DD 32 -2
. ,
, .
~a 2559 PAGE 255
United States Banking corporation, being the owner of the
fee staple title to the preaises situate in Mi..i Beach, Dade
County, Florida, and aore particularly aescri.ed as follows,
to wits
Lots Riae (9) ana Tea (10) ia Block
Fifty-three (53) of PIHB RIDGE SUBDIVISION,
accordiag to the Plat thereof, recorded in
Plat Book i at Page 34 of the Public Records
of Dade couaty, Florida,
and being the owner of the Lessee's iaterest in a certain
ninety-nine (99) year lease recorded in Deed Book 4311, at
Page 130 of the Public Records of Dade COWlty, Florida,
d..ising the following land situate in Miaai Beach, Dade
County, Florida, aad more particularly described as follows,
to wits
All of Lots Five (5), Six (i), Seven (7), and
Bight (9) in Block Fifty-three (53) of PD1B
RIDGE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book i at Page 34, of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida, SUBJECT,
however, to that certain dedication dated
JUDe 22, 1940, aade by LINCOLN 'l'OWBRS CORPORATION,
a Florida corporation, to the CITY OF MXAMI
BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, which
dedication covers the following described property,
situate, lying and being in Millai Beach, Dade
County, Florida, and aore particularly described
as follows, to wit:
A certain rectangular strip of land twenty (20)
feet in width and bOWlaed on the north by the south
line of Lot Four (4) of Block Fifty-three (53) of
PD1B RIDGE, a subdivision of Dade County, Florida,
according to~ the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat
Book 6 at Page 34 of the PUblic Records of Dade
COWlty, Florida, and on the east by Washington
Avenue, on the West by Drexel Avenue,
and on the south by a line parallel to and
twenty (20) feet distant frOlll the said South line
of said Lot Four (4) of Block Eifty-three (53)
of PINE RIDGE, as aforesaid,
and A.L. MAIIMN, joined by his wife, ALICE MAlIMAII, aad
J. L. MAIUGB, joined by his wife, PHYLLIS MAIUIAR, being
the owners of the fee simple title to the following described
land situate lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Dade
County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows,
tG wits
orr 5
REC 2 50 P,\GE 256
Lott...'l'wof(2) h.~ree (3), and Four (4) in
B~O\oiA FieY-l;JU;ee (53) Qf PINB RmGE
SUbdivision, according to the Plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 34 of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida,
and WASBIIIG'f01I AVEIItJE CORP., a Florida corporation, being
the owaer of all of the Lessee's interest in that certaia
10Rg tera sUb-lease recorded in Dee. Book 3639 at Pa,e 381
of the Public Records of Dade COWlty, Florida, deaisil1g
the following described land sitllate in the City of Hi..i
Beach, Dade County, Florida, .ore partiC1llarly descri>>eys
follows, to wits
Lot OneIl) in Block Fifty-three (53) of
PDlB amGB SUbQ1vision, accQrdillg to the
Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6 at pa,e
34 of the POlic Records of Dade County, Florida.
The aforesaid properties hereinabove described being all
of the land within the bo\U1daries of Block Fifty-three (53)
of the said PIa R.IDGE SVBD IVIS lOll ,
DO HEREBY DEDICATE \U1to the City of Mi..i,Beach,
~'\ a Florida a\U1icipal corporation, its sllccessors and assi,ns,
the following described premises in the said Block Fifty-three
(53) of the said PIa lUDGE SUBDIVISIOII, actre partiC1llarly
to wits
descri>>ed as follows,
J ",V
/ ;;
:,',: " n kt
r r, "v'
I 'f
Begilla1a, at the So.-aat cerael: of Lot 10,
or the SOlltaweat coraer ef Lot 1, Block 53,
PIllE RIDGB SUBDIVISIOII, as recorded in Plat
Book 6 at Page 34, of the Public Records of
Dade C01lDty, Florida, run easterly along the
SOlltherly line of said Lot 1, Block 53, a
distance of 5.0 feet to a POiRt, thence run
lIortbwestel:ly along a line deflecting 1350 to
the left, a distance of 7.07 feet to a point,
thence r1Ul 110rtherly along a line parellel to
and 1.07 feet distant easterly from the Westerly
line of Lots ~ and 2 of said Block 53, a distance
of 98.0 feet to a point1 thence run Bortheasterly
along a line deflecting to the right 100291 25.2-
a distance of 21.58 feet to a point, thence run
Bortherly along a line deflectillg 10029' 25.2- to
the left alon, a line parallel to and 5.0 feet
distant easterly .roa the westerly line of Lots
2 and 3 of said Block 53, a distance of 155.77
feet to a point on the Southerly li.e of a 20.0
foot alley as descri>>ed in Deed Book 2075 at Page
191 of the Public Records of Dade COWlty, Florida1
thence rua westerly alon9 a line deflecting 90 to
the left along the Southerly line of said descr1bed
alley, said line being parallel to and 20.0 feet
distant Southerly from the Bortherly line of LotsI
- 2 -
1M 2r:;:l""n 257
3 an. 5 of sai. Block 53, a .istance of 34.28 feet
to a point; tseace run Soatherly along a line
.eflecting 90 to the left a .istance of 24.65
f.et to a poilt; theace run Easterly along a line
..flecting 90 to the left, a .istance of 24.38
feet to a poilt; th8l1ce run southerly along a line
d.fl.ctin9 90 to the rilht[ alonv a line parall.l
to an. 5.0 fe.t distant .s~erly from the East.rly
line of Lots 5; 61 7 uui 8 of said Block 53, a
distance of 121.12 f..t to the Point of Curvatur. (P.C.)
ofp circular curv.; thence run Southwesterly along
the arc of a circular curve..fl.cting to theoright
having for its .l....t. a c.ntral angle of 18 11'
41.5., a radius of 50.0 fe.t, a distance of 15.88
f..t, to the Point of Revers. Curvatur. (P.R.C.)
of sai. circalar curve1 thence run Soutbwesterly
along the arc of a circular curv. deflecting to the
left, h.ving for its .leaants a central angle of
18011'41.5., a radius of 50.0 f..t, a distanc.
of 15.88 feet to the point of Tangency (P.T.) of
said C\lrVe1 thence run. Southerly tangent to the last
m.ntion.d circular curve along a line parall.l to
and 10.0 f.et distant W.st.rly fro. the Easterly
line of Lots 8, 9 and 10 of said Block 53, a
distanc. of 98.0 f.et to a point1 thenc! run
southwe..rly along a line d.flecting 45 to the
right, a distanc. of 7.07 f.et to a point on the
Southerly li.e of said Lot 10, Block053, thence run
East.rly along a line deflecting 135 to the left
along the Southerly line of Lot 10 of said Block
53, or the Northerly line of 16th Street, a distance
of 15.0 feet to the point of Beginning of the
parcel of land h.rein descri>>e., containing 0.058
acres, more or less,
as and for the us. by the City and by the pulic for a
.treet or alleyway, res.rving unto the undersigned, however,
and their succ..sors in ownership of the r.sp.ctive int.rests
h.reinabov. r.cited, the right to r.possess the .aid prop.rty
fr.. of all claia of right, otherwise creat.. hereby,
whenever the use of the .aid strip-sol.ly as a .tr..t or
alleyway is discontinued by the City of lIiaai B.ach, or
whea.ver the said strip is closed by the City of lIi..i Beach
as a street or alleyway, or when.ver the within dedication
is revoked by consent of the parties hereto and/or the
successors in ownership of the said parcels of property
h.reinabov. described as aforesaid. It is inteDd.d her.>>y
and this dedicatioD is made with the specific understanding
that the said dedication aay be revoked and cancelled at
any time with the consent, by resolution or ordiDance, of the
said City of Miami Beach, its successors and assigns, of tae
one part, and the undersigned, or their successors in owner-
ship, of the other part; but in the abs_ce of each joint
cODsents, the within dedication is irrevocable an4 shall
- 3 -
~H 2559 PAGE 258
continue so long as the said strip is actually used as a
street or alleyway. This dedication is made subject to tbe
rigbt to continue in existence any overbead structures
across the dedicated strip of land now pbysically present
and for the undersigned to service and maintain in sucb over-
bead. structures; and suJaject to the right of A.I.. MAIIMB
and J.I.. MAIIMN to construct and aaintain a colwan proposed
to be constructed in an area twenty (20) incbes square located
in the northeasterly corner of tbe property dedicated by the
witbin dedication. The undersigned warrant and represent
that they bave good title to the interest hereinabove recited
as owned by the. and have full right and lawful allthority to
give and .ake the within dedication.
IH WITHlSS WHBRBOF, the parties have caused these
presents to be executed this (J;t., day of Dec__er, 1960.
As to A.I.. MailJun and wife
aBACH. ':,7 ;I( ,
'. .
~# ".
", ,-
~ ".,.
L:teltZer, : Pre., ~~' 1:;;:.;,
~.# :-:~
~_"';~) "11:;'....
Attest J "> '~.. '>,
Erwin G. Steis, J:~.s~~e.f,' ',><,<:;
~u ; '",.,:'..,.'.'."......^'.,'
I ' " '. ~! r: \
, . (aBAL)
A.I.. MailaaD.
JGined by his wife
/)A. -1.1., l,t...
~~ (SEAL)
Alice llailaan
\, , .."J' ' ('JL1 .J...L...( /
As to th Bank
2)~j. C~
,.1z~4uZ:a ~~'v<./
As to Washi, ton Ave.ue
J .1.. Mailaaa
Joined by his wife
~ )))A....O _ _,
yl11s Mailaaa .......... ,,~'" .....' :,',~..fw. :: . ,
....:::-...'\:)"... "y'" " "
, ".....~.. '\..' '\ ...
WAS~A~ORP.i.~.'/ ::;t ;: '::
- "'-.," t. - t
.. ~ :. .:-:) (]) #- ~ ~
..... ' # t- - "- -s- " "
-~. ~ -'/') ~", ~. , /' ,,~',:-
A~in Cassel, ~~~,-",i:/,'f
Attest: ,I)~ J:., 9-e~;';":';:;"'~""
Doro ' RogGS, seereuary
- " -
eM 25
IIEe 5n P,\GE 259
) SS:
BBFORE ME, the wadersifjnea authority, personally
appeared SAMUEL L. SBLTZBR aad ERlUllT G. STEIS, to me well
known and known by me to be the persons described in and
who executed the forefjoing a. President aad Cashier of the
a United States banking corporation, and they .everally
acknowledged before me that they executed the same on
behalf of the said corporation as such President and
Cashier, .espectivelY1 and the seal affixed to said foregoing
document is the corporation seal and that it was affixed
by due and regular corporate authoritY1 that they were duly
authorized by said corporation to execute the same, and that
the same is the free act and deed of said corporation.
III WI'flIESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set WI hand
aad affixed "MY official seal, this ..2/ day of December,
. ' ,.,,1960, at Miami Beach, said Count and State.
. ,"/
'\. ..'
" .,
. , .
.... . ~. ,;' . ,
,,: l' t;,. 1l1,,1;' "I.' '~
~;'. ":', "My C__issioD expires:
. . ',' <Notq !,!ublic. State of Florida at Lorge,
. \.. My ~It!mission Expir~.~ Jan. 7. 1964.
'l '.tAn~~'hv Amp.rii"lIn Snr""t}' r... n' N V
" '."i
" 7"
) SS:
BEFORE lIB, the wadersiped authority, personally
appeare<l A. L. MAILMAN joined by his wife, ALICE MAILMAN,
each personally nova to me &ad known by me to be the
persons described in and who executed the forefjoing, and
they severally acknowledged Defore me that they executed
the same for the uses and purposes in said foregoing
document set forth.
III WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here_to set my hand and
official ".1, this I~' day of December, 1960, at
Miami Beach, said County and State.
My Commission Exp~res:
Notary Public. State of fTb"da at Large
My Commission Expires June 18, 1954
Bonded bv American Surety Co. of N. Y...
]'~ e. ;e~
Ilot ry PuDliq/'
State ef Florida
",,' .
. "';:J i '1 0' ,0.\
c' ..: :';^ "'_ ..'J ,,_
-,~: '~/ -- ,'"
. . ~ ~ ~ ,> '
~) ....~ ....tr c~ ~'-
-....?;.... .,,~~ ~-..~J .:-'~
v. ...t.~." o~.....~~\:,
'~:. :J A f' ~.",
- 5 -
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err 2~
REC ,J59 P,'GE 260
. ..
STATZ OF mnr YORl( )
) SSs
COUll'l'Y OF HEW YORl( )
BEFOU ME, the Ulciersipecl av.tl1ori ty, persollally
appeared J. L. MAILMAN joined ,:by his wife, PBrLLIS MAILMAN,
each personally known to me aad known :by me to :be the
persons described in and who exec.ted the foregoing, and
they severally acknowledged :before me that they executed
the same for the uses and purposes in said foregoing
document set forth.
My Comaission Expiress
~~ 30)1"1 fcv
Dl WITDSS lfBBREOF, I have .ere_to set ay .ud ud
official seal, this 5"ttJ day of Decellber, 1960, at New
York City, said Cov.nty and State.
Notary PUlic <:..' , , ',~"
State of New York) "
Notary Public, State of New York '
No, 31,6260630 Qual. in N,Y, County ';,
Cert.f,cate tiled in New York County ,
C:ommi$sion Expires March 30, 1962
.,.' ,
) SSs
BEFORE ME, the uadersicgaed authority, personally
appeared ALVIN CASSEL and DOROTHY ROGBRS, to .. well mown
and known :by me to De the persons descri:bed in and who
executed the foregoing as President ud Secretary respectively
of the above named WASHING'l'ON AVENUE CORP., a Florida corpora-
tion, and they severally acknowledged .efore me that they
executed the same on bAbalf of the said corporation as such
offioers, and the seal affixed to said doc...nt is the corpora-
tion seal and that it was affixed :by due ud reqv.lar corporat e
authority 1 that they were duly authorized :by saiell corporation
to execute the SaBle, and that same is the feee act and deed
of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here\U1to
affixed 'lIlY official seal, this '7 !! day
at Miami Beach, said Cov.nty and State.
set ray hud _ell
of Deceaber, 1960,
'. "'I :cll;'III
,,' :',~.!':1 0 Iv>'
::'iP>' """,~~:,.c,
'7 --rlY~' f. :,', ~ \ 1 f!.J7 : C" .
'.{A.:1:~.((J ' " . . ~ <Y: ~
Notary 'w, y 1 0 \\ ,.:.': ,:
State of l'lor~ ,"";'"
v/ I '~~ . \... -.:.' ....
v' ./',,' .... \,\"' .,'"
,,'';';] :1\ \ y., ".'
My Comaission Expiress
Notary Public. State of Florida at Large
My commission expires Mar. 25, 1964
BIRllo' by nut' !,nnAing f1 Inc:!nr~n('A r.n
State of Florida, County of Dade. ~ I ~ - . - A
This instrument ps filed for record th~...."... day orr ~
1961 at~!f.,M. and C, r.ac2Lde~ In OFFIC~ RE~RDS _
Bcck~~~,?OIi Page,..::~~=tlle #61R-..~..$(,.....~
BY,/" ,t.:\,... .~~.?.........t).. C.
- 6 -