Notice of Public Hearingwww.herald.com I THE HERALD I SUNDAY, NOVENIBER 16, 2003 I ~ HERALD BEACH NEIGHBOR~ ON THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 2003 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~_II~I/ NOTICE .OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Pubic Hearings will be held by the Mayor and C~ty Commission of the City of Miami Reach, Florida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, On Haft, 1700 ConveffUoo Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, Nmmall~er 25, 2003, at the times ~ ~ to consider the following. at 10:35 a.m.: TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED USES OF THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. inquiries may be directed to the Grants Management (305) 673-7010. at 5:01 p.m.: TO CONSIDER THE EST/~LISHMENT OF A RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL PARKING ZONE FOR THE LAKE PANCOAST NEIGHBORHOOD AND EXPANDING EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT ZONE TWO (FLAMINGO PARK) ON THE 500 RLOCK OF ESPA~OLA WAY. Inquiries may be directed to the Parking Department (305) 673-7505. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, er be represented by an agent, o~ th express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Conveflflo~ Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, tst Floor, City Ha~l, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach In accordance with the Arnerica~s wah Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needirKj special accommedatio, to