Barbara Kaufman 12/31/22BOARD AND COMMITTEE CHECKLIST APPOINTEE: ____________________________________ DATE OF APPOINTMENT: ______________ BOARD/COMMITTEE: ____________________________ Appointed by: ___________________________ FOR SCANNER FOR CLERK STAFF Scan ○ ○ Letter of Appointment TERM END: _______________ TERM LIMIT: _____________ Scan ○ ○ Letter of Reappointment ○Copy of Letter of Appointment/Reappointment e-mailed to Committee Liaison on _____________ Scan ○ ○ Board and Committee Application (Completed on ) Scan ○ ○ Résumé/Curriculum Vitae ○Diversity Statistics Reporting (Completed on ) Scan ○ ○ Oath IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS BOOK ✓City Code Ordinance Section applicable to the agency, board or committee ✓City Code Sections 2-21, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 ✓County Code Section 2-11.1 – Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance (as amended through December 2010) ✓Amendments to the Code of Ethics Ordinance (September 2009 through July 2012) ✓Highlights of the Miami-Dade County Ethics Code ✓Sunshine Law and Public Records – Frequently Asked Questions ✓Memorandum - Solicitation by City Board and Committee Members ○Citywide Permit Application (Parking Department Form) ○Booklet – Guide to Sunshine Amendment & Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees Scan ○ ○ Source of Income Statement Scan ○ ○ Acknowledgment of Financial Disclosure Requirement ○DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORTING Keep COPY in file and ORIGINAL for Annual Report. Received on: _______________________ Signed by X________________________________________________ Date Board or Committee Member Processed on: ______________________ By Employee: ________________________________________________ Date City Clerk’s Office Staff Initials Scanned on: ______________________ By Employee: ________________________________________________ Date City Clerk’s Office Staff Initials CONCLUDED & RESIGNATION LETTERS Term Expired Letter Date Processed Initials Scan ○ Resignation Letter Date Processed Initials Scan ○ Removal Letter due to absences Date processed Initials Scan ○ F:\CLER\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\CHECKLIST MASTER\B&C Checklist 2015 MASTER.docx Barbara Kaufman 11/10/2020 MB Commission for Women Commissioner Arriola 12/31/2022 12/31/2023 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 Digitally Completed/BK Ofthe caIendar yea巾On Which l have served. Swom to and subscribed before me this day of Charles D’Agostin Deputy CIerk 謀議:霊園豊嵩霊等蒜計器嵩岩盤言霊書Clerk′Board and 23 Nov MIA柄帽 轟軽震繭鍛轟臨縦あ て7○○ Conve面On C謝事執 柚ぐ高手ね買(士,晶記録 ○帥C竃OF丁目E CiWC AVI丁OF AFFILIATION WiTH THE CiTY OF MIAMIBEACH STA丁E OF FLORl COUN丁Y OF I am in comp=ance as (Check (v/) a旧h 星図m a residen □ ihaveanown City of Miami [コlamafu冊m O冊ce or othe minimum ofsi “Owners朽〕 /nt OW)eIShゆOf l “Business’’me Or Other ent旬y Under penaIties of Stated in it are with the a制ation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), tappiy): Ofthe City of Miami Beach for six months or longe「・ 「ship inte「est (for a minimum of six months) in a business estab=shed in the each (fo「 a minimum of six months). empIoyee ofa business (fo「 a minimum ofsix months) and l am based in an location of the business that is physica=y iocated in Miami Beach (for a months). rest” means the ownershゆOf ten peI℃ent (10%) or moI℃ (inc/uding the % or moIe Of the outstanding capita/ StOC竹) /n a business・ ns any soIe prophetorsh砂SpOnSOrsh砂COIpO伯tion, /imited /iab〃ity company r business association, Pe申ry, l declare that l have 「ead the fo「egoing document and that the facts 図星雪国 rinted Name Swom to (Or a制m notarization, this 〃-"一之d Date NO丁ARY d) and subsc「ibed before me, by means of口Physical presence o「口On=ne da,。,勅 書臆臆臆,20盟y P「oduced l 〈Cfty of Miami Beach Board/Committee Member) Fo「m o=ntificati on Name of Notary,Ped, Printed, Or Stamped 、.・漣・u∴,,\‥)-」石瀧缶嗣 ̄、」l 、    ・ 〕音o(a「YPu帥⊂・5tふくeofFlo「ldd ・鶉繋 Co部面5うion′GG〕409う0 りCom爪.[xpi「eう」unま,~0まう きo「ceく:時子oughMtion●同o!きり心抑. Section 2-11.1(i) ofthe County Ethics Of every year. SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMEN丁 ode requires that certain emp10yeeS and public officials file a financiai disclosure Statement on a yearIy basis by JuIy 「st DiscIosure for Tax Year Ending 2019 st Name Fi「§t ∥ame Middle Name/initial aufman Ba「ba「a D Ma柵g Add「ess - Street Number, 6417 Pinetree Dr Ci「cIe 「eet Name, 0「 P,0. Box City, State, Zip Miami Beach, FL 33141 lf your home add「ess is your ma冊 instructions on the fo=0Wing page Filing as am暮mpioyee (cheek address, and your home address is exempt from p剛C reCOrds pursuant to FIa・ Stat・ §119・07, read nd check here. □ □County ロPu輔CHe 皿Trust □Municipal: Depa巾m e鵬 Position or Title Emp10yee lD Number Work address EmpIoyment began on/ended on 円帽mg as a Board問ember Q □ county 田帆nicipal:Miami Beach Commission fo「 Women lssues (Municipality) Board where serving Miami Beacβ Alter旧te a関「e§S (if home a関res is exempO Term began on/ended on List beiow eve「y source of income yo income in descending order, With the PrOPerty deaIings言いtereSt, 「entS, div PerSOn for your bene皿However, thencome of your spouse or any business partner need not be 常盤盤「糟鵠薄黒鵠盤隷書輩器鵠盤講書盤諜謹書 飢ds, Pe[Sions, lRA distr剛tions, an。 social secu「ity payments. AisqL inc哩e any SOurCe Of inponle r?Ceiyed型ano曹 d料請d高c(后誼山前Jn a sepa「ate sheet, Checkhere,□ Description of the P「incipal Business ActiYfty Lion FinanciaI L 301 W41 Street, Miami Beach Dividens/inte「est Social Security Admi istration 1200 Rev Abraham Wood Bivd Birmingham, A」 35285 Social Security Benifits Raymond James &880 Ca刷on Parkway Saint Peterbu「g, FL 33716 lRA Dist「ibution (Or affirm) that the formation above is a true and correct statement. Date signed RECEIVEDBYEしECTiONS0EPARTMENT: 口Hardcopy □EIectronicCopy X Received November 23, 2020 Office of the City Clerk 軌IA凧旧EA City of Miqmi Beqくh, pARKINc 1 755 Me「idian Avenue, Sui†e 2OO/Mi A ci†ywide (CW圧arking parking spaces. A CW p「ovided †o you for City 看MPOR丁AN丁NO丁E: any u=neCeSSa「y enforc accu「a†e informa†ion 「e informa†ion may lead †○ † Piease no†e †ha† †his new †he new ca「d please h01d †o †ry †he o†her side o白h un両he ga†e opens. ACKNOWLEDGEM看N damage,看wi∥ be re Board Member ln書o細m C団CI丁YWIDE (CW) BOARD & COMM!丁TEES..ARTM.NT PARKING APPLICATlON mi Beach, FL 33139/Ph. (3O5) 673-7505 o「 (305) 673-7OOO ext. 6200 perm旧s hono「ed a† me†ered parking spaces and res†「ic†ed residen†ial zones arking perm旧S NOT honored in prohibi†ed areas. An Access Card w川be a= Ga「age (G7) access. u「 vehic-e license pIa†e serves as your ,′parking pe「mi†′′・ in order †o avoid en† ac†ions, it∴s impor†an両a† 0U「 reCOrds reflec† †he mos† cu「「en† and a「ding you「 vehicie license pid†e・ lnaccura†e and/o「 。∪†da†ed vehicle e issuance of pa「king c剛on(s) and/o・ †he †。Wing of your vehicle. access ca「d CANNO丁be h0le-PUnChed or perfora†ed in any ma=ne「・ To use †he card a† c-ose proximity †○ †he reader un†冊e ga†e opens. You may need card. Please ensure you h01d †he en†ire su「face o白he ca「d agains† †he reader : I acknowledge †ha書shouId my aくくeSS ca「d be IosIしSIIOlen or ponsib案e lo paγ a !]0.00 replacemen書fee・ Da†e of App=ca†ion:11111I2020 Appiican† Name:Ba「bara Kaufman Boa「d/Comm冊ee Name:Miami Beach Commission for Women lssues Address:6417 Pinet「ee DrCi「cle, Miami Beach, FL 33141 E-Maii Add「ess:bdkmiami@gma=・COm Work Phone:Home Phone CeIIPhone: (305)32仁 P「efer「ed Co両ac† Me†hod: Vehicle lnfo「ma書ion GQZD34 Ap坤cqn†Signa†u「e: a† 1755 Me「idian Avenue, 2nd floor. WorkingPIease provide signed f hou「s q「e 8:30 †0 5:○○ e-moi書 †he Parking Depar†men† loca†ed o「em〇両〇・                     う ′ OARD & COMMITT龍PARKING APPしICA丁ION -APPしICAN丁NAME a巾menl Sec PERMIT SYSTEM GARAGE ACCESS 汗o†ion Dq†e:iD Ca「d Se「ia席; Pr面Name:P「而Nqme: Si9nq†u「e:后 Signq†u「e:居 Da†e issued:Da†e Com