Ads June 2020SUNDAY JUNE 28 2020 NEIGHBORS 13NE MIAMIHERALD.COM A Miami Springs Public Works employee has tested positive for COVID-19. “We are informing you that an employee in the Public Works has tested positive for COVID-19,” states a text message ob- tained through a public records request. The employee is not displaying any symptoms, said the city, which an- nounced the news late Monday. The text message ex- change between City Man- ager William Alonso and Public Works Director Tom Nash, from June 12 to June 15, stated: “We are not at liberty to advise who this employee is due to HIPPA laws. We are waiting for Bill [Bill Collins is the city’s human resources director] to provide further details on how to move forward. You will be ad- vised by your supervisor.” An email sent to Miami Springs Mayor Billy Bain and the City Council on June 15 asking what steps the city plans to take to notify employees and resi- dents, and whether public works department employ- ees were provided with PPE, was not answered. Miami Springs has been a recent hot spot for CO- VID-19 activity. As of Tues- day, Miami Springs had 12 cases of COVID-19, according to the Florida Department of Health. Last month, the Herald reported that Fair Havens Center, a Miami Springs nursing home, had 28 COVID-19 related deaths, the most of any nursing home in the state. Miami Springs has about 45 public works employees who are responsible for tree pruning, removing debris, street repairs, up- keep of city-owned build- ings and garbage disposal in the city of 14,000. In the meantime, some workers expressed concern about going to work for the city. In one text message, a city employee tells his supervisor: “I’m scare [sic] now don’t want to die going to work.” CORONAVIRUS A city of Miami Springs employee tests positive for COVID-19 BY THEO KARANTSALIS Special to the Miami Herald AL DIAZ adiaz@miamiherald.com A Miami Springs Public Works Department employee has tested positive for COVID-19. As of Tuesday, Miami Springs had 12 confirmed COVID-19 cases, according to the Florida Department of Health. FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT US AT: www.miamiherald.com/service FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE VISIT US AT: www.miamiherald.com/service 16NE SUNDAY JUNE 21 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM South Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra’s Ariana Rojas, 17, worked diligently to raise funds so she could perform with her group in South America, but the pandemic shattered her plans. “It was sad, but safety comes first,” said Rojas, who attends School for Advanced Studies. “I did not want to put anyone at risk. It was better not to go. It could have been complicated.” The South Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra was scheduled to fly March 21 and return March 28 to perform in Argentina and Uruguay, but COVID-19 canceled plans. However, the group continues to rehearse and will perform using the latest technology. The orchestra has been practicing using Zoom in hourly group sessions. A virtual concert drop- ped recently on Facebook and YouTube. Another two virtual concerts are sched- uled — one coming up this week, and one on July 1 that will feature musicians from Miami-Dade College and Panama, Spain and Italy. Like other members, Rojas had found different ways to raise funds to pay for the long-planned trip in March. Rojas, a violinist, held a cocktail party, at which she performed, at a home to which friends and family were invited. She also used money saved up from her quinceañera, a celebration of a girl’s 15th birthday. All in all, she had paid about $1,700 toward the trip. The South Florida Youth Symphony also contributed $29,000 toward students’ travel fees. However, the travel company will now reimburse only some of the monies. Thirty-three stu- dents were to take the trip, which also included sight- seeing. A few members of the Miami-Dade College’s Orchestra had also planned to attend. The youth symphony, a nonprofit organization, was founded in 1964 by Car- men Nappo — former con- ductor of the Miami Ballet, the Miami Metropolitan Symphony and the Foun- der/conductor of “Holiday on Ice” — who saw a need for children and youths to learn and perform the great masters of the mu- sical world. The orchestra empowers student mu- sicians from ages 3 to 22, without regard to race, orientation, gender or religion. The yearly school year fee is $450 per stu- dent. A summer camp is also offered. The orchestra has also performed in Nic- aragua, the Czech Republic and other nations. Using technology, Hia- leah Miami Lakes High School band teacher and former South Florida Youth Symphony member Kevin Segura is working with Executive and Musical Director Marjorie Hahn to produce the virtual con- certs. Students record themselves performing using iPads, computers or smartphones. Using iMovie and Garageband, Segura compiles the videos and produces about a virtual concert that’s about six minutes long. “We have a very fine working relationship in our program and educational system that serves families and all children equally, and it’s important for fam- ilies to see and hear this at this time,” said Hahn, who is the step-daughter of Nappo. The group started the Zoom classes in early April. “It felt weird,” Rojas said. “I was accustomed to seeing my friends and hugging them, follow up on news and seeing them on camera. It hurts because these are my people.” Before the pandemic, the group practiced on Sun- days at the Pawley Cre- ative Arts Center at the Miami-Dade College North Campus. Harold Rivas, 18, said that aside from raising funds, the group had worked hard on its per- formance and that the cancellation of the trip in March had been a blow: “It was concerning because of all the hard work and all of the rehearsals, being early to setup the percussions and getting ready to go. We put in a lot of hard.” Hahn said the Zoom practices will continue. The South Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra also canceled their season fi- nale concert. Ticket con- cert sales assist the organi- zation. A “GoFundMe” charity site has been set up online: https://www.gofundme. com/f/student-musician- scholarships?utm_medium =copy_link&utm_source =customer&utm_campaign =p_lico+share-sheet MIAMI | SOUTH FLORIDA YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Youth symphony practices via Zoom and gives virtual concerts BY RODOLFO ROMAN Special to the Herald A moment from a virtual concert by the South Florida Youth Symphony, as seen on a computer monitor. Another concert is coming up this week, and there’ll also be one on July 1. 14NE SUNDAY JUNE 14 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Zamiyah Wadley woke up on Tuesday not know- ing if she’d be able to pay for college. By 10:30 a.m., the Booker T. Wash- ington High senior had gotten a big boost toward becoming the first mem- ber of her family to at- tend a university. The Biscayne Bay Ki- wanis Club, a community service organization ded- icated to serving children, surprised Wadley Tues- day morning with a schol- arship valued up to $30,000, which will cover up to 120 credit hours purchased through the Florida Pre-Paid pro- gram. She plans to attend Bethune-Cookman Uni- versity in Daytona Beach. “I’m surprised, thank- ful,” said Wadley, 18, who graduated Tuesday afternoon. Eight Kiwanis Club members delivered the extra-large check to Wa- dley’s Allapattah home in a Publisher’s Clearinghouse type fashion. Her mother, Luria Davis, was virtually speechless while her grandmother Barbara Bur- rows had tears streaming down her face. “I’m just so proud of her,” Davis said. “She did it. I’ve never really had to push her. This is something that she’s always wanted. She did it on her own.” One person, however, was not surprised. Wendie Williams, Wadley’s third grade teacher, remem- bered her former student as one of the most “spe- cial” children she has taught over the last 35 years. “She had an awesome upbringing,” said Williams, who retired in January, who posed with. photos with the family. “She lived by principles and, because I was a counselor by train- ing, I taught her character values and she definitely soaked it up.” An exceptional student, Wadley graduated in the top 4 percent of her class with a 4.36 GPA. She also was president of the news broadcasting club, an offi- cer in the entrepreneurship club and class treasurer. But it was her more than 1,300 of community serv- ice, primarily with special needs students, that made her stand out among the final eight candidates, sayas Kiwanis Club schol- arship chairman Rick Freedman. “Her mentor wrote about a situation where one of the autistic stu- dents, one day, was having a particularly difficult day and had a breakdown,” Freedman recalled of Wa- dley’s application. “Zami- yah went over there, put the arm around the student and was able to control it.... That really, really just touched us.” Wadley plans to major in physical therapy. As for how she plans on paying it forward, the future first- generation college student intends to keep working hard to ensure that she’s not the last in her family to pursue higher education. “I just plan on doing the same thing that I’ve been doing and keep pushing myself, motivating myself to be the best that I can be,” she said. C. Isaiah Smalls II: 302-373-8866, @stclaudeii CARL JUSTE cjuste@miamiherald.com Graduating senior at Booker T. Washington High Zamiah Wadley, center, stands with club members of the Biscayne Bay Kiwanis Club after receiving a surprise scholarship Tuesday to attend college at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach. CLASS OF 2020 Booker T. Washington senior surprised with $30K scholarship BY C. ISAIAH SMALLS II csmalls@miamiherald.com CARL JUSTE cjuste@miamiherald.com Graduating senior at Booker T. Washington High Zamiah Wadley, left, and her mother, Luria Davis, embrace after Zamiah received a surprise scholarship Tuesday from Biscayne Bay Kiwanis Club to attend college at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach. 18NE SUNDAY JUNE 7 2020NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM MEETING NOTICESJune1 5-19, 2020MONDAY,June1 5 4:30 p.m. Budget AdvisoryCommittee MicrosoftTeam Meeting1.786.636.1480AccessID915615500# TUESDAY ,June1 6 9:00 a.m.Finance andEconomicResiliencyCommittee/BudgetBriefing**Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/894554034531.312.626.6799 or1.888.475.4499AccessID 89455403453 9:30 a.m.Artin Public Places Committee TelephonicConference1.888.278.0296AccessID 3362352 3:30 p.m. DisabilityAccessCommittee Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us /j/2836511632MeetingID:283 6511632AccessID: 2TVnCP 4:00 p.m. Human Rights Committee TelephonicConference1.888.204.5984AccessID2148163 5:00 p.m. Animal WelfareCommittee TelephonicConference1.866.865.3693NoAccess ID Needed 6:00 p.m.Police/Citizens Relations Committee MicrosoftTeam Meeting1.786.636.14 80AccessID 261230493# WEDNESDAY ,June1 7 8:30 a.m.Neighborhood andQualityo fLifeCommittee**Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us1.929.205.6099 or1.888.475.4499AccessID81069889534# THURSDAY ,June1 8 8:30 a.m.CityPensionFundfor Fire andPolice Officer’s in Miami Beach Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/848253778681.301.715.8592 Germantown1.312.626.6799 Chicago1.929.205.6099 NewYork1.253.215.8782 Ta coma1.346.248.7799 Houston1.669.900.6833 San JoseFindyour local #Access ID 4825377868https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbeloUBmWV 9:30 a.m.LincolnRoad BID/ExecutiveCommittee TelephonicConferencehttps://www.uberconference.com/lrbid1.712.770.4856AccessID:107364 10:00 a.m.Special Master Hearings*Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/897060537161.929.205.60991.888.475.4499AccessID: 8970605 3716 10:00 a.m. Program forPublicInformation (PPI)Committee MicrosoftTeam Meeting1.786.636.14 80AccessID 787056 079# 4:30 p.m.GeneralObligation (G.O.)BondOversightCommittee Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/98107492775Mobil+1-312.626.679998107492775#Local number:Access ID: 98107492775#https://zoom.us/u/aeiEldMs2K FRIDAY ,June1 9 2:00 p.m.Normandy Shores LocalGovernmentNeighborhoodImprovementBoard MicrosoftTeam Meeting1.786.636.14 80AccessID163324 014# Forany and/or allo fthe above meetings,one or more memberso fthe MiamiBeachCityCommission,and or City board/committee membersmay be in attendanceandparticipatei ndiscussions.*Aired liveo nMBTV:Atlantic Broadband660,AT&T U-verse 99,HotwireCommunications395 &ROKUdevice on PEG.TV**CommissionCommittee Aired Liveo nMBTVAD No. 0004494972-01 MIAMIBEACH We arecommitted to providing excellent publicservice andsafetyt oall who live,work andplayi nour vibrant,tropical,historicalcommunity.Members of the public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relating to Agenda Itemsa ttelevised meetingsheldi nthe CommissionChamberb yutilizing the City’s AVequipment,provided that materials aresubmittedt othe Department of Marketing andCommunications by 8:30 A.M.,one(1)business dayprior to the meeting.Advancesubmittalofapresentation will allowthe Communications Department to plan forthe use of the appropriate AV equipment.A Vmaterials mayb esubmittedvia emaila tcommunications@miamibeachfl.gov;or hand deliveredi najump drive,CD or DVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing andCommunications,1701Meridian Avenue,Fifth Floor,Miami Beach,F L33139. Presentations,videos or linksmustincludealabel noting the name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,email address,description/titleo fthe presentation andAgendaItemTitle as wella sthe Agenda Item number.Acceptable formatsfor electronic submission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx,.wmv,.avi and.mov.(Notethat.pdf is the preferredformat forPowerPointpresentations.) CityHall is locateda t1700 ConventionCenter Drive; andthe Miami Beach ConventionCenter is locateda t1901ConventionCenter Drive.Any meeting mayb eopenedandcontinued, andunder such circumstances,additional legal notice will notb eprovided.T orequestthis materialinalternateformat,sign languageinterpreter (five-day noticerequired), informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationt oreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsoredproceedingscall 305.604.2489andselect1forEnglish,thenoption6 ;TTY users maycall via711 (Florida RelayService).Ameeting notnoticed in the WeeklyMeeting Notice ad and determined to be an emergencymeeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout CityHall andwill be available on the City’s websiteat:http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776PursuanttoSection286.0105,Fla.Stat., the Cityherebyadvisesthe public that if aperson decides to appeal anydecision made by theboard,agency,or commissionwith respectt oanymatterconsidereda tsuchmeeting or hearing,h eo rshe will need arecord of the proceedings,andthat,for suchpurpose,heorshe mayneed to ensurethataverbatim recordofthe proceedingsi smade,whichrecord includesthe testimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. Alisting of all formal competitive solicitations issued by theCityofMiami Beach,Florida is available at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/city-contracts/.To accessany formal competitive solicitationissuedbythe City,or to receiveany addendum issued to aformalcompetitive solicitation,youmay alsovisit www.bidsync.com/Miami-Beach.Public meeting noticescan be foundo nthe Procurement Calendara thttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/calender/. CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCIT YCOMMISSION MEETING The June 24,2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeetingwill be held as a VirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners, and Citystaff participatingthrough video conferencing.TheVirtual CityCommissionMeetingwill be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableo nthe City’s websiteathttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/, as well as on At lantic Broadband Cable channel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, and ROKU device on PEG. TV channel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach.T oparticipate or provide comments,the public mayjoin the Virtual CityCommissionMeetingat:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/812 26962383 or via telephone at:1.312 .626.6799 (U.S.) or 877.853.5257(To ll Free).TheWebinar ID is:812 26962383#.Memberso fthe public wantingt ospeak on an item during the Virtual CityCommissionMeeting,must clickthe “raise hand” icon if usingthe Zoom app or press* 9o nthe telephonet o raise their hand. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the followingpublic hearings will be heardb ythe Mayorand CityCommissionerso fthe City of Miami Beach,Florida,on June 24,2020 at the followingtimes,o ra ssoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 9:10a.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing AN ORDINANCEO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE CODEO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 106, ENTITLED “TRAFFICAND VEHICLES,”B YAMENDING ARTICLE II,ENTITLED “METERED PARKING,”B YAMENDINGDIVISION 1,ENTITLED “GENERALLY,”BY AMENDING SECTION 10 6-55, ENTITLED “PARKINGRATES,FEES,AND PENALT IES;EXCEPTIONS”; AND BY AMENDINGAPPENDIX AT OTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “FEE SCHEDULE,”TO ESTA BLISHPARKINGRAT ES AND PENALT IESFOR THE NEW COLLINS PARK GARAGE,AND TO MAKECORRECTIONS TO OTHER PARKINGRAT ES AND FEESSET FORTHI NAPPENDIX “A”; AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION,REPEALER,SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuantt oSection 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to theParkingDepartment at 305.673.7505. 9:15a.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW OF GU HEIGHT WAIVERSA NORDINANCEO FTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDAAMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2, ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,” ARTICLE II,“DISTRICT REGULATIONS,”DIVISION9 ,ENTITLED “GUGOVERNMENT USEDISTRICT,”B YAMENDINGSECTION 14 2-425, ENTITLED “DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”TO MODIFY THE REVIEW PROCEDURES FORWAIVERSO FHEIGHT REQUIREMENTS ON LOTS WITH AG UZONINGDESIGNATION; AND PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,CODIFICAT ION, SEVERABILITYAND AN EFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section118-164 of the City’s Land Development Code.Inquiries mayb edirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 9:20 a.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing MXE HOTEL UNIT SIZE FORGROUNDFLOOR ADDITIONS AN ORDINANCEO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONO F THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODEO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2, ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,” ARTICLE II, ENTITLED “DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION 13 ,ENTITLED “MXE MIXED USE ENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”AT SECTION 14 2-545, ENTITLED “DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”TO MODIFYTHE UNIT SIZE REQUIREMENTS FORNEW HOTEL UNITSINGROUNDFLOOR ADDITIONS TO CONTRIBUTINGSTRUCTURESI NHISTORICDISTRICTS; AND PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICAT ION,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries mayb edirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 9:25 a.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing PARKINGREQUIREMENTS IN HISTORIC AND CONSERVATION DISTRICTS AN ORDINANCEO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE CODEO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, SUBPART B,ENTITLED “LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0O FTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS,” ARTICLE II,ENTITLED “DISTRICTS; REQUIREMENTS,” SECTION130-31, ENTITLED “PARKINGDISTRICTS ESTA BLISHED,” SECTION130-32, ENTITLED “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1” AND SECTION 13 0-33, ENTITLED “OFF-STREETPARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR PARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,AND 8,”T OAMEND THE PA RKINGREQUIREMENTS FORRESIDENTIAL,HOTEL, NON-RESIDENTIAL AND ACCESSORYUSESLOCAT ED WITHIN HISTORIC DISTRICTS,HISTORICSITES AND CONSERVATION DISTRICTS;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION,REPEALER,SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section118 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries mayb edirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to take parti nthis meetingo rb erepresented by an agent.The public maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to:CityClerk@miamibeachfl.govb y5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual CityCommission Meeting.Please identifythe Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissionersand will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. CopiesofAgenda Items areavailable forpublic inspectionat: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/agenda- archive-main-page-2/.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considereda tits meetingo rits hearing,such person must ensure that averbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the City forthe introduction or admissiono fotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), informationo naccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodation to reviewany document or participate in anyCity-sponsoredproceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusers maycallvia 711(Florida RelayService) Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiami Beach Ad 06242020-01 SUNDAY JUNE 7 2020 NEIGHBORS 15NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE ADAP TIVE RE-USE AND ACCESSORYUSESI NTHE TATUM WATERWAYARE AS JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCITY COMMISSION MEETING The June 24,2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeetingwill be helda saVirtualMeeting with the Mayor, Commissioners,and Citystaff participatingthrough video conferencing.TheVirtual CityCommissionMeeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableo nthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl. gov/government/mbtv/,as well as on Atlantic Broadband Cable channel660,AT&TU-verse channel 99,Hotwire Communications channel395, and ROKU device on PEG.TVchannel,and on social media at facebook.com/ cityofmiamibeach.T oparticipateorprovide comments,the public mayjointhe Virtual CityCommissionmeetingat: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/812 26962383 or via telephone at:1.312.626.6799 (U.S.) or 877.853.5257(To ll Free). TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Members of the publicwantingt ospeak on an item duringthe Virtual City CommissionMeeting,mustclick the “raise hand”icon if usingthe Zoom appo rpress *9 on the telephone to raise their hand. NOTICEI SHEREBYGIVEN that thefollowing public hearing will be heardb ythe Mayorand City Commissionerso f the Cityo fMiami Beach,Florida,on June 24,2020 at 5:01p.m.,or as soonthereafter as the mattercan be heard: 5:01p.m.Second Reading Public Hearing ADAPTIVERE-USE AND ACCESSORYUSESI NTHE TAT UM WATERWAYAREAS AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, SUBPART B,ENTITLED “LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”BY AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2O FTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,” ARTICLE II, ENTITLED “DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION 3, ENTITLED “RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYDISTRICTS,” SUBDIVISIONII, ENTITLED “RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYLOW INTENSITY,” SECTION142-15 2, ENTITLED “MAINPERMITTED AND PROHIBITED USES,” AND SECTION 14 2-153, ENTITLED “CONDITIONAL USES,” TO MODIFY USEREGULATIONS AND AMEND THE LIST OF CONDITIONALUSESFOR RM-1 PROPERTIES WITHIN THE NORTH SHORENAT IONALREGISTERHISTORICDISTRICT,TO INCLUDEACCESSORY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTA BLISHMENTS AND HOTEL USES;BYAMENDINGARTICLEIV,ENTITLED “SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION2 ,ENTITLED “ACCESSORY USES,”SECTION142- 902,ENTITLED “PERMITTED ACCESSORYUSES,”T OMODIFY THE ACCESSORYUSESFOR HOTELS IN THE NORTH SHORELOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT AND EXPAND THE ALLOWABLE ACCESSORYUSESFOR EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDINGSINTHE NORTH SHORENAT IONALREGISTERDISTRICTT OALLOW FOR ACCESSORYCAFÉ,OFFICE, RETAIL,PERSONALSERVICE, AND NON-MOTORIZED WATERCRAFTRENTAL USES;AND BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0, ENTITLED “OFF-STREETPARKING,”ARTICLE II,ENTITLED “DISTRICTS; REQUIREMENTS,” SECTION 13 0-31,ENTITLED “PARKINGDISTRICTS ESTABLISHED,”TO PROVIDEFOR AN EXCEPTION TO OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORCERTA IN ACCESSORY ANDCONDITIONAL USES ON RM-1 PROPERTIESI NTHE NORTHSHORE NATIONALREGISTERHISTORIC DISTRICT; AND PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 118-164 of the City’s Land DevelopmentCode. Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to take parti nthis meetingo rb erepresented by an agent.The public maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to:CityClerk@miamibeachfl.govb y5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual City CommissionMeeting.Pleaseidentify theAgenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissioners and will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Copies of Agenda Items areavailablefor public inspectionat: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/ agenda-archive-main-page-2/.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances, additional legalnotice need notb eprovided. Pursuantt oSection286.010 5, Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecidest oappeal any decisionmadeb ythe CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing, suchperson must ensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introductiono radmissiono fotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To requestthis materiali nalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiami Beach Ad 06242020-02 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH VIRTUALCIT YCOMMISSION MEE TING PROCEDURES JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCIT YCOMMISSIONMEETING The June 24,2020 CityofMiami BeachCommissionMeetingwill be helda saVirtual Meeting with the Mayor,Commissioners,andCitystaff participatingthrough videoconferencing. •Howt oviewthe VirtualCityCommission Meeting: TheVirtual CityCommissionMeetingwill be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableo nthe City’s websiteathttps://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/, as well as on Atlantic Broadband Cablechannel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,Hotwire Communications channel 395, andROKUdevice on PEG.TV channel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach. •Howt oprovide spoken public commentduringthe VirtualCityCommission Meeting: To take parti norprovide comments duringthe Virtual CityCommissionMeeting,the public may: •Jointhe webinarat:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/812 26962383 Or By telephone at:1.312.626.6799 (U.S.)or 877.853.5257(To ll Free). TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#. Memberso fthe public wantingt ospeak on an item duringthe Virtual CityCommission Meeting,must click the“raise hand”iconi fusing the Zoom app or press* 9onthe telephone to raise their hand. •Howt osubmit writtenpubliccommentbeforethe VirtualCityCommission Meeting: Thepublic maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov by 5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual CityCommissionMeeting.Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissionersand will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Pleasenote that GovernorDeSantis’Executive OrderNumber20-69suspendedthe requirement of Section 112.286,FloridaStatutes,the FloridaSunshine Law, that aquorum must be present in person,andthatalocal governmentbodymeeta taspecificpublic place.TheExecutive Order also allowslocal government bodies to utilize communications media technology, such as telephonic andvideo conferencingfor local government bodymeetings. DR.STA NLEY SUTNICKCITIZEN’S SPEAKERSFORUM Thetimes forthe public comment period,known as the Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum,are 8:30 a.m.and1:00 p.m.,or as soona spossible thereafter.Approximatelythirty minuteswill be allocated to each session,with individuals beinglimited to no more than three minuteso rfor a period established by the Mayor.No appointment or advance notificationi sneeded to speak to theCommissionduringthis Forum.Duringthe Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum,you may addressany issues and/orconcerns. AUDIO/VISUAL PRESENTAT IONS Membersofthe public maypresentaudio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgendaItems at Virtual CityCommissionmeetings by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,provided that materials aresubmittedt othe Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 a.m., one(1) businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateA Vequipment.A Vmaterials must be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov.Thebodyo fthe email must include anotationlistingthe name or group, contactperson,daytime telephonenumber,email address,description/title of the presentation,and Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item Number.Please reference “Audio/Visual Material” in the email subject line.Acceptableformats forelectronic submission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.avi, and .mov.(Notethat.pdf is the preferred format forPowerPoint presentations.) To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), informationo naccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect option6 ;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiami Beach Ad No.06242020-03 SUNDAY JUNE 7 2020 NEIGHBORS 11NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCITY COMMISSION MEETING The June 24,2020 CityofMiamiBeachCommissionMeetingwill be heldasaVirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners, and Citystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing.TheVirtual CityCommissionMeetingwill be broadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableonthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/,aswell as on Atlantic Broadband Cablechannel 660,AT&T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, and ROKU device on PEG.TVchannel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach.T oparticipateo rprovide comments,the public mayjointhe Virtual CityCommissionMeetingat:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81226962383 or via telephoneat: 1.312.626.6799 (U.S.)or 877.853.5257(Toll Free).TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Memberso fthe public wanting to speak on an item duringthe Virtual CityCommissionMeeting,must click the “raise hand”icon if usingthe Zoom app or press *9 on the telephone to raise their hand. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the followingpublic hearings will be heardb ythe Mayorand CityCommissioners of the CityofMiamiBeach,Florida,o nJune 24,2020 at thefollowing times,o ra ssoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 10:00 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,ADOPTING THE FIFTHAMENDMENT TO THEGENERALFUND,ENTERPRISE FUNDS,INTERNAL SERVICEFUNDS,AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BUDGETSFOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 AS SETFORTHI NTHIS RESOLUTIONAND IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT“A.” This Resolution is beingheardpursuantt o§16 6.041 and§16.241 F.S.Inquiries mayb edirected to theOfficeo fManagement andBudgeta t305.673.7510. 10:05 a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,ADOPTINGTHE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITA LBUDGET FORFISCALYEAR2020 AS SETFORTH IN ATTACHMENTS A,“PROJECTS”;B, “SOURCE OF FUNDS”; AND C, “PROGRAMS.”This Resolution is beingheardpursuant to §166.041 and §16.241 F.S.Inquiries mayb edirected to theOfficeofManagement and Budget at 305.673.7510. 10:15a.m.Public Hearing ARESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONO FTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,FOLLOWINGADULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING,AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 82-93(B), FINDINGTHATTHE CRITERIA SETFORTH IN SECTION 82-94O FTHE CITY CODEHAS BEEN SATISFIED,AND APPROVINGAREVOCABLE PERMIT REQUESTB Y 544LAKEVIEW COURTIRREVOCABLETRUST,(THE “APPLICANT”)FORTHE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 544 LAKEVIEW COURT,MIAMIBEACH (THE “PROPERTY”)TO ALLOW FORASEAWALLREPAIRAND REINFORCEMENT,SUCHSEAWALL APPROXIMAT ELYTHREE (3) FEETWIDE AND APPROXIMATELY208’- 6”IN DISTA NCE; AND AUTHORIZINGTHE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE REVOCABLEPERMIT.This Resolutioni sbeing heardpursuantt oSection §166.041 F.S.Inquiries mayb edirected to thePublicWorks Department at 305.673.7080. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to take parti nthis meetingo rb erepresented by an agent.The public maysubmitwritten comments by sendinga nemail to:CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov by 5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual CityCommission Meeting.Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayor and Commissioners and will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Copieso fAgenda Items areavailablefor public inspection at:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/agenda- archive-main-page-2/.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5, Fla.Stat., theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by theCityCommissionwith respect to anymatterconsidered at its meetingo rits hearing,such personmustensure that averbatim record of the proceedings is made, whichrecord includes the testimony and evidence upon which theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consentb ythe Cityfor theintroduction or admissiono fotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedb ylaw. To request this materiali nalternate format,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on access forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participate in anyCity-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 06242020-04 The June 24,2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeeting will be helda saVirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners, and Citystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing.TheVirtual CityCommissionMeeting willbebroadcast live on Miami BeachT V(MBTV), viewableo nthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/,a swell as on Atlantic Broadband Cable channel660,AT&T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, and ROKU device on PEG.T Vchannel,and on social media at facebook.com/cityofmiamibeach.T oparticipateo rprovide comments,the public mayjointhe Virtual CityCommissionmeetingat:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81226962383 or via telephone at: 1.312.626.6799 (U.S.) or 877.853.5257(To ll Free).TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Members of the publicwantingt o speak on an item duringthe Virtual CityCommissionMeeting,mustclickthe “raise hand” icon if usingthe Zoom appo rpress *9 on the telephone to raise their hand. NOTICEI SHEREBYGIVEN that the followingpublic hearingwill be heardb ythe Mayorand CityCommissionerso fthe City of Miami Beach,Florida,o nJune 24,2020 at 2:05 p.m.,o ra ssoonthereafter as the matter can be heard: 2:05 p.m.First ReadingPublicHearing RM-2 HOTEL ACCESSORYUSES-BALLROOMAND MEETING ROOMSTRUCTURES AN ORDINANCEO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 130ENTITLED "OFF-STREETPARKING," ARTICLE II,"DISTRICTS; REQUIREMENTS," SECTION130-32, “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKING DISTRICT NO.1,”TO AMEND THE OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTSFOR BALLROOMS AND MEETING ROOMS FORBUILDINGS ASSOCIATEDWITHHOTELS; AND AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,” ARTICLE II,ENTITLED “DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION 3, “RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYDISTRICTS,” SUBDIVISION IV,“RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY, MEDIUM INTENSITY,” SECTION 14 2-213 ,“CONDITIONAL USES,” TO AMEND THE ALLOWABLE CONDITIONAL USES IN THE RM-2 ZONINGDISTRICT;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section2.05 of theCity Charter,Section 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code,and §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIES areinvited to take partinthis meetingo rberepresented by an agent.The public maysubmit written comments by sendinga nemail to:CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov by 5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual CityCommission Meeting.Please identify theAgenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwardedtothe Mayor and Commissioners andwill be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Copies of Agenda Items areavailablefor public inspectionat:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/agenda- archive-main-page-2/.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,andunder suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need notb eprovided. PursuanttoSection286.0105, Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the publicthat if apersondecides to appeal any decision madeb ythe CityCommissionwith respect to anymatter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such person must ensure that averbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecord includesthe testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introductiono radmissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To requestthis materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on access forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6 ;TTY users maycallvia 711(Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiami Beach Ad 06242020-05 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE RM-2 HOTEL ACCESSORYUSES-BALLROOMAND MEETING ROOMSTRUCTURES JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCITY COMMISSION MEETING SUNDAY JUNE 7 2020 NEIGHBORS 17NE MIAMIHERALD.COM The June 24,2020 Cityo fMiami BeachCommissionMeeting will be held as a VirtualMeeting with the Mayor,Commissioners, and Citystaffparticipatingthrough video conferencing.TheVirtual City CommissionMeeting will be broadcast live on Miami BeachTV(MBTV), viewableo nthe City’s website at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/government/mbtv/,a swell as on Atlantic Broadband Cablechannel 660,AT &T U-verse channel 99,HotwireCommunications channel 395, andROKUdeviceonPEG.TV channel,and on social mediaa tfacebook.com/cityofmiamibeach.T oparticipateo rprovide comments,the public mayjoin the Virtual CityCommissionmeetingat:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81226962383 or via telephone at:1.312 .626.6799 (U.S.) or 877.853.5257(Toll Free).TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Members of the public wantingtospeak on an item during the Virtual CityCommissionMeeting,mustclick the “raise hand” icon if usingthe Zoom app or press* 9onthe telephone to raise their hand. NOTICEI SHEREBYGIVEN that thefollowingpublic hearingwill be heardb ythe Mayorand CityCommissionerso fthe Cityo f Miami Beach,Florida,on June 24,2020 at 2:10p.m.,o ra ssoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 2:10p.m.First Reading Public Hearing NON-CONFORMINGPHARMACIESAND MEDICAL CANNABIS TREATMENT CENTERS/NONCONFORMANCE EXCEPTIONS AN ORDINANCEO FTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,BY AMENDINGSUBPART B,ENTITLED “LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,” BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 118, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATIONAND REVIEW PROCEDURES,"BY AMENDINGARTICLE IX, ENTITLED "NONCONFORMANCES,"A TSECTION118 -393, ENTITLED “NONCONFORMINGUSE OF BUILDINGS,”TOPERMIT ANONCONFORMINGPHARMACYSTORE OR NONCONFORMINGMEDICAL CANNABIS TREATMENT CENTER TO RELOCATE WITHIN THE SAME BUILDING,PROVIDEDTHATTHE RELOCATED PHARMACY STOREO RMEDICAL CANNABIS TREAT MENT CENTER IS NO LARGER THAN 2,000 SQUARE FEET,AND TO PROVIDE THATANONCONFORMINGPHARMACY STOREO R MEDICAL CANNABIS TREAT MENT CENTER THATISRELOCATED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTIONSHALL BE EXEMPTFROM THE MINIMUM DISTA NCESEPARATION REQUIREMENTS SETFORTH IN SECTION142-1502(b)(4) and (5); AND PROVIDING FORREPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries mayb edirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to take parti nthis meetingorberepresented by an agent.The publicmay submit written comments by sendinga nemail to:CityClerk@miamibeachfl.gov by 5:00 p.m.the daybeforethe Virtual CityCommission Meeting.Pleaseidentifythe Agenda Item Number in the email subject line. Emails receivedwill be forwarded to the Mayorand Commissionersand will be included as aparto fthe meetingrecord. Copies of Agenda Items areavailable forpublic inspectionat:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/agenda- archive-main-page-2/.This meeting,or any item therein,may be continued,and under such circumstances,additional legal notice need not be provided. Pursuantt oSection286.010 5, Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision madeb ythe City Commissionwith respect to anymatter considered at its meetingo rits hearing,such person must ensure that averbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introductiono radmissiono fotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this materiali nalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participatei nany City-sponsoredproceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6 ;TTY usersmay call via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk City of Miami Beach Ad 06242020-06 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGNON-CONFORMING PHARMACIES AND MEDICAL CANNABIS TRE AT MENT CENTERS/NONCONFORMANCE EXCEPTIONS JUNE 24,2020 VIRTUALCITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND INTENT TO CONSIDER ADEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT JUNE 24,2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataFirst Reading/Public Hearing will be heardb ythe Mayorand CityCommissiono fthe Cityo f Miami Beach,Florida,via teleconference andwebinar on Wednesday,June24, 2020 at 10:10a.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter canb eheard to consider thebelowreferenced development agreement.T oparticipateo rprovide comments, thepublic mayjointhe virtual meetingat: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/812 26962383 or viatelephone at:1.312.626.6799 (U.S.) or 877.853.5257(To ll Free).TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Memberso fthe public wantingt ospeak on an item duringthe Virtual Special CommissionMeeting,must click the“raise hand” icon if usingthe Zoom app or press* 9o nthe telephonetoraise their hand. ARESOLUTIONOF THEMAYORANDCIT YCOMMISSIONOF THECITY OF MIAMIBEACH,TO CONSIDERAPPROVAL, FOLLOWINGFIRST READING/PUBLICHEARING,O FADEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AS AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 118-4 OF THECITYCODE,AND SECTIONS 163.3220 –163.3243, FLORIDASTATUTES,BETWEEN THE CITY AND TSAY INTERNATIONAL,INC.(THE “OWNER”), WHICHDEVELOPMENTAGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR THE OWNER’SVOLUNTARYCONSENTT OTHE DESIGNATIONOFTHE PROPERTY AT 2301NORMANDYDRIVE (THE“DEVELOPMENTSITE”) AS AN INDIVIDUAL HISTORIC SITE,PURSUANTTOCHAPTER 118, ARTICLE X, DIVISION 4O FTHE CITY CODE,SUBJECTT OAND CONTINGENT UPON THECITYCOMMISSION’S ENACTMENT OF CERTA IN AMENDMENTS TO THECITYCODE,LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULAT IONS,AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,A TTHE CITY COMMISSION’S SOLEDISCRETION; AND,FURTHER,SETTING THESECONDAND FINAL READING OF THE DEVELOPMENTAGREEMENT FORATIMECERTAIN. PROPERTY:The Development Siteconsists of 2301NormandyDrive (Folio No.02-3210-011 -0620). ZONING DISTRICTS:The proposed DevelopmentSitei scurrentlylocated within theRM-1 Residential multifamily, low densitydistrict.The proposed Development Agreement contemplates that the CityCommissionwill approve amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations including,butnot limited to,the following: (a) amendments to the Resilient Land Useand Development Element of the Comprehensive Plan,at Policy RLU1.1.5,to permit hotels,apartment hotels,and suitehotels on properties located northo fNormandyDrive,havingalotareagreater than 30,000 squarefeet,whichare individuallydesignatedasanhistoric site (“Designated Historic Sitesi nNorth Beach”); (b) amendments to the City’s Land Development Regulations to permit the followinguses on Designated Historic Sites in North Beach: hotels,apartment hotels,and suitehotels;accessory uses customarilyassociated with the operationo fahotel, includingretail,restaurants with or withoutaccessory bars,and personal services; and accessory outdoorbar counters, accessory outdoor and open air entertainment establishments,and accessory neighborhood impact establishments as conditional uses; and (c) amendments to the CityCode pertainingt ominimum distance separationrequirements forthe sale of alcoholic beverages. MAXIMUM HEIGHT:Within the Development Site,the maximum height shall notexceed 80 feet.Architectural projections will comply with theterms of the Development Agreement andotherapplicableprovisions of the City’s Land Development Regulations. PERMITTED USES:Within the Development Site, in additiont oresidential apartments,allowablemainpermitted uses wouldinclude hotels,apartment hotels,and suitehotels,and accessory uses customarilyassociated with the operation of ahotel,includingretail,restaurants with or withoutaccessory bars,and personal services.Allowableusessubject to conditional useapprovalb ythe PlanningBoardinclude accessory outdoor bar counters,accessory outdoorand open air entertainment establishments,and accessory neighborhood impact establishments.The maximumFAR in theRM-1district is 1.25, and the maximum densityfor residential uses is 60 units per acre.Thereisnomaximum densitylimit forhoteluses in theRM-1 district. Acopy of theproposed Development Agreementi savailable forpublicinspection duringnormalbusinesshoursinthe Office of theCityClerk,1700ConventionCenter Drive, 1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida33139. INTERESTED PARTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,o rtoexpresstheir views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/othe CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormalbusinesshoursi nthe CityClerk’s Office, 17 00 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor,CityHall,MiamiBeach,Florida 3313 9.This meeting,or anyitemherein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need notb eprovided.Pursuantt oSection286.0105, Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision madeb ythe CityCommission with respect to any matter considered at its meetingo rits hearing,such person must ensurethat averbatim recordo fthe proceedings is made, whichrecord includes the testimony and evidence upon which theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consentbythe Cityfor the introductiono radmissiono fotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on access forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participate in anyCity-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select option 6;TTYusers maycall via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiami Beach Ad 06242020-07 SUNDAY JUNE 7 2020 NEIGHBORS 5NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND INTENT TO CONSIDER ADEVELOPMENT AG REEMENT JUNE 24,2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataFirst Reading/PublicHearingwill be heardb ythe Mayorand Cit yCommissiono fthe Cityo fMiami Beach,Florida,via teleconference and webinar on Wednesday,June 24, 2020 at 9:05 a.m.,or as soonthereafter as the matter can be heardt oconsiderthe belowreferenced development agreement.T oparticipateo rprovide comments,the public mayjointhe virtual meetingat: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/812 26962383 or via telephone at:1.312 .626.6799 (U.S.)or 877.853.5257(To ll Free).TheWebinar ID is:81226962383#.Memberso fthe public wantingtospeak on an item during the Virtual Special CommissionMeeting,must click the “raise hand”iconi fusingthe Zoom app or press* 9o nthe telephone to raise their hand. ARESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,TO CONSIDER APPROVAL,FOLLOWING FIRST READING/PUBLICHEARING,O FADEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AS AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 118-4 OF THE CITY CODE,AND SECTIONS163.3220 –163.3243, FLORIDASTATUTES,BETWEEN THE CITY AND MARINA PARK,LLC (ORONE OR MOREAFFILIATESTHEREOF)(THE “DEVELOPER”), WHICHDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: (1)DELINEAT ES CONDITIONSFOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY-OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 300-400 ALTONROAD,THE CURRENT UPLAND SITE OF THE MIAMIBEACH MARINA (FOLIO NOS.02-4203-009-9210,02-4203-000-0010,AND 02-4203-009-9250) (COLLECTIVELY, THE “DEVELOPMENT SITE”), WITH SUCH DEVELOPMENT SITE LIMITED TO AMAXIMUM FLOORAREAO FAPPROXIMAT ELY320,000 SQUARE FEET(OF WHICHTHERE SHALL BE AMAXIMUM OF APPROXIMATELY275,000 SQUARE FEETFOR RESIDENTIAL USES AND APPROXIMATELY45,000 SQUARE FEETFOR RETA IL,RESTAURANT,OFFICE AND MARINA USES), WITH THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTED THEREON LIMITED TO UP TO 385 FEETI NHEIGHT,WITHU PT O60RESIDENTIAL UNITS,AND WHICHSHALL INCLUDEA NAT-GRADEPARKCONSISTING OF AT LEAST1.0 ACRES(THE “MARINA PARK PROJECT”); (2) MEMORIALIZESTHE CONDITIONS FORTHE CITY’S SALE TO MARINA PARK,LLC (ORA NAFFILIATE THEREOF)O FTHE AIRPARCEL WITHIN WHICH THE APPROXIMAT ELY275,000 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE MARINA PARK PROJECT IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED (“SALE OF AIRPARCEL”), AND THE CITY’S 99 YEAR LEASE TO AN AFFILIATE OF SUNTEXMARINA INVESTORS,LLC,OF THE DEVELOPMENT SITE (EXCLUDING THE AIRPARCEL)AND ASSOCIATED LEASE OF SUBMERGEDLANDS FORMARINA USE(THE “MARINA LEASE”);(3) MEMORIALIZESCONDITIONS FORVACAT INGTHE WESTERN HALF OF THE CITY’S RIGHT-OF-WAY AT ALTONROAD ADJACENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT SITE,PURSUANT TO SECTION 82-37O FTHE CITY CODE AND SECTION 1.03(B)(4)OF THE CITY CHARTER (COLLECTIVELY, THE “CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA”); (4)PROVIDES FORTHE DEVELOPER’S DESIGN, PERMITTING,AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE MARINA PARK PROJECT,INCLUDING RESILIENCY ENHANCEMENTSAND OTHER CAPITALIMPROVEMENTS,AT DEVELOPER’S SOLE COSTAND EXPENSE; AND (5) WITH THE FOREGOING SUBJECTT OAND CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF THEMARINALEASE AND THE SALE OF THEAIR PARCEL BY AMAJORITYO FTHE VOTERS VOTING IN ACITY-WIDE REFERENDUM,PURSUANT TO SECTION 1.03(B)(1)OF THECITYCHARTER; AND FURTHER,SETTING THESECOND AND FINALREADING OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FORATIMECERTAIN. PROPERTIES:The Development Siteconsists of: 344 Alton Road 02-4203-009-9210 344 Alton Road 02-4203-000-0010 400 Alton Road 02-4203-009-9250 ZONING DISTRICT:The proposed DevelopmentSitei scurrentlylocated within the GU zoningdistrict.The development regulations in the GU district arethe averageo fthe requirements contained in the surroundingzoningdistricts.The Development Siteissurrounded by property zoned C-PS4, and as aresult,i ssubject to the development regulations of the C-PS4 zoningdistrict.The maximum FA Ri nthe C-PS4 district is 2.5. TheproposedDevelopmentAgreement contemplates that the Cit yCommissionwill approve amendments to theCity’sComprehensive Plan and Land DevelopmentRegulations,to: (a)amend the Resilient Land Use andDevelopmentElement,Goal RLU1,objective RLU1.1,PolicyRLU1.1.17,entitled “Public Facility:Governmental Uses(PF)”to permit public-private marina redevelopment and related uses on public property;and (b) amend the City’s Land Development Regulations by creatingSection 14 2-708, entitled,“AdditionalRegulationsfor Public-Private MarinaMixed-Use Redevelopments Incorporating City-owned MarinaProperty”. MAXIMUM HEIGHT:Subject to theCityCommission’s approvalofthe foregoingamendments to theCity’sComprehensive Planand Land Development Regulations,the proposed DevelopmentAgreement providesthatthe tower structurebuilt on the Development Siteshall notexceed385 feet to the topo fthe roof.Architectural projections will comply with the terms of the Development Agreement andother applicableprovisions of the City’s Land Development Regulations. PERMITTED USES:The currentmain permitted uses in the City’s C-PS4 District aresingle-family,townhome,apartment,apartment hotel,hoteland suitehotel,hostel,commercial,and uses accessory to the main permitted uses.The proposed Development Agreement will permit (i)up to 60 residential units,includingsingle-familydetacheddwellings,townhomes,condominiums,and apartments; and (ii)up to 45,000 squarefeeto fretail,office and restaurant uses.TheCity’s Land Development Regulations provide forpopulation densities forthis zoningdistrict of 12 5units per acre. Acopy of theproposed Development Agreementisavailable forpublicinspection duringnormalbusinesshours in theOfficeofthe City Clerk,1700 Convention CenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach, Florida33139. INTERESTED PARTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,or be representedb yanagent,o rt oexpress theirviews in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o theCityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublicinspectionduringnormal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need notb eprovided.Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat., the Cityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingo rits hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductiono radmission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedb ylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationt oreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cityo fMiamiBeach Ad 06242020-08