Ads April 202012NE SUNDAY APRIL 5 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Forany and/orall of theabove meetings,one or more members of the Miami BeachCityCommission,and or City board/committee members mayb ei nattendanceand participate in discussions. *Airedlive on MBTV:AtlanticBroadband660,AT &TU-verse99,HotwireCommunications 395 &ROKUdevice on PEG.TV **CommissionCommittee Aired Liveo nMBTV No.0004494910-01 Alistingofall formal competitive solicitations issued by theCityo fMiami Beach, Floridaisavailable at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/city-contracts/. To accessany formal competitive solicitationissuedb ythe City,or to receive any addendum issued to aformalcompetitive solicitation,youmay also visit www.bidsync.com/Miami-Beach.Public meetingnoticescan be foundo nthe Procurement Calendar at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/calender/. MIAMIBEACH We arecommittedtoprovidingexcellent public serviceand safetyt oall wholive,work andplayi n our vibrant,tropical,historical community. Members of the public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materialsrelatingt oAgenda Items at televisedmeetings heldi nthe Commission Chamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment, provided that materials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 A.M., one (1) businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe useo fthe appropriateA Vequipment.AV materials mayb esubmitted viaemail at communications@miamibeachfl.gov; or handdelivered in ajumpdrive,CDo rDVD to:Attention:Department of Marketingand Communications,1701 Meridian Avenue,FifthFloor,Miami Beach,FL 3313 9. Presentations,videos or links must include alabel notingthe nameo rgroup,contact person,daytime telephone number,email address, description/titleofthe presentation and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number. Acceptableformatsfor electronicsubmissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx, .pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov. (Notethat.pdf is the preferred format forPowerPoint presentations.) CityHalli slocateda t1700 Convention Center Drive;and the Miami BeachConvention Center is located at 19 01 Convention Center Drive. Any meetingmay be opened and continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legalnotice will not be provided.To requestthis materiali nalternate format,sign language interpreter (five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/ or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via711 (Florida RelayService).Ameeting notnoticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad anddeterminedtobea nemergency meetingwill be posted on the bulletinboards throughoutCityHall andwill be availableo nthe City’s website at: http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the publicthat if aperson decides to appeal any decisionmadeb ythe board,agency, or commissionwith respect to any matter considered at suchmeetingo rhearing,he or shewill need arecord of the proceedings, and that,forsuch purpose, he or she mayneedt oensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. MEE TING NOTICES April 13 -17,2020 MONDAY,April 13 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY,April 14 10:00 a.m.Miami BeachEmployees’ Retirement PensionBoard Zoom Meeting Dial In: (646) 558-8656 ID:965 487583 Password:342294 4:30 p.m.Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:29074 5120 WEDNESDAY ,April 15 10:00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Biscayne Point Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:3246810 63 11 :00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Allison Island Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:715151110 THURSDAY ,April 16 8:30 a.m.CityPensionFund forFire& Police Officer’s in Miami Beach Te lephonic Conference Dial In: (888) 636-3807 Passcode: 3562870 1:00 p.m.Lincoln Road BID/Boardo f Director’s Te lephonic Conference Dial In: (712 )770-4856 Access Code:107364 4:30 p.m.G.O.BondOversight Committee Go to Meeting Dial In: (872)240-3311 Access ID:997358309 FRIDAY,April 17 10:00 a.m.Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee** Zoom Meeting Dial In Phone# TBD; Will be posted on Website 11 :00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Biscayne Beach Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:800562392 2:00 p.m. Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/NormandyShore Board Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:364288779 Having a long-standing relationship with Branches, a local nonprofit, Palmer Trinity School recently helped more than 500 fam- ilies, based in Florida City, who were in need of food. The school donated fresh herbs and produce harvest- ed from the school gardens and donated food from the cafeteria, which included frozen meats, snacks, fruits and vegetables, and eggs. In addition, Palmer Trin- ity School launched a food drive for people in the com- munity who want to safely drop off non-perishable items to help Florida City families. “In a small way, we were able to help Branches at this critical time,” said Patrick Roberts, head of school. “We will continue to an- swer the call to serve in the habit of heart and mind.” Palmer Trinity School student Lauren Keller, left, Middle School Department Chair Robert Moore, mid- dle, and his son Carter, right, harvest produce from the school’s gardens to support more than 500 Florida City families in need. ONLINE CLASSES AT MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC SCHOOLS All Miami-Dade County Public Schools will remain closed through May 1, as recommended by the Flor- ida Department of Educa- tion. Starting April 6, Attend- ance Services will capture student attendance through sign-ins to the student portal. If a student fails to log into the portal, parents will receive an automated phone call the next day, indicating that the student was marked absent. For information or to appeal an absence, par- ents can visit attendance- services.dadeschools.net. “School closures are never ideal, but this exten- sion is the most prudent move, considering the wide-ranging community restrictions in place to combat the coronavirus outbreak,” said M-DCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. “We have been preparing for a worst-case scenario since early on, and I am confident that our students and their families, with the guidance of our fantastic teachers, will continue to successfully engage in distance learn- ing.” TRANSITION TO ONLINE LEARNING Scheck Hillel Communi- ty School, as other schools have done in South Florida due to the spread of the coronavirus, has trans- formed the school’s aca- demic program for more than 1,000 students into a virtual school. “I want to thank our faculty and staff for work- ing tirelessly to create a most meaningful educa- tional experience, our par- ents for their partnership, and our students for their technological savvy, resil- ience, and smiles,” said Vanessa Donaher, head of Scheck Hillel Community School. “As a Jewish day school, we have an ethical and moral responsibility to do our part in helping to stop the spread of this vi- rus.” To keep screen time to a minimum, each grade level receives live instruction and recorded content that’s readily available on a desk- top or laptop, phone, tablet, or smart TV. For communi- ty service, students are visiting nursing homes through FaceTime chats, pre-recorded messages and virtual music perform- ances. SCHOOL SCENE Palmer Trinity food drive helps families in Florida City BY ADRIANNE RICHARDSON schoolscenemia@gmail.com Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School student Lauren Keller, left, Middle School Department Chair Robert Moore, middle, and his son Carter, right, harvest produce from the school’s gardens to support more than 500 Florida City families in need. Scheck Hillel Community School Scheck Hillel Community School’s Noah Galsky participates in a virtual PK4 class that features live instruction and recorded content. 12NE SUNDAY APRIL 5 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Forany and/orall of theabove meetings,one or more members of the Miami BeachCityCommission,and or City board/committee members mayb ei nattendanceand participate in discussions. *Airedlive on MBTV:AtlanticBroadband660,AT &TU-verse99,HotwireCommunications 395 &ROKUdevice on PEG.TV **CommissionCommittee Aired Liveo nMBTV No.0004494910-01 Alistingofall formal competitive solicitations issued by theCityo fMiami Beach, Floridaisavailable at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/city-contracts/. To accessany formal competitive solicitationissuedb ythe City,or to receive any addendum issued to aformalcompetitive solicitation,youmay also visit www.bidsync.com/Miami-Beach.Public meetingnoticescan be foundo nthe Procurement Calendar at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/calender/. MIAMIBEACH We arecommittedtoprovidingexcellent public serviceand safetyt oall wholive,work andplayi n our vibrant,tropical,historical community. Members of the public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materialsrelatingt oAgenda Items at televisedmeetings heldi nthe Commission Chamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment, provided that materials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 A.M., one (1) businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe useo fthe appropriateA Vequipment.AV materials mayb esubmitted viaemail at communications@miamibeachfl.gov; or handdelivered in ajumpdrive,CDo rDVD to:Attention:Department of Marketingand Communications,1701 Meridian Avenue,FifthFloor,Miami Beach,FL 3313 9. Presentations,videos or links must include alabel notingthe nameo rgroup,contact person,daytime telephone number,email address, description/titleofthe presentation and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number. Acceptableformatsfor electronicsubmissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx, .pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov. (Notethat.pdf is the preferred format forPowerPoint presentations.) CityHalli slocateda t1700 Convention Center Drive;and the Miami BeachConvention Center is located at 19 01 Convention Center Drive. Any meetingmay be opened and continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legalnotice will not be provided.To requestthis materiali nalternate format,sign language interpreter (five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/ or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via711 (Florida RelayService).Ameeting notnoticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad anddeterminedtobea nemergency meetingwill be posted on the bulletinboards throughoutCityHall andwill be availableo nthe City’s website at: http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the publicthat if aperson decides to appeal any decisionmadeb ythe board,agency, or commissionwith respect to any matter considered at suchmeetingo rhearing,he or shewill need arecord of the proceedings, and that,forsuch purpose, he or she mayneedt oensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. MEE TING NOTICES April 13 -17,2020 MONDAY,April 13 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY,April 14 10:00 a.m.Miami BeachEmployees’ Retirement PensionBoard Zoom Meeting Dial In: (646) 558-8656 ID:965 487583 Password:342294 4:30 p.m.Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:29074 5120 WEDNESDAY ,April 15 10:00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Biscayne Point Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:3246810 63 11 :00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Allison Island Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:715151110 THURSDAY ,April 16 8:30 a.m.CityPensionFund forFire& Police Officer’s in Miami Beach Te lephonic Conference Dial In: (888) 636-3807 Passcode: 3562870 1:00 p.m.Lincoln Road BID/Boardo f Director’s Te lephonic Conference Dial In: (712 )770-4856 Access Code:107364 4:30 p.m.G.O.BondOversight Committee Go to Meeting Dial In: (872)240-3311 Access ID:997358309 FRIDAY,April 17 10:00 a.m.Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee** Zoom Meeting Dial In Phone# TBD; Will be posted on Website 11 :00 a.m.Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/Biscayne Beach Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:800562392 2:00 p.m. Special Ta xingDistrict Budget Meeting/NormandyShore Board Microsoft Te am Meeting Dial In: (786) 636-1480 ID:364288779 Having a long-standing relationship with Branches, a local nonprofit, Palmer Trinity School recently helped more than 500 fam- ilies, based in Florida City, who were in need of food. The school donated fresh herbs and produce harvest- ed from the school gardens and donated food from the cafeteria, which included frozen meats, snacks, fruits and vegetables, and eggs. In addition, Palmer Trin- ity School launched a food drive for people in the com- munity who want to safely drop off non-perishable items to help Florida City families. “In a small way, we were able to help Branches at this critical time,” said Patrick Roberts, head of school. “We will continue to an- swer the call to serve in the habit of heart and mind.” Palmer Trinity School student Lauren Keller, left, Middle School Department Chair Robert Moore, mid- dle, and his son Carter, right, harvest produce from the school’s gardens to support more than 500 Florida City families in need. ONLINE CLASSES AT MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC SCHOOLS All Miami-Dade County Public Schools will remain closed through May 1, as recommended by the Flor- ida Department of Educa- tion. Starting April 6, Attend- ance Services will capture student attendance through sign-ins to the student portal. If a student fails to log into the portal, parents will receive an automated phone call the next day, indicating that the student was marked absent. For information or to appeal an absence, par- ents can visit attendance- services.dadeschools.net. “School closures are never ideal, but this exten- sion is the most prudent move, considering the wide-ranging community restrictions in place to combat the coronavirus outbreak,” said M-DCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. “We have been preparing for a worst-case scenario since early on, and I am confident that our students and their families, with the guidance of our fantastic teachers, will continue to successfully engage in distance learn- ing.” TRANSITION TO ONLINE LEARNING Scheck Hillel Communi- ty School, as other schools have done in South Florida due to the spread of the coronavirus, has trans- formed the school’s aca- demic program for more than 1,000 students into a virtual school. “I want to thank our faculty and staff for work- ing tirelessly to create a most meaningful educa- tional experience, our par- ents for their partnership, and our students for their technological savvy, resil- ience, and smiles,” said Vanessa Donaher, head of Scheck Hillel Community School. “As a Jewish day school, we have an ethical and moral responsibility to do our part in helping to stop the spread of this vi- rus.” To keep screen time to a minimum, each grade level receives live instruction and recorded content that’s readily available on a desk- top or laptop, phone, tablet, or smart TV. For communi- ty service, students are visiting nursing homes through FaceTime chats, pre-recorded messages and virtual music perform- ances. SCHOOL SCENE Palmer Trinity food drive helps families in Florida City BY ADRIANNE RICHARDSON schoolscenemia@gmail.com Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School student Lauren Keller, left, Middle School Department Chair Robert Moore, middle, and his son Carter, right, harvest produce from the school’s gardens to support more than 500 Florida City families in need. Scheck Hillel Community School Scheck Hillel Community School’s Noah Galsky participates in a virtual PK4 class that features live instruction and recorded content. SUNDAY APRIL 12 2020 NEIGHBORS 13NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH VIRTUALCOMMISSION MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS APRIL 22, 2020 TheApril 22, 2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeetingwill be helda saVirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners,andCitystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing.TheCommission Meeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableonthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/,as well as on Atlantic BroadbandCable channel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, and ROKU device on PEG.TV channel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the followingpublic hearings will be heardb ythe Mayorand City Commissionerso fthe Cit yofMiami Beach,Florida,o nApril 22, 2020,at the times listed,ora ssoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 9:05 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING,FOLLOWINGSECONDREADING/PUBLICHEARING,AN AMENDMENT NO.2TO THE LEASEBETWEEN THE CITY (LESSOR)AND EHDOC COUNCIL TOWERSLIMITED PA RTNERSHIP (LESSEE),IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY’S LEASEO FAIR RIGHTS FORAFFORDABLEELDERLY HOUSING AT COUNCILTOWERSSOUTH,LOCATED AT 1040 COLLINS AVENUE,MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,TO AMEND THE CURRENT LEASETOINCORPORATE CERTA IN HUD REQUIREMENTS AND MODIFICAT IONS NECESSARYFOR HUD TO INSURE THE MORTGAGELOANTHATWILLREFINANCE THE PROPERTY AND PAYFOR THE AGREED UPON IMPROVEMENTS,INCLUDING EXTENDINGTHE LEASETERM TO JULY8 ,2076B YEFFECTIVELYEXERCISING THE RENEWALOPTIONCONTA INED IN AMENDMENT NO.1 ;AND FURTHER AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYORAND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2BETWEEN THE CITY AND LESSEE.This Resolutioni sbeing heardpursuantt o §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePropertyManagement Department at 305.673.7631. 9:05 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING,FOLLOWINGSECONDREADING/PUBLICHEARING,AN AMENDMENT NO.2TO THE LEASEBETWEEN THE CITY (LESSOR)AND EHDOC COUNCIL TOWERSLIMITED PA RTNERSHIP (LESSEE),IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY’S LEASEO FAIR RIGHTS FORAFFORDABLEELDERLY HOUSING AT COUNCILTOWERS NORTH,LOCATED AT 10 40 COLLINS AVENUE,MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,TO AMEND THE CURRENT LEASETOINCORPORATE CERTA IN HUD REQUIREMENTS AND MODIFICAT IONS NECESSARYFOR HUD TO INSURE THE MORTGAGELOANTHATWILLREFINANCE THE PROPERTY AND PAYFOR THE AGREED UPON IMPROVEMENTS,INCLUDING EXTENDINGTHE LEASETERM TO JULY8 ,2076B YEFFECTIVELYEXERCISING THE RENEWALOPTIONCONTA INED IN AMENDMENT NO.1 ;AND FURTHER AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYORAND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2BETWEEN THE CITY AND LESSEE.This Resolutioni sbeing heardpursuantt o §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePropertyManagement Department at 305.673.7631. 9:10a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTINGTHE THIRDAMENDMENT TO THECAPITAL BUDGET FORFISCALYEAR2020 AS SET FORTHINTHE ATTACHMENTS A,B,AND C.This Resolution is beingheardpursuantto§16 6.041 and §166.241 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to theOfficeofManagement andBudgeta t305.673.7510. INTERESTED PA RTIES,or their agents,are invited to provide spoken comment by dialingtelephone 1-312-626-6799 or 1-888-475-4499 (TollFree).TheWebinar ID is 235797272#.Written comments mayb eaddressed to the CityCommissionvia email to cityclerk@miamibeachfl.govb y5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe CommissionMeeting. Please identifythe Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissionersand will be included as aparto f the meetingrecord. Copies of these items areavailable forpublicinspectiona thttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city- clerk/agenda-archive-main-page-2/ This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notb eprovided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the publicthati fapersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductiono radmission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynoticerequired), informationo naccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk Cityo fMiamiBeach Ad 04222020-01 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH VIRTUALCOMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES APRIL 22, 2020 VIRTUALMEETING TheApril 22, 2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommission Meetingwill be helda saVirtual Meeting with the Mayor,Commissioners,and Citystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing. •Howt oviewthe Commission Meeting: TheCommissionMeeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewable on the City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/, as well as on Atlantic Broadband Cablechannel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,Hotwire Communications channel 395, and ROKU deviceo nPEG.T Vchannel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach. •Howt oprovide spoken public comment during theCityCommission Meeting: Thepublic mayprovidespokencommentbydialingtelephone 1-312-626-6799 or 1-888-475-4499 (TollFree).TheWebinar ID is 235797272# Press*9toraise ahand to be placed in queue to speak. •Howt osubmit writtenpublic comment before the CityCommission Meeting: Thepublic maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to CityClerk@miamibeachfl. govby5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Commission Meeting.Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayor and Commissionersand will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Please note that GovernorDeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69 suspended the requiremento fSection112 .286,Florida Statutes,the FloridaSunshine Law, that aquorum must be presenti nperson,andthat alocal government bodymeetataspecific publicplace. TheExecutive Order also allows local government bodies to utilize communications media technology, sucha stelephonic and videoconferencingfor local government bodymeetings. DR.STA NLEY SUTNICKCITIZEN’S SPEAKERSFORUM Thetime forthe publiccomment period,known as the Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum, is 8:30 a.m.,o ra ssoona spossible thereafter.Approximatelythirtyminuteswill be allocated to the session,with individuals beinglimited to no more than threeminuteso rfor aperiod established by the Mayor.No appointment or advance notificationi sneeded to speak to the Commissionduringthis Forum.Duringthe Dr.Stanley Sutnick Citizen’s Forum,you may addressany issues and/orconcerns. AUDIO/VISUAL PRESENTAT IONS Memberso fthe public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingt oAgendaItems at CityCommissionmeetings by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,provided that materials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 a.m.,one (1)businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentationwill allowthe Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateA Vequipment.A V materials must be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov.Thebodyo fthe email must include anotationlistingthe nameo rgroup,contact person,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentation,and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item Number.Please reference “Audio/Visual Material” in the email subject line. Acceptableformats forelectronicsubmissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx, .pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.avi, and .mov.(Notethat.pdf is the preferredformat forPowerPoint presentations.) To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt o reviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiamiBeach Ad No.04222020-02 SUNDAY APRIL 12 2020 NEIGHBORS 13NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH VIRTUALCOMMISSION MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS APRIL 22, 2020 TheApril 22, 2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeetingwill be helda saVirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners,andCitystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing.TheCommission Meeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableonthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/,as well as on Atlantic BroadbandCable channel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, and ROKU device on PEG.TV channel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the followingpublic hearings will be heardb ythe Mayorand City Commissionerso fthe Cit yofMiami Beach,Florida,o nApril 22, 2020,at the times listed,ora ssoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 9:05 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING,FOLLOWINGSECONDREADING/PUBLICHEARING,AN AMENDMENT NO.2TO THE LEASEBETWEEN THE CITY (LESSOR)AND EHDOC COUNCIL TOWERSLIMITED PA RTNERSHIP (LESSEE),IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY’S LEASEO FAIR RIGHTS FORAFFORDABLEELDERLY HOUSING AT COUNCILTOWERSSOUTH,LOCATED AT 1040 COLLINS AVENUE,MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,TO AMEND THE CURRENT LEASETOINCORPORATE CERTA IN HUD REQUIREMENTS AND MODIFICAT IONS NECESSARYFOR HUD TO INSURE THE MORTGAGELOANTHATWILLREFINANCE THE PROPERTY AND PAYFOR THE AGREED UPON IMPROVEMENTS,INCLUDING EXTENDINGTHE LEASETERM TO JULY8 ,2076B YEFFECTIVELYEXERCISING THE RENEWALOPTIONCONTA INED IN AMENDMENT NO.1 ;AND FURTHER AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYORAND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2BETWEEN THE CITY AND LESSEE.This Resolutioni sbeing heardpursuantt o §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePropertyManagement Department at 305.673.7631. 9:05 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING,FOLLOWINGSECONDREADING/PUBLICHEARING,AN AMENDMENT NO.2TO THE LEASEBETWEEN THE CITY (LESSOR)AND EHDOC COUNCIL TOWERSLIMITED PA RTNERSHIP (LESSEE),IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY’S LEASEO FAIR RIGHTS FORAFFORDABLEELDERLY HOUSING AT COUNCILTOWERS NORTH,LOCATED AT 10 40 COLLINS AVENUE,MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,TO AMEND THE CURRENT LEASETOINCORPORATE CERTA IN HUD REQUIREMENTS AND MODIFICAT IONS NECESSARYFOR HUD TO INSURE THE MORTGAGELOANTHATWILLREFINANCE THE PROPERTY AND PAYFOR THE AGREED UPON IMPROVEMENTS,INCLUDING EXTENDINGTHE LEASETERM TO JULY8 ,2076B YEFFECTIVELYEXERCISING THE RENEWALOPTIONCONTA INED IN AMENDMENT NO.1 ;AND FURTHER AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYORAND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2BETWEEN THE CITY AND LESSEE.This Resolutioni sbeing heardpursuantt o §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePropertyManagement Department at 305.673.7631. 9:10a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTIONO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTINGTHE THIRDAMENDMENT TO THECAPITAL BUDGET FORFISCALYEAR2020 AS SET FORTHINTHE ATTACHMENTS A,B,AND C.This Resolution is beingheardpursuantto§16 6.041 and §166.241 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to theOfficeofManagement andBudgeta t305.673.7510. INTERESTED PA RTIES,or their agents,are invited to provide spoken comment by dialingtelephone 1-312-626-6799 or 1-888-475-4499 (TollFree).TheWebinar ID is 235797272#.Written comments mayb eaddressed to the CityCommissionvia email to cityclerk@miamibeachfl.govb y5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe CommissionMeeting. Please identifythe Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissionersand will be included as aparto f the meetingrecord. Copies of these items areavailable forpublicinspectiona thttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city- clerk/agenda-archive-main-page-2/ This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notb eprovided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the publicthati fapersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductiono radmission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynoticerequired), informationo naccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk Cityo fMiamiBeach Ad 04222020-01 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH VIRTUALCOMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES APRIL 22, 2020 VIRTUALMEETING TheApril 22, 2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommission Meetingwill be helda saVirtual Meeting with the Mayor,Commissioners,and Citystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing. •Howt oviewthe Commission Meeting: TheCommissionMeeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewable on the City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/, as well as on Atlantic Broadband Cablechannel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,Hotwire Communications channel 395, and ROKU deviceo nPEG.T Vchannel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach. •Howt oprovide spoken public comment during theCityCommission Meeting: Thepublic mayprovidespokencommentbydialingtelephone 1-312-626-6799 or 1-888-475-4499 (TollFree).TheWebinar ID is 235797272# Press*9toraise ahand to be placed in queue to speak. •Howt osubmit writtenpublic comment before the CityCommission Meeting: Thepublic maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to CityClerk@miamibeachfl. govby5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Commission Meeting.Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayor and Commissionersand will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Please note that GovernorDeSantis’ Executive Order Number 20-69 suspended the requiremento fSection112 .286,Florida Statutes,the FloridaSunshine Law, that aquorum must be presenti nperson,andthat alocal government bodymeetataspecific publicplace. TheExecutive Order also allows local government bodies to utilize communications media technology, sucha stelephonic and videoconferencingfor local government bodymeetings. DR.STA NLEY SUTNICKCITIZEN’S SPEAKERSFORUM Thetime forthe publiccomment period,known as the Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum, is 8:30 a.m.,o ra ssoona spossible thereafter.Approximatelythirtyminuteswill be allocated to the session,with individuals beinglimited to no more than threeminuteso rfor aperiod established by the Mayor.No appointment or advance notificationi sneeded to speak to the Commissionduringthis Forum.Duringthe Dr.Stanley Sutnick Citizen’s Forum,you may addressany issues and/orconcerns. AUDIO/VISUAL PRESENTAT IONS Memberso fthe public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingt oAgendaItems at CityCommissionmeetings by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,provided that materials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 a.m.,one (1)businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentationwill allowthe Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateA Vequipment.A V materials must be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov.Thebodyo fthe email must include anotationlistingthe nameo rgroup,contact person,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentation,and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item Number.Please reference “Audio/Visual Material” in the email subject line. Acceptableformats forelectronicsubmissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx, .pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.avi, and .mov.(Notethat.pdf is the preferredformat forPowerPoint presentations.) To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt o reviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiamiBeach Ad No.04222020-02 16NE SUNDAY APRIL 12 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Forany and/orall of theabove meetings,one or more members of theMiami BeachCityCommission,and or Cityboard/committee members mayb ei nattendanceand participate in discussions. *Aired live on MBTV:Atlantic Broadband660,AT &T U-verse 99,Hotwire Communications 395 &ROKUdevice on PEG.TV **CommissionCommittee Aired Live on MBTV No.0004494912 -01 Alistingo fall formal competitive solicitationsissuedb ythe Cityo fMiami Beach, Floridaisavailable at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/ city-contracts/.To accessany formal competitive solicitation issued by the City,or to receiveany addendum issued to aformalcompetitive solicitation, youmay also visit www.bidsync.com/Miami-Beach.Public meeting notices can be foundo nthe ProcurementCalendara thttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/ city-hall/procurement/calender/. MIAMIBEACH We arecommittedtoprovidingexcellent public serviceand safety to all wholive,work and playi nour vibrant,tropical,historical community. Members of the public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingt oAgenda Items at televised meetings heldi nthe CommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,provided that materialsare submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications by 8:30 A.M., one(1) businessday prior to the meeting. Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe use of the appropriateA Vequipment.A Vmaterials maybesubmitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov; or handdeliveredi najumpdrive, CD or DVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing and Communications,1701 Meridian Avenue, Fifth Floor,Miami Beach,FL 3313 9. Presentations,videos or links must include alabel notingthe name or group, contactperson,daytime telephone number,emailaddress,description/title of the presentation andAgenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptable formats forelectronicsubmission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov.(Note that .pdf is thepreferred format forPowerPoint presentations.) CityHalli slocated at 17 00 ConventionCenterDrive;and the Miami Beach ConventionCenterislocated at 19 01 Convention Center Drive.Any meetingmay be opened andcontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice will notb eprovided.To requestthis material inalternateformat,sign language interpreter (five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/ or any accommodation to reviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English,then option6 ;TTY users maycall via 711(Florida RelayService).Ameetingnot noticedi nthe Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined to be an emergency meetingwill be posted on the bulletin boards throughoutCityHall and will be available on the City’s website at: http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 Pursuant to Section286.0105, Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decisionmadeb ythe board,agency, or commission with respect to any matterconsidered at suchmeetingorhearing,he or she will need arecord of the proceedings,and that,for suchpurpose, he or she mayneed to ensurethat averbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made, which record includes thetestimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. MEETING NOTICES April2 0-24, 2020 MONDAY,April 20 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY,April 21 9:30 a.m.Arti nPublicPlacesCommittee Te lephonic Conference 1.888.278.0296 Access ID:3362352 5:00 p.m.Animal WelfareCommitteeTelephonic Conference 1.866.865.3693 No Access ID Needed WEDNESDAY,April 22 8:30 a.m. Virtual CityCommission/RDA*Te lephonicConference 1.312.626.6799 or 1.888.475.4499 Webinar ID:235797272# THURSDAY,April 23 No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY ,April 24 No Meetings Scheduled Lehrman Community Day School’s fifth-grade Mitzvah Club completed a coronavirus mitzvah pro- ject that involved raising money to deliver a catered lunch to the emergency room staff at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. Many students contrib- uted to the lunch using their own money, and parents matched their donations. Students also prepared cards to thank the staff at Mount Sinai for their heroic work and dedi- cation, as well as to offer words of encouragement. Jennifer Rapp,an alum- na of Lehrman, the Jewish day school in Miami Beach, organized the project. “Our community couldn’t do this without the hard work and dedica- tion from our healthcare workers,” said Rapp. “It gave me such gratitude to be able to share in this mitzvah with my daughter and her classmates.” SOUTH MIAMI, MIAMI LAKES WINNERS AT C-SPAN COMPETITION Several Miami-Dade County students from South Miami Middle School and Miami Lakes Educational Center were recognized in C-SPAN’s 2020 StudentCam Com- petition last month. Students earned cash prizes for their short docu- mentaries that addressed the theme: What’s your vision in 2020? With this theme, students explored the issue that they want presidential candidates to address most in their campaigns. The winners from South Miami Middle School in- cluded Vincent Granados, Casey Golden, and Max Molitor, who placed sec- ond and won $1,500 for their documentary, “Our Roads: A Wise Investment.” Their documentary aired on April 9 on C-SPAN. Sophia Bacallao, Victoria Cepero, and Scarlett Luis earned honorable mentions and won $250 for their documentary, “Global Warming Crisis: Sea Level Rise. “ Nicholas Fernandez also earned an honorable mention and received $250 for his documentary, “Too Little, Too Late?” which focused on climate change. The winners from Miami Lakes Educational Center who earned an honorable mention and $250 prize were Daniel Gonzalez III, Michelle Mairena and Khimmoy Hudson. Their documentary, “Immigra- tion: The Broken System,” focused on immigration. “StudentCam provides a platform for young people to have their voices heard on the issues they are clear- ly passionate about,” said C-SPAN’s Director of Edu- cation Relations Craig McAndrew. “This year’s entries reflect remarkable research and production values and feature a wide range of interviews with elected officials and experts. The life skills students learn from this experience will carry them forward in their academic, personal, and professional lives.” MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SCHOOLS SERVING MEALS Miami-Dade County Public Schools has distrib- uted more than 500,000 grab-and-go meals to fam- ilies in need districtwide since March 16, which marked the beginning of school closures due to COVID-19. M-DCPS em- ployees have helped dis- tribute these meals at 50 select school sites to en- sure that students still receive meals. “We will be with our community through this crisis, every step of the way,” said M-DCPS Su- perintendent Alberto Carvalho. “I want to shine the spotlight on the brave men and women of Miami- Dade County Public Schools who maintain the lifeline of food distribution to the neediest in our com- munity, and thank the many generous donors and partners who support our efforts.” Meals are served Mon- day to Friday, from 4 to 7 p.m. For a list of all M- DCPS meal distribution sites, please visit covid 19.dadeschools.net/. # SCHOOL SCENE Mount Sinai ER staff gets catered lunch from Lehrman students BY ADRIANNE RICHARDSON schoolscenemia@gmail.com Emergency room staff at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach are pictured with their catered lunch from Lehrman Community Day School’s fifth-grade Mitzvah Club. The students raised funds and delivered the lunch as part of a coronavirus mitzvah project. 16NE SUNDAY APRIL 12 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Forany and/orall of theabove meetings,one or more members of theMiami BeachCityCommission,and or Cityboard/committee members mayb ei nattendanceand participate in discussions. *Aired live on MBTV:Atlantic Broadband660,AT &T U-verse 99,Hotwire Communications 395 &ROKUdevice on PEG.TV **CommissionCommittee Aired Live on MBTV No.0004494912 -01 Alistingo fall formal competitive solicitationsissuedb ythe Cityo fMiami Beach, Floridaisavailable at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/ city-contracts/.To accessany formal competitive solicitation issued by the City,or to receiveany addendum issued to aformalcompetitive solicitation, youmay also visit www.bidsync.com/Miami-Beach.Public meeting notices can be foundo nthe ProcurementCalendara thttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/ city-hall/procurement/calender/. MIAMIBEACH We arecommittedtoprovidingexcellent public serviceand safety to all wholive,work and playi nour vibrant,tropical,historical community. Members of the public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingt oAgenda Items at televised meetings heldi nthe CommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,provided that materialsare submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications by 8:30 A.M., one(1) businessday prior to the meeting. Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe use of the appropriateA Vequipment.A Vmaterials maybesubmitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov; or handdeliveredi najumpdrive, CD or DVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing and Communications,1701 Meridian Avenue, Fifth Floor,Miami Beach,FL 3313 9. Presentations,videos or links must include alabel notingthe name or group, contactperson,daytime telephone number,emailaddress,description/title of the presentation andAgenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptable formats forelectronicsubmission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov.(Note that .pdf is thepreferred format forPowerPoint presentations.) CityHalli slocated at 17 00 ConventionCenterDrive;and the Miami Beach ConventionCenterislocated at 19 01 Convention Center Drive.Any meetingmay be opened andcontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice will notb eprovided.To requestthis material inalternateformat,sign language interpreter (five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/ or any accommodation to reviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English,then option6 ;TTY users maycall via 711(Florida RelayService).Ameetingnot noticedi nthe Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined to be an emergency meetingwill be posted on the bulletin boards throughoutCityHall and will be available on the City’s website at: http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 Pursuant to Section286.0105, Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any decisionmadeb ythe board,agency, or commission with respect to any matterconsidered at suchmeetingorhearing,he or she will need arecord of the proceedings,and that,for suchpurpose, he or she mayneed to ensurethat averbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made, which record includes thetestimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. MEETING NOTICES April2 0-24, 2020 MONDAY,April 20 No Meetings Scheduled TUESDAY,April 21 9:30 a.m.Arti nPublicPlacesCommittee Te lephonic Conference 1.888.278.0296 Access ID:3362352 5:00 p.m.Animal WelfareCommitteeTelephonic Conference 1.866.865.3693 No Access ID Needed WEDNESDAY,April 22 8:30 a.m. Virtual CityCommission/RDA*Te lephonicConference 1.312.626.6799 or 1.888.475.4499 Webinar ID:235797272# THURSDAY,April 23 No Meetings Scheduled FRIDAY ,April 24 No Meetings Scheduled Lehrman Community Day School’s fifth-grade Mitzvah Club completed a coronavirus mitzvah pro- ject that involved raising money to deliver a catered lunch to the emergency room staff at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. Many students contrib- uted to the lunch using their own money, and parents matched their donations. Students also prepared cards to thank the staff at Mount Sinai for their heroic work and dedi- cation, as well as to offer words of encouragement. Jennifer Rapp,an alum- na of Lehrman, the Jewish day school in Miami Beach, organized the project. “Our community couldn’t do this without the hard work and dedica- tion from our healthcare workers,” said Rapp. “It gave me such gratitude to be able to share in this mitzvah with my daughter and her classmates.” SOUTH MIAMI, MIAMI LAKES WINNERS AT C-SPAN COMPETITION Several Miami-Dade County students from South Miami Middle School and Miami Lakes Educational Center were recognized in C-SPAN’s 2020 StudentCam Com- petition last month. Students earned cash prizes for their short docu- mentaries that addressed the theme: What’s your vision in 2020? With this theme, students explored the issue that they want presidential candidates to address most in their campaigns. The winners from South Miami Middle School in- cluded Vincent Granados, Casey Golden, and Max Molitor, who placed sec- ond and won $1,500 for their documentary, “Our Roads: A Wise Investment.” Their documentary aired on April 9 on C-SPAN. Sophia Bacallao, Victoria Cepero, and Scarlett Luis earned honorable mentions and won $250 for their documentary, “Global Warming Crisis: Sea Level Rise. “ Nicholas Fernandez also earned an honorable mention and received $250 for his documentary, “Too Little, Too Late?” which focused on climate change. The winners from Miami Lakes Educational Center who earned an honorable mention and $250 prize were Daniel Gonzalez III, Michelle Mairena and Khimmoy Hudson. Their documentary, “Immigra- tion: The Broken System,” focused on immigration. “StudentCam provides a platform for young people to have their voices heard on the issues they are clear- ly passionate about,” said C-SPAN’s Director of Edu- cation Relations Craig McAndrew. “This year’s entries reflect remarkable research and production values and feature a wide range of interviews with elected officials and experts. The life skills students learn from this experience will carry them forward in their academic, personal, and professional lives.” MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SCHOOLS SERVING MEALS Miami-Dade County Public Schools has distrib- uted more than 500,000 grab-and-go meals to fam- ilies in need districtwide since March 16, which marked the beginning of school closures due to COVID-19. M-DCPS em- ployees have helped dis- tribute these meals at 50 select school sites to en- sure that students still receive meals. “We will be with our community through this crisis, every step of the way,” said M-DCPS Su- perintendent Alberto Carvalho. “I want to shine the spotlight on the brave men and women of Miami- Dade County Public Schools who maintain the lifeline of food distribution to the neediest in our com- munity, and thank the many generous donors and partners who support our efforts.” Meals are served Mon- day to Friday, from 4 to 7 p.m. For a list of all M- DCPS meal distribution sites, please visit covid 19.dadeschools.net/. # SCHOOL SCENE Mount Sinai ER staff gets catered lunch from Lehrman students BY ADRIANNE RICHARDSON schoolscenemia@gmail.com Emergency room staff at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach are pictured with their catered lunch from Lehrman Community Day School’s fifth-grade Mitzvah Club. The students raised funds and delivered the lunch as part of a coronavirus mitzvah project.