Harvey Burstein 12/31/2212/30/2020 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 30th Dec For .5±+ s: ±es es& ;tg ;:· t 1$a mat: a u AFFIDAVIT QF AFFILIA ION WITH THE cIg F MIAM!_BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF /Ao ,- Qty I am in compliance with the affiliation requirem ent of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 {4). as (check {/) al that apply}. i am a resident of the City of Miami each for six months or ionger. [} have an ownership interest (for a minimum of six months} in a business established in the City of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months} {] 1amatull-time employee of a business (for a minimum of six months) and 1 am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months} Ownershg interest" means the ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownership oi 10% or more of the outstending cap#tat stock} in a business Business eans any soie propnetorship. sponsorship, corporation, #rited eblty company, or other enatty or business association. Under penalties of perjury, 1 declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it are true. i a_ZZ Zl_kc,,) Printed Nae 2-3o Date NOTARY Swm to {ar affirmed} and subscribed before me, by means af ù physical presence or t? online so. „ 30 Dec „20 13tafia4@n. In5 dlyOi y Harvey Burstein çty cf Mam» each soard/comm#tee Member Y FL Drivers License Produced ID Form of 1dentfication si NOTARY SEAL) ß!',, Charles J. DAgostin .%±OS NorrY uLuc FSTATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG168171 Expires 12/14/2021