Health Facilities Authority Brd THEHERALO I SUNDA',',NOVEMBEI~16,200~ I~ PUBLIC HEARING . ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE * PROPOSED ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY OF UP TO $115,000,000 HOSPITAL REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS ~ (MOUNT SINAI MEDICAL CENTER OF FLORIDA) NoUce is hereby given that a public hearing will be held bythe City of Miami 4Be..a.ch Health .F'.aci itl .os. Auth.grity (the "Authority") on December 3 2003, commem:tng at :u~J p.m. or sooruy merearmr` in the Cily Manager's Large Conference Room, City Hall, City of Miami Beach, Florida, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor, M ami Boachl Fl.,o~a 3~139, for t~e.pu~'poso.of, providing a. reasonable opportunity for interested J~er A~Lm..ex~. e.ss tn.e~r v,~ev~., Do? orally ana m wdUng (which must be received by umomy omore me neanng aate in an appropriately marked envelope), on th~ proposed issuance by the Authority of its City of Miami Beach Health Facilities Aulhor~/ Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (Mount Sinai Medical Center of R~ds), in an aggregate principaJ amount not to exceed $I 15,000,000 (the "Bonds"). The prOCeeds of the Bonds will be loaned to Mount Sinai MedicaJ Center of Clodds~ !.nc...(.t~. '.M_ed. ic. aJ Cent.er"):..a not-~r-.profi~., corporation organized under aws m me bra[e or Honoo, ano Will De USOC, tngetnor with other available monies, if any, to: (ii refund all or a portion of the then outstanding$25,000,O00 original prlecipeJ ~a~(~lUBntIa''C~' of. M_!an~i Boa.c.h Health Facilities ~,uthority Hospital Revenue Bonds Sedso · . MOUrn ~na MedJ~l ~enter of Flonds..F~cd~msP[.o'~ct), and $70 340,000 edgleal ~r,~,paLam.o.ant_City of._M.,a.m., .B. each Health Authority ~ital Rev~ue onoa, laxaore ~enes zuul[; (Mount Sinai Medical Canter of Florida Project (d~O. ll. ecgve, ly, the "Prio. r ..~_'), ~ii) fu.m~ .capitaliz~.intorest for the Bonda.~ (iii) fund i eDT service reserve zor me uonoo a.n.o (wi pay certain expenses in oonnecuoo with ~ ssuance of the Bonds arid the refunding of the Prior Bonds. T~.Prkx Bonds were issued to rafinance certsin health care facilities, lecledle~ lan.d,..l~m[n, gs, fixtures, fu.m. ishings, equipment, Ioasohold Interests and other iang~ ~o~)mpfl..pml. e p. ro~e~ which Fa. o.w .ne_d..by. the M_ledi.ca[ Center ~ am part ofh Meql..Cal uenmr S..l~C. ilflles Isoame a~ As:iuD Ai~on 1~080, Miami Beach, Florida, 470' 1M~i..d~ A.v.e. noo= Mmmi Bo~ch~ Florida, 400...~thur Godfrey Rog;I, Miarfli Beach, Florida ~uu Menman Avenue, Mmm, Beach, Florida, 8nd 250 63ra Street, Miami Beach Florida. obll .:['he Bonds. and the Interest thereon shall not constit]de a debt, II~aitlty g.aq .~ of the CUy of Miami Beach, Florida, or of the State of Florida or of any palib:a subdw[sm .thersof, but shall he payable solely from the revenues and loan paya..ble.un.o_er a. loan aDraement to be entered into by and between itm Autho~ej ..... Pursuant ~ . .s~-goo. 286.01.05, Fla...S~t.., the Authority hereby advises the public mai: rr a person ~c~oso m appeal any (reCiSloo made by the Authority with rsopect to any. m~er consalered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a ve.m. at~m record .of the proosodin, gs ~s made, whic.h record mstedso the lestimeny and evmecce upo.n, we~ch th~ appssl)s to be bsse~l. Th~s not,ce does not constitute Cansont by the ALrthor~ for the mtrndosUos or edmiss~oo of otherwise inadm ss bis or inatevant evidence, nor goes it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities ~ of 1990 persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, or to request information on access for persons with disabilities, or to request this publication in accessible format, er to request sign language interpreters should contact the City of Miata Beach C~ Clerk's office at 305) 673 7411, no later than four days prior to the precooo"mg. If hearing impaired contact t~e Cily Clerk's office via the Flanda Relay Servce numoors, (800 955_8771 (TRY) or (800 955 8770 (VOICE). This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 147(0 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. November 16, 2003 ,,'~'~,, A CITY OF MIAMI BEACH HEN_TH FACILITIES AUTHOR[I~ (Ad #222)