Christina ONeal 2019M IA M ~DADE. mD OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Full-time County (includi ng Public Health Trust) and municipal employees engaging in outside employmen t mus t file an ann ual disclosure repo rt by July 1st of each year, in accordance with Section 2-11.1(k)(2) of the Miam i-Dade County Code. Disclosure for Tax Year End ing Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initia l 2019 O'Neal Ch ris tina Tangela Maili ng Address -Street Number, St reet Name , or P.O. Box 24201 SW 107 AVE City, State, Zip Homes tead ,FL 33032 If you r home address is exempt from pub lic records pursuant to Flor ida Statutes §119.07, please see note on th e follow ing page and check here . 0 Filing as an Employee (check one) D Co unty D Pu bli c Hea lth Trust IZI Mu nic ipa l City of Miami Beach (Municipality) Department Division Po lice Patrol Posi ti on or Titl e Employee ID Number Work telephone Pol ice Office r 20169 (305) 673-7776 Please list the sources of outside emp loyment (in cludi ng self-e mpl oy men t), th e nature of the work , and the 1Q!fil amounts of money or other compensation you rece ived for each source of outside employment. If no inco me or compensation was recei ved fro m a particu la r outs ide
emp loyment, enter~ (0) fo r that organization in the section below. If continued on a sepa rate sheet, check here. D
Name and Address Natu re of the Total Amount of Money or
of the Source of Outside Income Work Performed Compensation Received
St. Thomas Universi ty College Professor/Adjunct $0 16401 NW 37 AVE
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
0 Hardcopy
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