Ad 231 Notice of Public HearingNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Public Hearings will be held by the MayOr and City Commission of the City of Miami Reach Florida, in the Commlsaion Chaambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach considerFI°rida' ontheWednesdaYfo ow nD. December 10, 2003, at the times listed SALARY ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE CLASSIFICATION OF SIGN MAKER ~NEDGEROUP I, BEING THE CLASSIFICATIONS COVERED BY THE AMERICAN ERATIO" OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES <AFS LOCAL NO. 1554; BY ESTABLISHING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF METIER REVENUE PROCESSOR 1 AND REVENUE PROCESSOR 2 iN GROUP iV, BEING THE CLASS F CAT ONS COVERED BY THE COMMUNICATION WORKERS OF AMERICA (CWA), LOCAL 3178; BY PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN GROUP V, BEING THOSE CLASSIFICATIONS COVERED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA OPEIU LOCAL 100, (GSAF), IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT, CHANGING THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF THE PAY RANGES TO REFLECT THE PRESENT CLASSIFICATION AND PAY SYSTEM APPLICABLE TO THE UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATIONS, RETROACTIVELY, EFFECTIVE WITH THE FIRST PAY PERIOD ENDING iN OCTOBER 2003; INCREASING THE SALARY OF EACH EMPLOYEE BY TWO AND ONE HALF PERCENT (2.5%) RETROACTIVELY, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST PATAY PEROD END NB IN OCTOBER 2003; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABILtTY, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND CODIFICATION. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department (305) 673-7550. at 10:20 a.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1605, THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - TOURISM AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, CITY ENGINEER, CODE COMPLIANCE MANAGER, RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPERVISOR, PROCUREMENT COORDINATOR, AND CUSTOMER SERVICE LIAISON AMENDING THE TITLES OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF CULTURAL ARTS DIVISION DIRECTOR TO CULTURAL AFFAIRS PROGRAM MANAGER AND EMS TRAINING COORDINATOR TO EMS COORDINATOR; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND CODIFICATION. Inquiries may be directed to the Human Resources (305) 673-7520. !NTERESTED.PARTI. ES are invit.e.d to appear at thi.s, meeti,ng or be rep..msen~,~. ~y an agenT, ,or To ~express meir wews in writi..ng aooreesed to me ~;ommissmn, c/o the u;ity Clerk, 1700 Convention {;enter Drive, 1'st Floor, Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for ~ublic ir)spection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office, 170~ ~;onvention Center Ddve, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not ~e prOvided. " . . Robert E. Percher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 2ss.0105~ Fla. Stat. the Ci~'/hereby advises the public that: if a person d~ofdes to appeal any decision made Dy the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meetmQ or its hearing such percon must ensure that a verbatim record et toe proceedings is made, whloh record iocludan the tastimony and evidence upon which the appcol is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by ml~r~l the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals nut otherwise allowed by law. in accordance with the Americans with DisabilitiesAct of 1990, persons needin~ special accommodation to participate in this procanUing or to request information on access tor pemons w~th disabilities or to request this publication 1 B · · in accessible tormst, or to request sign language interpreters, shoutd contact the B · · City Clerk's office at (3(35) 673-7411 no ~atar than tour da.,vs prior to the ~ · · proceeding. If hearing impaired, contact the City Cerk s office via me Flor da Re ay Ser'/ice numbers, (,800 955-8771 (TP¢) or (800} 955-8770 (VOICE~. ~