E11 b~!' & , . j:~ ; . .. ':' '--'-==c"-_ t\' ~. , ., " ,. I ~. day of 1/ ~12dJAc- ~A/' _ ~.I..A"./ vt/ tit . DD""Yt' 8 /I /0 I tt- :L 7 IJf.b I - ~ - ~ 14.;O'~i ~~ .,J,.L.:l~~ Ll ~:L.:J~ .'~~~..J~;'13, 1ba..t we, ~n oOY.l.sidHr0.ticn of the benefits accruinG to us by reason of convenient access and a lesser cost of the construction of sewers and the desirability of, laving the things hereil1after specified. plaoed in the locations lIDted. below. and in con- ::;iderfitioll of ";1.00. recei:pt of which is hereby aCknowledeed, do hereby sive and STant '~ltO the City of M~i Beach, Florida, its successors and aSsib"113 and its grantees operating public utilities, the perpettnl right and easelllent. to lay and maintaL'1 sewers, water ma.ins, telephone '....~ and electric conduits underground. between the end. of an;y highvl"ol.Y and another lot or piece of land and which are reserved froo public use in the following named subdivis ions, as such highwa.ys appear on the following -maps of said subdivisions,- First Mdition to Co!~ercial Subdivision; BeUeview Subdivision; 'and Palm View Subdivision; as recorded on Plats recorded in Plat Book No.6, Page 30. in Plat Book No.6. .Page 1.14; and in Plat Book No.6. Page 29. res:::}) ctively. all of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. In ',i r1imsS,iliB..'1EOF, the sai d ALTOl.{ BE:I.CH RE.>.LTY CO;.IPAlfl, bas caused these presents to be _si~led in i~s name by its Vice President and its corporate seal to fixed, attested by its Assistant Secretary. both duly authorized,. at 1!iami Beach, Dade C01.U1ty, Florida, this ~,!-z:I... A. D., 1925. 'l'HB A1~OH BE.\.CH R8b..V;:Y C o.:.:..'..url , 131 i/ I Vice /y~ ~ / . '- 01 ' .i.t~e5t; , , ~~ Assis't;j,nt Jecreta,rj". .... ,- \ . . . - .. ,,~, '~ ......... .._-----_.._,_....~--._~.- ~. }' .. S~TE OF FLORIDA) ( SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) .......-!. I, HE..'tEBY CERTIFY tbat on this day persona.lly appeared before me, J. A.~.vOOD VIALKER, and \':. B. BUCILU~A.N, Vice President .~, and A.ssistant Secretary, respectively, of the .ll,TCN BEACH REdLTY COI.;:'::'~, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me well knOVID. to be the persons described in and who executed 'the forego ing instrument, am. they acknowledged before me tha t they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed, ani that said instr'lJllent is the act and deed of said Corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, Da.de Oounty, Florida, thi' :29 day O'rA~ A. D., 1925. .~~~ liotar;{"",o11c ;:s ComJ:li~sion e;:Ldres: #'-~-eJ (.