DD 32
m 2~;r:'l 21;-1
REC u,Ju P.~GE vi
. ,
WHEREAS, the una..rsiped, 1IEW DGLAJi1D MtJ'fUAL Li.FB
iNSURAlICE COMPAJ1Y, a corporation organiz.d una..r the laws
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is the own.r and hola..r
of that c.rtain Mortgage and Consolia.ation Agr....nt a.ated
July 19, 195i, wherein Abraham Mailaan and Jos.ph Mailman,
joined by th.ir resp.ctive wiv.s, Alic. KailaaD and .Phyllis
Mailaan, are the mortlagors, which mortga,e encumbers, aaontj
other thintjs, the following described property situate, lyintj
and being in Miami Beach, and aore farticularly described as
follows, to wit:
Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five
(5), Six (i), S.ven (7) and Bight (6) of
Block Fifty-thre. (53) of PiRE RiDGE
SUBDiViSiON, according to plat th.r.of
recorded in Plat Book i, at page 34, of the
PUblic Records of Dade county, Florida,
TOGBmDIR with all tne equi tabl.,
legal and reversioaary rignts of the
Mortgagors in and to a c.rtain rectan-
gular strip of land Twenty (20) f..t
in width, and bounded on tne Bortn by
the Soutn line of Lot Four (4), of
Block Fifty-thre. (53), of PDlB RiDGE,
a Subdivision of Dad. County, Florida,
according to the plat thereof, record.d
in Plat Book i at Page 34 of the .PUblic
Records of Dade County, Florida, on the
Bast DY washington Avenu., on the West
by Drex.l Avenu., and on the South by a
line parall.l to and Twenty (20) f..t
distant froa the said South Line of
said Lot Four (4) of Block Fifty-thr..
(53) of PiNE RiDGE, as afor.sai.,
which Mort,ag. and Consolidation Agr._.nt was r.corded in
Mort,a,. Book 3i55 at Page 455 of the Public Records of Dad.
couaty, Florida, ana.
WBBRBAS, the said Abrahaa Mailaall and Jos.ph Mailaall
and their said respective wives, and others, have dedicated
to the City of lIiaai .each, Florida, a municipal corporatioa,
its successors and assips, a c.rtain portion of the prope~~
encWllb.red by the said Mortgage and Consolidation Atjr....at
owned and held by the undersi,ned, which dedication is for use
m 2559 mGE 252
>>y ~he said Ci~y an. the pUblic for a s~ree~ or alleyway, and
WBB:REAS, the said Abrah.. Mailaan an. Joseph Mailaaa
have requ.es1:ed 'the undersigne. ~o consen~ ~o and join in 'the
dedica~ion of ~ae por~ions of the property aerein referred
~o on 'the ~eraa and condi~ions aerein se~ for'th,
HOIf, THEREFORE, ill considera~ion of the sua of One
Dollar ($1.00), and for o'ther good llIld valuule cOllsidera~ions
un~o 'the undersigned in hlllld paid, ~he receip~ wbereof is
hereby acknowledged, the undera1Cj1lea, ~o ~he 8X~en~ ~ha~ i~
aay have or hold any righ~, ~i~le, ill~eres~, lien, claia or
es~a~e in and ~o 'the followillg aescribed property, or any
portion thereof, situated in 'the City of Mi...i .each, Dade
County, Florida, cioes herey join in and consent ~o the dedi-
ca~ion thereof ~o ~he said Ci~y of Mi.aai Beach of ~he said
proper~y for use by ~he Ci~y and ~be pUblic for a s~reet,
or alleyway, ~he proper~y which is ~he sujec~ of the said
dedication being more particularly described as follows, to
B8CjiJuling at 'the Southeast corner of Lot 10,
or the Southwest comer of Lot 1, Block 53,
P1HB RIDGE SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat
Book' at Page 34, of the PUblic Records of
Dade County, Florida, run eaaterly along the
Southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 53, a
distance of 5.0 feet to a poiatl thence ~
Northwesterly along a line deflec~ing 135 to
the lef~, a distance of 7.07 feet to a point,
thence run lfortherly along a line parallel to
and 1.07 feet distant Easterly from tne Westerly
line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 53, a distance
of 98.0 feet to a point, thence run Northeasterly
along a line deflectiDg to tne right 100291 25.2-
a dis~ance of 21.58 feet to a point, tnence run
Northerly along a line deflecting 10029125.2"to
the left along a line parallel to and 5.0 feet
distaateasterly from the Westerly lifte of Lots
2 and 3 of said Block 53, a distance of 155.77
feet to a point OD 'the Southerly 11ne of a 20.0
foot alley as described iaDeed Book 2075 at Page
191 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida,
theDce run Westerly aloDg a line deflecting goOto
the left along the Southerly line of said described
alley, said line being parallel to and 20.0 feet
distan~ Southerly from the Northerly line of Lots
3 and 5 of said BlOCK 53, a distance of 34.28 fee~
to a pointJ thence run Southerly along a line
deflecting 90 to the left a distance of 24.65
feet to a pointJ ~heace run Easterly along a lille
deflecting goO to tn. left, a distance of 24.38
- 2 -
err 2~)~n 253
REC t.jJ P,\GE ..
fee't .'to a point: thence run Southerly aloftg a line
deflecting goO to the righ't, along a liae parallel
to and 5.0 fee't dis'tant Westerly from the Eas'terly
liae of Lo'ts 5:6:7 and 8 of said Block 53, a
distance of 121.12 fee't 'to the Poin't of CUrvature (P.C.)
of a circular curve: thence run Sou'thwes'terly along
the arc of a circular curve deflecting to the right
haviag for its elements a cen'tral angle of 180 11'
41.5-, a radius of 50.0 feet, a distance of 15.88
feet, to the Poin't of Reverse CUrvature (P..R.C.)
of said circular curve: thence run sou'tbwes'terly
along tne arc of a circular curve deflecting to the
left, having for its eleaen'ts a cen'tral angle of
180 11' 41.5-, a radius of 50.0 fee't, a distance
of 15.88 feet 'to the point of Tangency (P.T.) of
said curve: thence rua Soutberly tangent 'to the las't
meationed circular curve along a line parallel 'to
and 10.0 feet dis'tan't westerly from the Easterly
line of I.ots 8: 9 and 10 of said Block 53, a
dis'tance of 98.0 feet 'to a point: thence run
Sou'thwesterly aloDg. a liDe deilec'ting 450 'to the
rivht, a cUs'tance of 7.07 feet 'to a point on the
Southerly liDe of said Lo't 10, Block 53, 'thence rliUl
Easterly along a line deflec'tinv 1350 'to the lef't
along the Southerly line of Lo't 10 of said Block
53, or the Northerly line of 16th Streett, a distance
of 15.0 feet 'to the PQint of Bevianil1Cj of tae
parcel of land herein described, con'taininv 0.058
acres, more or less,
providinV, however, tha't 'this cOBsen't and jo:iJldeJr in the said
dedica'tion is subject to wha'tever right, title, interes't, lien,
claim or estate the undersiVRed has or might have in and to
the said proper'ty dedica'ted :iJl the event 'the said dedica'tion
is hereaf'ter discontinued, revoked or cancelled.
IN WITDSS WDRB()F, the undersigned has caused
these presents 'to be executed by i'ts proper officers here1lD'to
duly au'thorized this f - day of 1>eceJlber, 1960.
~:: . /./. i1Jjz
Yi~; ~) t~/~:t''L,
HEW UGLUm M.tf'fWAL li.U'I:'
IIlSU COMPDY -7'''..
. ',,"'lit
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~"". '. .. _-:~ -;',:~::~,~:-:-""'> lj!..;,
At'tes't~- ~ ~ ~./;,~
AsaUt_, S.cre r:y
- 3 -
~~t 255D P.\GE 254
) SS:
I DRDY CERTIFY '!'hat on this day personally
appeared before .., an officer duly authorized to administer
oaths and take acknowleGgDlents,
Richard S. Willis
Lewis Bishop
respectively Vice President and
a corporation of the C~oDW8alth of Massachusetts, to .. well
known to be the persons described in and who executed the
for8901Dg JOIDBR III DEDICATION, and duly acknowledged before
.. that they executed the s... for the purpose therein expressed
as the act and deed of said corporation.
1M WI'l'IlBSS WBIlUOF, I have hereuato set ay haad aad
affixed ay official seal at Boston
, said County and
State, this 5th
day of December, 1960.
_. '~F '; :.,
Mr Co-.1ssiol1 expires:
4~ I, /9tr
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Notary ~lic ",,;;", .\:' J..,;) .-:'~-
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State of Florida, County of Dade. - ~
This instru.mentJ'las filed for record the...~! day orf~~""
1961 at~..!~. and ~ Ulcorded in OFfiCIAL RECORDS
Book.~~LOh paae.,::-?/File ~61R...~~~.~.2Y
Au ' ~-~
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