DD 30 A Deed of Dedication BOOli 3563 Pt\5E 397 DEED OF DEDICATION TIns INDL'NTURE, Hade this .t 2.. day 01' _+- ~ ' A. D. 1952, between, A. EmmS'l' tiOOL:B'E and BET'l'Y ~iOOLFE, his wi1'e, and LES CHA'l'EAUX, IHC., a Florida Corporation, Parties 01' the First Fart, and CITY OF !cIIATa BEACH, a Hunicipal Corporation of the state of Florida, Party of the Second Part, WIT N E SSE T H : That the parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten (:;,,10.00) Dollar~; and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt .u.ereo1' is hereby acknowledged, have dedicated ro.d hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for street and sidewall{ purposes, the follOvTing described land lying and beinp: in the City of Ilia"1i Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: That certain parcel of land situate in Dade County, Florida, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the northerly line of Lot 10, Block 3 of SECOiW OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISIOn, according to the Amended Flat thereof, recorded in ~lat Book 28, page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indirol Creek Drive); thence Hesterly along the said northerly line of Lot 10, a distance 01' ten 1'eet to a point; thence run in a southerly direction along a straight line to a point on the said t,resterly line of Harding Drive (Now Indian Creek Drive), said point being the intersection 01' a line para- llel to and 18.7541 southerly of the northerly line 01' Lot 8, 01' said Block 3, and the westerly line of Harding Drive (Now Indian Creek Drive); thence northerly along the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) to the point of beginning. The parties of the first part hereby reserve unto themselves, their heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion or rever- sions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated or aban- doned. IN WITNESS vflIEHEOF, the individual parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals and the corporate -1- OFFICE OF CITY AT'l'OIlJl'EY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA BOO}< 3563 t'ftGE 398 party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be affixed, all as of the day w1d year first In the presence of: ,v' ':<5'/ 7//0/ ~ _ ~,d- ~QM~ As 0 A.ErIfest Woolfe and Detty Woolfe, his wife (Seal) Attest: LES C~ATBAUX, INC. /f /~ p;y C/7 &~ -;1/,-rt; / preSident:t:- / s~tL~ / ./ / " '~ \. \ L ~.~ t1 ~/\ Il, k .' ~ . ~ _ ." ..'f J , ' \ .'.",,' .."......, . "" :J'",". r:'~..... i, .... ....~....... ~.. y~~~"- 'V"' .- : (.._ <'""'), ,,~$;;r: ~~. ......,: (" ~. _'. - 't.. ..~ .... ..W ... " . , "f <........... I,.. 0,,\... \1'", "'J ''''')' ..:~~ - ';~' ", ,.-srl'AI,['j!; DF PLOHIDA: ',"0, '...., ' ~ .'. "'\,,,~~CGBNTY 011' DADE: SS I HEREBY CEHTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take ack- nowledgments, A. ERNEST WOOLFE and BETTY WOOLFE, his wife, to me well known Dna. known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknow- ledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. 1tJlTNESS my hand and official seal at Hiami Beach, State of "-i-.Florida, this ."../ (:):,~,\,~.,~,~,,:'.r,. i day of ~ A. D. 1952. , . . C '.'- r,.... ".,\-- , .:~. '"' , '"" -....,- '" .':" \~ .:; i . '':- f ~ ~ '-: .. :..- ". 1 <I ....., """, ,....... ~ 'OJ .. ~.... .' - ".~ ,. _k .:j"J.;....;.;'\Iy commission expires: ~ ~,19.rv' -2- OFFICE OF CITY A'1"l'OIUl'EY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIIlA BGlW; 3563 PAGE 399 STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COUNTY OF DADE: I HEP~BY CBRTIFI, that on this day berore me personally appeared A. E~"'~sr woo/{e and .In.('@,t.. (g~llllfr President and SecretaI"'J respectively of LES CHATEAUX, urc., a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me lmown. to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally acknovrledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses ill"d purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. v.JITNESS my signature and official seal at in the County of Dade and State of Florida, the ~ ~~ day of ~-J,.. . A. D. 19.52. My commission expires: .".,." ~\ \.', ....''\ '.." """-.','" .1>.'-. r'I..'~l:... C"""~'''' of Flo~:::'::l ct !crae ~;..';!Ic';':,:, .'.;, ~~~:':'i;s Jun8 18, 1954. Y /. J ~\'~""l\b;-'/~l~~c~-ic~n Surety Co. of N. Y.. :-i'~\:' '1'''''' , ') :~ ~- ~ :. r: ~-. 4, , r ~' State of Florida, County of Dade. This in~]e~~lej for record the.._C._~_..day of~....u~ 1952 aL:'__-:-__::;;'i!ll. and duly recorded i"---n~~ BooJt.-3.s-~ ___on Page,.~2....&ile No, B&:.z_t,~-? /' E, B, LEATHERMAN Clerk CirclIit Court &1~-~.~. u............"'._....."iitR ~~-___...lf:J OFFICE OF CrrY A'l'1'OBNEY - CrrY BALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORmA