"
, uaCl . 1'/1'. J'1 \ \; '\.' \, "
This instrum?nt was filed for record the__2Li:'. ..day ot~j.~~'
1951 at.L~d!.~~M and d~ recorded in...L2.i~ _ _
8001<.3 ~-.1..on Page.s.-m.16-.. File No, AA& g # 6'.fI
Cle2~t Court
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