Universal Access StatementCI'TY OF MIAMi BEACH O ce of the City Manager Interoffice Memorandum To: Subject: Assistant City Managers Department Directors Jorge M, Gonza!ez City Manager REVISED UNIVERSAL ACCESS STATEMENT ON CiTY PRINTED MATERIAL D~te: December t, 2003 Per the settlement stipulation in ADA and Ruiz v. City of Miami Beach, the Ci~ is required to provide an access statement on alt printed brochures,, pamphlets, noti~s, and al! ether materia!s disseminated by the City to the public. This includes, but is not limited to, booklets, flyers, announoements, and event schedules; intended for distribution to the general public. The pu~ose of the access statement is to provide persons with disabilities a mechanism for requesting info~ation about disabi!i~ ac~ss, sign language interpreters and/or other accommodations, as well as for requesting the wri~en materials in alternative format, such as !argo pdnt or audio~pe. Up to this point, Ci~ depa~ments have been using access statement language as required by the settlement stipulation. However, with the est:abiiishment of the City's Answer Center, it has become necessa~ 'to revise the language to incorporate the Answer,Center's phone, fax, and ~Y numbeD, Also, the !anguage has been re-drafted 'to allow for universal appli~tion for all depa~ments and all types of publications. Upon receipt of tt~is: memorandum, all C ~ Executive Staff and DepaAments providing printed material to the public shall include the folio.wing access stat,ement in the material: To ~quest this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, inlb~ation on access ~br persons with disabi/Nes, and/or any accommodation ~o review any document or participate in any city'-sponsored proceeding, please contact 2489 (voice), 305~673-7524 (fax) or 305-673-7218 (~ five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 7f'f (Florida Relay Service). Should you have questions, please contact ADA Coordinator Heidi Johnson-Wr ght at ext. 6983. JMG\,/~ H~B~RTH~,hjw Desk, p/ADA & Ruiz v. CMB/universatsccessst~ement 8nd d'~ publi~fionsl %03.doc