Armando Lopez 2019MIAMI-DAD E. EI OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Full-time County (including Public Health Trust) and municipal employees engaging in outside employment must file an annual disclosure report by July 1st of each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the Miami-Dade County Code. Di sclosure fo r Tax Year Endin g 2019 Last Nam e LR First Nam e ge00o M iddle Nam e/Initial M aili ng Address - Str eet Num ber, Street Nam e, or P.O. Box , 0 62, / / City, St ate, Zip 12o If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Florida Statutes $119.07, please see note on the following page and check here. D Fili ng as an Employee (check one) [J county DJ Pone Heath must ti mwuntenan CA[\K ]\/At4 {At , t (iunicialiby Depart m ent -pt'NE [owes t2 0lo Pt ' Positi on or Title lu. Em ployee ID Num ber 10¢ W ork telephone 29_1u 3)2 20,, 212\q Please list the sources of outside employment (including self-employment), the nature of the work, and the total amounts of money or other compensation you received for each source of outside employment. If no income or compensation was received from a particular outside employment, enter zero (0) for that organization in the section below. If continued on a separate sheet, check here. D Nam e and Address of th e Source of Outs ide Incom e Natu re of th e W ork Pe rform ed Total Am ount of Money or Com pensation Received M, {o 634 tu- 92.P'-: 3, 3 . , 1l 5€40\6> O I hereby swear (or affirm) that the information above is a true and correct statement. I p Lb +-°UV Sign atur e of Pers on Dis cl osin g ' 14,o Date signed RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPAR TM ENT: O Hardcopy O Electronic Copy RECEIVED JUL 14 2020 CI TY O F M IAM I BE A CH OFFICE OF THE OTTY CLERK OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y / N Deficiency: Pro cessed Date/initial s: Scan ned Date/Initials: _ 138_01-22 COE 2016