Nancy Liebman Application PackageM IA M I B E A C H LIEBL. ¥ l Las t Name T ¢co Collis L #lt4 BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION Home Address p' Lgnu beach FL. City ,. Middle Initial 331lo Zip Cod e fol·Bo Cellular Telephone Busin~me =-%- Home Telephone t 46- state alreb Email address l l/a- State zip code Please list your preference s in order of ranking : [1] first ch oice , [Z2] secon d ch oice, and [3] third choice. Please_note that only three (3) choices yil] be observed by the office_of the City Clerk_ Affordable Housing Advisory Health Advisory Committee Norma ndy Shores Loca l Government Committee Neighbo rhood Improvement District Advis ory Council Animal Welfare Committee Health Facilities Authority Board Parks and Recreational Facilities Board Art in Public Place s Committee Hispanic Affairs Committee Personnel Board Audit Committee Historic Preservation Board # Plan nina Board Black Affairs Advis ory Committee Housing Auth oritv Police /Citizens Relations Committee Board of Adiustm ent Human Riahts Committee Production Industry Council Budget Advisory Committee LGBTQ Advisory Committee Program for Public Inform ation Committee Committee for Quality Educa tion in Marin e & Waterfront Protection Se nior Affairs Committee Miami Beach Authority Committee on the Homeless Mayor's 41 st Street Committee Sustainability Committee Convention Center Advisory Board Mayor's General Obligation Bo nd Transpo rtation, Parking, and Bicycle- Oversiaht Committee Pedestrian Facilities Committee Cultural Arts Council Mayor's Panel on Oce an Drive Visitor and Convention Authoritv Design Review Board Miami Beach Commission for Wo men Youth Commission Disability Acce ss Committee Next Generation Council • Hus/cric [reseryahoBard • BAAL Pan • Desan [Kure_ Gaul là ero+ou ,//A ~ of Profes sional Lk:e nse , l Licen se Numbe r dc.. Note: If you are seeking appointm ent to a profess ional seat (e.g. attorney, arch itect, etc.), you must attach a co py of your currently effective co rrespond ing profession al licen s e. Page 1 of6 F:\CLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMIT TIES DATABASE CHECKLIST MASTER\BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION.docx Updated: June 2020 -- .• Sec. 118-131.- Membership. « r { • ' The board of adjustment shall be composed of seven voting members. Two members shall.. _ be appointed as citizens at-large and five members shall be appointed from each of the. · following categories (no more than one per category), namely: Law, architecture, engineering, • real estate development, certified public accounting, financial consultation and general business. The members representing the, professions of law, architecture, engineering and public accounting shall be duly licensed.by the State of Florida; the member representing »y • t_ « + » + T_ 4 « al general business shall be of responsible standing in the community; the member representing the field of financial consultation shall be a certified public accountant, chartered financial analyst, certified financial planner, à chartered financial consultant or investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or someone recognized as having similar credentials and duly licensed by the State of Florida. Members shall be appointed for a. term of two years by a fve-sevenths vote of the city commission. Members of the board must be either residents of or have their principal place of business in the city. (Ord. No. 89-2665, S 16-1, eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 2004-3436, $ 1, 3-17-04; Ord. No. 2007-3554, $1,4-11-07; Ord. No. 2012-3770, $ 4, 7-18-12) Updated 11/03/2020 WVe are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. AFFILI ATI O N W ITH TH E CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a, b, and c: Members of Agencies, Boards, and Committees shall be affiliated with the City. This requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways:. a. Resident of the City for a minimum of six months: Yes LdorLhwo • lam a resident of. south Beach Ll Made BeacnLd Norn ea cn [l Or b. Demonstrates an ownership interest (for a minimum of six months) in a business established in the City (for a minimum or sx months): Yes DorDo "Ownership lnteresf' shall mean the ownership often percent (10%) or more (including the ownership of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business, Business" shall mean any sole proprietorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity or business association.'' ' Or c. Full-time employee of such a business (for a minimum of six months); and I am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (or a minimum of six months): Yes LlorL lo Notwithstanding the requirements set forth herein, the qualified full-time employee of a business must be approved by a 4/7th vote of the Mayor and City Commission. NOTE: Members of Agencies, Boards, and Committees shall be required to demonstrate compliance with the City affiliation requirements of sections 2-22 (4) a and b of the Miami Beach City Code by executing an affidavit, stipulating that they have met either (or both) of said affiliation requirements. The original affidavit shall be fled with the Office of the City Clerk prior to being swom in as a member. • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge, and experience. Please list below: .±ci ra tfs/ori Land Lle_ [SS_ueS d ua#7on-lemon entry Scho l Teacher Desror J[ 0 Leah, City (ornmrz,oner a e ' - .. • ¢ Page 2 of6 F:CLER\SALL BOARD AND COMMIT11ES DATABASE CHECKLIST MASTER BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPUCATION.docx Updated: June 2020 • A re you a reg ist ered acti ve lobbyist w ith the C ity of M iam i B each ? Yes O or No~ • Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes D or No ~f yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach Code? Yes O or N¥if yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach money? Yes O or N~ yes, please explain in detail: on any City Board or Committee? Yes toy o O If ves, which Board/Committee? d oar • In what organization(s) in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership? ,2 , _.__ Hir1y pesn on [eservat on_Board _/ce Verdenal TVdnI> a Position [e ccl !Arel Èáre- Fedel iar1i Name Position • List the address of all properties owned or in which you have an interest within the City of Miami Beach: sg,oe ts ]7,sage p,,e fsanls rs hf° [je ±±eleo ir/ $544 ¢2 /l g fe '6 • Are you now employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes D or No ~ If so, which department and title? • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent O, spouse ~d who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes LlorNo Ll [f "Yes." identify DeSOn(S) and department(S). * Note: If applying for the At-Large position of the Historic Preservation Board, please answer the below questions: • Have you ever resided in one of the City's Historic Districts for at least one year? Yves Lihr No L} lf you answered "Yes," please indicate: E 1te/en Jar h art ,l ? Address 7 3//Lal kc0as! De- 331 ea y7g2-179£. 77 Dates , , ,..., From: To Address /Gea Dates Page 3 of6 F:\CLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\CHECKUST MASTER\BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICAllON.docx Updated: June 2020- N O TE : IF A P PO IN TE D , YO U WI LL B E R E Q U IR E D T O F O L LO W C E R TA IN LA W S TH A T A P P LY TO C ITY B O A R D/C O M M ITTE E M E M B E R S . TH E S E LA W S IN C L U D E , B U T A R E N O T LI M ITE D TO : o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel. (Miami Beach City Code Section 2-459) o Prohibition from contracting with the City. (Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1) o Prohibition from lobbying before the Board/Committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office. (M ia m i Beach City Code Section 2-26) o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts. (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1) o Sunshine Law - Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in Chapter 286 of the Florida statutes. These statutes establish a basic right of access to most meetings of Boards, Commissions, and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. o Voting conflict -- Form 88 is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected Board, Council, Commission, Authority, or Committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida statutes. I HEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY AND TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND WILL ABIDE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR CITY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY AND/OR STATE AWS AND STATUTES ACCORDINGLY." ]/ _£ Qembea , oho /'anew lybma] Board and Committee Application Checklist: Please ensure you have provided all information before applying or reapplying to any Board and Committee [l t nave answered all questions fully. ~ have attached additional sheets, if necessary, to provide required information. ~ have attached a current resume, photograph, and a copy of any applicable professional license. [] I have completed and attached the Board & Committee Financial Acknowledgement Statement. D I have completed and attached the Diversity Statistics Report. [ submit complete application package. Via Email: BC@miamibeachfl_gov Via U.S. Mail or in Person: City of Miami Beach Office. of the City Clerk / Board and Committee Section 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk via email: BC@miamibeachf]_gov or telephone: 305.673.7411. Note: Florida Statutes $119.071: The role of the Office of the City Clerk is to receive and maintain forms filed as public records. lf your home address, telephone numbers, and/or photograph are exempt from disclosure and you do not wish your home address, telephone numbers, and/or photograph to be made public, please: 1) Use your office or other address for your mailing address; 2) Use your office or other telephone number for your contact number; and 3) Do not attach a photograph. Page4 of6 F:\Cl.ER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\CHECKUST MASTER\BOARD AND COMMIT TEE APPLICATION.docx Updated: June 2020 .,.;, M IAM I BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ww._miamibegchf]_gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305. 673 .7 41 l BOARD & COMMITTEE FINANCIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) LLE4d Last Name @peg Ri Rame Middle Initial I understand that no later than July 1, of each year all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. One of the following forms must be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of July 1, of each year. • 1. A Source of income statement:a Horded al, 0l0 2. A "Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1)1;" or 3. A Copy of your latest Federal Income Tax Return. Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60days in jail, or both. hm2.3 <2 Date 7 1 Members of the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment will be notified directly by the State of Florida, pursuant to F.S. $112.3145(1)(a), to file a Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1) with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections by 12:00 noon, July 1. Planning Board and Board of Adjustment members. who file their Form 1 with the County Supervisor of Elections automatically satisfy the County's financial disclosure requirement as a Miami Beach City Board/Committee member and need not file an additional form with the Office of the City Clerk. However, compliance with the County disclosure requirement does not satisfy the State requirement. Page 5of6 F:\CLER\$ALLIBOARD AND COMMIT TIES DATABASE CHECKLIST MASTER BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPUCATION.docx Updated: June 2020 M IAM I BEACH City of Miami Bea ch 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www._miamibegchf]_go OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORT LA£53HA Last Name ~~:v Middle Initial The following information is voluntary and has no bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with City diversity reporting requirements. Gender: Ea%. Loner O I prefer not to answer. Race/Ethnic Categories: What is your race? O African American/Black L Asian or Pacific Islander Ll Caucasian/White O Native American/American Indian D Other - Print Race: ------------ □I prefer not to answer. Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/a? Dves f o D I prefer not to answer. Do you consider yourself Physically Disabled? tí . o O I prefer not to answer this question. Page 60f6 F:\CLER\$All\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\CHECKUST MASTER\BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION.docx Updated: June 2020 NAN CY LIE BMAN 16ISLAND _A VENUE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 (305) 538-0082 ( 9 EDUCATION B.S . Edu cati on N ew Jersey S tate 19 57 EMPLOYMENT E lem entary S choo l T eacher D epfor d Townsh ip , N ew Jers ey 19 57 -59 D ad e C ounty S choo ls , Mi ami Flo ri da 19 59-1961 C o ll ege Ass istan ce Program Advisor Mi ami B each S eni or Hi gh 1983-87 Executive D ir ector Mi ami D esi gn Preserv ati o n Leagu e 1988-92 COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE .-- # » - Miami Beach City Commi ssioner elected Novembe r 2, 19 93 C h airpe rs on , M iami B each Histo ric Pre servation Board 1982-1993 Board of Directors Florida Trust for Hi storic Preservation 1990-Present Florida Advisor National Trust for Hi storic Preservation Appoi nted October, 1993 Chairpe rso n, Governm ental Affair s Mi ami D esign Preservation Leagu e 19 92 -19 93 B oard Member 1979-1988 Member, Greater Mi ami Cham ber of Comm erce H ot el D ev elopm ent Task Force 19 9 1 ... Board Membe r, Uni ted Foun dation for Ai ds 1993 Board Mem ber, Ar ea State Th eater 1993 Boar d M ember, Mi ami Beac h Development Corpo rati on 1982-1992 Trust ee , Dad e Heritage Trus t 1994-Present Pre sident, Biscayne Elementary School PTA 1973-77 Youth Center Advi sory Commi ttee M ember and Chairpe rson 1973-78 HONORS Woman of the Y ear Miami Beach Jaycees 1982-83 Founding Chairman's Award Miami Beach Development Corporation 1986 Dade County School Board Award For Commendable Contribution to Education 1974 City of Miami Beach Mayors Award 1988 Women Worth Knowing Miami Beach Commission on the Status of Women 1989 Miami Design Preservation League Chairpersons Award 1993 o r t 4 • raz - pat tt4ad.aat a e e e t o eh . t à Met es e or es ed dg r 4t ss • à À o w , ta ARCHITECTURAL AWARENESS AWARD NANCY LEBMAN QUESTION 2 „cf Nanc y Liebman is not an architcd. pl ~ designer ot developer . She .is a self-aught political vrservasoist; tos ie cona„GR„l.R,„Za si ese mo r ovará mise a better quali ty community in which we can all live. She is a mother who raised hgee children in Miami Beach, and a perso who adores being pant of protecting and promo ting a emergin g enviroument which speaks of rich traditions, cultures and community roots. Ske became cquainted wih he lssues of hisori c preservation because of her activism in the schools, libraries and park system of Miami Beach. Years ago, when she was he president of the elementary schoo l PTA, an historic school in Miami Beach was proposed for demol ition. She joined with a group of parents to elist the suppor of a fledgling preservation group, the Mi ami Design Preservation League. The parents were organizing to save the school because its loss would have caused a disruption to the arendance boundaries for all of Miami Beach's chil dren . The joint effort between the parents and the preservationists ultimately saved the schoo l. ta. Me bec ame involved from that time forward with,Preservation League and bec ame absorbed with the work of the preservation movement throughout this country. She is currentl y a Flori da Advisor to the National Trust for Historic Preserv ation, ad a board member of the Flori da Trust for Hisoric Preservation. This year she chairs the Florida Trust's Ann ual Meeting in Miami Beach. As pan of the local preservation movement she helped zo enli ghten the world about the wo rh of Miami Beach's 20h century tropical deco architecure . She fused on the An Deco District as a neighborhood wbich is rich ín human-scale architecture with pedestrian quali ties. She used ber comm uni ty leadership, skil ls and knowledge of the politics to educate the political body about the importance of preserving Miami Beach's 2Oh Century beacbfrot community. Nancy, who became as Miami Beach City Commissioner i 1993, has advocated for and successful ly established: 1. A strong historic reservation board, which she chaired for eight years until her election to the City Commission. 2. A design revi ew board fr the city, with significant gui delines to protect the National Register District, a one square mile area of Miami Beach 3. Local legisiarioa o protect the Nati onal Register Disric from demol ition or alteration. This work took zhireea years o compl ete. The Distri ct was pla ced on the National Register in 1979. f was not until 992 ht the local protections were completed. 4. The designat ion of three new histori c districts to protect other hist oricall y important areas of Miami Beach: he Harding Township Historic District, the Ocean Beac h Historic District and the Ahos Del Mar Sing le Fami ly Home District. e n y: Wr-MB/Ill1ara 305 673 5352 »t.t 4 + 09/05/97 6:42 Job 873 Page 3/4 5. The public improvement plans for Ocean Drive, Washingon Avenue and Lincoln Road. Lincoln Road was saved as a pedestrian mall rather than opened to antomobile traffic. 6. A leading role i saving the Sears Tower for inclusion in Miami's proposed performing Ars Center. 7. An effort co sabiüize the calural ars in Miami Beach's historie district, The ars have adaptively reused the historic buildings in the district. The Ars were an important element in the early restoration of Miami Beach's architecture. \ ; Henrietta Harris Award from Dade Heritage Trust for Leadership in Historic Preservation Issues 1995 Women of Distinction Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America 1995 NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCES: San Antonio, TX 1984 Baltimore, MD 1985 Seattle, WA 1986 Kansas City, MO 1987 Cincinnati, OH 1988 Philadelphia, PA 1989 Charleston, SC 1990 San Francisco, CA 1991 Miami,FL 1992 St. Louis, MI 1993 Boston, MA 1994 Fort Worth, TX 1995 Chicago, IL 1996 OTHER CONFERENCES: Mohonk, NY, Pittsburgh, PA, Raleigh, NC, Winter Park, FL Philadelphia, PA Denver,CO Cultural Tourism 1989 Planning for Preservation Managing Growth in Urban Areas 1990 National Trust Preservation Leadership Training 1991 ISTEA Legislation Planning for Livable Communities 1993 International Downtown Association Conference 1994 International Downtown Association - Conference 1995 SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Boston,MA Design Students League Harvard University "THE ART DECO DISTRICT" 1990 \ Charleston, SC Panel Participant: National Trust for Historic Preservation: METHODOLOGY TO STUDY THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF PRESERVING COMMUNITY CHARACTER-1990 San Francisco, CA Panel Participant: National Trust for Hisotric Preservation FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS : When Past Meets the Future 1991 Miami, FL National Trust for Historic Preservation Panel: "HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN MIAMI BEACH" 1992 Natchitoches, LA Washington, DC Boston, MA National Trust Annual Conference Responsibilities: (Miami Conference 1992) local Miami advisory committee fundraising committe Preservation Action Auction committee Mobile Workshop facilitator National Trust for Historic Preservation POLITICS OF PRESERVATION Preservation Leadership Training Institure Northwestern State University 1996 National Trust Regional Advisory Meeting Panel "SPEAKER POLITICS AND PRESERVATION" 1995 Society for Environmental Graphics "THE ART DECO DISTRICT" 1996 Miami,FL The Coconut Grove Villagers "SOUTH BEACH SUCCESS" 1996 Miami,FL Dade Green Coalition Metro Dade County/University of Miami "URBAN INFILL" 1997 PUBLICATIONS "Three Strikes, You're Out" National Trust Forum Magazine, Vol. 9, Number4 Summer 1995