ITB-19-246-17 Digital Mobile InnovationsCONTRACT NO. 19-246-17 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: fmaier@dminc.com April 20, 2020 Frederick Maier Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC 6550 Rock Spring Drive, 7th Floor Bethesda, Maryland 20817 Phone: 703.851.2545 RE: NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO. 2019- 246-DF, FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION POOL FOR MICROSOFT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS. Dear Mr. Maier: Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC. (the “Consultant”) has submitted to the City an application, pursuant to the above referenced ITB, to be prequalified to provide services for a number of Microsoft competencies as outlined in the ITB. This letter shall serve as official notice that on February 21, 2020 the City Manager, pursuant to Resolution 2019-31092, has approved Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC. to be prequalified for the following competencies: •Application Development •Cloud Platform •Collaboration & Content •Data Platform •Data Analytics •Data Center The ITB stipulates and this letter shall confirm that the City Manager shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the Consultant. It is important to note that work will be awarded pursuant to the roadmap established in Section 5 of the ITB and no services may be performed until such time as the City has issued a Purchase Order for the desired scope of work. If you have any questions regarding this letter of notification of award, you may contact Valerie Velez, Contract Analyst, Procurement Department, at ValerieVelez@miamibeachfl.gov or at 305.673.7490. Otherwise, all other questions should be addressed to the Contract Manager for this contract, Frank Quintana, Information Technology Department, at FrankQuintana@miamibeachfl.gov or (305) 673- 7000 ext. 26150. Thank you, Alex Denis Director Procurement Department AD/ME/AG Alex Denis M IA M I BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CITY MANAGER APPROVAL 2020-099-DF Contract Execution Re u est for Contract Term Renewal Chan e Order A rovai XXX Other: A rovai Request approval to add vendors to existing Microsoft certified service providers pool, pursuant to Invitation to Bid 1TB 2019-246-DF for Pre-Qualification Pool for Microsoft rofessional service roviders. Why is requested action necessary? On December 11, 2019, the City of Miami Beach, Florida ("City") adopted Resolution No. 2019-31092 (attached) for the establishment of a pool of Microsoft certified service providers for future information technology projects involving Microsoft services. The Resolution delegates to the City Manager the authority to add service providers to the pool, provided such vendors meet the requirements of the 1TB for their respective competency(ies) established in 1TB 2019-246-DF. The Procurement Department has received an additional seven (7) responsive and responsible applications pursuant to the 1TB from: 1) Catapult Systems, LLC; 2) California Creative Solutions Inc. (d/b/a CCS Global Tech); 3) Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC; 4) Internet Vision Development, LLC (d/bla INVID); 5) Nagarro Inc.; 6)Softchoice Corporation; and, 7)TechHouse: Integrated Information System Solutions, Inc. The Information Technology (IT) and Procurement departments have determined that the additional seven (7) pre-qualified vendors are qualified and meet the requirements established in the 1TB. The Administration recommends that the City Manager approve the above listed seven (7) responsive and res onsible vendors that have met the re uirements of the 1TB, ursuant to Resolution 2019-31092. zTEIVI E IERET Reau aosww» III JLM I AS I AD I KB I DF A TTA C H M E N T A Application Development l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Smartek 21, LLC 3. Tallan, Inc. 4. Computer Solutions East Inc. S. Daruma Tech, LLC 6. Powersolv, Inc 7. Netwise USA, Inc. 8. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 9. Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC ' 10. Nagarro Inc. 1 Application Integration o l. Tallan, Inc. 2. Catapult Systems, LLC' 3. ces Global Tech' 4. Softchoice Corporation1 Cloud Business Application (PC Only) , .. N/A Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) N/A Cloud Platform ¢ ; À l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Tallan, Inc. 3. Forsyte IT Solutions, LLC 4. Cloud Navigator, Inc. S. e Mazzanti Technologies 6. Computer Solutions East Inc. 7. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 8. Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC ' 9. Nagarro lnc1 10. Softchoice Corporation1 Cloud Productivity l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Tallan, Inc. 3. Cloud Navigator, Inc. 4. Computer Solutions East Inc. S. Forsyte IT Solutions, LLC 6. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 7. TechHouse' Collaboration and Content . < + l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Smartek 21, LLC 3. Tallan, Inc. 4. Cloud Navigator, Inc. S. Computer Solutions East Inc. 6. Powersolv, Inc Collabora tion and Content (Cont.) 7. Catapult Systems, LLC' 8. Digital Mobile lnnovations1 9. Nagarro Inc. 1 10. Softchoice Corporation1 Communication . N/A Data Analytics l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Smartek 21, LLC 3. Tallan, Inc. 4. C2S Technologies Inc S. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 6. ces Global Tech' 7. Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC ' 8. INVID' 9. Softchoice Corporation1 Data Platform l. Persepta LLC 2. Tallan, Inc. 3. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 4. ces Global Tech' S. Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC ' 6. INVID' 7. Softchoice Corporation1 Data Center l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Smartek 21, LLC 3. Tallan, Inc. 4. Forsyte IT Solutions, LLC S. Cloud Navigator, Inc. 6. Computer Solutions East Inc. 7. Powersolv, Inc 8. Catapult Systems, LLC' 9. ces Global Tech' 10. Digital Mobile Innovations, LLC 11. Softchoice Corporation1 Dev Ops ' l. Tallan, Inc . 2. Catapult Systems, LLC ' Enterprise Mobility Management l. Cloud Navigator, Inc. .. 2. Forsyte IT Solutions, LLC 3. Catapult Systems, LLC ' 4. Softchoice Corporation1 A T T A C H M E N T A Enterprise Resource Planning l. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Axtegrity Consulting LLC Learning N/A Messaging l. Computer Solutions East Inc. 2. Catapult Systems, LLC' 3. Nagarro Inc. 1 4. Softchoice Corporation1 Project and Portfolio Management N/A Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions l. Computer Solutions East Inc. 2. Softchoice Corporation1 3. TechHouse' Windows and Devices l. Forsyte IT Solutions, LLC 2. DGR Systems, LLC 3. Computer Solutions East Inc. 4. Catapult Systems, LLC' s. ces Global Tech' 6. Softchoice Corporation1 1 Added through CM Approval No. 2020-099-DF RES O L U T IO N N O . 2019-31092 A RESO LUT IO N O F TH E M A YO R A N D C ITY C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C ITY O F M IAM I BEA CH , FLO R ID A A C C EPT IN G TH E R EC O M M E N D A TIO N O F THE CITY M A NA G ER , PU R SU A N T TO IN V ITA TIO N TO B ID (1T B ) 2019- 246-DF, TO ESTABLISH A POOL OF MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS TO EXPEDITE THE SELECTION OF VENDORS FOR FUTURE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS INVOLVING MICROSOFT SERVICES, AND APPROVING THE VARIOUS MICROSOFT- DESIGNATED COMPETENCIES, AND THE INITIAL POOL OF QUALIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO KEEP THE 1TB OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREQUALIFYING ADDITIONAL MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER THE AUTHORITY TO ADD SERVICE PROVIDERS TO THE POOL, PROVIDED SUCH VENDORS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1TB FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE COMPETENCY; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ANY SERVICE ORDER IN EXCESS OF $100,000 FOR ANY PROJECT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Information Technology (IT) Department routinely utilizes a number of Microsoft services for various City IT needs; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Microsoft's service delivery model, the required services are typically acquired through service providers certified by Microsoft in one or more of the following competencies: application development; application integration; cloud business application; cloud customer relationship management (CRM); cloud platform; cloud productivity; collaboration and content; communication; data analytics; data platform; data center; development and operations (DevOps); enterprise resource planning; learning; messaging; project and portfolio management; small and midmarket cloud solutions; and windows and devices; and WHEREAS, because some of the needs of the IT Department are unplanned and require a rapid response, it is in the City's best interest to have a pool of prequalified Microsoft service providers from which the IT Department can seek proposals and quickly deploy a service provider to address the identified needs; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing needs, the Administration issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2019-246-DF, seeking applications from qualified firms interested in participating in the pool of prequalified Microsoft certified service providers; and WHEREAS, the 1TB was issued on August 30, 2019, with bid opening date of September 17, 2019; and WH E RE A S, the Procurement Department issued bid notices to 41,914 companies utilizing www.publicpurchase.com and www.BidSync.com websites, which resulted in the receipt of responses from the following fourteen (14) firms for various competencies, as indicated more fully in Exhibit "A" to the Commission Memorandum accompanying this Resolution: Centric Consulting, LLC; Persepta, LLC; Axtegrity Consulting; Smartek21 LLC; Tallan, Inc.; Forsyte IT Solutions; DGR Systems LLC; Cloud Navigator, Inc.; eMazzanti Technologies; Computer Solutions East, Inc.; C2S Technologies Inc.; Netwise USA, Inc.; Daruma Tech; and Powersolv Inc.; and WHEREAS, the Administration has verified that each of the firms that responded to the 1TB are responsive and meet the requirements of the 1TB; and WHEREAS, although eMazzanti Technologies submitted a response for various categories, the firm is only certified by Microsoft in the cloud platform competency; accordingly, its submission for the other competencies had to be rejected, because the firm is not certified by Microsoft for those competencies, as required by the 1TB; WHEREAS, when a need arises, the IT Department will seek proposals from all prequalified firms for one or more of the applicable competencies as stated in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, for service orders up to $100,000, the approval of the City Manager or designee will be required in accordance with the City Manager's existing delegated procurement authority under the City Code; service orders exceeding $100,000_will be submitted to the City Commission for its consideration; and WHEREAS, to maximize competition among the prequalified firms, the Administration is recommending that the ITB remain open, to permit the City Manager to prequalify additional firms as part of the pool, provided that such firms meet all of the requirements of the 1TB. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (1TB) 2019-246-DF, to establish a pool of Microsoft certified service providers to expedite the selection of vendors for future Information Technology Projects involving Microsoft services, and approving the various Microsoft-designated competencies, and the initial pool of qualified service providers, as set forth in Exhibit "A" to the Commission Memorandum accompanying this Resolution; further, authorizing the City Manager to keep the 1TB open for the purpose of prequalifying additional Microsoft certified service providers, and delegating to the City Manager the authority to add service providers to the pool, provided such vendors meet the requirements of the 1TB for their respective competency; and further providing that any Service Order in excess of $100,000 for any Project shall be subject to the prior approval of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day or Demler 2019. ATTEST: 7dl..te Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION % 4l" cy Ator! 2_A? at Resolutions - C7 J M IAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORA NDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: December 11, 2019 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY . OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (1TB) 2019-246- DF, TO ESTABLISH A POOL OF MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS TO EXPEDITE THE SELECTION OF VENDORS FOR FUTURE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS INVOLVING MICROSOFT SERVICES, AND APPROVING THE VARIOUS MICROSOFT- DESIGNATED COMPETENCIES, AND THE INITIAL POOL OF QUALIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO KEEP THE 1TB OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREQUALIFYING ADDITIONAL MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER THE AUTHORITY TO ADD SERVICE PROVIDERS TO THE POOL, PROVIDED SUCH VENDORS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1TB FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE COMPETENCY; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ANY SERVICE ORDER IN EXCESS OF $100,000 FOR ANY PROJECT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY COMMISSION. R E C O M M E N D AT IO N Adopt the Resolution. B A C K G R O U N D /H IS T O RY The Information Technology (IT) Department routinely utilizes a number of Microsoft services that support and develop many of the City's software programs, including the City's Intranet. In accordance with Microsoft's service delivery model, the required services are typically acquired through Microsoft certified service providers. Microsoft groups service offerings into categories it refers to as competencies. The services most often required by the City, or potentially required in the future, fall into one of the following competencies: application development; application integration; cloud business application; cloud customer relationship management (CRM); cloud platform; cloud productivity; collaboration and content; communication; data analytics; data platform; data center; development and operations (DevOps); enterprise resource planning; learning; messaging; project and portfolio management; small and midmarket Page 258 of 720 cloud solutions; and, wi ndows and devices. For each serv ice category, M icrosoft certifies third- p arty serv ice provide rs as either silver or gold certified. Silver partner certification requires d e m onstrating the hig hest and m ost specialized abili ty and com m itm ent in a specific business solu tion area. M icro soft recognizes co m panies aw arde d the Silver Com petency fo r offering the b est solutions to custom ers and fo r undertaki ng a rigo rous and auditable approval process. A b u siness wh ich has earn ed a S ilver C o m petency is am ong the top 5% of M icro soft partners worldwi de . G old part ner certifi cation is awarded to com panies that have dem onstrated a very high level of expertise and a proven and specialized skill set in a particular technology or serv ice area. G o ld C o m petency is the highest M icro soft certification. M icro soft Partners wi th a G old C om petency are recognized fo r their com m itm e nt to solidifying custom er relationships by off eri n g innovative and eff ective business so lutions to their custom ers . A business wh ich has earn ed a G old C o m petency is am o ng the top 1% of M icrosoft P artners worldwi de. M icrosoft's cert ificatio n process for part ner com panies is rigo ro us and requires regular auditing to ensure th a t part ner com panies are m aintaining and delivering a high degree of skill, pro ficiency, and e xp e rience to their custom e rs. T he C ity's IT D epartm ent requires that the servi ce pro viders it u tili zes have attained gold certifi ed status because of their deep technical acum en, highly trained a nd cert ifi ed M icro soft so lutions engineers and rigo ro usly vetted qualifications by M icro soft. O ften, th e C ity wi ll require that a M icrosoft certified partner be available to provide serv ices exp editio usly for a wi de variety of needs, including but not lim ited to: A pplication Developm ent, A pplication Integration, C ustom e r R e lationship M anagem ent, C loud, Collaboration Platform s, C om m unicatio ns, D ata A nalyt ics, D ata P latform s, D ata C e nter, Dev O ps, E nterp rise M obility, E n terp rise R esource P lanning, Le arn ing, M essaging, P roject M ana gem en t, Wi nd ows an d D evices. B ecause so m e of the need s are unplanned and require a quick response, it is in the C ity's b est interest to have a poo l of prequalified M icrosoft gold-certified serv ice providers fro m wh ic h th e IT D e partm ent can see k proposals and quickl y deploy a serv ice pro vider to address th e identifi ed need. F o r this reaso n, the A dm inistration is seeking to create a pool of prequalified M icrosoft go ld-certified serv ice pro vide rs fo r each of the com petencies noted above. W hen a n eed arises, the IT D e part m e nt wi ll seek proposals fro m all prequalified firm s fo r one or m ore of the applicable com petencies . Fo r serv ice orde rs up to $100,000, the approval of the C ity M an ager, or designee , wi ll be required. S e rv ice orders exceeding $100,000 wi ll be sub mi tt ed to th e C ity C om mi s si o n for its consid erat ion and appro val . To m axim i z e com p etition a m o ng the certified firm s, the A dm inistration is recom m ending that firm s be allowed to subm it p re qualifi catio n applicatio ns throughout the term of the contract. T he City M anager, after d eem ing that a firm is qualified to pe rf orm the work , would appro ve the addition of the newl y qu a lified firm into the pool(s) fo r one or m o re of the applicable com petencies. ANALYSIS To a ch i eve th e desired goals stated abo ve, the A dm inistration issued Invitation to Bid (1T B ) 2019-246-DF for the establishm e nt of pools of pre-qualified contractors fo r each of the fo llowi ng M icrosoft com petencies ide ntified above. T he purp ose of the 1T B is to establish a contract, by m eans of sealed applications, wi th qua lifi ed firm (s) fo r the establishm e nt of pre-qualified pools of M icro soft professional serv ice p ro vide rs. T he pre-qualified pools established shall effectively create a source of viable firm (s) fro m wh ich the Inform atio n Technolo gy (IT ) D epartm ent m ay issue Invitation-to-Q uotes (IT Q s) fo r vario us C ity ad hoc M icro soft-related pro jects during the term of the contract. Page 259 of 720 t I The qualified firm(s) would be added to one, or any number, of the available 19 competencies (Application Development, Application Integration, Cloud Business Application (PC Only), Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Cloud Platform, Cloud Productivity, Collaboration and Content, Communication, Data Analytics, Data Platform, Data Center, Dev Ops, Enterprise Resource Planning, Leaming, Messaging, Project and Portfolio Management, Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions, and Windows and Devices) offered for certification within the Microsoft Partner Network (the "Network") for which the firm shows evidence of holding Gold certified status within the Network. Further, at any time, the City, through the approval of the City Manager, may accept applications and add additional or remove firms to the list of prequalified firms during the term of the contract. 1TB PROCESS The 1TB was issued on August 30, 2019, with bid opening date of September 17, 2019. The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 41,914 companies utilizing www.publicpurchase.com and www.BidSync.com websites. 182 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. The notices resulted in the receipt of fourteen (14) responses from: Centric Consulting, LLC, Persepta, LLC, Axtegrity Consulting, Smartek21 LLC, Tallan, Inc., Forsyte IT Solutions, DGR Systems LLC, Cloud Navigator, Inc., eMazzanti Technologies, Computer Solutions East, Inc., C2S Technologies Inc., Netwise USA, Inc., Daruma Tech, and Powersolv I ne. The Microsoft competency for which each firm has submitted a proposal is included in Attachment A. Staff has confirmed compliance with the requirements of the 1TB by each of the firms submitting a response. eMazzanti Technologies submitted a response for Data Center, Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions, Cloud Productivity, and Cloud Platform categories; however, with the exception of the Cloud Platform competency, the, responses for the other competencies had to be rejected because the firm is not certified by Microsoft for those competencies as required at this by the ITB. ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION The costs of the related services are subject to funds availability approved through the City's budgeting process. Grant funding will not be utilized for this project. CONCLUSION I concur with staff that it is in the best interest of the City to have a pool of pre-qualified Microsoft gold-certified service providers from which proposals can be sought to quickly deploy a service provider to address an identified technology need of the City. Otherwise, redundant and time- consuming efforts would be required to seek proposals and qualify firms each time a need was identified. In order to continue to maximize competition by continuing to add firms to each of the Microsoft identified competencies, I recommend that the period for submitting applications be extended to be consistent with the term of the contract. New applicants that meet the I TB requirements will be added to the pool for which it is certified. Firms that lose certification or do not perform well will be removed from the pool. Further, any service order exceeding the City Manager's authority of $100,000 will be submitted to the City Commission for approval. Therefore, I recommend that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida approve the Resolution accepting the recommendation of the City Manager, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (I TB) 2019-246-DF, to establish a pool of Microsoft certified service providers Page 260 of 720 to exped ite the se lection of vendo rs for future Inform ation Technology P rojects involving M icrosoft serv ices , and appro ving the various M icro soft-designated com petencies, and the initial p oo l of qualified se rv ice pro viders, as set forth in E xhibit "A " to the Com m ission M em oran dum accom panying this R eso lution; further, authorizing the City M anager to keep the 1T B open fo r the purpose of prequalifying additional M icro soft certified serv ice providers, and d e legating to the C ity M anage r the authority to add serv ice pro viders to the pool, provided such ven do rs m eet the requirem ents of the 1T B for their respective com petency; and further providing that any S e rv ice O rde r in excess of $100,000 fo r any Project shall be subject to the p rio r appro val of the C ity C o m m issio n. Applicable Area C itywi de Is this a Resident Right to Know item? No Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Fun ds? No Legislative Tracking Inform atio n Technology/P ro curem e nt ATTACHMENTS: Description D Exhibit A R esol ution Page 261 of 720 ATTACHMENT A Ap plication Development 1. Centric Consulting, LLC 2. Sm artek 21, LLC 3. Tallan, Inc. 4. Computer Solutions East Inc. S . D aru m a Tech, LL C 6 . P o w e rso lv, In c 7. N e tw ise U S A , Inc. A pplication Integra ti on 1. T alla n , In c. Cl oud Busi ness Ap pl ication (P C O nly) N /A Cl oud Custome r Relation sh ip M anagem ent (CRM) N /A Cloud Platf orm 1. C e ntric C o n su ltin g, LLC 2. T allan , In c. 3. Fo rsyte IT S o lutio n s, LLC 4 . C lo u d N avig a to r, In c. S . eM azzanti T ech n o lo g ies 6. C o m p u te r S o lu tio n s East In c. Cloud Productivity 1. C e ntric C o n su ltin g, LLC 2. T all an , In c. 3. C lo u d N aviga to r, In c. 4 . C o m p u ter S o lutio n s E ast In c. S . Fo rsyte IT So lutio n s, LLC Col labo ratio n and Conten t 1. C en tric C o n su ltin g , LLC 2. S m arte k 21, LLC 3. T all an , In c. 4 . C lo u d N aviga to r, In c. S . C o m p ute r S o lu tio n s East In c. 6. P o w e rso lv, In c Com m unication N /A D ata A nalyt ics 1. C e ntric C o nsu ltin g , LLC 2. Sm a rt e k 21, LLC 3. T all an , In c. 4 . C 2S T ech n o lo g ie s In c D ata Platfo rm 1. P e rse p ta LLC 2. T all an , In c. D ata Center 1. C en tric C o n su lting , LLC 2 . Sma rtek 21, LLC 3. T all an , In c. 4 . Fo rsyte IT S o lutio ns, LLC S . C lo u d N av ig ato r, In c. 6. C o m p u te r S o lu tio ns E ast In c. 7. P o w e rsol v, Inc D ev O ps 1. T all an , In c . Enterprise M o bili ty M anagem ent 1. C lo u d N av ig ato r, In c. 2. Fo rsyt e IT S o lutio ns, LLC Enterp rise Reso urce Planning 1. C en tric C o n su ltin g, LLC 2. A xte gr ity C on sul ti n g LLC Learning N /A M essaging 1. C o m p u te r S o lu tio ns E ast In c. Project and Portf ol io M an a gem ent N /A Sm all and M id m arke t Cl o ud Solutions 1. C o m p u te r S o lu tio n s E ast In c. W indow s and D evi ces 1. Fo rsyte IT S o lutio n s, LLC 2. D G R S yste m s, LLC 3. C o m p u te r S o lu tio n s E ast In c. P age 262 o f 72 0 ITB 2019-246-DF 9 APPENDIX A ________________________________________________________________________ Prequalification Application ________________________________________________________________________ 2019-246-DF Microsoft Professional Services PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2019-246-DF 10 Prequalification Application Instructions Section 1, General. The purpose of this Prequalification Application is to establish a pool of pre- qualified bidders for current and future Microsoft Professional Services related projects, which shall ensure that the Information Technology Department have access to qualified vendors to ensure that projects are awarded in a competitive manner that maximizes available funds. Section 2, Submittal Instructions. The Consultant Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the applicant. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate ''N/A'' or ''None. '' If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application. Submit one (1) signed original and one (1) electronic copy (e.g., flash drive, CD-ROM) of the applications to: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Attention: ITB 2019-246-DF 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information as deemed necessary to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications. When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, Applicants will have seven (7) business days to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 3, Deadline For Submittal. There is no deadline for the submittal of applications. However, the initial review of applications shall begin 15 days after issuance of this ITB. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis. The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 60 days of receipt. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] ITB 2019-246-DF 11 Part A – General Bidder Information. FIRM NAME: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S) BIDDER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: APPLICANT FIRM IS: _____CORPORATION / _____PARTNERSHIP / _____SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP / _____OTHER (If other, specify:______________________________) Part B – Category of Work. Provide checkmark on at least one (1) of the following Microsoft competencies for which the bidder is a Microsoft Gold partner. Submit documentation for all that apply.  Competency  Competency Application Development Data Center Application Integration Dev Ops Cloud Business Application (PC Only) Enterprise Mobility Management Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Platform Learning Cloud Productivity Messaging Collaboration and Content Project and Portfolio Management Communication Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions Data Analytics Windows and Devices Data Platform ITB 2019-246-DF 12 Part C – Operational & Management Information. 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer of the company, below. Submit additional names on a separate sheet if required. Owner Ownership percentage Directorship/Office type 2. Provide three (3) projects similar in size and scope (e.g. Microsoft-related services that the applicant has completed in the last five (5) years. Project Description of Work Project Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: 3. Has the applicant company´s certification(s) been revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 4. Have any owners, directors, officers, or agents of the applicant company had any certification revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 5. Is the applicant company currently barred by a governmental agency, from bidding work as a prime or subconsultant? YES NO If yes, state debarment period and the reason(s) for debarment? ITB 2019-246-DF 13 6. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, directors, officers, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 7. Is an affiliate of the applicant company prequalified by the City of Miami Beach to bid on work? YES NO If yes, state the name of the affiliate? 8. Is the applicant company a parent, subsidiary, or holding company for another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below: Company Type of affiliation (parent or subsidiary) Period of affiliation 9. Is an owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company affiliated with another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual´s name Affiliated company´s name Period of affiliation Type of affiliation (e.g. officer, director, owner or employee) 10. Is the applicant company currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case or file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, including (but not limited to): the original petition, including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the ITB 2019-246-DF 14 bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 11. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the applicant company, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 12. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain. 13. Has the applicant company been assessed or paid any fines on any project during the past five (5) years, whether the project was publicly or privately owned? YES NO If yes, explain. 14. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for the company that is related to the business activities of a business organization? YES NO If yes, explain. ITB 2019-246-DF 15 15. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted (criminal) or found liable (civil) for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? If yes, explain. 16. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? YES NO If yes, explain. 17. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director, employee or agent, an employee of the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, state name, title and share of ownership Name Title Share (%) of Ownership 18. Has the applicant, or any officer, director, employee or agent, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, provide details. 19. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code"). Does the applicant maintain a corporate code of business ethics? YES NO 19a. If yes, attach. If no, will the applicant accept the City’s code of ethics (available at available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures)? YES NO 20. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business ITB 2019-246-DF 16 unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. Does the applicant agree to be comply with this prohibition? YES NO 21. Is the applicant a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) (certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise (certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs). YES NO Certifying Agency Certification Type 22. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? YES NO If yes, which brands. 23. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005- 3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide “Equal Benefits” to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Consultant’s employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the “other” section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Company Provides for Employees with Company Provides for Employees with Company does not Provide Benefit ITB 2019-246-DF 17 Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave 23. Fair Chance Requirement. Bidder certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City’s Fair Chance Ordinance, pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code. Bidder agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. YES NO APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT The undersigned agrees that s/he: 1) is a principal of the applicant duly authorized to execute the foregoing Consultant Prequalification Certification Application, and that the contents of said document(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; 2) s/ certifies that the application and supporting documents include all of the material information necessary to validate the status of the company for prequalification purposes; 3) s/ shall notify the Procurement Department within fifteen (15) days and provide a notarized statement whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of the company. Further, any prequalification applicant, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared delinquent and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that the applicant agrees: 1) to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; 2) that it has not colluded, nor will collude, with any other applicant; 3) that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name: Title (must be a principal of the applicant): Signature: Date: ITB 2019-246-DF 9 APPENDIX A ________________________________________________________________________ Prequalification Application ________________________________________________________________________ 2019-246-DF Microsoft Professional Services PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2019-246-DF 10 Prequalification Application Instructions Section 1, General. The purpose of this Prequalification Application is to establish a pool of pre- qualified bidders for current and future Microsoft Professional Services related projects, which shall ensure that the Information Technology Department have access to qualified vendors to ensure that projects are awarded in a competitive manner that maximizes available funds. Section 2, Submittal Instructions. The Consultant Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the applicant. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate ''N/A'' or ''None. '' If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application. Submit one (1) signed original and one (1) electronic copy (e.g., flash drive, CD-ROM) of the applications to: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Attention: ITB 2019-246-DF 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information as deemed necessary to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications. When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, Applicants will have seven (7) business days to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 3, Deadline For Submittal. There is no deadline for the submittal of applications. However, the initial review of applications shall begin 15 days after issuance of this ITB. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis. The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 60 days of receipt. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] ITB 2019-246-DF 11 Part A – General Bidder Information. FIRM NAME: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S) BIDDER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: APPLICANT FIRM IS: _____CORPORATION / _____PARTNERSHIP / _____SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP / _____OTHER (If other, specify:______________________________) Part B – Category of Work. Provide checkmark on at least one (1) of the following Microsoft competencies for which the bidder is a Microsoft Gold partner. Submit documentation for all that apply.  Competency  Competency Application Development Data Center Application Integration Dev Ops Cloud Business Application (PC Only) Enterprise Mobility Management Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Platform Learning Cloud Productivity Messaging Collaboration and Content Project and Portfolio Management Communication Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions Data Analytics Windows and Devices Data Platform ITB 2019-246-DF 12 Part C – Operational & Management Information. 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer of the company, below. Submit additional names on a separate sheet if required. Owner Ownership percentage Directorship/Office type 2. Provide three (3) projects similar in size and scope (e.g. Microsoft-related services that the applicant has completed in the last five (5) years. Project Description of Work Project Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: 3. Has the applicant company´s certification(s) been revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 4. Have any owners, directors, officers, or agents of the applicant company had any certification revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 5. Is the applicant company currently barred by a governmental agency, from bidding work as a prime or subconsultant? YES NO If yes, state debarment period and the reason(s) for debarment? ITB 2019-246-DF 13 6. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, directors, officers, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 7. Is an affiliate of the applicant company prequalified by the City of Miami Beach to bid on work? YES NO If yes, state the name of the affiliate? 8. Is the applicant company a parent, subsidiary, or holding company for another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below: Company Type of affiliation (parent or subsidiary) Period of affiliation 9. Is an owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company affiliated with another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual´s name Affiliated company´s name Period of affiliation Type of affiliation (e.g. officer, director, owner or employee) 10. Is the applicant company currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case or file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, including (but not limited to): the original petition, including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the ITB 2019-246-DF 14 bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 11. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the applicant company, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 12. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain. 13. Has the applicant company been assessed or paid any fines on any project during the past five (5) years, whether the project was publicly or privately owned? YES NO If yes, explain. 14. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for the company that is related to the business activities of a business organization? YES NO If yes, explain. ITB 2019-246-DF 15 15. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted (criminal) or found liable (civil) for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? If yes, explain. 16. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? YES NO If yes, explain. 17. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director, employee or agent, an employee of the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, state name, title and share of ownership Name Title Share (%) of Ownership 18. Has the applicant, or any officer, director, employee or agent, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, provide details. 19. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code"). Does the applicant maintain a corporate code of business ethics? YES NO 19a. If yes, attach. If no, will the applicant accept the City’s code of ethics (available at available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures)? YES NO 20. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business ITB 2019-246-DF 16 unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. Does the applicant agree to be comply with this prohibition? YES NO 21. Is the applicant a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) (certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise (certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs). YES NO Certifying Agency Certification Type 22. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? YES NO If yes, which brands. 23. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005- 3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide “Equal Benefits” to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Consultant’s employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the “other” section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Company Provides for Employees with Company Provides for Employees with Company does not Provide Benefit ITB 2019-246-DF 17 Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave 23. Fair Chance Requirement. Bidder certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City’s Fair Chance Ordinance, pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code. Bidder agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. YES NO APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT The undersigned agrees that s/he: 1) is a principal of the applicant duly authorized to execute the foregoing Consultant Prequalification Certification Application, and that the contents of said document(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; 2) s/ certifies that the application and supporting documents include all of the material information necessary to validate the status of the company for prequalification purposes; 3) s/ shall notify the Procurement Department within fifteen (15) days and provide a notarized statement whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of the company. Further, any prequalification applicant, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared delinquent and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that the applicant agrees: 1) to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; 2) that it has not colluded, nor will collude, with any other applicant; 3) that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name: Title (must be a principal of the applicant): Signature: Date: [THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] ITB 2019-246-DF 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS: PAGE 0100 GENERAL INFORMATION & SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................... 3 APPENDICES: APPENDIX A PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION ............................................................. 9 ITB 2019-246-DF 3 SECTION 0100: GENERAL INFORMATION & SCOPE OF WORK 1. PURPOSE. The City of Miami Beach, Florida (the “City”) is seeking to prequalify firms that have been certified by Microsoft as Gold Certified Partners, to provide to the City services in one or more of the following categories:  Application Development  Data Center  Application Integration  Dev Ops  Cloud Business Application (PC Only)  Enterprise Mobility Management  Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  Enterprise Resource Planning  Cloud Platform  Learning  Cloud Productivity  Messaging  Collaboration and Content  Project and Portfolio Management  Communication  Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions  Data Analytics  Windows and Devices  Data Platform Bidders that are not certified by Microsoft as Gold Partners in one of the above referenced categories will not be considered. When the City departments require assistance with any of the categories of services identified above, proposals may be solicited from the prequalified firms. Firms interested in being included in the pool of prequalified firms, must submit a Consultant Prequalification Application (attached as “Appendix A”) in accordance with Section 0200. When services are required, the City will issue an Invitation to Quote to all firms, in good standing with the City, who have been prequalified for a particular category. The City utilizes BidSync (www.bidsync.com) for automatic notification of solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment, including the issuance of any addendum to this ITB. Any prospective bidder who has received this ITB by any means other than through BidSync is solely responsible for registering immediately with Bidsync to assure it receives any addendum issued to this ITB. Additionally, prior to submittal of the bid, bidder shall verify that it has received and complied with all addenda issued. Failure to receive an addendum, or comply with an addendum requirement, may result in disqualification of bid submitted. ITB 2019-246-DF 4 2. OVERVIEW OF PREQUALIFICATION PROCESS. The figure below is a general overview of the process that the City will utilize to award work pursuant to the prequalification process. 2. PROCUREMENT CONTACT. Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted to the Procurement Contact noted below. The Bid title/number shall be referenced on all correspondence. Procurement Contact: Telephone: Email: Danny Flores 305-673-7000 x26652 dannyflores@miamibeachfl.gov The City Clerk is to be copied on all communications via e-mail at: RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov; or via facsimile: 786-394-4188. 3. APPROVAL OF PREQUALIFIED STATUS. Following the review of applications, the responsive, responsible bidder(s) meeting all terms and conditions of the ITB will be recommended for award, as deemed in the best interest of the City, to the City Manager for his consideration. After considering the staff recommendation for award, the City Manager shall exercise his due diligence and recommend to the Mayor and City Commission the bid that the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager’s recommendation(s) and, may approve or reject the City Manager’s recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject all bids received. In addition to the criteria established in the application, pursuant to Section 2-369 of the City Code, the City may consider the following: ITB 2019-246-DF 5  The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder or applicant to perform the Contract.  Whether the bidder or applicant can perform the Contract within the time specified, without delay or interference.  The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder or applicant.  The quality of performance of previous contracts.  The previous and existing compliance by the bidder or applicant with laws and ordinances relating to the Contract. PREQUALIFIED STATUS IS VALID FOR THREE (3) YEARS FROM DATE OF THE NOTICE OF PREQUALIFICATION ISSUED BY THE CITY, OR AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER. 3.1 RENEWAL TERMS. The City Manager, at his sole discretion, may approve up to two (2), one (1) year renewal terms, providing that the required certification is still valid. 4. ADDITIONAL PREQUALIFIED FIRMS TO BE ADDED TO POOL. At any time, the City, through the approval of the City Manager, may accept applications and add additional firms to the list of prequalified firms. 5. AWARDING WORK. When the need for services arises, prequalified consultants, for the applicable category, that are in good standing may be invited to submit statements of work (SOW) and costs based on an Invitation to Quote (ITQ) issued by the City. Each SOW prepared by the consultant shall include a clear description of the work to be performed (with specific and timed deliverables) and the related costs by deliverable. The City will select the prequalified consultant that offers the best combination of services and cost, solely at the discretion of the City. ITB 2019-246-DF 6 6. SERVICE DELIVERY EXPECTATIONS. The City places an emphasis on excellent customer service delivery and expects the prequalified bidder to provide the best possible customer service to any and all awarded projects throughout the term of the contract. The prequalified bidder’s project manager is responsible for monitoring the customer service provided to City by prequalified bidder’s staff, sales and support teams, and employing, as necessary, corrective measures, to ensure that the prequalified bidder will provide and maintain the highest quality of customer service possible during completion of the project(s). Project-specific deliverables and expectations shall be defined on a project-by-project basis, as specified in each ITQ. At a minimum, the prequalified bidder(s) must provide the following levels of support for all awarded projects: (i) Microsoft’s standard software warranty; (ii) Corrective support required to assist in the resolution of identifiable and reproducible software problems; and, (iii) Provide access to software patches, a symptom solution database, software licenses, maintenance and services descriptions, specifications, technical literature, etc. Normal working hours are considered to be Monday thru Friday, 8am-5pm. 7. VOLUME OF WORK TO BE RECEIVED BY BIDDER. No promise of work is given, or should be understood, as a result of a pre-qualification. The City reserves the right to purchase any goods and/or services awarded from any resulting agreement, or another governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City’s spot market purchase provisions. 8. WARRANTY. The Microsoft standard warranty shall cover all software, and the awarded bidders’ warranty shall cover Value-added services provided under this the Contract. The Microsoft standard warranty is required to provide coverage against defective software, workmanship, and failure to perform in accordance with the specifications and required performance criteria. The Microsoft and awarded bidders’ warranty coverage must be identical to or exceed the most inclusive of those normally provided for the commodities and contractual services specified herein that are sold to the City. Should the Microsoft or awarded bidders’ warranty conflict with any requirements, specifications, terms, or conditions of the Contract, the Contract terms and conditions shall prevail. 9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The parties do not anticipate that any Intellectual Property will be developed or created as a result of the Contract. However, in such case as it is developed or created, any Intellectual Property developed or created as a result of the Contract will belong to and be the sole property of the City. This provision will survive the termination or expiration of the Contract. 10. DOCUMENTATION FOR LICENSES. Upon request, the prequalified bidder is to provide to the City, at the prequalified bidder’s expense, access to electronic copies of license documentation including, but not limited to, City license confirmation certifications. Access to this documentation is not to require a user ID or password and must be available for the City to share with their employees, for business purposes, as appropriate. 11. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The City’s Standard Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts (available at https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/procurement/standard-terms-and- conditions/) are referenced and incorporated herein ITB 2019-246-DF 7 12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENT. Prior to the issuance of a work order, the successful firm shall furnish and maintain for the duration of the engagement, the following insurance requirements. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a material breach of the contract, which could result in withholding of payments or termination of the contract. A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440, and Employer Liability Insurance for bodily injury or disease. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if vendor has no owned automobiles, then coverage for hired and non-owned automobiles, with limit no less than $1,000,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 12.1 Additional Insured - City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the Consultant including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed in the form of an endorsement to the Consultant’s insurance. 12.2 Notice of Cancellation - Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Beach c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. 12.3 Acceptability of Insurers – Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A:VII or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for members of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FWCIGA, FAJUA). Carriers may also be considered if they are licensed and authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. 12.4 Verification of Coverage – Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Consultant’s obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P.O. Box 4668 – ECM #35050 New York, NY 10163-4668 Kindly submit all certificates of insurance, endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing ITB 2019-246-DF 8 agent, EXIGIS, at: certificates-miamibeach@riskworks.com 12.5 Special Risks or Circumstances - The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. 13. BINDING AGREEMENT. By virtue of submitting an application for the City’s consideration, the applicant agrees that the applications shall be considered an offer on the part of the bidder or applicant, which offer shall be deemed accepted upon approval of applicant’s prequalification status by City Manager or City Commission. Further, applicant agrees that, upon approval of the applicant or bidder’s application by the City Manager or City Commission’s approval, a binding Agreement shall be established between the City and the approved bidder. The Agreement shall be comprised of the following documents, and in the following order: First, the Purchase Order issued by the City; then, Second, the Consultant Service Order signed by the City Manager; then, Third, the Invitation to Quote (ITQ) awarded to the vendor; then, Fourth the ITB, including all documents released in connection with the ITB, including all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover. In case of default on the part of the Successful Bidder, after said award, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate, including legal action, for damages or specific performance. ITB 2019-246-DF 9 APPENDIX A ________________________________________________________________________ Prequalification Application ________________________________________________________________________ 2019-246-DF Microsoft Professional Services PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2019-246-DF 10 Prequalification Application Instructions Section 1, General. The purpose of this Prequalification Application is to establish a pool of pre- qualified bidders for current and future Microsoft Professional Services related projects, which shall ensure that the Information Technology Department have access to qualified vendors to ensure that projects are awarded in a competitive manner that maximizes available funds. Section 2, Submittal Instructions. The Consultant Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the applicant. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate ''N/A'' or ''None. '' If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application. Submit one (1) signed original and one (1) electronic copy (e.g., flash drive, CD-ROM) of the applications to: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Attention: ITB 2019-246-DF 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information as deemed necessary to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications. When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, Applicants will have seven (7) business days to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 3, Deadline For Submittal. There is no deadline for the submittal of applications. However, the initial review of applications shall begin 15 days after issuance of this ITB. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis. The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 60 days of receipt. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] ITB 2019-246-DF 11 Part A – General Bidder Information. FIRM NAME: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S) BIDDER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: APPLICANT FIRM IS: _____CORPORATION / _____PARTNERSHIP / _____SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP / _____OTHER (If other, specify:______________________________) Part B – Category of Work. Provide checkmark on at least one (1) of the following Microsoft competencies for which the bidder is a Microsoft Gold partner. Submit documentation for all that apply.  Competency  Competency Application Development Data Center Application Integration Dev Ops Cloud Business Application (PC Only) Enterprise Mobility Management Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Platform Learning Cloud Productivity Messaging Collaboration and Content Project and Portfolio Management Communication Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions Data Analytics Windows and Devices Data Platform ITB 2019-246-DF 12 Part C – Operational & Management Information. 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer of the company, below. Submit additional names on a separate sheet if required. Owner Ownership percentage Directorship/Office type 2. Provide three (3) projects similar in size and scope (e.g. Microsoft-related services that the applicant has completed in the last five (5) years. Project Description of Work Project Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: Name: Email: Telephone: 3. Has the applicant company´s certification(s) been revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 4. Have any owners, directors, officers, or agents of the applicant company had any certification revoked during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 5. Is the applicant company currently barred by a governmental agency, from bidding work as a prime or subconsultant? YES NO If yes, state debarment period and the reason(s) for debarment? ITB 2019-246-DF 13 6. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, directors, officers, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, why? 7. Is an affiliate of the applicant company prequalified by the City of Miami Beach to bid on work? YES NO If yes, state the name of the affiliate? 8. Is the applicant company a parent, subsidiary, or holding company for another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below: Company Type of affiliation (parent or subsidiary) Period of affiliation 9. Is an owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company affiliated with another company? YES NO If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual´s name Affiliated company´s name Period of affiliation Type of affiliation (e.g. officer, director, owner or employee) 10. Is the applicant company currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case or file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, including (but not limited to): the original petition, including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the ITB 2019-246-DF 14 bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 11. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the applicant company, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 12. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? YES NO If yes, explain. 13. Has the applicant company been assessed or paid any fines on any project during the past five (5) years, whether the project was publicly or privately owned? YES NO If yes, explain. 14. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for the company that is related to the business activities of a business organization? YES NO If yes, explain. ITB 2019-246-DF 15 15. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted (criminal) or found liable (civil) for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? If yes, explain. 16. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? YES NO If yes, explain. 17. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director, employee or agent, an employee of the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, state name, title and share of ownership Name Title Share (%) of Ownership 18. Has the applicant, or any officer, director, employee or agent, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes, provide details. 19. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code"). Does the applicant maintain a corporate code of business ethics? YES NO 19a. If yes, attach. If no, will the applicant accept the City’s code of ethics (available at available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures)? YES NO 20. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business ITB 2019-246-DF 16 unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. Does the applicant agree to be comply with this prohibition? YES NO 21. Is the applicant a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) (certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise (certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs). YES NO Certifying Agency Certification Type 22. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? YES NO If yes, which brands. 23. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005- 3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide “Equal Benefits” to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Consultant’s employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the “other” section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Company Provides for Employees with Company Provides for Employees with Company does not Provide Benefit ITB 2019-246-DF 17 Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave 23. Fair Chance Requirement. Bidder certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City’s Fair Chance Ordinance, pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code. Bidder agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. YES NO APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT The undersigned agrees that s/he: 1) is a principal of the applicant duly authorized to execute the foregoing Consultant Prequalification Certification Application, and that the contents of said document(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; 2) s/ certifies that the application and supporting documents include all of the material information necessary to validate the status of the company for prequalification purposes; 3) s/ shall notify the Procurement Department within fifteen (15) days and provide a notarized statement whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of the company. Further, any prequalification applicant, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared delinquent and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that the applicant agrees: 1) to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; 2) that it has not colluded, nor will collude, with any other applicant; 3) that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name: Title (must be a principal of the applicant): Signature: Date: 12/18/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=800882271M1700…1/2 Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Detail By Document Number / Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed State Status Detail by FEI/EIN Number Foreign Limited Liability Company DIGITAL MOBILE INNOVATIONS, LLC Filing Information M17000010487 80-0882271 12/08/2017 DE ACTIVE Principal Address 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Changed: 04/27/2018 Mailing Address 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Changed: 04/27/2018 Registered Agent Name & Address CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1201 HAYS STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301-2525 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address Title MGR BAJAJ, JAY SUNNY 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Title MGR BAJAJ, KEN S 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Title MGR NANDA HARSH D 12/18/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=800882271M1700…2/2 NANDA, HARSH 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Title Treasurer Asher , Noah S. 6650 Rock Springs Drive 7th Floor BETHESDA, MD 20817 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2018 04/27/2018 2019 01/08/2019 Document Images 01/08/2019 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/27/2018 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 12/08/2017 -- Foreign Limited View image in PDF format Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations A P P EN D IX A MIAMI B E A C H Prequalification Application 2019-246-DF Microsoft Professional Services PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 1TB 2019246DF 9 M IA M I BEACH Prequalification A plication Instructions Section 1, General. The purpose of this Prequalification Application is to establish a pool of pre- qualified bidders for current and future Microsoft Professional Services related projects, which shall ensure that the Information Technology Department have access to qualified vendors to ensure that projects are awarded in a competitive manner that maximizes available funds. Section 2, Submittal Instructions. The Consultant Prequalification Application will not be considered until it has been submitted completed and executed by a principal of the applicant. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If requested information is not applicable, please indicate "N/A" or "None. " If answers to questions are lengthier than the spaces that are provided in the application, the answers may be provided on additional pages, which must be attached to the application. All requested documents must also be attached to the application. Failure to attach all requested documents will delay review and approval of the application. Submit one (1) signed original and one (1) electronic copy (e.g., flash drive, CD-ROM) of the applications to: City of Miami Beach Procurement Department Attention: ITB 2019-246-DF 1755 Meridian Avenue, 34 Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information as deemed necessary to evaluate an applicant's qualifications. When clarifications or additional information is requested by the City, Applicants will have seven (7) business days to provide, in full, all the requested information. Failure to provide the information within the prescribed time will delay the review process and may result in denial of prequalification. Section 3, Deadline For Submittal. There is no deadline for the submittal of applications. However, the initial review of applications shall begin 15 days after issuance of this 1TB. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed periodically on an on-going basis. The City will endeavor to complete the review of each application within 60 days of receipt. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] IT 2019-246DF 1o P a rt A - G e n e ra l B id d er In fo rm a tio n . FIRM NAME ¡ital Mobil hi ti LLC 'Igl'al (Olle nnovavons, NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS:, I NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS I NO. OF EMPLOYEES LOCALLY: 20 00 + OTHER NAME(S) BIDDER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: O M I FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS)3550 Rock Spring Drive, 7th Floor CITY: Bethesda STATE: Maryland I ZIP CODE: 2081 7 TELEPHONE NO240-223-4800 TOLL FREE NO.: N / A FAX NO.: 240-223-4888 FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: N o n e CITY: STATE: I ZIPCODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: F re d e ric k M a ie r ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO-793-851-2545 ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO'NJ/A ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: f . @ d mater mmnc.com eoE . r x to 7 c m1 0 30-0882271 ÍJCANT FIRM IS: corroo»no i[_k «envese iL k ae or rose llorera. specify; united ability_company_ ) Part B - Category of Work. Provide checkmark on at least one (1) of the following Microsoft competencies for which the bidder is a Microsoft Gold partner. Submit documentation for all that apply. ✓Competency ✓ ✓Application Development Competency ✓I Data Center Application Integration I Dev Ops Cloud Business Application (PC Only) Enterprise Mobility Management Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning ✓Cloud Platform Learning Cloud Productivity Messaging ✓Collaboration and Content Project and Portfolio Management Communication Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions ✓Data Analytics Windows and Devices ✓Data Platform 1TB 2019-246DF 11 P a rt C - Op er ation al & Management Information. 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer fth bel Subi it dditi l t ih tif "id o e company, eow. u m a rIona names on a separate s ee 1 require. Owner Ownership percentage Directorship/Office type Digital Management, LLC 98.55% Unitholder Digital Management Holdings, LLC 1.45% Unitholder Jay Sunny Bajaj Board Member Ken S. Bajaj Board Member Harsh Nanda Board Member 2. Provide three (3) projects similar in size and scope (e.g. Microsoft-related services that the applicant has completed in the last five (5) years. Project Description of Work Project Reference Rose-Hui man Rose-Hulman is a private college located in Terre Haute, Indiana, that focuses on Name: Hayley Williams engineering. science, and math Rose-Hulm an is recognized nationally as a leading Office 365 I SharePoint Online Intranet education institution in these areas, and recently ranked fourth in the nation in g Email: Hayley.Williams@rose-hulman.edu study the Brooks Institution performed to analyze the value-add provided by 7,400 schools 812-877-8865 ln 2016, after a failed attempt from another vendor, Rose-Hulman approached DMI [Telephone: , opt¢ p p 4gy p]gt - t o y pd [ United Health One (UHO) DMI Partnered with United Health One to Deliver the following. Name: Sue Stein, Product Owner Platform Strategy. including Strategic Vison for the Platform and organization, road Microsoft Dynamics CRM/365 Strategic map to maximize platform investment, Governance, Process improvement Email: susan.stein@uhc.com Enhancement & Cloud Migration Automation and Recommendations, Stabilization of current On-premis deployment, platform con figuration and customization following Microsoft Best Practices, Enhance to better align to business needs, Performance Tuning. Platform Support 317.715.7515 Cloud Migration, Strategy. Business and Technical Architecture, Automate, improve TTelephone: re « Allison Transmission Next Generation Working closely with both IT and Business Stakeholders, DMI re-factored and Name: Jeff Sweet reconstructed the core compute engine on the ISCAAN application using modern iSCANN {Internet System for software engineering patterns, best practices and a focus on maintainability. The Email: jeffrey.sweet@allisontransmission.com total number of lines of code was reduced from 603,127 0 34,373.a 94% decrease. DMI also included a built in regression test suite to ensure the output ol 317-242-3132 Computational Application Analysis) the legacy application matched the rede ve loped version (within 0 000000001 to be precise). The code base is now accessible by any C developer, rather than TTeleohone: 3. Has the applicant company's certification(s) been revoked during the last five (5) years? Je L7To If yes, why? 4. Have any owners, directors, officers, or agents of the applicant company had an y certificati on revoked during the last five () years? L...J YES [ZJ NO If yes, why? 5. Is the applicant company currently barred by a governmental agency, from bidding work as a prime or subconsultant? t)re Lz7o If yes, state debarment period and the reason(s) for debarment? 1TB 2019 246DF 12 6 . H a s th e a p p lic a n t c o m p a n y o r a n y o f its o w n e rs , d ire c to rs , o ff ic e rs , o r a g e n ts b e e n c o n v ic te d o f a c rim e o r h a d a c la im th a t w a s fi le d in a c o u rt a n d m e d ia te d o r a rb itra te d d u r in g th e la s t fi v e (5 ) y e a rs ? tIs (7 v o I If yes, why? 7. Is an affiliate of the applicant company prequalified by the City of Miami Beach to bid on work? t s (J o I If yes, state the name of the affiliate? 8. Is the applicant company ÎI paret, subsidia~olding company for another company? YES L J NO If the answer is "yes," identify the company and type of relationship(s), below. Company Type of affiliation (parent or subsidiary) Period of affiliation See Addendum 9. Is an owner, director, officer, or ¡rent of the applicant company affiliated with another company? YEs L JNo If the answer is "yes," provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Individual's name Affiliated company's name Period of Type of affiliation (e.g. affiliation officer, director, owner or employee) See Addendum 1 O. Is the applicant company currently the debtor in a bankruptcy case or file for bankruptcy during the last five (5) years? t s Lz1 o If yes, explain and attach, as applicable, the relevant case and court documents, including (but not limited to): the ori inal etition, includin the case number and the date that the etition was filed; a co of the 1TB 2019-246DF 13 bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other docum ent that ended the case, if no discharge order w as issued. 11. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the applicant company, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankrurcy Ïíithin the past five (5) years? vs LV7No If yes, explain and attach a copy of the discharge order, order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case, a copy of the notice of commencement. 12. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company owned or managed a company under any other name in the last five (5) years? tzJs L Io If yes, explain. Parent company Digital Management, LLC was converted to a limited liability company from a corporation under the name Digital Management, Inc. in August 2016. Direct subsidiary Digital Mobile Innovations Limited had its name changed from Golden Gekko Ltd. in September 2014. Indirect subsidiary Digital Mobile Innovations, S.L. had its name changed from Golden Gekko Spain, S.L. in December 2015. 13. Has the applicant company been assessed or paid any fines on any project during the past five (5) years, wemer tune rores"was pg@y or yaey9med? YES ✓NO I If yes, explain. 14. Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director, officer, or agent for the company that is related to the business activities of a business organization? Lis L71o I If yes, explain. 1TB 2019-246DF 14 1 5 . H a s th e a p p lic a n t c o m p a n y o r a n y o f its o w n e rs , o ff ic e rs , o r p a rt n e rs e v e r b e e n c o n v ic te d (c rim in a l) o r fo u n d lia b le (c iv il) fo r m a k in g e ith e r a fa ls e c la im o r m a te ria l m is re p re s e n ta tio n to a n y p u b lic a g e n c y o r e n tity ? I If yes, explain. No. 16. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? rJ s LT I If yes, explain. 17. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and cbl6) cot any omcer, director pploys,39229mp'yes of the city otr w ari Bseac»? YES ✓NO If "l d h: sf hi yes, state name, title an sl1are or owners± p Name Title Share(%) of Ownership 18. Has the applicant, or any officer, director, employee or agent, contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach? t s LZT o I If yes, provide details. 19. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code"). Does the applicant maintain a corporate code of business ethics? LzJ rs t1o 19a. If yes, attach. If no, will the applicant accept the City's code of ethics (available at available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures)? t1 ve t To 20. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business 1TB 2019-246DF 15 u n le s s th e b u s in e s s re p re s e n ts th a t it d o e s n o t a n d w ill n o t e n g a g e in a b o y c o tt a s d e fi n e d in S e c tio n 2 -3 7 5 (a ) o f th e C ity C o d e , in c lu d in g th e b la c k li s tin g , d iv e s tin g fr o m , o r o th e rw is e re fu s in g to d e a l w ith a p e rs o n o r e n tity w h e n s u c h a c tio n is b a s e d o n ra c e , c o lo r, n a tio n a l o r ig in , re lig io n , s e x , in te rs e x u a lity , g e n d e r id e n tity , s e x u a l o rie n ta tio n , m a r ita l o r fa m ilia l s ta tu s , a g e o r d is a b ility . D o e s th e ap pl ic an t a gr e e to b e c omply wi th this proh ibition ? [·s Io 21. Is the applicant a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) (certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise (certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs). Is L7To Certifying Agency Certification Type 22. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the bidder is seeking to be prequalified sourced in North Carolina or Mississippi? t7re Lz7o I If yes, which brands. 23. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005- 3494 that requires bidders with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than $100,000 to provide "Equal Benefits" to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a bidder who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Consultant's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? tr7 s L Jo B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of e!ployys? J vs o C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other" section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Company Provides Company Provides Company does not for Em lo ees with for Em lo ees with Provide Benefit 1TB 2019-246DF 16 Sp o u s e s D o m e s tic P a rtn e rs H e a lth ✓✓✓ Sick Leave ✓✓✓ Family Medical Leave ✓✓✓ Bereavement Leave ✓✓✓ 23. Fair Chance Requirement. Bidder certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code. Bidder agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract; and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. tzIs L To APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT The undersigned agrees that s/he: 1) is a principal of the applicant duly authorized to execute the foregoing Consultant Prequalification Certification Application, and that the contents of said document(s) are complete, true, and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; 2) s/ certifies that the application and supporting documents include all of the material information necessary to validate the status of the company for prequalification purposes; 3) s/ shall notify the Procurement Department within fifteen (15) days and provide a notarized statement whenever a change occurs in the ownership, management, or financial condition of the company. Further, any prequalification applicant, including its principal(s), director(s), and any affiliate, who is a party to any misrepresentation to obtain business or contracts with the City of Miami Beach shall be declared delinquent and have its certificate suspended or revoked and will be subject to debarment and any other penalties prescribed by law. The undersigned affirms that the applicant agrees: 1) to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; 2) that it has not colluded, nor will collude, with any other applicant; 3) that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; 4) that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Title ( U Date: IT 2019-246DF 17