ITB-20-071-01 CDW Government LLCCONTRACT NO. 20-071-01 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3"' Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl,gov PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-3944235 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: barthec(&.cdwg.com January 15, 2020 CDW Government LLC 230 N. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: 877-404-6297 RE: NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) 2020- 071-DF FOR THE PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT Dear Mr. Heckman: On December 27, 2019, CDW Government LLC, submitted to the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City') a bid in response to the above-referenced ITB. The ITB stipulates, pursuant to Section 0200, Sub-Section • 16, Binding Contract, that the approval of the City Manager's recommendation by the Mayor and City Commission shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the awarded bidder. Accordingly, this letter shall serve as official notice from the City that the Mayor and Commission at its January 15, 2020 meeting approved the City Manager's recommendation, pursuant to the ITB to award a contract to CDW Government LLC, (the "Contractor" as the Primary Vendor) for Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment. No goods may be shipped, or services performed (as applicable) until such time as the City has issued a Purchase Order to the Contractor. If you have any questions regarding this letter of notification of award, you may contact Valerie Velez, Contract Analyst, Procurement Department, at ValerieVelezmiamibeachfl.qov or at 305.673.7490. Otherwise, all other questions should be addressed to the Contract Manager for this contract, Frank Quintana, Information Technology Division Director, at frankouintanamiamibeachfl.qov or (305) 673-7000 ext. 26150. ector Procurement Department AD/ME/AG We ore committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. CONTRA CT NO. 20-071-01 M IA M I B EA C H City of M iam i Beach , 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3"" Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33 139, www.miamibeachfl.gov PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 305673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235 SENT VIA E-MAIL TO: barthec@cdwg.com Jan uary 15, 2020 CDW Government LLC 230 N. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone : 877-404-6297 RE: NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRA CT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (1TB) 2020- 071-D F FOR THE PURCHASE OF CISCO NETW ORKING EQUIPMENT Dear Mr. Heckman: On December 27, 2019, CDW Government LLC, submitted to the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City") a bid in response to the above-referenced 1TB. The 1TB stipulates, pursuant to Section 0200, Sub-Section · 16, Binding Contract, that the approval of the City Manager's recommendation by the Mayor and City Commission shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the awarded bidder. Accordingly, this letter shall serve as official notice from the City that the Mayor and Commission at its January 15, 2020 meeting approved the City Manager's recommendation, pursuant to the 1TB to award a contract to CDW Government LLC, (the "Contractor" as the Primary Vendor) for Purchase of Cisco Netw orking Equipment. No goods may be shipped, or services performed (as applicable) until such time as the City has issued a Purchase Order to the Contractor. If you have any questions regarding this letter of notification of award, you may contact Valerie Velez, Contract Analyst, Procurement Department, at Valerie Velez@miamibeachfl.goy or at 305.673.7490. Otherwise, all other questions should be addressed to the Contract Manager for this contract, Frank Quintana, Information Technology Division Director, at frankquintana @miamibeachfl.goy or (305) 673-7000 ext. 26150. e2pon- ~curement Department AD/ME/AG We are committed to providing excellent public service and salety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM A TT A C H M E N T A R E S O L U T IO N C O M M IS S IO N IT E M S A N D C O M M IS S IO N M E M O R A N D U M Competitive Bid Reports - C2 C MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 15, 2020 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT TO CDW GOVERNMENT LLC, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AS THE PRIMARY VENDOR, AND TO AIP US LLC, THE SECOND LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AS THE SECONDARY VENDOR. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida approve the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to bids received, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2020-071-DF, for Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment. BACKGROUND/HISTORY Since 2000, the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City") Information Technology (IT) Department has standardized on Cisco networking technology products for Citywide infrastructure connectivity and is currently in need of a major purchase to refresh the City's infrastructure or install new systems. Through this ITB, the City is seeking to maximize competition for the purchase Cisco networking equipment. The purpose of the ITB is to establish a contract, by means of sealed bids, with qualified and Cisco-certified firm(s) that hold a Select, Premier, or Gold certification to assure that the City is purchasing the required items from Cisco authorized dealers and avoiding the potential of acquiring refurbished equipment from non-authorized dealers. ANALYSIS ITB PROCESS The ITB was issued on December 16, 2019, with bid opening date of December 27, 2019. The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 19,359 companies utilizing www.BidSync.com websites. 92 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. The notices resulted in the receipt of 8 responses from: Acordis International Corp.; AIP US, LLC; CDW Government LLC; Premier Computer Services, Inc.; Presidio Networked Solutions LLC; Softchoice Corporation; Software Information Resource Corp; and, Total Communication, Inc. as indicated in Exhibit A. Page 87 of 2450 Com petitive Bid Reports - C2 C MIAMI BEACH C O M M IS S IO N M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager January 15, 2020 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (1TB) 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT TO CDW GOVERNMENT LLC, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AS THE PRIMARY VENDOR, AND TO Al P US LLC, THE SECOND LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AS THE SECONDARY VENDOR. R E C O M M E ND ATIO N The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida approve the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to bids received, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (1TB) 2020-071-DF, for Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment. BA CK G R O U ND/H ISTO RY Since 2000, the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City") Information Technology (IT) Department has standardized on Cisco networking technology products for Citywide infrastructure connectivity and is currently in need of a major purchase to refresh the City's infrastructure or install new systems. Through this ITB, the City is seeking to maximize competition for the purchase Cisco networking equipment. The purpose of the I TB is to establish a contract, by means of sealed bids, with qualified and Cisco-certified firm(s) that hold a Select, Premier, or Gold certification to assure that the City is purchasing the required items from Cisco authorized dealers and avoiding the potential of acquiring refurbished equipment from non-authorized dealers. A NA LYS IS 1TB PR O C E S S The 1TB was issued on December 16, 2019, with bid opening date of December 27, 2019. The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 19,359 companies utilizing www.BidSync.com websites. 92 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. The notices resulted in the receipt of 8 responses from: Acordis International Corp.; AIP US, LLC; CDW Government LLC; Premier Computer Services, Inc.; Presidio Networked Solutions LLC; Softchoice Corporation; Software Information Resource Corp; and, Total Communication, Inc. as indicated in Exhibit A Page 87 of 2450 The lowest and second lowest bids were received from CDW Government and AI P US, respectively. Staff has confirmed compliance with the requirements of the ITB by the loweM and second lowest firms submitting a response. It is in the best interest of the City to award a contract to CDW Government, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as primary vendor. Also, in the event that the primary vendor cannot fulfill its contractual obligations, it is also recommended that AI P US, the second lowest bidder, be awarded as the secondary vendor. It is important to note that the lowest bid represents approximately 38% discount off of the anticipated cost for the required items. Below is a brief description of the lowest and second lowest bidders. CDW Government LLC CDW is a leading multi-brand technology solutions provider to business, government, education and healthcare customers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. A Fortune 500 company and member of the S&P 500 Index, CDW was founded in 1984 and employs more than 9,800 coworkers. AIP US, LLC AI P US, LLC is a technology services company that focuses on IT infrastructure and managed services. They provide IT consulting, systems integration, and managed services to customers. They specialize in IT strategy, security, network, unified communications, data center and virtualization, cloud and other technologies. In the future, the City will be recommending award of a pre-qualified pool of bidders to establish an open process for maximizing competition and streamlining purchases for future purchases. CONCLUSION I concur with staff and recommend that it is in the best interest of the City to award a competitively solicited contract pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2020-071-DF for purchase of Cisco networking equipment to CDW Government, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as primary vendor. Also, in the event that the primary vendor cannot fulfill its contractual obligations, it is also recommended that Al P US, the second lowest bidder, be awarded as the secondary vendor. Applicable Area Citywide Is this a Resident Right to Does this item utilize G.O. Know item? Bond Funds? No No Legislative Tracking Information Technology/Procurement ATTACHMENTS Description q Exhibit A Page 88 of 2450 The lowest and second lowest bids were received from CDW Govern ment and Al P US, respectively. Staff has confirmed compliance with the requirements of the 1TB by the lowest and second lowest firm s submitting a response. It is in the best interest of the City to award a contract to CDW Govern m ent, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as prim ary vendor. Also, in the event that the prim ary vendor cannot fulfill its contractual obligations, it is also recommended that Al P US, the second lowest bidder, be awarded as the secondary vendor. It is important to note that the lowest bid represents appro xim ately 38% discount off of the anticipated cost for the required item s. Below is a brief description of the lowest and second lowest bidders. CDW Government LLC CDW is a leading multi-brand technology solutions provider to business, government, education and healthcare customers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. A Fortune 500 company and member of the S&P 500 Index, CDW was founded in 1984 and employs more than 9,800 coworkers. AIP US,LLC Al PUS, LLC is a technology services company that focuses on IT infrastructure and managed services. They provide IT consulting, systems integration, and managed services to customers. They specialize in IT strategy, security, network, unified communications, data center and virtualization, cloud and other technologies. In the future, the City will be recommending award of a pre-qualified pool of bidders to establish an open process for maximizing competition and streamlining purchases for future purchases. CONCLUSION I concur with staff and recommend that it is in the best interest of the City to award a competitively solicited contract pursuant to Invitation to Bid (1TB) 2020-071-DF for purchase of Cisco networking equipment to CDW Government, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as primary vendor. Also, in the event that the primary vendor cannot fulfill its contractual obligations, it is also recommended that Al P US, the second lowest bidder, be awarded as the secondary vendor. Applicable Area Citywide Is this a Resident Right to Know item? No Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds? No Legislative Tracking Information Technology/Procurement ATTACHMENTS Description Exhibit A Page 88 of 2450 Exhibit A Firm Name Acord is Group A - Total $476,831.46 AIP US2 $404,901.18 CDW-G1 $371,610.46 Premier Computer Service $577,358.34 Presidio $449,338.80 Softchoice $414,133.25 Software Information Resource Corp $483,126.70 Total Communications $452,321.04 llowest responsive and responsible bidder. 2 second lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Page 89 of 2450 E xh ibi t A 1 lowest responsive and responsible bidder. second lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Page 89 of 2450 ATTACHMENT B SOLICITATION AND ADDENDUMS ATTACHMENT B SOLICITATION AND ADDENDUMS \VITATION TO BID (ITB) Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment 2020-071-DF BID ISSUANCE DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2019 BID DUE: DECEMBER 27, 2019 @ 3:00 PM ISSUED BY: MIAMI BEACk' DANNY FLORES, PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING OFFICER I PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.673.7000 x 26652 I dannyflores@miamibeachfl.gov I www.miamibeachfl.gov INVITATION TO BID IITB Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment 2020-071-DF BID ISSUANCE DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2019 BID DUE: DECEMBER 27, 2019@ 3:00 PM ISSUED BY: MI A MI B CH DANNY FLORES, PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING OFFICER I PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3" Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.673.7000 x 26652 I dannyflores@miamibeachfl.gov I www.miamibeachfl.gov TABLE OF CONTENTS SOLICITATION SECTIONS: PAGE 0100 NOT UTILIZED N/A 0200 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS & GENERAL CONDITIONS 3 0300 BID SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS & FORMAT 16 APPENDICES: APPENDIX A PROPOSAL CERTIFICATON, QUESTIONNAIRE AND AFFIDAVITS APPENDIX B "NO BID" FORM APPENDIX C MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX D SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM ITB 2020-071 -DF 2 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S S O LI C I T A T I O N S E C T I O N S : P A G E 010 0 N O T U T IL IZ E D N /A 02 0 0 IN S T R U C T IO N S T O B ID D E R S & G E N E RA L C O N D IT IO N S 3 03 0 0 B ID SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS & FORMAT 16 APPENDICES: A P P E N D IX A P ROPOSAL CERTIFICATON, QUESTIONNAIRE AND AFFIDAVITS APPENDIX B "NO BID" FORM APPENDIX C MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX D SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM 1TB 2020071DF 2 SECTION 0200 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. GENERAL. This Invitation to Bid (ITB) is issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City"), as the means for prospective Proposers to submit their qualifications, proposed scopes of work and cost proposals (the "bid") to the City for the City's consideration as an option in achieving the required scope of services and requirements as noted herein. All documents released in connection with this solicitation, including all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover, comprise the solicitation, and are complementary to one another and together establish the complete terms, conditions and obligations of the Proposers and, subsequently, the successful Bidders(s) (the "contractor[s]") if this ITB results in an award. The City utilizes BidSync (www.BidSync.com) for automatic notification of competitive solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment, including the issuance of any addendum to this ITB. Any prospective Bidder who has received this ITB by any means other than through BidSync must register immediately with BidSync to assure it receives any addendum issued to this ITB. Failure to receive an addendum may result in disqualification of proposal submitted. 2. PURPOSE. The City of Miami Beach, Florida ("City") Information Technology (IT) Department is dedicated to providing tools that enhance the City's ability to deliver world-class service to the City's residents and visitors. Key to the IT Department's operations for the distribution of these tools is strong networking technology. The City has, since 2000, standardized on Cisco networking technology switch products for Citywide infrastructure connectivity. Through this ITB, the City is seeking to purchase Cisco networking equipment for the items identified herein. Also, a pool of prequalified bidders shall be established for the future purchase of these goods and services. The City has previously utilized competitive and publicly-bid cooperative contracts for the acquisition of the goods and services, but now seeks to create its own contract for the commodities. Bids will only be considered from authorized Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco partners. In accordance with General Condition 31 - Condition and Packaging, only new and current equipment will be considered. Bidder(s) acknowledges that attempts to furnish any equipment that is not new (refurbished, remanufactured, open box, etc.) shall, at a minimum, result in default of contract. 3. SOLICITATION TIMETABLE. The tentative schedule for this solicitation is as follows: ITB Issued December 16, 2019 Pre-Bid Meeting N/A Deadline for Receipt of Questions December 19, 2019 @ 5:00 P.M. Responses Due December 27, 2019 @ 3:00 P.M. Tentative Commission Approval Authorizing Award _ January 2020 4. PROCUREMENT CONTACT. Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted to the Procurement Contact noted below: ITB 2020-071-DF 3 SECTION 0200 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. GENERAL. This Invitation to Bid (1TB) is issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City"), as the means for prospective Proposers to submit their qualifications, proposed scopes of work and cost proposals (the "bid") to the City for the City's consideration as an option in achieving the required scope of services and requirements as noted herein. All documents released in connection with this solicitation, including all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover, comprise the solicitation, and are complementary to one another and together establish the complete terms, conditions and obligations of the Proposers and, subsequently, the successful Bidders(s) (the "contractor[s]") if this 1TB results in an award. The City utilizes BidSync (wwy.BidSync.com) for automatic notification of competitive solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment, including the issuance of any addendum to this 1TB. Any prospective Bidder who has received this 1TB by any means other than through BidSync must register immediately with BidSync to assure it receives any addendum issued to this 1TB. Failure to receive an addendum may result in disqualification of proposal submitted. 2. PURPOSE. The City of Miami Beach, Florida ("City") Information Technology (IT) Department is dedicated to providing tools that enhance the City's ability to deliver world-class service to the City's residents and visitors. Key to the IT Department's operations for the distribution of these tools is strong networking technology. The City has, since 2000, standardized on Cisco networking technology switch products for Citywide infrastructure connectivity. Through this 1TB, the City is seeking to purchase Cisco networking equipment for the items identified herein. Also, a pool of prequalified bidders shall be established for the future purchase of these goods and services. The City has previously utilized competitive and publicly-bid cooperative contracts for the acquisition of the goods and services, but now seeks to create its own contract for the commodities. Bids will only be considered from authorized Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco partners. In accordance with General Condition 31 - Condition and Packaging, only new and current equipment will be considered. Bidder(s) acknowledges that attempts to furnish any equipment that is not new (refurbished, remanufactured, open box, etc.) shall, at a minimum, result in default of contract. 3. SOLICITATION TIMETABLE. The tentative schedule for this solicitation is as follows: 1TB Issued December 16, 2019 Pre-Bid Meeting NIA Deadline for Receipt of Questions December 19, 2019 @ 5:00 P.M. Responses Due December 27, 2019 @3:00 P.M. Tentative Commission Approval Authorizing Award January 2020 4. PROCUREMENT CONTACT. Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted to the Procurement Contact noted below: 1TB 2020071 D 3 Procurement Contact: Danny Flores, Procurement Contracting Officer I Telephone: Email: (305)673-7000, Ext. 26652 dannyfloresa.miamibeachtoy dditionally, the City Clerk is to be co :ied on all communications via e-mail at: RafaelGranadollimi9mihoachl-Hov, r via facsimile: 786-394-4188. The Bid title/number shall be referenced on all correspondence. All questions or requests for clarification must be received no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date proposals are due as scheduled in Section 0200-3. All responses to questions/clarifications will be sent to all prospective Proposers in the form of an addendum. 4. PRE-BID MEETING OR SITE VISIT(S). Intentionally omitted. 5. PRE-BID INTERPRETATIONS. Oral information or responses to questions received by prospective Bidders are not binding on the City and will be without legal effect, including any information received at pre-bid meeting or site visit(s). Only questions answered by written addenda will be binding and may supersede terms noted in this solicitation. Addendum will be released through BidSync. 6. CONE OF SILENCE. Pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code, all procurement solicitations once advertised and until an award recommendation has been forwarded to the City Commission by the City Manager are under the "Cone of Silence." The Cone of Silence ordinance is available at http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientID=13097&statelD=9&statename=Florida. Any communication or inquiry in reference to this solicitation with any City employee or City official is strictly prohibited with the of exception communications with the Procurement Director, or his/her administrative staff responsible for administering the procurement process for this solicitation providing said communication is limited to matters of process or procedure regarding the solicitation. Communications regarding this solicitation are to be submitted in writing to the Procurement Contact named herein with a copy to the City Clerk at rafaelpranado(@.miamibeachfl.gov. 7. SPECIAL NOTICES. You are hereby advised that this solicitation is subject to the following ordinances/resolutions, which may be found on the City Of Miami Beach website: http://www.miamibeachigov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and-procedures/ • CONE OF SILENCE CITY CODE SECTION 2-486 • PROTEST PROCEDURES CITY CODE SECTION 2-371 • DEBARMENT PROCEEDINGS CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-397 THROUGH 2-485.3 • LOBBYIST REGISTRATION AND DISCLOSURE OF FEES CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-481 THROUGH 2-406 • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS CITY CODE SECTION 2-487 • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY LOBBYISTS ON PROCUREMENT ISSUES CITY CODE SECTION 2-488 • REQUIREMENT FOR CITY CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE EQUAL BENEFITS FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS CITY CODE SECTION 2-373 • LIVING WAGE REQUIREMENT CITY CODE SECTIONS 2 407 THROUGH 2 410 • PREFERENCE FOR FLORIDA SMALL BUSINESSES OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY VETERANS AND TO STATE-CERTIFIED SERVICE- DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES CITY CODE SECTION 2-374 • FALSE CLAIMS ORDINANCE CITY CODE SECTION 70-300 • ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS, FAVORS & SERVICES CITY CODE SECTION 2-449 8. EXAMINATION OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS AND SITE: It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to: • Examine the solicitation thoroughly. ITB 2020-071-DF 4 Procurement Contact: Danny Flores, Procurement Contracting Officer I Telephone: (305)673-7000, Ext. 26652 Email: dannyflores@m iamibeachfl.goy The Bid title/number shall be referenced on all correspondence. All questions or requests for clarification must be received no later than ten (1 O) calendar days prior to the date proposals are due as scheduled in Section 0200-3. All responses to questions/clarifications will be sent to all prospective Proposers in the form of an addendum. 4. PRE-BID MEETING OR SITE VISIT(S). Intentionally omitted. 5. PRE-BID INTERPRETATIONS. Oral information or responses to questions received by prospective Bidders are not binding on the City and will be without legal effect, including any information received at pre-bid meeting or site visit(s). Only questions answered by written addenda will be binding and may supersede terms noted in this solicitation. Addendum will be released through Bid Sync. 6. CONE OF SILENCE. Pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code, all procurement solicitations once advertised and until an award recommendation has been forwarded to the City Commission by the City Manager are under the "Cone of Silence." The Cone of Silence ordinance is available at http:/ !library. municode .com/index.aspx?clientl D= 13097 &state I D=9&statename=Florida. Any communication or inquiry in reference to this solicitation with any City employee or City official is strictly prohibited with the of exception communications with the Procurement Director, or his/her administrative staff responsible for administering the procurement process for this solicitation providing said communication is limited to matters of process or procedure regarding the solicitation. Communications regarding this solicitation are to be submitted in writing to the Procurement Contact named herein with a copy to the City Clerk at rafaelgranado@miamibeachfl.gov. 7. SPECIAL NOTICES. You are hereby advised that this solicitation is subject to the following ordinances/resolutions, which may be found on the City Of Miami Beach website: http://yyy_miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related- ordinance- and-procedures/ • CONE OF SILENCE..................................................................... CITY CODE SECTION 2-486 • PROTEST PROCEDURES............................................................ CITY CODE SEC TION 2-371 • DEBARMENT PROCEEDINGS....................................................... CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-397 THROUGH 2-485.3 • LOBBYIST REGISTRATION AND DISCLOSURE OF FEES.................. CITY CODE SECTIONS 2-481 THROUGH 2-406 • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS................................... CITY CODE SEC TION 2-487 • CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY LOBBYISTS ON PROCUREMENT ISSUES...................................................................................... CITY CODE SECTION 2-488 • REQUIREMENT FOR CITY CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE EQUAL BENEFITS FOR DOMESTIC PARTNERS.......................................... CITY CODE SECTION 2-373 ·LIV4NG WAGE REQUIREMENT... ==ewe=eeeeeeee7=e==eee=7eee= TY CODE SECTI ON S 2 407 THROUGH 2 440 • PREFERENCE FOR FLORIDA SMALL BUSINESSES OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY VETERANS AND TO STATE-CERTIFIED SERVICE- DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES............................. CITY CODE SECTION 2-374 • FALSE CLAIMS ORDINANCE......................................................... CITY CODE SECTION 70-300 • ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS, FAVORS & SERVICES.............................. CITY CODE SEC TION 2-449 8. EXAMINATION OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS AND SITE: It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to: • Examine the solicitation thoroughly. 1TB 2020071DF 4 • Visit the site or structure, as applicable, to become familiar with conditions that may affect costs, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. • Take into account federal, state and local (City and Miami-Dade County) laws, regulations, permits, and ordinances that may affect costs, progress, performance, furnishing of the Work, or award. • Study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the solicitation. • Notify the Procurement Director of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the solicitation of which Bidder knows or reasonably should have known. • The submission of a Bid shall constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with the above requirements and that without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the solicitation and that the solicitation documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 9. POSTPONEMENT OF DUE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. The City reserves the right to postpone the deadline for submittal of bids and will make a reasonable effort to give at least three (3) calendar days written notice of any such postponement to all prospective Bidders through BidSync. 10. PROTESTS. Protests concerning the specifications, requirements, and/or terms; or protests after the bid due date in accordance with City Code Section 2-371, which establishes procedures for protested proposals and proposed awards. Protests not submitted in a timely manner pursuant to the requirements of City Code Section 2-371 shall be barred. 11. JOINT VENTURES. Joint Ventures are not allowed. The City will only contract with the prime contractor. Proposals may, however, identify other sub-contractors or sub-consultants to the prime contractor. 12. VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES PREFERENCE. Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2011- 3748, the City shall give a preference to a responsive and responsible bidder which is a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or which is a service-disabled veteran business enterprise, and which is within five percent (5%) of the lowest and best bidder, by providing such bidder an opportunity of providing said goods or contractual services for the lowest responsive bid amount. Whenever, as a result of the foregoing preference, the adjusted prices of two (2) or more bidders which are a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise constitute the lowest bid pursuant to an ITB or oral or written request for quotation, and such bids are responsive, responsible and otherwise equal with respect to quality and service, then the award shall be made to the service-disabled veteran business enterprise. 13. CONTRACT PRICE. Bid Price is to include the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment including tools, services, permit fees, applicable taxes, overhead and profit for the completion of the Work except as may be otherwise expressly provided in the solicitation. 14. METHOD OF AWARD. Following the review of bids and application of vendor preferences, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of the ITB will be recommended for award by bid item, bid group, or for the entirety of all bid items, as deemed in the best interest of the City, to the City Manager for his consideration. After considering the staff recommendation for award, the City Manager shall exercise his due diligence and recommend to the Mayor and City Commission the bid that the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's recommendation(s) and, may approve or reject the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject all bids received. In determining the lowest and best bidder, and in addition to price, Section 2-369 of the City Code provides ITB 202 0-07 1 -DF 5 • Visit the site or structure, as applicable, to become familiar with conditions that may affect costs, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. • Take into account federal, state and local (City and Miami-Dade County) laws, regulations, permits, and ordinances that may affect costs, progress, performance, furnishing of the Work, or award. • Study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the solicitation. • Notify the Procurement Director of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the solicitation of which Bidder knows or reasonably should have known. • The submission of a Bid shall constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with the above requirements and that without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the solicitation and that the solicitation documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 9. POSTPONEMENT OF DUE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. The City reserves the right to postpone the deadline for submittal of bids and will make a reasonable effort to give at least three (3) calendar days written notice of any such postponement to all prospective Bidders through BidSync. 10. PROTESTS. Protests concerning the specifications, requirements, and/or terms; or protests after the bid due date in accordance with City Code Section 2-371, which establishes procedures for protested proposals and proposed awards. Protests not submitted in a timely manner pursuant to the requirements of City Code Section 2-371 shall be barred. 11. JOINT VENTURES. Joint Ventures are not allowed. The City will only contract with the prime contractor. Proposals may, however, identify other sub-contractors or sub-consultants to the prime contractor. 12. VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES PREFERENCE. Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2011- 37 48, the City shall give a preference to a responsive and responsible bidder which is a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or which is a service-disabled veteran business enterprise, and which is within five percent (5%) of the lowest and best bidder, by providing such bidder an opportunity of providing said goods or contractual services for the lowest responsive bid amount. Whenever, as a result of the foregoing preference, the adjusted prices of two (2) or more bidders which are a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s) or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise constitute the lowest bid pursuant to an 1TB or oral or written request for quotation, and such bids are responsive, responsible and otherwise equal with respect to quality and service, then the award shall be made to the service-disabled veteran business enterprise. 13. CONTRACT PRICE. Bid Price is to include the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment including tools, services, permit fees, applicable taxes, overhead and profit for the completion of the Work except as may be otherwise expressly provided in the solicitation. 14. METHOD OF AWARD. Following the review of bids and application of vendor preferences, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of the 1TB will be recommended for award by bid item, bid group, or for the entirety of all bid items, as deemed in the best interest of the City, to the City Manager for his consideration. After considering the staff recommendation for award, the City Manager shall exercise his due diligence and recommend to the Mayor and City Commission the bid that the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's recommendation(s) and, may approve or reject the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject all bids received. In determining the lowest and best bidder, and in addition to price, Section 2-369 of the City Code provides 1TB 2020071F 5 that the City may consider the following: • The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the Contract. • Whether the bidder can perform the Contract within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. • The quality of performance of previous contracts. • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the Contract. 15. MULTIPLE AWARD. The City may award two or more vendors (primary, secondary, tertiary, or higher), as available, by line item, by group or in its entirety, beginning with lowest, responsive, responsible bidder (primary), followed by the second lowest, responsive, responsible bidder (secondary), and continuing with other responsive, responsible bidders in order of next best cost. The City will endeavor to utilize vendors in order of award. However, the City may utilize other vendors in the event that: 1) a contract vendor is not or is unable to be in compliance with any contract or delivery requirement; 2) it is in the best interest of the City to do so regardless of reason. Bidder acknowledges and agrees that this Contract and the award of any work hereunder, is non-exclusive, and the City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, award similar services or work to other firms under contract with the City (either as a co-primary contractor, or as secondary or tertiary contractors). No Purchase Order shall be issued to Contractor, and no work or Services shall be authorized under this Agreement, except at City's sole discretion. Contractor shall have no entitlement to perform any services hereunder, or to be compensated for any Services, unless set forth in a written Purchase Order. 16. BINDING CONTRACT. The signed bid shall be considered an offer on the part of the bidder, which offer shall be deemed accepted upon award of the bid by the City Commission, or as delegated by the City Commission. Said award shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the awarded bidder(s). In case of default on the part of the successful bidder, after said award, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate, including legal action, for damages or specific performance. The Contract shall include the solicitation, any and all addenda issued by the City and the Bid Proposal submitted the by bidder. In any discrepancy between the documents, the order of preference shall be as follows: 1) Addendum in reverse order of release; 2) Solicitation; 3) Bid Proposal, In case of default on the part of the successful bidder, the City may procure the items or services from other sources and hold the bidder responsible for any excess cost occasioned or incurred thereby. 17. VOLUME OF WORK TO BE RECEIVED BY CONTRACTOR. It is the intent of the City to purchase the goods and services specifically listed in this solicitation from the contractor. However, the City reserves the right to purchase any goods or services awarded from state or other governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 18. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to become thoroughly familiar with the Bid requirements, terms and conditions of this solicitation. Ignorance by the Bidder of conditions that exist or that may exist will not be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the City, or the compensation to be paid to the Bidder. 19. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF BIDS. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids prior to award. Reasonable efforts will be made to either award the Contract or reject all bids within one-hundred twenty (120) calendar days after bid opening date. A Bidder may not withdraw its bid unilaterally nor change the Contract Price before the expiration of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the date of bid opening. A Bidder may ITB 2020-071-DF 6 that the City may consider the following: • The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the Contract. • Whether the bidder can perform the Contract within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. • The quality of performance of previous contracts. • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the Contract. 15. MULTIPLE AWARD. The City may award two or more vendors (primary, secondary, tertiary, or higher), as available, by line item, by group or in its entirety, beginning with lowest, responsive, responsible bidder (primary), followed by the second lowest, responsive, responsible bidder (secondary), and continuing with other responsive, responsible bidders in order of next best cost. The City will endeavor to utilize vendors in order of award. However, the City may utilize other vendors in the event that: 1) a contract vendor is not or is unable to be in compliance with any contract or delivery requirement; 2) it is in the best interest of the City to do so regardless of reason. Bidder acknowledges and agrees that this Contract and the award of any work hereunder, is non-exclusive, and the City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, award similar services or work to other firms under contract with the City (either as a co-primary contractor, or as secondary or tertiary contractors). No Purchase Order shall be issued to Contractor, and no work or Services shall be authorized under this Agreement, except at City's sole discretion. Contractor shall have no entitlement to perform any services hereunder, or to be compensated for any Services, unless set forth in a written Purchase Order. 16. BINDING CONTRACT. The signed bid shall be considered an offer on the part of the bidder, which offer shall be deemed accepted upon award of the bid by the City Commission, or as delegated by the City Commission. Said award shall constitute a binding Contract between the City and the awarded bidder(s). In case of default on the part of the successful bidder, after said award, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate, including legal action, for damages or specific performance. The Contract shall include the solicitation, any and all addenda issued by the City and the Bid Proposal submitted the by bidder. In any discrepancy between the documents, the order of preference shall be as follows: 1) Addendum in reverse order of release; 2) Solicitation; 3) Bid Proposal. In case of default on the part of the successful bidder, the City may procure the items or services from other sources and hold the bidder responsible for any excess cost occasioned or incurred thereby. 17. VOLUME OF WORK TO BE RECEIVED BY CONTRACTOR. It is the intent of the City to purchase the goods and services specifically listed in this solicitation from the contractor. However, the City reserves the right to purchase any goods or services awarded from state or other governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 18. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to become thoroughly familiar with the Bid requirements, terms and conditions of this solicitation. Ignorance by the Bidder of conditions that exist or that may exist will not be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the City, or the compensation to be paid to the Bidder. 19. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF BIDS. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids prior to award. Reasonable efforts will be made to either award the Contract or reject all bids within one-hundred twenty (120) calendar days after bid opening date. A Bidder may not withdraw its bid unilaterally nor change the Contract Price before the expiration of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the date of bid opening. A Bidder may 1TB8 2020071F 6 withdraw its bid after the expiration of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of bid opening by delivering written notice of withdrawal to the Procurement Department prior to award of the Bid by the Mayor and City Commission. 21. AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT. To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305-604-2489 (voice), 305-673-7524 (fax) or 305-673-7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). 22. NON-DISCRIMINATION. The Proposer certifies that it is in compliance with the non-discrimination clause contained in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, relative to equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. In accordance with the City's Human Rights Ordinance, codified in Chapter 62 of the City Code, Proposer shall prohibit discrimination by reason of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital and familial status, and age or disability. 23. ASSIGNMENT. The successful bidder shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of the contract, including any or all of its right, title or interest therein, or his/her or its power to execute such contract, to any person, company or corporation, without the prior written consent of the City. 24. AUDIT RIGHTS AND RECORDS RETENTION. The Successful Bidder agrees to provide access at all reasonable times to the City, or to any of its duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to this formal solicitation, for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The Successful Bidder shall maintain and retain any and all of the books, documents, papers and records pertinent to the Contract for three (3) years after the City makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed. Contractor's failure to or refusal to comply with this condition shall result in the immediate cancellation of this contract by the City. 25. BID BONDS, PERFORMANCE BONDS, CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE. Bid Bonds, when required, shall be submitted with the bid in the amount specified in the Special Conditions. After acceptance of the bid, the City will notify the successful bidder to submit a performance bond and certificate of insurance in the amount specified in the Special Conditions. 26. BILLING INSTRUCTIONS. Invoices, unless otherwise indicated, must show purchase order numbers and shall be submitted to the ordering City department. 27. CANCELLATION. In the event any of the provisions of this Bid are violated by the bidder, the City shall give written notice to the bidder stating such deficiencies and, unless such deficiencies are corrected within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the City's notice, the City, through its City Manager, may declare the contract in default and terminate same, without further notice required to the bidder. Notwithstanding the preceding, the City, ITB 2020-071-DF w ithdraw its bid after the expiration of one hundred tw enty (120) calendar days from the date of bid opening by delivering w ritten notice of w ithdraw al to the Procurem ent D epartm ent prior to aw ard of the B id by the M ayor and City C om m ission. 20._AL _IERNA TE RESPONSES AAA Y E çNSIDERED. The City may consider one (1) alternate response from the same Bidder for the same formal solicitation; provided, that the alternate response offers a different product that meets or exceeds the formal solicitation requirements. I order for the City to consider an alternate response, the Bidder shall complete a separate Price Sheet form and shall mark- 'Alternate Response". -4Alternate response shall be placed in the same response. This provision only applies to formal solicitations for the procurement of goods, services, items, equipment, materials, and/or supplies. 21. AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT. To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305-604-2489 (voice), 305-673-7524 (fax) or 305-673-7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). 22. NON-DISCRIMINATION. The Proposer certifies that it is in compliance with the non-discrimination clause contained in Section 202, Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, relative to equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. In accordance with the City's Human Rights Ordinance, codified in Chapter 62 of the City Code, Proposer shall prohibit discrimination by reason of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital and familial status, and age or disability. 23. ASSIGNMENT. The successful bidder shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of the contract, including any or all of its right, title or interest therein, or his/her or its power to execute such contract, to any person, company or corporation, without the prior written consent of the City. 24. AUDIT RIGHTS AND RECORDS RETENTION. The Successful Bidder agrees to provide access at all reasonable times to the City, or to any of its duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to this formal solicitation, for the purpose of audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The Successful Bidder shall maintain and retain any and all of the books, documents, papers and records pertinent to the Contract for three (3) years after the City makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed. Contractor's failure to or refusal to comply with this condition shall result in the immediate cancellation of this contract by the City. 25._ BID BONDS, PERFORMANCE BONDS, CERTIFICATES OE INSURANCE. Bid Bonds, when required, shall be submitted with the bid in the amount specified in the Special Conditions. After acceptance of the bid, the City will notify the successful bidder to submit a performance bond and certificate of insurance in the amount specified in the Special Conditions. 26. BILLING INSTRUCTIONS. Invoices, unless otherwise indicated, must show purchase order numbers and shall be submitted to the ordering City department. 27. CANCELLATION. In the event any of the provisions of this Bid are violated by the bidder, the City shall give written notice to the bidder stating such deficiencies and, unless such deficiencies are corrected within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the City's notice, the City, through its City Manager, may declare the contract in default and terminate same, without further notice required to the bidder. Notwithstanding the preceding, the City, 1TB 2020071DF 7 through its City Manager, also reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time and for any reason, without cause and for convenience, and without any monetary liability to the City, upon the giving of thirty (30) days prior written notice to the bidder. 28. CITY'S RIGHT TO WAIVE OR REJECT BIDS. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in this Bid; or to reject all bids, or any part of any bid, as it deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach. 29. CLARIFICATION AND ADDENDA TO BID SPECIFICATIONS. If a bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of the Bid specifications, or other Bid documents, or any part thereof, the bidder must submit to the City, at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled Bid opening date, a request for clarification. Any interpretation of the Bid, including, without limitation, responses to questions and request for clarification(s) from bidders, will be made only by Addendum duly issued by the City. In the event of conflict with the original specifications, the Addendum shall supersede such specifications, to the extent specified. Subsequent Addendum shall govern over prior Addendum only to the extent specified. The bidder shall be required to acknowledge receipt of any and all Addendum, and filling in and signing in the spaces provided in Appendix A, No. 14 Acknowledgement of Addendum. Failure to acknowledge Addendum may deem a bid non-responsive. The City will not be responsible for explanations, interpretations, or answers to questions made verbally or in writing by any City representative, unless issued by the City via formal written Addendum to this Bid. Any questions or clarifications concerning the Bid shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement Department, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 with a copy to the City Clerk. 30. COLLUSION. Where two (2) or more related parties each submit a bid or bids for any contract, such bids or bids shall be presumed to be collusive. The foregoing presumption may be rebutted by presentation of evidence as to the extent of ownership, control and management of such related parties in the preparation and submittal of such bid or bids. "Related parties" means bidders or the principals thereof which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another bidder for the same contract, or in which a parent company or the principals thereof of one (1) bidder have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another bidder for the same contract. Bid or bids found to be collusive shall be rejected. Bidders who have been found to have engaged in collusion may also be suspended or debarred, and any contract resulting from collusive bidding may be terminated for cause. 31. CONDITION AND PACKAGING. Bidder guarantees items offered and delivered to be the current standard production model at time of bid and shall offer expiration dating of at least one year or later. Bidder also guarantees items offered and delivered to be new, unused, and free from any and all defects in material, packaging and workmanship and agrees to replace defective items promptly at no charge to the City of Miami Beach, for the manufacturer's standard warranty but in no case for a period of less than 12 months from date of acceptance. All containers shall be suitable for storage or shipment, and all prices shall include standard commercial packaging. 32. CONTRACT EXTENSION. The City reserves the right to require the Contractor to extend contract past the stated termination date for a period of up to 120 days in the event that a subsequent contract has not yet been awarded. Additional extensions past the 120 days may occur as needed by the City and as mutually agreed upon by the City and the contractor. ITB 2020-071-DF 8 through its City Manager, also reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time and for any reason, without cause and for convenience, and without any monetary liability to the City, upon the giving of thirty (30) days prior written notice to the bidder. 28. CITY'S RIGHT TO WAIVE OR REJECT BIDS. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in this Bid; or to reject all bids, or any part of any bid, as it deems necessary and in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach. 29. CLARIFICATION AND ADDENDA TO BID SPECIFICATIONS. If a bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of the Bid specifications, or other Bid documents, or any part thereof, the bidder must submit to the City, at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled Bid opening date, a request for clarification. Any interpretation of the Bid, including, without limitation, responses to questions and request for clarification(s) from bidders, will be made only by Addendum duly issued by the City. In the event of conflict with the original specifications, the Addendum shall supersede such specifications, to the extent specified. Subsequent Addendum shall govern over prior Addendum only to the extent specified. The bidder shall be required to acknowledge receipt of any and all Addendum, and filling in and signing in the spaces provided in Appendix A, No. 14 Acknowledgement of Addendum. Failure to acknowledge Addendum may deem a bid non-responsive. The City will not be responsible for explanations, interpretations, or answers to questions made verbally or in writing by any City representative, unless issued by the City via formal written Addendum to this Bid. Any questions or clarifications concerning the Bid shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement Department, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3d Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 with a copy to the City Clerk. 30. COLLUSION. Where two (2) or more related parties each submit a bid or bids for any contract, such bids or bids shall be presumed to be collusive. The foregoing presumption may be rebutted by presentation of evidence as to the extent of ownership, control and management of such related parties in the preparation and submittal of such bid or bids. "Related parties" means bidders or the principals thereof which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another bidder for the same contract, or in which a parent company or the principals thereof of one (1) bidder have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another bidder for the same contract. Bid or bids found to be collusive shall be rejected. Bidders who have been found to have engaged in collusion may also be suspended or debarred, and any contract resulting from collusive bidding may be terminated for cause. 31. CONDITION AND PACKAGING. Bidder guarantees items offered and delivered to be the current standard production model at time of bid and shall offer expiration dating of at least one year or later. Bidder also guarantees items offered and delivered to be new, unused, and free from any and all defects in material, packaging and workmanship and agrees to replace defective items promptly at no charge to the City of Miami Beach, for the manufacturer's standard warranty but in no case for a period of less than 12 months from date of acceptance. All containers shall be suitable for storage or shipment, and all prices shall include standard commercial packaging. 32. CONTRACT EXTENSION. The City reserves the right to require the Contractor to extend contract past the stated termination date for a period of up to 120 days in the event that a subsequent contract has not yet been awarded. Additional extensions past the 120 days may occur as needed by the City and as mutually agreed upon by the City and the contractor. I1B 2020071D 8 33. DELIVERY. Unless actual date of delivery is specified (or if specified delivery cannot be met), show number of days (in calendar days) required to make delivery after receipt of purchase order, in space provided. Delivery time may become a basis for making an award. Delivery shall be within the normal working hours of the City using Department, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Receiving hours are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 34. DELIVERY TIME. Bidders shall specify in the attached Bid Form, the guaranteed delivery time (in calendar days) for each item. It must be a firm delivery time; no ranges (For example, 12-14 days) will be accepted. 35. DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCY. A. Pre-award inspection of the bidder's facility may be made prior to the award of contract. B. Bids will only be considered from firms which are regularly engaged in the business of providing the goods and/or services as described in this Bid. C. Bidders must be able to demonstrate a good record of performance for a reasonable period of time, and have sufficient financial capacity, equipment, and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily perform the services if awarded a contract under the terms and conditions of this Bid. D. the terms "equipment and organization", as used herein shall, be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company in line with the best business practices in the industry, and as determined by the City of Miami Beach. E. The City may consider any evidence available regarding the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a bidder, including past performance (experience), in making an award that is in the best interest of the City. F. The City may require bidders to show proof that they have been designated as authorized representatives of a manufacturer or supplier, which is the actual source of supply. In these instances, the City may also require material information from the source of supply regarding the quality, packaging, and characteristics of the products to be supply to the City. Any material conflicts between information provided by the source of supply and the information contained in the bidder's bid may render the bid non-responsive. G. The City may, during the period that the contract between the City and the successful bidder is in force, review the successful bidder's record of performance to ensure that the bidder is continuing to provide sufficient financial support, equipment, and organization as prescribed in this bid. Irrespective of the bidder's performance on contracts awarded to it by the City, the City may place said contracts on probationary status and implement termination procedures if the City determines that the successful bidder no longer possesses the financial support, equipment, and organization which would have been necessary during the bid evaluation period in order to comply with the demonstration of competency required under this subsection. 36. DISPUTES. In the event of a conflict between the Bid documents, the order of priority of the documents shall be as follows: A. Any contract or agreement resulting from the award of this Bid; then B. Addendum issued for this Bid, with the latest Addendum taking precedence; then C. The Bid; then D. The bidder's bid in response to the Bid. In case of any doubt or difference of opinion as to the items and/or services (as the case may be) to be furnished hereunder, the decision of the City shall be final and binding on all parties. ITB 2020-071-DF 9 33. DELIVERY. Unless actual date of delivery is specified (or if specified delivery cannot be met), show number of days (in calendar days) required to make delivery after receipt of purchase order, in space provided. Delivery time may become a basis for making an award. Delivery shall be within the normal working hours of the City using Department, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Receiving hours are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 34. DELIVERY TIME. Bidders shall specify in the attached Bid Form, the guaranteed delivery time (in calendar days) for each item. It must be a firm delivery time; no ranges (For example, 12-14 days) will be accepted. 35. DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCY. A. Pre-award inspection of the bidder's facility may be made prior to the award of contract. B. Bids will only be considered from firms which are regularly engaged in the business of providing the goods and/or services as described in this Bid. C. Bidders must be able to demonstrate a good record of performance for a reasonable period of time, and have sufficient financial capacity, equipment, and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily perform the services if awarded a contract under the terms and conditions of this Bid. D. the terms "equipment and organization", as used herein shall, be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company in line with the best business practices in the industry, and as determined by the City of Miami Beach. E. The City may consider any evidence available regarding the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a bidder, including past performance (experience), in making an award that is in the best interest of the City. F. The City may require bidders to show proof that they have been designated as authorized representatives of a manufacturer or supplier, which is the actual source of supply. In these instances, the City may also require material information from the source of supply regarding the quality, packaging, and characteristics of the products to be supply to the City. Any material conflicts between information provided by the source of supply and the information contained in the bidder's bid may render the bid non-responsive. G. The City may, during the period that the contract between the City and the successful bidder is in force, review the successful bidder's record of performance to ensure that the bidder is continuing to provide sufficient financial support, equipment, and organization as prescribed in this bid. Irrespective of the bidder's performance on contracts awarded to it by the City, the City may place said contracts on probationary status and implement termination procedures if the City determines that the successful bidder no longer possesses the financial support, equipment, and organization which would have been necessary during the bid evaluation period in order to comply with the demonstration of competency required under this subsection. 36. DISPUTES. In the event of a conflict between the Bid documents, the order of priority of the documents shall be as follows: A. Any contract or agreement resulting from the award of this Bid; then B. Addendum issued for this Bid, with the latest Addendum taking precedence; then C. The Bid; then D. The bidder's bid in response to the Bid. In case of any doubt or difference of opinion as to the items and/or services (as the case may be) to be furnished hereunder, the decision of the City shall be final and binding on all parties. ITB 2020071Dr 9 37. NOT USED. 38. DEFAULT. Failure or refusal of a bidder to execute a contract upon award, or withdrawal of a bid before such award is made, may result in forfeiture of that portion of any bid surety required as liquidated damages incurred by the City thereby; or, where surety is not required, failure to execute a contract as described above may be grounds for removing the bidder from the City's bidders list. specifications, and MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE BID. NO BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION. THE CITY SHALL BE THE SOLE JUDGE OF EQUALITY AND ITS DECISION SHALL BE FINAL. 40. ELIMINATION FROM CONSIDERATION. This bid shall not be awarded to any person or firm who is in arrears to the City upon any debt, taxes, or contracts which are defaulted as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City. 41. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PRIORITY. It is hereby made a part of this solicitation that before, during, and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, tornado, flood, or other acts of force majeure that the City of Miami Beach, Florida shall receive a "First Priority" for any goods and services covered under any award resulting from this solicitation, including balance of line items as applicable. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation that threatens public health and safety, as determined by the City. By virtue of submitting a response to this solicitation, vendor agrees to provide all award-related goods and services to the City on a "first priority" under the emergency conditions noted above. 42. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. Estimated quantities or estimated dollars, if provided, are for City guidance only. No guarantee is expressed or implied as to quantities or dollars that will be used during the contract period. The City is not obligated to place any order for a given amount subsequent to the award of this Bid. Estimates are based upon the City's actual needs and/or usage during a previous contract period. The City may use said estimates for purposes of determining whether the low bidder meets specifications. 43. EXCEPTIONS TO BID. Bidders are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the specifications and all conditions set forth in this Bid. Bidders who fail to satisfy the requirements in this Bid, may be deemed non- responsive and receive no further consideration. Should your proposed bid not be able to meet one (1) or more of the requirements set forth in this Bid and you are proposing alternatives and/or exceptions to said requirements, you must notify the Procurement Office, in writing, at least five (5) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The City reserves the right to revise the scope of services via Addendum prior to the deadline for receipt of bids. = ITB 2020-071-DF 10 37. NOT USED. 38. DEFAULT. Failure or refusal of a bidder to execute a contract upon award, or withdrawal of a bid before such award is made, may result in forfeiture of that portion of any bid surety required as liquidated damages incurred by the City thereby; or, where surety is not required, failure to execute a contract as described above may be grounds for removing the bidder from the City's bidders list. 39. EQUIVALENTS. If a bidder offers makes of equipment or brands of supplies other than those specified in the Bid specifications, he must so indicate in-his bid. Speci fic article(s) of equipment/supplies shall conform in quality, design and construction with all published claims of the manufacturer. The bidder shall indicate in the Bid Form the manufacturer's name and number if bidding other than the specified brands, and shall indicate ANY deviation from the specifications as listed in -the Bid. Other than--specified items offered- requires- complete descriptive- technical literature- marked- to- indicate detail ed- conformance- with specifications, and- MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE BID NO BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION. THE CITY SHALL BE THE SOLE JUDGE OF EQUALITY AND ITS DECISION SHALL BE FINAL. ì Note as to Brand Names: Catalog numbers, manufacturers' and brand names, when listed, are informational guides as to a standard of acceptable product quality level only and should not be construed as an endorsement or a product limitation of recognized and legitimate manufacturers. Bidders shall formally substantiate and verify that product(s) offered conform with or- exceed quality as listed in the specifications. 40. ELIMINATION FROM CONSIDERATION. This bid shall not be awarded to any person or firm who is in arrears to the City upon any debt, taxes, or contracts which are defaulted as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City. 41. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PRIORITY. It is hereby made a part of this solicitation that before, during, and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, tornado, flood, or other acts of force majeure that the City of Miami Beach, Florida shall receive a "First Priority" for any goods and services covered under any award resulting from this solicitation, including balance of line items as applicable. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation that threatens public health and safety, as determined by the City. By virtue of submitting a response to this solicitation, vendor agrees to provide all award-related goods and services to the City on a "first priority" under the emergency conditions noted above. 42. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. Estimated quantities or estimated dollars, if provided, are for City guidance only. No guarantee is expressed or implied as to quantities or dollars that will be used during the contract period. The City is not obligated to place any order for a given amount subsequent to the award of this Bid. Estimates are based upon the City's actual needs and/or usage during a previous contract period. The City may use said estimates for purposes of determining whether the low bidder meets specifications. 43. EXCEPTIONS TO BID. Bidders are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the specifications and all conditions set forth in this Bid. Bidders who fail to satisfy the requirements in this Bid, may be deemed non- responsive and receive no further consideration. Should your proposed bid not be able to meet one (1) or more of the requirements set forth in this Bid and you are proposing alternatives and/or exceptions to said requirements, you must notify the Procurement Office, in writing, at least five (5) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The City reserves the right to revise the scope of services via Addendum prior to the deadline for receipt of bids. 1TB8 2020071DF 1O 44. FACILITIES. The City, through its City Manager or his/her authorized designee, reserves the right to inspect the bidder's facilities at any time, upon reasonable prior written or verbal notice. 45. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. Bidders are hereby notified that all Bid including, without limitation, any and all information and documentation submitted therewith, are exempt from public records requirements under Section 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, and s. 24(a), Art. 1 of the State Constitution until such time as the City provides notice of an intended decision or until thirty (30) days after opening of the bids, whichever is earlier. Additionally, Contractor agrees to be in full compliance with Florida Statute 119.0701 including, but not limited to, agreement to (a) Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to perform the services; (b) provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law; (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; (d) Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the contractor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. 46. F.O.B. DESTINATION. Unless otherwise specified in the Formal Solicitation, all prices quoted/proposed by the bidder must be F.O.B. DESTINATION, inside delivery, with all delivery costs and charges included in the bid price, unless otherwise specified in this Formal Solicitation. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection of bid. 47. GRATUITIES. Bidders shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official, employee, contractor, or agent of the City, for the purpose of influencing consideration of this Bid. 48. INDEMNIFICATION. The successful Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense, which the City or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of the agreement by the successful Bidder or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or subcontractors. The successful Bidder shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith, and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may be incurred thereon. The successful Bidder expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the successful Bidder shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The above indemnification provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 49. INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE & TITLE. Inspection and acceptance will be at destination, unless otherwise provided. Title to (or risk of loss or damage to) all items shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder until acceptance by the City, unless loss or damage results from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. If any equipment or supplies supplied to the City are found to be defective, or do not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to cancel the order upon written notice to the seller, and return the product, at the bidder's expense. 50. LAWS, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS. The bidder shall obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, and inspection fees required under the contract; and shall comply with all Applicable Laws. ITB 2020-071-DF 4 4 . F A C ILI T IE S . The City, through its City Manager or his/her authorized designee, reserves the right to inspect the bidder's facilities at any time, upon reasonable prior written or verbal notice. 45. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. Bidders are hereby notified that all Bid including, without limitation, any and all information and documentation submitted therewith, are exempt from public records requirements under Section 119.07(1 ), Florida Statutes, and s. 24(a), Art. 1 of the State Constitution until such time as the City provides notice of an intended decision or until thirty (30) days after opening of the bids, whichever is earlier. Additionally, Contractor agrees to be in full compliance with Florida Statute 119.0701 including, but not limited to, agreement to (a) Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to perform the services; (b) provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law; (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; (d) Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the contractor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. 46. F.O.B. DESTINATION. Unless otherwise specified in the Formal Solicitation, all prices quoted/proposed by the bidder must be F.O.B. DESTINATION, inside delivery, with all delivery costs and charges included in the bid price, unless otherwise specified in this Formal Solicitation. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection of bid. 47. GRATUITIES. Bidders shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official, employee, contractor, or agent of the City, for the purpose of influencing consideration of this Bid. 48. INDEMNIFICATION. The successful Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense, which the City or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of the agreement by the successful Bidder or its employees, agents, servants, partners, principals or subcontractors. The successful Bidder shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith, and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the City, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may be incurred thereon. The successful Bidder expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the successful Bidder shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The above indemnification provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 49. INSPECTION. ACCEPTANCE & TITLE. Inspection and acceptance will be at destination, unless otherwise provided. Title to (or risk of loss or damage to) all items shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder until acceptance by the City, unless loss or damage results from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. If any equipment or supplies supplied to the City are found to be defective, or do not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to cancel the order upon written notice to the seller, and return the product, at the bidder's expense. 50. LAWS, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS. The bidder shall obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, and inspection fees required under the contract; and shall comply with all Applicable Laws. 1TB 2020071F 11 51. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. The bidder shall be required to comply with all federal, State of Florida, Miami-Dade County, and City of Miami Beach codes, laws, ordinances, and/or rules and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein (collectively, Applicable Laws). Lack of knowledge or ignorance by the bidder with/of Applicable Laws will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. 52. LIABILITY, INSURANCE, LICENSES AND PERMITS. Where bidders are required to enter or go on to City of Miami Beach property to deliver materials or perform work or services as a result of the Bid, the bidder will assume the full duty, obligation and expense of obtaining all necessary licenses, permits, and insurance, and assure all work complies with all Applicable Laws. The bidder shall be liable for any damages or loss to the City occasioned by negligence of the bidder, or his/her officers, employees, contractors, and/or agents, for failure to comply with Applicable Laws. 53. MANNER OF PERFORMANCE. Bidder agrees to perform its duties and obligations in a professional manner and in accordance with all applicable Local, State, County, and Federal laws, rules, regulations and codes. Bidder agrees that the services provided shall be provided by employees that are educated, trained, experienced, certified, and licensed in all areas encompassed within their designated duties. Bidder agrees to furnish to the City any and all documentation, certification, authorization, license, permit, or registration currently required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Bidder further certifies that it and its employees will keep all licenses, permits, registrations, authorizations, or certifications required by applicable laws or regulations in full force and effect during the term of this contract. Failure of bidder to comply with this paragraph shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 54. MISTAKES. Bidders are expected to examine the specifications, delivery schedules, bid prices, and extensions, and all instructions pertaining to supplies and services. Failure to do so will be at the bidders risk and may result in the bid being non-responsive. 55. MODIFICATION/WITHDRAWALS OF BIDS. A bidder may submit a modified bid to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted bid up until the bid due date and time. Modifications received after the bid due date and time will NOT be considered. Bids shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the bid due date or after expiration of 120 calendar days from the opening of bids without a contract award. Letters of withdrawal received after the bid due date and before said expiration date and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will NOT be considered. 56. NON-CONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS. Items may be tested for compliance with specifications. Items delivered, not conforming to specifications, may be rejected and returned at the bidder's expense. These items, as we►l as items not delivered as per delivery date in bid and/or purchase order, may be purchased by the City, at its discretion, on the open market. Any increase in cost may be charged against the bidder. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in the bidders name being removed from the City's vendor list. 57. OPTIONAL CONTRACT USAGE. When the successful bidder(s) is in agreement, other units of government or non-profit agencies may participate in purchases pursuant to the award of this contract at the option of the unit of government or non-profit agency. 58. OSHA. The bidder warrants to the City that any work, services, supplies, materials or equipment supplied pursuant to this Bid shall conform in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, and the failure to comply with this condition will be deemed breach of contract. Any fines levied because of inadequacies to comply with this condition shall be borne solely by the bidder. ITB 2020-071-DF 12 51. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. The bidder shall be required to comply with all federal, State of Florida, Miami-Dade County, and City of Miami Beach codes, laws, ordinances, and/or rules and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein (collectively, Applicable Laws). Lack of knowledge or ignorance by the bidder with/of Applicable Laws will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. 52. LIABILITY, INSURANCE, LICENSES AND PERMITS. Where bidders are required to enter or go on to City of Miami Beach property to deliver materials or perform work or services as a result of the Bid, the bidder will assume the full duty, obligation and expense of obtaining all necessary licenses, permits, and insurance, and assure all work complies with all Applicable Laws. The bidder shall be liable for any damages or loss to the City occasioned by negligence of the bidder, or his/her officers, employees, contractors, and/or agents, for failure to comply with Applicable Laws. 53. MANNER OF PERFORMANCE. Bidder agrees to perform its duties and obligations in a professional manner and in accordance with all applicable Local, State, County, and Federal laws, rules, regulations and codes. Bidder agrees that the services provided shall be provided by employees that are educated, trained, experienced, certified, and licensed in all areas encompassed within their designated duties. Bidder agrees to furnish to the City any and all documentation, certification, authorization, license, permit, or registration currently required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Bidder further certifies that it and its employees will keep all licenses, permits, registrations, authorizations, or certifications required by applicable laws or regulations in full force and effect during the term of this contract. Failure of bidder to comply with this paragraph shall constitute a material breach of this contract. 54. MISTAKES. Bidders are expected to examine the specifications, delivery schedules, bid prices, and extensions, and all instructions pertaining to supplies and services. Failure to do so will be at the bidder's risk and may result in the bid being non-responsive. 55. MODIFICATION/WITHDRAWALS OF BIDS. A bidder may submit a modified bid to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted bid up until the bid due date and time. Modifications received after the bid due date and time will NOT be considered. Bids shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the bid due date or after expiration of 120 calendar days from the opening of bids without a contract award. Letters of withdrawal received after the bid due date and before said expiration date and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will NOT be considered. 56. NON-CONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS. Items may be tested for compliance with specifications. Items delivered, not conforming to specifications, may be rejected and returned at the bidder's expense. These items, as well as items not delivered as per delivery date in bid and/or purchase order, may be purchased by the City, at its discretion, on the open market. Any increase in cost may be charged against the bidder. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in the bidder's name being removed from the City's vendor list. 57. OPTIONAL CONTRACT USAGE. When the successful bidder(s) is in agreement, other units of government or non-profit agencies may participate in purchases pursuant to the award of this contract at the option of the unit of government or non-profit agency. 58. OSHA. The bidder warrants to the City that any work, services, supplies, materials or equipment supplied pursuant to this Bid shall conform in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, and the failure to comply with this condition will be deemed breach of contract. Any fines levied because of inadequacies to comply with this condition shall be borne solely by the bidder. IT 2020071DF 12 59. PATENTS & ROYALTIES. The bidder shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and its officers, employees, contractors, and/or agents, from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for, or on account of, any copyrighted, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the City of Miami Beach, Florida. If the bidder uses any design, device or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright, it is mutually understood and agreed, without exception, that the bid prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work. 60. PAYMENT. Payment will be made by the City after the items have been received, inspected, and found to comply with Bid specifications, free of damage or defect, and properly invoiced. 61. PRICES QUOTED. Prices quoted shall remain firm and fixed during the duration of the contract. In completing the bid form, state both unit price and extended total, when requested. Prices must be stated in units of quantity specified in the bidding specifications. In case of discrepancy in computing the amount of the bid, the UNIT PRICE quoted will govern. All prices must be F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid (unless otherwise stated in Special Conditions). The Bidder may offer cash discounts for prompt payments; however, such discounts will not be considered in determining the lowest price during bid evaluation. Bidders are requested to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid submittal signature page of the solicitation. Award, if made, will be in accordance with terms and conditions stated herein. Each item must be bid separately, and no attempt is to be made to tie any item or items in with any other item or items. Cash or quantity discounts offered will not be a consideration in determination of award of bid(s). 62. PRODUCT INFORMATION. Product literature, specifications, and technical information, including Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be provided with this bid as an attachment to the "BID FORM". However, in all cases must be provided within five (5) calendar days upon request from Purchasing Agent. 63. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION. In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring an accommodation at the Bid opening because of a disability must contact the Procurement Division. 64. SAMPLES. Bids submitted as an "equal" product must be accompanied with detailed specifications. Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense and, if not destroyed, will, upon request, be returned at the bidder's expense. Bidders will be responsible for the removal of all samples furnished within (30) days after bid opening. All samples will be disposed of after thirty (30) days. Each individual sample must be labeled with the bidders name. Failure of the bidder to either deliver required samples, or to clearly identify samples may be reason for rejection of the bid. Unless otherwise indicated, samples should be delivered to the Procurement Department, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. 65. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Any and all Special Conditions that may vary from these General Terms and Conditions shall have precedence. 66. SPOT MARKET PURCHASES. It is the intent of the City to purchase the items specifically listed in this Bid from the successful bidder. However, the City reserves the right to purchase the items from state or other governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 67. SUBSTITUTIONS. After award of contract, the City WILL NOT accept substitute shipments of any kind, without previous written approval. The bidder is expected to furnish the brand quoted in its bid. Any substitute shipments will be returned at the bidder's expense. ITB 2020-071-DF 13 59. P A T E N T S & R O Y A L TIE S . The bidder shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and its officers, employees, contractors, and/or agents, from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for, or on account of, any copyrighted, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the City of Miami Beach, Florida. If the bidder uses any design, device or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright, it is mutually understood and agreed, without exception, that the bid prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work. 60. PAYMENT. Payment will be made by the City after the items have been received, inspected, and found to comply with Bid specifications, free of damage or defect, and properly invoiced. 61. PRICES QUOTED. Prices quoted shall remain firm and fixed during the duration of the contract. In completing the bid form, state both unit price and extended total, when requested. Prices must be stated in units of quantity specified in the bidding specifications. In case of discrepancy in computing the amount of the bid, the UNIT PRICE quoted will govern. All prices must be F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid (unless otherwise stated in Special Conditions). The Bidder may offer cash discounts for prompt payments; however, such discounts will not be considered in determining the lowest price during bid evaluation. Bidders are requested to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid submittal signature page of the solicitation. Award, if made, will be in accordance with terms and conditions stated herein. Each item must be bid separately, and no attempt is to be made to tie any item or items in with any other item or items. Cash or quantity discounts offered will not be a consideration in determination of award of bid(s). 62. PRODUCT INFORMATION. Product literature, specifications, and technical information, including Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be provided with this bid as an attachment to the "BID FORM". However, in all cases must be provided within five (5) calendar days upon request from Purchasing Agent. 63. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION. In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring an accommodation at the Bid opening because of a disability must contact the Procurement Division. 64. SAMPLES. Bids submitted as an "equal" product must be accompanied with detailed specifications. Samples of items, when required, must be furnished free of expense and, if not destroyed, will, upon request, be returned at the bidder's expense. Bidders will be responsible for the removal of all samples furnished within (30) days after bid opening. All samples will be disposed of after thirty (30) days. Each individual sample must be labeled with the bidder's name. Failure of the bidder to either deliver required samples, or to clearly identify samples may be reason for rejection of the bid. Unless otherwise indicated, samples should be delivered to the Procurement Department, 1755 Meridian Avenue, 36 Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. 65. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Any and all Special Conditions that may vary from these General Terms and Conditions shall have precedence. 66. SPOT MARKET PURCHASES. It is the intent of the City to purchase the items specifically listed in this Bid from the successful bidder. However, the City reserves the right to purchase the items from state or other governmental contract, or on an as-needed basis through the City's spot market purchase provisions. 67. SUBSTITUTIONS. After award of contract, the City WILL NOT accept substitute shipments of any kind, without previous written approval. The bidder is expected to furnish the brand quoted in its bid. Any substitute shipments will be returned at the bidder's expense. 1TB 2020071DF 13 68. TAXES. The City of Miami Beach is exempt from all Federal Excise and State taxes. 69. TIE BIDS. In accordance with Florida Statues Section 287.087, regarding identical tie bids, preference will be given to bidders certifying that they have implemented a drug free work place program. A certification form will be required. In the event of a continued tie between two or more bidders after consideration of the drug free workplace program, the City's Local Preference and Veteran Preference ordinances will dictate the manner by which a tie is to be resolved. In the event of a continued tie after the Local and Veteran Preference ordinances have been applied or the tie exists between bidders that are not Local or Veteran, the breaking of the tie shall be at the City Manager's discretion, which will make a recommendation for award to the City Commission. 70. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. If the successful bidder shall fail to fulfill in a timely manner, or otherwise violate, any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations material to the Bid and/or the contract entered into with the City pursuant thereto, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate the work and/or services then remaining to be performed by giving written notice to the bidder of such termination, which shall become effective upon receipt by the bidder of the written termination notice. In that event, the City shall compensate the successful bidder in accordance with the term of the contract for all work and/or services satisfactorily performed by the bidder prior to termination, net of any costs incurred by the City as a consequence of the default. Notwithstanding the above, the successful bidder shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the contract by the bidder, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the successful bidder for the purposes of set off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the successful bidder is determined. The City may, at its discretion, provide reasonable "cure period" for any contractual violation prior to termination of the contract; should the successful bidder fail to take the corrective action specified in the City's notice of default within the allotted cure period, then the City may proceed to terminate the contract for cause in accordance with this subsection 1.57. 71. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY. The City may, for its convenience, terminate the work and/or services then remaining to be performed, at any time, by giving written notice to the successful bidder of such termination, which shall become effective thirty (30) days following receipt by bidder of such notice. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials shall be properly delivered to the City. If the contract is terminated by the City as provided in this subsection, the City shall compensate the successful bidder in accordance with the terms of the contract for all and without cause and/or any resulting liability to the City, work and/or services actually performed by the successful bidder, and shall also compensate the bidder for its reasonable direct costs in assembling and delivering to City all documents. No compensation shall be due to the successful bidder for any profits that the successful bidder expected to earn on the balanced of the contract. Such payments shall be the total extent of the City's liability to the successful bidder upon a termination as provided for in this subsection. ITB 2020-071-DF 14 68. TAXES. The City of Miami Beach is exempt from all Federal Excise and State taxes. 69. TIE BIDS. In accordance with Florida Statues Section 287.087, regarding identical tie bids, preference will be given to bidders certifying that they have implemented a drug free work place program. A certification form will be required. In the event of a continued tie between two or more bidders after consideration of the drug free workplace program, the City's Local Preference and Veteran Preference ordinances will dictate the manner by which a tie is to be resolved. In the event of a continued tie after the Local and Veteran Preference ordinances have been applied or the tie exists between bidders that are not Local or Veteran, the breaking of the tie shall be at the City Manager's discretion, which will make a recommendation for award to the City Commission. 70. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. If the successful bidder shall fail to fulfill in a timely manner, or otherwise violate, any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations material to the Bid and/or the contract entered into with the City pursuant thereto, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate the work and/or services then remaining to be performed by giving written notice to the bidder of such termination, which shall become effective upon receipt by the bidder of the written termination notice. In that event, the City shall compensate the successful bidder in accordance with the term of the contract for all work and/or services satisfactorily performed by the bidder prior to termination, net of any costs incurred by the City as a consequence of the default. Notwithstanding the above, the successful bidder shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the contract by the bidder, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the successful bidder for the purposes of set off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the successful bidder is determined. The City may, at its discretion, provide reasonable "cure period" for any contractual violation prior to termination of the contract; should the successful bidder fail to take the corrective action specified in the City's notice of default within the allotted cure period, then the City may proceed to terminate the contract for cause in accordance with this subsection 1.57. 71. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY. The City may, for its convenience, terminate the work and/or services then remaining to be performed, at any time, by giving written notice to the successful bidder of such termination, which shall become effective thirty (30) days following receipt by bidder of such notice. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials shall be properly delivered to the City. If the contract is terminated by the City as provided in this subsection, the City shall compensate the successful bidder in accordance with the terms of the contract for all and without cause and/or any resulting liability to the City, work and/or services actually performed by the successful bidder, and shall also compensate the bidder for its reasonable direct costs in assembling and delivering to City all documents. No compensation shall be due to the successful bidder for any profits that the successful bidder expected to earn on the balanced of the contract. Such payments shall be the total extent of the City's liability to the successful bidder upon a termination as provided for in this subsection. 1TB 2020071F 14 SECTION 0300 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMAT 1. SEALED BIDS. One original Bid Proposal (preferably in 3-ring binder) must be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope or container on or before the due date established for the receipt of bids. Additionally, three (3) bound copies and one (1) electronic format (CD or USB format) are to be submitted, with the original submission or within three (3) calendar days upon request from the City. The following information should be clearly marked on the face of the envelope or container in which the bid is submitted: Bid Number, Bid Title, Bidders Name, Bidder Return Address. Bids received electronically, either through email or facsimile, are not acceptable and will be rejected. 2. BID PROPOSAL. The Bid Proposal is to include the following: • TAB 1 — Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E). The Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms submitted in pencil shall be deemed non- responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form shall be initialed. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE MOST RECENT COST PROPOSAL FORM (EITHER INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL ITB OR RELEASED VIA AN ADDENDUM) MAY RESULT IN BID BEING DEEMED NOT RESPONSIVE AND NOT BEING FURTHER CONSIDERED. • TAB 2 - Bid Certification, Questionnaire and Affidavits (Appendix A). The City reserves the right to request any documentation omitted, with exception of the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E), Proposal Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit (Appendix A), and Bid Bond (if applicable). Bid Submittals received that do not include the Cost Proposal Form, completed as required and fully executed, or Bid Bond (if applicable) shall be deemed non-responsive. Bidder must submit any omitted documentation within three (3) business days upon request from the City, or the bid may be deemed non- responsive. Non-responsive bid packages will receive no further consideration. 2. LATE BIDS. Bid Proposals are to be received on or before the due date established herein for the receipt of Bids. Any Bid received after the deadline established for receipt of proposals will be considered late and not be accepted or will be returned to Proposer unopened. The City does not accept responsibility for any delays, natural or otherwise. ITB 2020-071-DF 15 S E C T IO N 0300 P R O P O S A L S U B M ITT A L IN S T R U C T IO N S A N D F O R M A T 1. S E A L E D B ID S . One original Bid Proposal (preferably in 3-ring binder) must be submitted in an opaque, sealed envelope or container on or before the due date established for the receipt of bids. Additionally, three (3) bound copies and one (1) electronic format (CD or USB format) are to be submitted, with the original submission or within three (3) calendar days upon request from the City. The following information should be clearly marked on the face of the envelope or container in which the bid is submitted: Bid Number, Bid Title, Bidders Name, Bidder Return Address. Bids received electronically, either through email or facsimile, are not acceptable and will be rejected. 2. BID PROPOSAL. The Bid Proposal is to include the following: • TAB 1-- Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E). The Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms submitted in pencil shall be deemed non- responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form shall be initialed. • TAB 2- Bid Certification, Questionnaire and Affidavits (Appendix A). The City reserves the right to request any documentation omitted, with exception of the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E), Proposal Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit (Appendix A), and Bid Bond (if applicable). Bid Submittals received that do not include the Cost Proposal Form, completed as required and fully executed, or Bid Bond (if applicable) shall be deemed non-responsive. Bidder must submit any omitted documentation within three (3) business days upon request from the City, or the bid may be deemed non- responsive. Non-responsive bid packages will receive no further consideration. 2. LATE BIDS. Bid Proposals are to be received on or before the due date established herein for the receipt of Bids. Any Bid received after the deadline established for receipt of proposals will be considered late and not be accepted or will be returned to Proposer unopened. The City does not accept responsibility for any delays, natural or otherwise. I1B8 2020071Dr 15 APPENDIX "A" MIAMI BEACH Proposal Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2020-071-DF 16 A PPEND IX "A " MIAMI BEACH Proposal Certification, Questionnaire & Requirements Affidavit 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Aven ue, 3d Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 IT 2020071 DF 16 APPENDIX Al - PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM This document is a REQUIRED FORM that must be submitted fully completed and executed. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM WITH ITS PROPOSAL SHALL RESULT IN THE PROPOSAL BEING DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Solicitation No: 2020-071-DF Solicitation Title: Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment Procurement Contact: Danny Flores Tel: 305-673-7000 x26652 Email: DannyFlores@miamibeachfl.gov ---- PROPOSER'S NAME: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S) PROPOSER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: Except as stipulated in General Condition 36, Proposer agrees: to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation, all specifications, attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; to be bound, at a minimum, to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained herein or Addenda; that the Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; that proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Signature of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Date: ITB 2020-071-DF 18 A P P E N D IX A 1 · P R O P O S A L C E R T IF IC A T IO N FO R M This document is a REQUIRED FORM that must be submitted fully completed and executed. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM WITH ITS PROPOSAL SHALL RESULT IN THE PROPOSAL BEING DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Solicitation No: Solicitation Title: 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment Procurement Contact: Tel: I Email: Dannv Flores 305-673-7000 x26652 DannyFlores@miamibeachfl.gov PROPOSER'S NAME: NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: I NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: I NO. OF EMPLOYEES: OTHER NAME(S) PROPOSER HAS OPERA TED UNDER IN THE LAST 1 O YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): CITY: STATE: I ZIPCODE: TELEPHONE NO.: TOLL FREE NO.: FAX NO.: FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: I ZIPCODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: Except as stipulated in General Condition 36, Proposer agrees: to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation, all specifications, attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; to be bound, at a minimum, to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained herein or Addenda; that the Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; that proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Signature of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Date: 1TB 2020071F 18 Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Signature of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Date: APPENDIX A2 - QUESTIONNAIRE AND REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT FORM The purpose of this Proposal Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposers of certain solicitation and contractual requirements, and to collect necessary information from Proposers in order that certain portions of responsiveness, responsibility and other determining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. Attach any requested information. 1 Veteran Owned Business. Is Pro oser claiming a veteran owned business status? YES NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida or United States federal government, as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict of Interest. All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References & Past Performance. Proposer shall attach at least three (3) references for whom the Proposer has completed work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name & Title, 3) Address, 4) Telephone, 5) Contact's Email and 6) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due to non- erformance by an ublic sector agency? YES NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is "YES," Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions. Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including disqualification of their Proposals, in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submit the names of all individuals or entities (including your sub-consultants) with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation. For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicate whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code") and submit that Code to the Procurement Department with its proposal/response or within five (5) days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require the Proposer, to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall attach its Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics, Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt, as required in the ordinance, the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics, available at htto://www.miamibeachfLoov/citv-hall/orocurement/orocurement-related-ordinance-and-procedures/ ITB 2020-071-DF 19 APPENDIX A2 · QUESTIONNAIRE AND REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT FORM The purpose of this Proposal Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposers of certain solicitation and contractual requirements, and to collect necessary information from Proposers in order that certain portions of responsiveness, responsibility and other determining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. Attach any requested information. Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Title of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Signature of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Date: 1. Veteran Owned Business¡ Is Proroser claiming a veteran owned business status? ves [ ]o SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida or United States federal government, as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict of Interest. All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References & Past Performance. Proposer shall attach at least three (3) references for whom the Proposer has completed work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name & Title, 3) Address, 4) Telephone, 5) Contact's Email and 6) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due to(on-p¡rtormance by any public sector agency? YES L_J NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is "YES," Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions. Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including disqualification of their Proposals, in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submit the names of all individuals or entities (including your sub-consultants) with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation. For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicate whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code") and submit that Code to the Procurement Department with its proposal/response or within five (5) days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require the Proposer, to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITT AL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall attach its Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics, Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt, as required in the ordinance, the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics, available at http://www .miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and-procedures/ IT8 2020071F 19 same-(in-a-paf:tieu4ar--yeaf), • : : • . - - : • - ffeigesal-elisqualifisatiech. YES 8. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. When awarding competitively solicited contracts valued at over $100,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks, the Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach, who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals, to provide "Equal Benefits" to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other" section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Firm Provides for Employees with Spouses Firm Provides for Employees with Domestic Partners Firm does not Provide Benefit Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave If Proposer cannot offer a benefit to domestic partners because of reasons outside your control, (e.g., there are no insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage) you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance. To comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application (attached) with all necessary documentation. Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager, or his designee. Approval is not guaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefits requirement is available at htto://www.miamibeachfl.qovicity-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures/ • MI • ITB 2020-071-DF 20 7. Livin g Ila ge. Pursuant to Section 2 408 of the Gity of Miami Beach Gode, as same may be amended from time to time, covered employe es shall be paid the required living wage rates listed below 4 Effe cti ve January 1, 2018, covere d employees must be paid a living wage rate of no less than $11.62 per- hour with health care ben efits of at least $2.26 per hour, or a living wage rate of no less than $13.88 per hour without health care benefits. 2. Ef fective Jan uary 1, 2019, cover ed employees must be paid a living wage rate of no less than $11.70 per hour with health 6are ben efits of at least $274 per-ho ur, or a living wage rate of no less than $14,44 per hour without health care benefits. 3. Effectiv e Jan uary 1, 2020, covered employe es must be paid a living wage rate of no less than $11.78 per hour with health 6are benefits of at least $3.22 per-ho ur, or a livin g wa ge rat e of no less than$15.00 per- hour wi th out health care benefits The livin g wage rate an d health care benefits rat e may, by Resolution of the City Commission be indexed annually for inflation using the Con su mer Price Index for all Urban Consum ers (CPI U) Mi am i/Ft. Lauderdal e, issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. N otwi th st andi n g- the- preceding, no an nual index shall exceed three- percent (3%).The-City may also, by re sol u tion , elect not to index the livi n g wa ge rat e in any particular year, if it determines it would not be fiscally sound to implement sam e (in a-particular-year) Prop oser s' fai lur e to com ply wit h this provisi on shall be deem ed a material breach under this- prop osal, under which the City may, at its sol e option , immediately deem said Prop oser as non resp onsive, and may furth er subject P ropo ser to additional penalties and fines, as provided- in the City's Livin g 'a ge-Ordin an ce, as am ended. Furth er inform ation on the-Living a ge- requiremen t is available at http://yAwe.miamibeachfl. g oy sity hall/procurement/procurement related_ordinance and proce dures} Any payrol l req uest made by the City during the contract term shall be com pleted electronically via the City's electronic com pliance portal , LCP Tracker (LCP-Tr ack er .net ) S U B MI TTAL REQ UI RE ME NT; In di cat e below that Prop oser agree s to the living wage req uirem en t. Failure to agree shall res ult in t 1».n" 8. Eq ual Benefits fo r E m p lo yees w ith S po uses and E m p loyees with Domestic Partners. When awarding competitively solicited contracts valued at over $10 0,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks, the Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach, who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals, to provide "Equal Benefits" to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? t Is L Jo B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners" or to domestic partners of employees? L Js I Jo C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other'' section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Firm Provides for Firm Provides for Firm does not Employees with Employees with Provide Benefit Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave If Proposer cannot offer a benefit to domestic partners because of reasons outside your control, (e.g., there are no insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage) you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance. To comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application (attached) with all necessary documentation. Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager, or his designee. Approval is not guaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefits requirement is available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and- procedures/ 1TB8 2020071D 20 9. Public Entity Crimes. Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees to the requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. Failure to agree shall result in roposal disqualification. YES I NO 10. Non-Discrimination. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. Failure to agree shall result in proposal dis ualification. YES NO 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree that no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi, nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. YES NO 12. Fair Chance Requirement. Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code, the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing that the business has adopted and employs written policies, practices, and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, set forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code ("Fair Chance Ordinance"), and which, among other things, (i) prohibits City contractors, as an employer, from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment; (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not apply for the position, and (iii) prohibits placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the position. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in Proposal disqualification. YES NO 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or alter solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system, BidSync.com. However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation. This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Receipt Initial to Confirm Receipt Initial to Confirm Receipt Addendum 1 Addendum 6 Addendum 11 Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 .EMI ITB 2020-071-DF 21 9. Public Entity Crimes. Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUB MITT AL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees to the requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. Failure to agree shall r¡s ult in roposal disqualification. ]vs wo 10. Non-Discrimination. Pursuant to City Ordinan ce No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disralific¡iion. [Jes No 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree that no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi, nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. L )rs [_ Jo 12. Fair Chance Requirement. Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code, the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing that the business has adopted and employs written policies, practices, and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, set forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code ("Fair Chance Ordinance"), and which, among other things, (i) prohibits City contractors, as an employer, from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment; (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not apply for the position, and (iii) prohibits placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the position. SUBMITT AL REQUIREMENT: Proposer certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in ropos¡i disqualification. vs L Jo 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or alter solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system, BidSync.com. However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation. This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Receipt Receipt Receipt Addendum 1 Addendum 6 Addendum 11 Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 1TB 2020071D 21 APPENDIX B MIAMI BEACH "No Bid" Form 2020-071-DF Cisco Networking Equipment Note: It is important for those vendors who have received notification of this solicitation but have decided not to respond, to complete and submit the attached "Statement of No Bid." The "Statement of No Bid" provides the City with information on how to improve the solicitation process. Failure to submit a "Statement of No Bid" may result in not being notifieo of future solicitations by the City. PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 — - ITB 2020-071-DF 22 APPENDIX B M AMI BEA CH "No Bid" Form 2020-071-DF Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 I1B 2020071DF 22 Statement of No Bid WE HAVE ELECTED NOT TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME FOR REASON(S) CHECKED AND/OR INDICATED BELOW: ____ Workload does not allow us to proposal Insufficient time to respond Specifications unclear or too restrictive Unable to meet specifications _ Unable to meet service requirements Unable to meet insurance requirements _Do not offer this product/service OTHER. (Please specify) We do do not want to be retained on your mailing list for future proposals of this type product and/or service. Signature: Title: Legal Company Name: Note: Failure to respond, either by submitting a proposal or this completed form, may result in your company being removed from our vendors list. PLEASE RETURN TO: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT ATTN: DANNY FLORES, PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING OFFICER I BID # 2020-071-DF 1755 MERIDIAN AVENUE, 3rd FLOOR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 ITB 2020-071-DF 23 Statem ent of No Bid WE HAVE ELECTED NOT TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME FOR REASON(S) CHECKED AND/OR INDICATED BELOW: _ Workload does not allow us to proposal _Insufficient time to respond Specification s unclear or too restrictive _ Unable to meet specifications _Unable to meet service requirements U nable to meet insurance requirements D o not offer this product/service _OTHER. (Please specify) We do_ do not_ want to be retained on your mailing list for future proposals of this type product and/or service. Signature: _ Title: _ Legal Uom pany lame. Note: Failure to respond, either by submitting a proposal or this completed form, may result in your company being removed from our vendors list. PLEASE RETURN TO: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT ATTN: DANNY FLORES, PROCUREMENT CONTRACTING OFFICER I BID # 2020-071-DF 1755 MERIDIAN AVENUE, 3' FLOOR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 1TB 2020071 D 23 APPENDIX C MIAMI BEACH Minimum Requirements 8( Specifications 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2020-071-DF 24 APPENDIX C MIAMI BEACH Minimum Requirements & Specifications 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Flor ida 33139 ITB8 2020071F 24 Cl. Minimum Eligibility Requirements. The Minimum Eligibility Requirements for this solicitation are listed below. Bidders that fail to comply with minimum requirements shall be deemed non- responsive and shall not have its bid submittal considered. 1. Bidders must be certified Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco Partners within the Cisco Channel Partner Program at the time of bid submission. C2. Statement of Work Required. The City of Miami Beach, Florida ("City") is seeking bids from authorized Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco resellers for the purchase of Cisco networking equipment, as specified in Group A of the Cost Proposal Form. Bidder(s) shall warrant that all products are new original equipment manufactured (OEM) items, free from defects and in performance to its specifications, and in their original box. No substitution, aftermarket, gray market, remanufactured, or reconditioned products shall be accepted. Further, the City seeks to establish a pool of prequalified bidders (awarded or not) who submitted bids and have demonstrated to be responsive and responsible to the ITB requirements herein in Group B, as further stipulated in Appendix D Special Conditions. The prequalified pool shall be utilized for goods that are unforeseen at this time by the City. C3. Specifications The awarded bidder(s) must provide all materials and labor for the furnishing, configuration, testing, training and documentation of the equipment listed in Appendix E - Cost Proposal Form. 3.1 Warranty All equipment shall have the standard applicable warranty as determined by Cisco. 3.2 Support services. Service provided by Awarded bidder(s) shall be performed by a technical support team comprised of certified Cisco professionals. ITB 2020-071-DF 25 C1. Minimum Eligibility Requirements. The Minimum Eligibility Requirements for this solicitation are listed below. Bidders that fail to comply with minimum requirements shall be deemed non- responsive and shall not have its bid submittal considered. 1. Bidders must be certified Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco Partners within the Cisco Channel Partner Program at the time of bid submission. C2. Statement of Work Required. The City of Miami Beach, Florida ("City") is seeking bids from authorized Select, Premier, or Gold Cisco resellers for the purchase of Cisco networking equipment, as specified in Group A of the Cost Proposal Form. Bidder(s) shall warrant that all products are new original equipment manufactured (OEM) items, free from defects and in performance to its specifications, and in their original box. No substitution, aftermarket, gray market, remanufactured, or reconditioned products shall be accepted. Further, the City seeks to establish a pool of prequalified bidders (awarded or not) who submitted bids and have demonstrated to be responsive and responsible to the 1TB requirements herein in Group 8, as further stipulated in Appendix D Special Conditions. The prequalified pool shall be utilized for goods that are unforeseen at this time by the City. C3. Specifications The awarded bidder(s) must provide all materials and labor for the furnishing, configuration, testing, training and documentation of the equipment listed in Appendix E- Cost Proposal Form. 3.1 Warranty. All equipment shall have the standard applicable warranty as determined by Cisco. 3.2 Support services. Service provided by Awarded bidder(s) shall be performed by a technical support team comprised of certified Cisco professionals. 1TB 2020071F 25 APPENDIX D MIAMIBEACH Special Conditions 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2020-071-DF 26 APPENDIX D MIAMI BEACH Special Conditions 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Aven ue, 3d Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB8 2020071 D 26 1. TERM OF CONTRACT. The term of the Agreement ("Term") shall commence upon execution of the Agreement by all parties hereto, and shall have an initial term of three (3) years. 2. OPTIONS TO RENEW. The City, through its City Manager, will have the option to extend for two (2) additional, one (1) year periods, subject to the availability of funds for succeeding fiscal years. 3. PRICES. Not used. 4. EXAMINATION OF FACILITIES. Not used. 5. PERFORMANCE BOND. Not used. 6. REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS. Not used. 7. SHIPPING TERMS. Not used. 8. DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. Not used. 9. WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS. Not used. 10. BACKGROUND CHECKS. Not used. 11. DOCUMENTATION FOR LICENSES. Upon request, the awarded bidder(s) shall provide to the City, at the awarded bidder(s)' expense, access to electronic copies of license documentation including, but not limited to, City license confirmation certifications. Access to this documentation is not to require a user ID or password and must be available for the City to share with their employees, for business purposes, as appropriate. 12. VERSION. Purchase orders are to be deemed to reference Cisco's most recently released version of the hardware/software at time of order, unless an earlier version is specifically requested in writing by the City and the awarded bidder(s) is willing to provide such version. Further, the awarded bidder(s) shall provide all related software updates for the life of the product. 13. PRODUCT VARIATIONS/CUSTOM ORDERS. New variations, substitutions, including custom orders of existing software licenses, maintenance and services awarded under the Contract will be considered by the City if it is in the best interest of the City. All modifications and special requests must receive prior written approval from the City before execution of the purchase. Proposed changes are not to compromise the integrity of the software licenses, maintenance or services performance. 14. FALSE CLAIMS ACT. All goods and services purchased under this contract shall be in accordance with all Federal standards, to include, but not limited to, the False Claims Act (FCA), 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 - 3733 and shall apply to Cisco and all awarded bidder(s), and any and all applicable distribution stakeholders. 15. ROADMAP FOR PROJECTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO POOL OF PREQUALIFIED CONTRACTORS. Responsive, responsible bidders (awarded or not) are eligible to participate in the Pre- Qualified Bidder Pool, at the discretions of the bidder and as indicated on the Cost Proposal Form at the time of submission. When such work assignments are identified, the Contractors may be invited to review the written specifications regarding the goods and/or services requested and offer a Unit Price quote (unless notified otherwise), that shall include any and all costs, charges, and/or fees required to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, mobilization, demobilization, transportation, and any incidental(s) necessary for the work. The Contractor offering the lowest fixed price for the specific effort shall be awarded that specific work assignment. The award of a specific work assignment to one Contractor does not preclude other pre- qualified Contractors from submitting offers for other work assignments. The cost of any ancillary third-party services that are provided by the Contractor, with prior approval from an authorized City representative, may be determined in the manner prescribed above. ITB 2020-071-DF 27 1. TERM OF CONTRACT. The term of the Agreement ("Term") shall commence upon execution of the Agreement by all parties hereto, and shall have an initial term of three (3) years. 2. O PTIO NS TO RENEW . The City, thro ugh its City Manager, will have the option to extend for two (2) additional, one (1) year periods, subject to the availability of funds for succeeding fiscal years. 3. PR IC ES. Not used. 4. EXA MINATIO N O F FACILI TIES. Not used. 5. PER FO R MANC E BO ND . Not used. 6. REQ UIR ED CERTIFIC A TIO NS. Not used. 7. SHIPPIN G TER MS. Not used. 8. DELI V ER Y REQ UIREM ENTS. Not used. 9. W A RRA NTY REQ UIR EMENTS. Not used. 10. BACK G R O UN D CHEC KS. Not used. 11. DO C UM ENTATIO N FO R LIC ENSES. Upon request, the aw arded bidder(s) shall pro vide to the City, at the aw arded bidder(s)' expense, access to electronic copies of license documentation including, but not limited to, City license confirmation certifications. Access to this documentation is not to require a user ID or passw ord and must be available fo r the City to share w ith their em ployees, for business purposes, as appropriate. 12. VER SIO N. Purchase orders are to be deemed to reference Cisco's most recently released version of the hardware/software at time of order, unless an earlier version is specifically requested in writing by the City and the awarded bidder(s) is w illing to provide such version. Further, the awarded bidder(s) shall pro vide all related softw are updates fo r the life of the product. 13. PR O D UC T VA R IATIO NS/CUSTO M O R DER S. New variations, substitutions, including custom orders of existing software licenses, maintenance and services aw arded under the Contract w ill be considered by the City if it is in the best interest of the City. All m odifications and special requests must receive prior written appro val from the City befo re execution of the purchase. Proposed changes are not to compro mise the integrity of the software licenses, maintenance or services performance. 14. FALSE CLAIM S A CT. All goods and services purchased under this contract shall be in accordance w ith all Federal standards, to include, but not lim ited to, the False Claim s Act (FCA), 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 - 3733 and shall apply to Cisco and all aw arded bidder(s), and any and all applicable distribution stakeholders. 15. RO ADMAP FO R PR O JECTS AWA RDED PUR SUANT TO PO O L O F PR EQ UALI FIED CO NTRA CTO R S. Responsive, responsible bidders (awarded or not) are eligible to participate in the Pre- Q ualified Bidder Pool, at the discretions of the bidder and as indicated on the Cost Proposal Form at the time of submission. W hen such work assignments are identified, the Contractors may be invited to review the written specifications regarding the goods and/or services requested and offer a Unit Price quote (unless notified otherw ise), that shall include any and all costs, charges, and/or fees required to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, superv ision, mobilization, demobilization, transportation, and any incidental(s) necessary for the work. The Contractor offering the lowest fixed price for the speci fic effort shall be aw arded that specific work assignment. The aw ard of a specific work assignment to one Contractor does not preclude other pre- qualified Contractors fro m submitting offers for other work assignments. The cost of any ancillary third-party services that are provided by the Contractor, w ith prior appro val from an authorized City representative, may be determined in the m anner prescribed above. 1TB 20 20 0 7 1 Dr 27 Contractors shall ensure that proper and sufficient staff, equipment, organization, etc. will be provided for this contract to meet the specifications denoted herein at a paramount level. Bidders past performance with the City, if applicable, may be used in the evaluation process in determining recommendation for award. Each quote prepared by the Contractor shall include an acceptable description of the nature, extent and character of the work required, as well as performance and delivery schedules. In this case, projects will be awarded on a Unit Price basis (unless notified otherwise): • For purchases with an estimated cost under $100,000.00, the amount specified in City Procedure P016.02, Threshold Category 2 (or as amended), the Department shall solicit quotes from all prequalified contractors. The vendor offering the lowest fixed price shall be awarded the request for quote. The City Manager's approval, along with a justification, is required when the vendor offering the lowest cost is not selected. • For purchases exceeding $100,000 or greater, the City Commission's approval is required, or the City Commission may delegate approval to the City Manager. City Commission or City Manager, as applicable, approval, along with a justification, is also required when the vendor offering the lowest cost is not selected. In determining the lowest and best Contractor for the project, in addition to price, the following shall be considered: • The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the work. • Whether the bidder can perform the work within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The quality of performance on previous work. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract. 16. LICENSES AND PERMITS. The awarded bidder(s) shall, at the time of bid submittal and throughout the term of the contract, maintain all required licenses and permits required by Cisco, federal, state or local laws, rules and regulations necessary for the prosecution of the Work undertaken by awarded bidder(s) pursuant to this Contract shall be secured by awarded bidder(s). ITB 2020-071-DF 28 Contractors shall ensure that proper and sufficient staff, equipment, organization, etc. will be provided for this contract to meet the specifications denoted herein at a paramount level. Bidders past performance with the City, if applicable, may be used in the evaluation process in determining recommendation for award. Each quote prepared by the Contractor shall include an acceptable description of the nature, extent and character of the work required, as well as performance and delivery schedules. In this case, projects will be awarded on a Unit Price basis (unless notified otherwise): • For purchases with an estimated cost under $100,000.00, the amount specified in City Procedure PO16.02, Threshold Category 2 (or as amended), the Department shall solicit quotes from all prequalified contractors. The vendor offering the lowest fixed price shall be awarded the request for quote. The City Manager's approval, along with a justification, is required when the vendor offering the lowest cost is not selected. • For purchases exceeding $100,000 or greater, the City Commission's approval is required, or the City Commission may delegate approval to the City Manager. City Commission or City Manager, as applicable, approval, along with a justification, is also required when the vendor offering the lowest cost is not selected. In determining the lowest and best Contractor for the project, in addition to price, the following shall be considered: • The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the work. • Whether the bidder can perform the work within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The quality of performance on previous work. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. • The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract. 16. LICENSES AND PERMITS. The awarded bidder(s) shall, at the time of bid submittal and throughout the term of the contract, maintain all required licenses and permits required by Cisco, federal, state or local laws, rules and regulations necessary for the prosecution of the Work undertaken by awarded bidder(s) pursuant to this Contract shall be secured by awarded bidder(s). 1TB 2020071 D 28 APPENDIX E MIAMIBEACH Cost Proposal Form 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ITB 2020-071-DF 29 A P P E N D IX E MIAMI BEACH Cost Proposal Form 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3d Floor Miami Beach, Flor ida 33139 1TB 2020-07 1DF 29 APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM Failure to submit Appendix E, Cost Proposal Form, in its entirety and fully executed by the deadline established for the receipt of proposals will result in proposal bein. deemed non-responsive and bein. re'ected. Bidder affirms that the prices stated on the proposal price form below represents the entire cost of the items in full accordance with the requirements of this ITB, inclusive of its terms, conditions, specifications and other requirements stated herein, and that no claim will be made on account of any increase in wage scales, material prices, delivery delays, taxes, insurance, cost indexes or any other unless a cost escalation provision is allowed herein and has been exercised by the City Manager in advance. The Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms (Appendix E) completed in pencil shall be deemed non-responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be initialed. Group A - Cisco Networking Equipment Item Al Part No. C9410R-96U-BNDL-E Description Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC9400-LC-48U, DNA-E LIC Est. Quantity 2 U I M Each Unit Cost $ To (lluantity_X_ t U al nit_Cost) $ A2 C9400-PWR-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Power Supply Blank Cover 12 Each $ $ A3 C9400-S-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Slot Blank Cover 2 Each $ $ A4 C9400-NW-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 Network Essential License 2 Each $ $ A5 S9400UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 2 Each $ $ A6 C9400-PWR-3200AC Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 3200W AC Power Supply 4 Each $ $ Al CAB-L620P-C19-US NEMA L6-20 to IEC-C19 14ft US Power Cord 4 Each $ $ A8 C9400-DNA-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential Term License 2 Each $ $ A9 C9400-SUP-1-B Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor-1 Bundle Select Option 2 Each $ $ Al0 C9400-SUP-1 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module 2 Each $ $ All C9400-SSD-NONE No SSD Memory Selected 2 Each $ $ Al2 C9400-LC-48U-B Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Line Card Switch 2xC9400-LC-48U for Bundle Select 2 Each $ $ A13 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A14 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ ITB 2020-071-DF APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM Bidder affirms that the prices stated on the proposal price form below represents the entire cost of the items in full accordance with the requirements of this 1TB, inclusive of its terms, conditions, specifications and other requirements stated herein, and that no claim will be made on account of any increase in wage scales, material prices, delivery delays, taxes, insurance, cost indexes or any other unless a cost escalation provision is allowed herein and has been exercised by the City Manager in advance. The Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms (Appendix E) completed in pencil shall be deemed non-responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be initialed. Group A - Cisco Networking Equipment Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC9400-LC-48U, DNA-E A1 C9410R-96U-BNDL-E LIC 2 Each $ $ A2 C9400-PWR-BLAN K Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Power Supply Blank Cover 12 Each $ $ A3 C9400-S-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Slot Blank Cover 2 Each $ $ A4 C9400-NW-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 Network Essential License 2 Each $ $ A5 S9400UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 2 Each $ $ A6 C9400-PWR-3200AC Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 3200W AC Power Supply 4 Each $ $ A7 CAB-L620P-C19-US NEMA L6-20 to IEC-C19 14ft US Power Cord 4 Each $ $ A8 C9400-DNA-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential Term License 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor-1 Bundle Select A9 C9400-SUP-1-B Option 2 Each $ $ A10 C9400-SUP-1 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module 2 Each $ $ A11 C9400-SSD-NONE No SSD Memory Selected 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Line Card Switch A12 I C9400-LC-48U-B I 2xC9400-LC-48U for Bundle Select I 2 I Each I $ [s Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1 000(RJ- A13 I C9400-LC-48U I 45) I 2 I Each I $ [s Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1 000(RJ- A14 I C9400-LC-48U I 45) I 2 I Each I $ [s 1TB 2020071DF A15 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A16 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A17 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A18 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A19 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A20 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ A21 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 2 Each $ $ A22 C9300-48U-A Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE Switch, Network Advantage 25 Each $ $ A23 C9300-NW-A-48 C9300 Network Advantage, 48-port license 25 Each $ $ A24 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 25 Each $ $ A25 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P 1100W AC 80+ slatinum Confi. 1 Power Supply 25 Each $ $ A26 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P/2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 25 Each $ $ A27 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 50 Each $ $ A28 C9300-SSD-NONE No SSD Card Selected 25 Each $ $ A29 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 25 Each $ $ A30 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 25 Each $ $ A31 C9300-DNA-A-48 C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port Term Licenses 25 Each $ $ A32 C1-ADD-OPTOUT Cisco ONE Add-On Session Opt Out (No Fulfillment) 25 Each $ $ A33 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lic 25 Each $ $ A34 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 25 Each $ $ A35 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 25 Each $ $ A36 C9300-24U-A Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advantage 5 Each $ $ A37 C9300-NW-A-24 C9300 Network Advantage, 24-port license 5 Each $ $ A38 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 5 Each $ $ ITB 2020-071-DF Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A15 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A16 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A17 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A18 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A19 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A20 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device A21 NETWORK-PNP-LIC deployment 2 Each $ $ A22 C9300-48U-A Catalyst 9300 48-ort UPOE Switch, Network Advantage 25 Each $ $ A23 C9300-NW-A-48 C9300 Network Advantage, 48-port license 25 Each $ $ A24 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 25 Each $ $ A25 PWR-C1-11 00WAC-P 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Power Supply 25 Each $ $ A26 PWR-C1-11 00WAC-P/2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 25 Each $ $ A27 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 50 Each $ $ A28 C9300-SSD-NONE No SSD Card Selected 25 Each $ $ A29 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stackina Cable 25 Each $ $ A30 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 25 Each $ $ A31 C9300-DNA-A-48 C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port Term Licenses 25 Each $ $ A32 C1-ADD-OPTOUT Cisco ONE Add-On Session Opt Out (No Fulfillment) 25 Each $ $ A33 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lie 25 Each $ $ A34 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 25 Each $ $ Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device A35 NETWORK-PNP-LIC deployment 25 Each $ $ A36 C9300-24U-A Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advantage 5 Each $ $ A37 C9300-NW-A-24 C9300 Network Advantage, 24-port license 5 Each $ $ A38 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 5 Each $ $ 1TB 2020071DF A39 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P 1100W AC 80+platinum Config 1 Power Supply 5 Each $ $ A40 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P/2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 5 Each $ $ A41 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 10 Each $ $ A42 SSD-120G Cisco pluggable USB3.0 SSD storage 5 Each $ $ A43 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 5 Each $ $ A44 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 5 Each $ $ A45 C9300-DNA-A-24 C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-port Term Licenses 5 Each $ $ A46 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lic 5 Each $ $ A47 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x lOGE Network Module 5 Each $ $ A48 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 5 Each $ $ A49 CON-SSSNT-C9410R9E SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC940 (60 Months/5 Years) 2 Each $ $ A50 C9400-DNA-E-5Y Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential 5 Year License (60 Months/5 Years) 2 Each $ $ A51 CON-SSSNT-C93004UA SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE, Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 25 Each $ $ A52 C9300-DNA-A-48-3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port, 3 Year Term License 25 Each $ $ A53 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y PI Dev Lic for Lifecycle & Assurance Term 3Y 25 Each $ $ A54 CON-SSSNT-C93002UA SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 5 Each $ $ A55 C9300-DNA-A-24-3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-Port, 3 Year Term License 5 Each $ $ A56 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y PI Dev Lic for Lifec cle & Assurance Term 3Y 5 Each Group A Total Group B - Pre-Qualified Pool No additional response is required for the establishment of a Pre-Qualification Pool. All responsive and responsible bidder(s) that submit a bid for the project shall be made part of the pool for future purchases, per Special Conditions 15 - Roadmap for Projects Awarded Pursuant to Pool of Prequalified Contractors. ITB 2020-071-DF A39 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P 11 00W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Power Supply 5 Each $ $ A40 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P/2 11 00W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 5 Each $ $ A41 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 10 Each $ $ A42 SSD-120G Cisco pluggable USB3.0 SSD storage 5 Each $ $ A43 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 5 Each $ $ A44 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 5 Each $ $ A45 C9300-DNA-A-24 C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-port Term Licenses 5 Each $ $ A46 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lie 5 Each $ $ A47 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 1 OGE Network Module 5 Each $ $ Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device A48 I NETWORK-PNP-LIC I deployment I 5 I Each I $ [s SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, A49 I CON-SSSNT-C9410R9E I 2xC940 (60 Months/5 Years) I 2 I Each I $ [s Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential 5 Year License (60 A50 I C9400-DNA-E-5Y I Months/5 Years) I 2 I Each I $ [s SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE, A51 CON-SSSNT-C93004UA Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 25 Each $ $ A52 C9300-DNA-A-48-3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port, 3 Year Term License 25 Each $ $ A53 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y Pl Dev Lie for Lifecycle & Assurance Term 3Y 25 Each $ $ SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, A54 I CON-SSSNT-C93002UA I Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 5 Each $ $ A55 I C9300-DNA-A-24-3Y I C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-Port, 3 Year Term License 5 Each $ $ s $ Group B - Pre-Qualified Pool No additional response is required for the establishment of a Pre-Qualification Pool. All responsive and responsible bidder(s) that submit a bid for the project shall be made part of the pool for future purchases, per Special Conditions 15- Roadmap for Projects Awarded Pursuant to Pool of Prequalified Contractors. 1TB 2020071- Bidder's Affirmation Company: Authorized Representative: Address: Telephone: Email: Authorized Representative's Signature: ITB 2020-071-DF C o m p an y : A utho rized R epresentati v e: A d d ress : T e le p h o n e : E m a il: A utho ri zed R ep resentati v e's S ig n ature: 1TB 2020071-DÉ MIAMIBEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfligov ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT December 20, 2019 This Addendum to the above-referenced ITB is issued in response to questions from prospective bidders, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The ITB is amended in the following particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). I. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED: Q1: We are not technically a Cisco partner but purchase through authorized reseller channels and because of our volume discounts may be able to provide you a better price than you will obtain through your normal channels. Given our relationship, would you grant us an exception so we may participate? Al: No, only Cisco partners as stated in the ITB will be considered. Q2: I understand City of Miami Beach has an open bid for Cisco networking equipment — my organization uniquely exists in the vendor space, as we are 1 of 8 globally selected customers for Cisco's "Excess Offering." While we are not an authorized Cisco partner, the OEM has chosen DHD to participate in this wholesale pool featuring all Smartnet-eligible HW, direct from the Cisco warehouse at steep discounts upwards of 80%+ off list. Would this be a channel you could consider for the 2020 initiatives? I realize it technically exists outside of your parameters, however given that DHD has the established relationship with Cisco in this unique manner, I'm hopeful you will be open to hearing more of the details and using it to supplement your VAR strategies. A2: Please refer to response Al. Q3: Can (the City) advise whether there are smaller purchases throughout the year that occur outside of the BidSync channel? A3: While it's difficult to anticipate future purchases, the purpose of the pool of prequalified bidders is to establish possible providers for future purchases. Q4. The ITB shows Universal firmware S9300UK9-169, S9400UK9-169; however, per Cisco CCW website shows the message as below, would then the latest version 1612 be the option? "Product S9300ULPEK9-169 will no longer be available for sale from Cisco as of 04-Feb-2020. Available replacement product for this item is S9300ULPEK9-1612." A4: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071•DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT M IAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 34 Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT December 20, 2019 This Addendum to the above-referenced 1TB is issued in response to questions from prospective bidders, or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The 1TB is amended in the following particulars only (deletions are shown by strikethrough and additions are underlined). I. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED: Q1: We are not technically a Cisco partner but purchase through authorized reseller channels and because of our volume discounts may be able to provide you a better price than you will obtain through your normal channels. Given our relationship, would you grant us an exception so we may participate? A1: No, only Cisco partners as stated in the 1TB will be considered. 02:1 understand City of Miami Beach has an open bid for Cisco networking equipment - my organization uniquely exists in the vendor space, as we are 1 of 8 globally selected customers for Cisco's "Excess Offering." While we are not an authorized Cisco partner, the OEM has chosen OHO to participate in this wholesale pool featuring all Smartnet-eligible HW, direct from the Cisco warehouse at steep discounts upwards of 80%+ off list. Would this be a channel you could consider for the 2020 initiatives? I realize it technically exists outside of your parameters, however given that OHO has the established relationship with Cisco in this unique manner, I'm hopeful you will be open to hearing more of the details and using it to supplement your VAR strategies. A2: Please refer to response A1. 03: Can (the City) advise whether there are smaller purchases throughout the year that occur outside of the BidSync channel? A3: While it's difficult to anticipate future purchases, the purpose of the pool of prequalified bidders is to establish possible providers for future purchases. Q4. The 1TB shows Universal firmware S9300UK9-169, S9400UK9-169; however, per Cisco CCW website shows the message as below, would then the latest version 1612 be the option? "Product S9300ULPEK9-169 will no longer be available for sale from Cisco as of 04-Feb-2020. Available replacement product for this item is S9300ULPEK9-1612." A4: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT MIAMIBEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q5: The Smartnet Part number CON-SSSNT-C9410R9E, CON-SSSNT-C93004UA, and CON-SSSNT- C93002UA come with three (3) S, however it seems it needs to be only one S from Cisco. Could you please confirm of this? A5: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. Q6: We can read from the design, there are two core switches come with sixteen (16) 10 G ports from both the supervisors, you have thirty (30) 9300 switches each with a eight (8) ports 10 G up link, how will these 9300 switches connect to the core switches? I do not see you have any other 10 G line card or SFP modules for fiber connection? A6: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. Design assumptions should not be made based on SKUs. Q7: Is a local physical presence required if an out of state vendor is willing to travel for meeting and execution of the contract? A7: Local location is not required. Q8: Will the equipment supplier be responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of the equipment, or is this contract solely for the purchase of equipment? A8: No, this is strictly for purchase. Q9: As pertains to veteran preference, will the use of a veteran subcontractor meet the veteran preference requirement? A9: No, the use of a veteran subcontractor will not meet the veteran preference. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov . Contact: Telephone: Email: Dann Flores 305-673-7000 ext. 7490 Dann Flores • miamibeachfl • ov Bidders are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your ITB submission. Potential bidders that have elected not to submit a response to the ITB are requested to complete and return the "No Bid Form" with the reason(s) for not submitting a bid. Sj er ly, ex a n Procurement Director I 2 ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT M IA M I BEA C H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 34 Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q5: The Smartnet Part number CON-SSSNT-C9410R9E, CON-SSSNT-C93004UA, and CON-SSSNT- C93002UA come with three (3) S, however it seems it needs to be only one S from Cisco. Could you please confirm of this? AS: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. Q6: We can read from the design, there are two core switches come with sixteen (16) 10 G ports from both the supervisors, you have thirty (30) 9300 switches each with a eight (8) ports 10 G up link, how will these 9300 switches connect to the core switches? I do not see you have any other 10 G line card or SFP modules for fiber connection? A6: Bids should be submitted using the specific SKUs noted in the solicitation. Design assumptions should not be made based on SKUs. Q7: Is a local physical presence required if an out of state vendor is willing to travel for meeting and execution of the contract? A7: Local location is not required. Q8: Will the equipment supplier be responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of the equipment, or is this contract solely for the purchase of equipment? AS: No, this is strictly for purchase. Q9: As pertains to veteran preference, will the use of a veteran subcontractor meet the veteran preference requirement? A9: No, the use of a veteran subcontractor will not meet the veteran preference. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl goy. Contact: Dann Flores Telephone: 305-673-7000 ext. 7 490 Email: Dann Flores miamibeachfl. ov Bidders are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this addendum as part of your 1TB submission. Potential bidders that have elected not to submit a response to the 1TB are requested to complete and return the "No Bid Form" with the reason(s) for not submitting a bid. Seely, ~fi,,__ Procurement Director 2 ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2020-071-DF FOR PURCHASE OF CISCO NETWORKING EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANTS RESPONSE - PROPOSAL A TT A C H M E N T C C O N S U LTA N T S R E S P O N S E - P R O P O S A L 12/30/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number DIVISION OF C012PORATIONS \ YZICAN of P ricji\L'3 0000.000"70...paimmriftk„ un ullitiat Stare of Florida webstr? Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Detail By Document Number / Detail by FEI/EIN Number Foreign Limited Liability Company CDW GOVERNMENT LLC Filing Information Document Number M10000000049 FEI/EIN Number 36-4230110 Date Filed 01/05/2010 State IL Status ACTIVE ")rincipal Address 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Changed: 04/24/2012 Mailing Address 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Changed: 04/24/2012 Registered Agent Name & Address CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1201 HAYS STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301-2525 Authorized Person(e) Debit Name & Address Title MGR RICHARDS, THOMAS E 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Title MGR ROTHER, CHRISTINA V 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Title MGR ZIEGLER, ANN E 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&directionType=lnitial&searchNameOrder=364230110M1000... 1/2 12/30/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS DIVISION of C09 RATIO oiflit Stare of Florida website Department of Statg /I Diyision of Corporations I Sgach [@cords I Detail By_Document Number I Detail by FEI/EIN Number Foreign Limited Liability Company CDW GOVERNMENT LLC Eilin g.Infor m ation Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed State Status Principal Address 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 M10000000049 36-4230110 01/05/2010 IL ACTIVE Changed: 04/24/2012 Mailing Address 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Changed: 04/24/2012 Registered Agent Name & Ad dress CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1201 HAYS STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301-2525 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address Title MGR RICHARDS, THOMAS E 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Title MGR ROTHER, CHRISTINA V 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Title MGR ZIEGLER, ANN E 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 THI MIL DD ECIrNIT search .sunbiz.org/lnquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&direction Type= I nitial&searchNameOrder=364230110M1000... 1/2 12/30/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number ILIG V 1,1— I I SI—V11,11-14 I WELYKI, ROBERT J 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2017 04/17/2017 2018 04/27/2018 2019 04/29/2019 Document Imam 04/29/2019 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/27/2018 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/17/2017 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/28/2016 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/21/2015r=ANNUALEEPORT View image in PDF format 04/24/2014 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/19/2013 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/24/2012 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/15/2011 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/05/2010 -- Foreign Limited View image in PDF format rt molt ,•1 of search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&directionType=lnitial&searchNameOrder=364230110M1000... 2/2 12/30/2019 Detail by FEI/EIN Number t tu v me t tt.tit.t I WELYKI, ROBERT J 200 N MILWAUKEE AVE VERNON HILLS, IL 60061 Annual Reports Report Year 2017 2018 2019 Filed Date 04/17/2017 04/27/2018 04/29/2019 Document Images 04/29/20 19-- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 04/27/20 18-- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 04/17/2017 -- ANNUAL REPORT -----------~ 04/282016-- ANNUAL REPORI -----------~ 04/21/20 15-- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 04/24/20 14.-- ANNUAL. REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 04/19/2013-- ANNUAL REPORI -----------~ 04/24/20 12-- ANNUAL. REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 04/15/20 11-- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format -----------~ 01/05/2010-- Foreign Limited View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format fora Departmt of stat Dwn of orpoators search .sunbiz.org/lnquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=FeiNumber&direction Type=I nitial&searchNameOrder=364230110M1000... 2/2 City of Miami Beach Cisco Networking Equipment 12/27/2019 CDW Government LLC 230 N. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 PEOPLE WHO GET IT' I City of Miami Beach Cisco Networking Equipment 12/27/2019 CDW Government LLC 230 N. Milwaukee Ave. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 y#S oL i wiö GET IT , Section 1: Cost Proposal Form PEOPLE WHO GET IT Section 1: Cost Proposal Fonn E ±se« [4 WHO GET IT **PLEASE NOTE: Prices are only valid until January 20, 2020 due to promotional pricing. ** APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM Failure to submit Appendix E, Cost Proposal Form, in its entirety and fully executed by the deadline established for the receipt of proposals will result in proposal bein• deemed non-res•onsive and bein' re'ected. Bidder affirms that the prices stated on the proposal price form below represents the entire cost of the items in full accordance with the requirements of this ITB, inclusive of its terms, conditions, specifications and other requirements stated herein, and that no claim will be made on account of any increase in wage scales, material prices, delivery delays, taxes, insurance, cost indexes or any other unless a cost escalation provision is allowed herein and has been exercised by the City Manager in advance. The Cost Proposal Form (Appendix Ej shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms (Appendix E) completed in pencil shall be deemed non-responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be initialed. Group A - Cisco Networking Equipment Item Al Part No. C9410R-96U-BNDL-E Description Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC9400-LC-48U, DNA-E LIC Est. Quantity 2 1.3 / M Each Unit Cost $ Total (Quantity_XUnitCost) $ 23,712.00 A2 C9400-PWR-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Power Supply Blank Cover 12 Each $ $ 0 A3 C9400-S-BLANK Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Slot Blank Cover 2 Each $ $ 0 A4 C9400-NW-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 Network Essential License 2 Each $ $0 A5 S9400UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 2 Each $ $ 0 A6 C9400-PWR-3200AC Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 3200W AC Power Supply 4 Each $ $ 3182.40 A7 CAB-L620P-C19-US NEMA L6-20 to IEC-C19 14ft US Power Cord 4 Each $ $ 0 A8 C9400-DNA-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential Term License 2 Each $ $ 0 A9 C9400-SUP-1-B Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor-1 Bundle Select Option 2 Each $ $ 0 Al0 C9400-SUP-1 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module 2 Each $ $ 0 All C9400-SSD-NONE No SSD Memory Selected 2 Each $ $ 0 Al2 C9400-LC-48U-B Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Line Card Switch 2xC9400-LC-48U for Bundle Select 2 Each $ $ 0 A13 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 0 A14 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 0 1TB 2020-071-DF **PLEASE NOTE: Prices are only valid until January 20, 2020 due to promotional pricing. " APPENDIX E COST PROPOSAL FORM EEEEEEEESSERE Bidder affirms that the prices stated on the proposal price form below represents the entire cost of the items in full accordance with the requirements of this 1TB, inclusive of its terms, conditions, specification s an d other requirem ents stated herein, and that no claim will be made on account of an y increase in wage scales, material prices, delivery delays, taxes, insurance, cost indexes or any other unless a cost escalation provision is allowe d herein and has been exercise d by the City Manager in advance. The Cost Proposal Fann (Appendix E) shall be completed mechanically or, if manually, in ink. Cost Proposal Forms (Appendix E) completed in pencil shall be deemed non-responsive. All corrections on the Cost Proposal Form (Appendix E) shall be initialed. Group A- Cisco Networking Equipment Catalyst 94 00 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC9400-LC-48U, DNA-E A1 C9410R-96U-BNDL-E LIC 2 Each $ s 23,712.00 A2 C9400-PWR-BLAN K Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Power Supply Blank Cover 12 Each $ $0 A3 C94 00-S-BLAN K Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Slot Blank Cover 2 Each $ $0 A4 C9400-NW-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 Netwo rk Essential license 2 Each $ $0 A5 S9400UK9 -169 UNIVERSAL 2 Each $ $0 A6 C94 00-PWR -3200AC Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 3200W AC Power Supply 4 Each $ $ 3182.40 A7 CAB-L620P-C19-US NEMA L6-20 to IEC-C19 14f US Power Cord 4 Each $ $0 A8 C9400-DNA-E Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential Term License 2 Each $ $o Cisco Catalyst 94 00 Series Super visor -1 Bundle Select $0 A9 C9400-SUP -1-B Option 2 Each $ A10 C9400-SUP-1 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module 2 Each $ $ A11 C9400-SSD-N ONE No SSD Memory Selected 2 Each $ $0 Cisco Catalyst 94 00 Series Line Card Switch $ o A12 I C9400-LC-48U-B I 2xC940 0-LC-48 U for Bundle Select 2 Each $ Cisco Catalyst 94 00 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000/(RJ- A13 I C9400-LC-48U I 45) 2 Each $ I $0 Cisco Catalyst 94 00 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- ls 0 A14 I C94 00-LC-48U ] 45) 2 Each $ 1TB8 20200 71-DF A15 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A16 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A17 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A18 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A19 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A20 C9400-LC-48U Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 A21 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 2 Each $ $ 0 A22 C9300-48U-A Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE Switch, Network Advantage 25 Each $ $ 107,737.50 A23 C9300-NW-A-48 C9300 Network Advantage, 48-port license 25 Each $ $ 0 A24 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 25 Each $ $ 0 A25 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Power Supply 25 Each $ $ 0 A26 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P/2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 25 Each $ $ 18,525.00 A27 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 50 Each $ $ 0 A28 C9300-SSD-NONE No SSD Card Selected 25 Each $ $ 0 A29 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 25 Each $ $ 975.00 A30 CAB-SPVVR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 25 Each $ $ 926.25 A31 C9300-DNA-A-48 09300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port Term Licenses 25 Each $ $ 0 A32 C1-ADD-OPTOUT Cisco ONE Add-On Session Opt Out (No Fulfillment) 25 Each $ $ 0 A33 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lic 25 Each $ $ 0 A34 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 25 Each $ $ 24,862.50 $ 0 A35 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 25 Each $ A36 C9300-24U-A Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advantage 5 Each $ $ 12,567.75 A37 C9300-NW-A-24 C9300 Network Advantage, 24-port license 5 Each $ $ 0 A38 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 5 Each $ $ 0 ITB 2020-071-DF Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Po rt UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ- A15 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ $ 7160.40 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1 000(RJ- A16 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ s 7160.40 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000{RJ- 7160.40 A17 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/1000(RJ - s 7160.40 A18 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-P ort UPO E 10/100/1000(RJ- $ 7160.40 A19 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 48-Port UPOE 10/100/10 00(RJ- $ 7160.40 A20 C9400-LC-48U 45) 2 Each $ Networ k Plug-n-Play Licen se for zero-touch device A21 NETWORK-PNP-LIC deploymen t 2 Each $ $0 A22 C9300-48U-A Catalyst 9300 48-por t UPOE Switch, Networ k Advantage 25 Each $ $ 107,737.50 A23 C9300-NW-A-48 C9300 Networ k Advan tage, 48-port license 25 Each $ $0 A24 $9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 25 Each $ $ 0 A25 PWR -C1-1100WAC-P 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Power Suppl y 25 Each $ $ o A26 PWR -C1-1100WAC-PI2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Sec ondary Power Supply 25 Each $ $18 525.00 A27 CAB -TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 50 Each $ $0 A28 C9300-SSD-NONE No SSD Card Selected 25 Each $ $0 A29 STACK-T1-50CM 50 CM Tye 1 Stacking Cable 25 Each $ $ 975.00 A30 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 25 Each $ $ 926.25 A31 C9300-DN A-A-48 C9300 DNA Advan tage, 48-Port Term Licenses 25 Each $ $ o A32 C1-ADD-OP TOUT Cisco ONE Add-On Session Opt Out (No Fulfillment) 25 Each $ $ o A33 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Sm art Lie 25 Each $ $0 A34 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 25 Each $ $ 24,862.50 Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device A35 NETWORK-PNP-LIC deployment 25 Each $ $ o A36 C9300-24U-A Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advantage 5 Each $ $ 12.567.75 A37 C9300-NW-A-24 C9300 Networ k Advan tage, 24-port license 5 Each $ $ o A38 S9300UK9-169 UNIVERSAL 5 Each $ $0 1TB 2020071-DF A39 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Power Supply 5 Each $ $ 0 A40 PWR-C1-1100WAC-P/2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 5 Each $ $ 3,705.00 A41 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 10 Each $ $ 0 A42 SSD-120G Cisco pluggable USB3.0 SSD storage 5 Each $ $ 2,925.00 A43 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 5 Each $ $ 195.00 A44 CAB-SPWR-30CM Catalyst Stack Power Cable 30 CM 5 Each $ $ 185.25 A45 C9300-DNA-A-24 C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-port Term Licenses 5 Each $ $ 0 A46 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle & Assurance Term - Smart Lic 5 Each $ $ 0 A47 C9300-NM-8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 5 Each $ $ 4,972.50 A48 NETWORK-PNP-LIC Network Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device deployment 5 Each $ $ 0 A49 CON-SSSNT-C9410R9E SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, 2xC940 (60 Months/5 Years) 2 Each $ $ 17,948.70 A50 C9400-DNA-E-5Y Cisco Catalyst 9400 DNA Essential 5 Year License (60 Months/5 Years) 2 Each $ $ 5,018.40 $ 52,338.25 $ 38,642.50 A51 CON-SSSNT-C93004UA SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE, Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 25 Each $ A52 C9300-DNA-A-48-3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port, 3 Year Term License 25 Each $ A53 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y PI Dev Lic for Lifecycle & Assurance Term 3Y 25 Each $ $ 0 A54 CON-SSSNT-C93002UA SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE, Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 5 Each $ $ 6,108.56 A55 C9300-DNA-A-24-3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-Port, 3 Year Term License 5 Each $ $ 4,120.50 A56 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y PI Dev Lic for Lifec cle & Assurance Term 3Y 5 Each Group A Total $ 0 $ 71,• r.' . Group B - Pre-Qualified Pool No additional response is required for the establishment of a Pre-Qualification Pool. All responsive and responsible bidder(s) that submit a bid for the project shall be made part of the pool for future purchases, per Special Conditions 15 - Roadmap for Projects Awarded Pursuant to Pool of Prequalified Contractors. ITB 2020-071-DF A39 PWR -C1-1100WAC-P 1100 W AC 80+ platin um Config 1 Power Supply 5 Each $ $0 A4 0 PWR -C1-1100WAC-PI2 1100W AC 80+ platinum Config 1 Secondary Power Supply 5 Each $ $ 3,705.00 A 41 CAB-TA-NA North America AC Type A Power Cable 10 Each $ $0 A42 $SD -120G Cisco oluaaable USB3.0 SSD storaae 5 Each $ $ 2,925.00 A 43 STACK-T1-50CM 50CM Type 1 Stacking Cable 5 Each $ $ 195.00 A 44 CAB-SPWR -30CM Catalyst Stack Powe r Cable 30 CM 5 Each $ $ 185.25 A4 5 C9300-DN A-A-24 C9300 DNA Advantage, 24-port Term Licen ses 5 Each $ $ o A46 PI-LFAS-T Prime Infra structure Lifecycle & Assuran ce Term - Smar t Lie 5 Each $ $ A47 C9300-NM -8X Catalyst 9300 8 x 10GE Network Module 5 Each $ $ 4,972.50 Networ k Plug-n-Play License for zero-touch device A48 I NET WOR K-PNP-LIC I deploym ent 5 Each $ $0 SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot,Sup, s 17,948.70 A49 I CON -SSSN T-C9410R 9E I 2xC940 (60 Months/5 Years) 2 Each $ Cisco Catalyst 9400 ONA Essential 5 Year License (60 A50 I C9400-DN A-E-5Y I Months/5 Years) I 2 [Each ]s [$5,01840 SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 48-port UP OE , A51 CON -SSSNT-C93004UA Network Advance (36 Months/3 Years) 25 Each $ $ 52 338.25 A 52 C9300-DNA-A-48 -3Y C9300 DNA Advantage, 48-Port, 3 Year Term License 25 Each $ $ 38,642.50 A53 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y Pl Dev Lie for Lifecycle & Assuran ce Term 3Y 25 Each $ $0 SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Catalyst 9300 24-port UP OE , CON -SSSNT-C93002UA Network Advance 36 Months/3 Years 5 Each $ $6,108.56 C9300 -DN A-A-24-3Y C930 0 DNA Advanta e, 24-Port, 3 Year Term License 5 Each $ $4,120.50 PI-LFAS-AP-T-3Y Pl Dev Lie for Lifec cle & Assurance Term 3Y Group B - Pre-Qualified Pool No additional respo nse is required for the establishment of a Pre-Q ualification Pool. All responsive and respon sible bidder(s) that submit a bid for the project shall be made part of the pool for fut ure purchases, per Special Conditions 15 - Roadm ap for Projects Awa rded Pursuant to Pool of Prequalified Contractors. IT 20200 71.F l Bidder's Affirmation Company: COW Government LLC Authorized Representative: Freda Hill Address: 230 N. Milwaukee Ave Telephone: 0771404.6297 Email: balthec@cdwg.com Authorized Representative's Signature: 44'Ave(&4 CDW Government cCDIN•G") submits this bid response subject only to the terms acrd conditions contained to the current State of Flonda Cisco NASPO VALUEPOINT Contract agreement Any tennis and conditions in the bid or elsewhere that are additional to or different from the terms and conditions of that agreement shalt not apply to any transaction(s) that results from CDW-G's submission of its bid response. B 2020-071-OF C o mp an y: CD W Government LLC Authorized Representative: Freda Hill Address: 230 N. Milwaukee Ave Telephone: (877\ 404-6297 Email: barthec@cdwg.com Authorized Representative's Signature: CDW Government (CDW-G'} submits thus bd response subject only to the terms and conditions contained in the current State oi Fonda Cisco NASPO VALUEPOINT Contract agreement Any terms and conditions in the bid or elsewhere that are additional to or different from the terms and conditions of that agreement shall not apply to any transaction(s) that results from CDW-G's submission of its bd response. 1TB 20200 71-DF Section 2: Bid Certification, Questionnaire and Affidavits PEOPLE lag WHO GET IT S e c t io n 2 : B id C e rti fi ca ti o n , Q u e s ti o n n a ire a n d A ffi d a v its E ±.se DA WHO GET IT APPENDIX Al - PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM This document is a REQUIRED FORM that must be submitted fully completed and executed . FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM WITH ITS PROPOSAL SHALL RESULT IN THE PROPOSAL BEING DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Solicitation No: 2020-071-DF Solicitation Title: Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment Procurement Contact Danny Flores Tel: 305-673-7000 x26652 Email. DannyFlores@miamibeachfLgov PROPOSERS NAME; CDW Government LLC NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS; 21 NO OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: NO. OF EMPLOYEES. 8800 OTHER NAME(S) PROPOSER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS: FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS): 230 N. Milwaukee Ave CITY: Vernon Hills STATE: IL ZIP CODE 60061 TELEPHONE NO.. (877)404.6297 TOLL FREE NO.. FAX NO.: (312) 705-9472 FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY STATE: ZIP CODE: PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: Bad Heckman ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: (877)404-6297 ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: (312) 705-9472 ACCOUNT REP EMAIL: barthec@avg corn FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO.: 36.4230110 Except as stipulated in General Condition 36, Proposer agrees: to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation, all specifications, attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; to be bound, at a minimum, to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained herein or Addenda; that the Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; that proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; that all responses, data and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. Name of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Freda Hill Title of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Proposals Manager Signature of Prieser 's Authorized R resentative: Date- 12)20/2019 TB 2020-071-D 18 APPE NDI X A - PRO PO SAL CERTIFICA TIO N FO RM This document is a REQUIRED FORM Illat must be submitted fully completed and executed. FAILURE TO SUBMIT TH E PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION FORM WITH ITS PROPOSAL SHALL RESULT IN THE PROPOSAL BEING DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. Solicitation No. Solicitation Title: 2020-071-DF Purchase of Cisco Networking Equipment Procurement Contact: Tel I Email: Danny Flores 305-673-7000 x26652 DannyFlores@miamibeachfl.gov PROPOSER'S NAME. CDW Government LLC NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: I NO. OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY: I NO. OF EMPLOYEES: 21 8600 OTHER NAME(S) PROPOSER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS FIRM PRIMARY ADDRESS (HEADQUARTERS) 230 N. Milwaukee Ave CIT. Vernon Hills STATE 1 70 co e IL, TELEPHONE NO. (877) 404-6297 TOLL FREE NO FAX NO.: (312) 705-9472 FIRM LOCAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE I ZIPCODE: PRIMAR Y ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR TH.S ENGAGEMENT Bart Heckman ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.: (877) 404.6297 ACCOUNT REP TO LL FREE NO.: (312) 705-9472 ACCOUNT REP EMAIL. barthec@cdwg com FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO. 36-4230110 Except as stipulated in General Condition 36, Proposer agrees: to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document, inclusive of this solicitation, all specifications, attachments, exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; to be bound, at a minimum, to any and all specifications, terms and conditions contained herein or Addenda; that the Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposals and has not colluded with any other proposer or party to any other proposal; that proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; that all responses, dala and information contained in the proposal are true and accurate. [ Name of Proposer 's Authorized Representative. Tille of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Fred a Hill Prop osals Manag er rg;;pre Date 12/20/20 19 T 7 02O0 71 .7 18 APPENDIX A2 - QUESTIONNAIRE AND REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT FORM The purpose of this Proposal Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposers of certain solicitation and contractual requirements, and to collect necessary information from Proposers in order that certain portions of responsiveness, responsibility and other determining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. Attach any requested information. Name of Proposer's Authorized Representative: Freda Hill Title at Proposer's Authorized Representative: Proposals Manager Signature f Proposer's Authoriz9r1 Representative: Date: 12/20/2019 1. Veteran Owned Business. Is Pro oser claimin• a veteran owned business status? YES NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida or United States federal government, as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict of Interest. All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References & Past Performance. Proposer shall attach at least three (3) references for whom the Proposer has completed work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name & Title, 3) Address, 4) Telephone, 5) Contact's Email and 6) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due to non-performance by an 'ublic sector agency? YES NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is 'YES," Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions. Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including disqualification of their Proposals, in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submit the names of all individuals or entities (including your sub-consultants) with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation. For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicate whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code") and submit that Code to the Procurement Department with its proposal/response or within five (5) days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require the Proposer, to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall attach its Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics, Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt, as required in the ordinance, the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics available at http://www.miamibeachfloov/city-hall/orocurement/orocurement-relateci-ordinance-and-procedures/ It 2020-0, 1 -DF 19 APPENDIX A2 • Q UESTIO NNA IR E A ND REQ UIREMENTS AFFID AVIT FO RM The purpose of this Proposal Certification, Questionnaire and Requirements Affidavit Form is to inform prospective Proposers of certain solicitation and contractual requirements, and lo collect necessary information from Proposers in order that certain portions of responsiveness, responsibility and other detennining factors and compliance with requirements may be evaluated. Attach any requested information. Name of Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Title at Proposer 's Authorized Representative: Freda Hill Proposals Manager ·q;y:gr"e Date: 12/20/2019 1. Veteran Owned Business¡ Is Pro[oser claiming! a veteran owned business status? YES x NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers claiming veteran owned business status shall submit a documentation proving that firm is certified as a veteran-owned business or a service-disabled veteran owned business by the State of Florida or United States federal government, as required pursuant to ordinance 2011-3748. 2. Conflict of Interest All Proposers must disclose, in their Proposal, the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all Proposers must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either direcUy or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposers must disclose the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Proposers must also disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the Proposer entity or any of its affiliates 3. References & Past Performance. Proposer shall attach at least three (3) references for whom the Proposer has compleled work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: For each reference submitted, the following information is required: 1) Firm Name, 2) Contact Individual Name & Title, 3) Address, 4) Telephone, 5) Contact's Email and 6) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided. 4. Suspension, Debarment or Contract Cancellation. Has Proposer ever been debarred, suspended or other legal violation, or had a contract cancelled due toi"on-p¡rtormance by ¡ny pure sector agency? YES x NO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: If answer to above is 'YES," Proposer shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to actlon(s). 5. Vendor Campaign Contributions. Proposers are expected to be or become familiar with, the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws, as codified in Sections 2487 through 2-490 of the City Code. Proposers shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all applicable provisions of the City's Campaign Finance Reform laws are complied with, and shall be subject to any and all sanctions, as prescribed therein, including disqualification of their Proposals, in the event of such non-compliance. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Submit the names of all individuals or entities (including your sub-consultants) with a controlling financial interest as defined in solicitation. For each individual or entity with a controlling financial interest indicale whether or not each individual or entity has contributed to the campaign either directly or indirectly, of a candidate who has been elected to the office of Mayor or City Commissioner for the City of Miami Beach. 6. Code of Business Ethics. Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23879, each person or entity that seeks to do business with the City shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code') and submit thai Code to the Procurement Department with ils proposal/response or within five (5) days upon receipt of request. The Code shall, at a minimum, require the Proposer, to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the conflict of interest, lobbying and ethics provision of the City of Miami Beach and Miami Dade County. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer shall attach its Code of Business Ethics. In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics, Proposer may submit a statement indicating that it will adopt, as required in the ordinance, the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics, available at http//yyy.miamibeachfl gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance- and-procedures fT 202007105% 19 2 . : . • . • : : • : • .. same-(in-a-partidular-year): its-sale-optionrimmediatelY-deem-said-Pf0. POSec-arrilon-said available at4111-44www.eilaelibeacilfleqev44V-IlaWereGkirereenfgfreeereieerit4eelee-eiffirterKA-wi-prosedureoi • • • . • . : : : • : defe-te4gree-sball-reee4141 YES NQ 8. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. When awarding competitively solicited contracts valued at over $100,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks, the Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach, who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals, to provide "Equal Benefits' to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? x YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners* or to domestic partners of employees? x YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the 'other" section any additional benefits not already specified. Note: some benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave, other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Firm Provides for Employees with Spouses Firm Provides for Employees with Domestic Partners Firm does not Provide Benefit Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave If Proposer cannot offer a benefit to domestic partners because of reasons outside your control, (e.g., there are no insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage) you may be eligible for Reasonable Measures compliance. To comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application (attached) with all necessary documentation. Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager, or his designee. Approval is not guaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefits requirement is available at htlp://www.miamibeachfi.00kity•hall/orocurementharocurement•related-ordinance-and- procedures/ ITB 2020-071-DE 20 7. Living- age, Pursuant to Section 2 408 g/ the City of-Miami Beach Gode, as same-may be amended from time to time, covered employees-shall-be-paid- the required living wag e rates- listed below 4, Effective January-4, 2018, covered-employees-must-be-paid-a-living-wage rato- ofno-less than $11.62-per-hour with-health Gare- benefits of at least $2.26 per hour, or a- living wage rate of-no less than $13,88 per-hour without-health care- benefits. 2.- Effective January 1, 2019, covered employees must be paid a living wage rate of no less than $14.,70 per hour with health 6are benefits of-at-least$274-per-hour, or-a living-wage- rate- of-no loss than $14,44- per- hour- without health care benefits. 3, Effective January 1, 2020, covered employees must be paid a-living wage-rate of no less than $14,/l8 per-hour-with-health care-benefits of at least $3.22 per hour, or a living wage rate- of no less than$15.00- per-hour-without health- care- benefits, The living wage- rate and-health- care-benefits- rate- may, by-Resolution-of the City Commission-be indexed annually for inflation using the Consumer Price- Index for all-Urban Consumers- (GP! U)- Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, issued-by the-U.S. Department of-Labor's-Bureau of-Labor- Statistics. Notwith standi ng the preceding, no annual index shall exceed- three percent (3%). The City may also, by resolution, elect-not to index the- living -wage rate- in- any particular yaar, if it determines it would not- be fiscally sound- to implement same- (in-a-particular-year} Proposers'failure-to- comply with-this- provision shall be-doomed- a-material breach under this- proposal, under which the City- may, at its-sole-option, immediately- deem- said Proposer-as non responsive, and- may-further-subject Proposer-to- additional-penalties- and fines,+as-provided-in-tho- City's-Living 'lage- Ordinance, as amended. Further information on the Living- ag e requirement is availab le- at-htto lwwwew.miamuboachl gov/ci- hall/press'emant/orocuremien!el3lad 0/di.010 c0 and procedures! ny-payroll-request- made-by the City during the contr act tem- shall be completed electron icall y via- the Giy's electronic compliance portal, LCP -Tracker- (LGPTracker.net) SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Indicate below that Proposer agrees to the living wage requi rement. Failure to agree- shall result-in t1».7n"" 8. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. When awarding competitively solicited contracts valued at over $100,000 whose contractors maintain 51 or more full time employees on their payrolls during 20 or more calendar work weeks, the Equal Benefits lor Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 requires certain contractors doing business with the City of Miami Beach, who are awarded a contract pursuant to competitive proposals, to provide "Equal Benefits' to their employees with domestic partners, as they provide to employees with spouses. The Ordinance applies to all employees of a Contractor who work within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits, who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with spouses or to spouses of employees? )rs L Jo B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with (same or opposite sex) domestic partners' or to domestic partners of employees? _pJ vs J o C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the "other" section any additional benefits not already specified, Note: sore benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner, such as bereavement leave; other benefits are provided directly to the spouse or domestic partner, such as medical insurance. BENEFIT Firm Provides for Firm Provides for Finn does not Employees with Employees with Provide Benefit Spouses Domestic Partners Health Sick Leave Family Medical Leave Bereavement Leave If Proposer cannot offer a benefit la domestic partners because of reasons outside your contrai, (e.g., there are no insurance providers in your area willing to offer domestic partner coverage) you may be eligible lor Reasonable Measures compliance. To comply on this basis, you must agree to pay a cash equivalent and submit a completed Reasonable Measures Application (attached) with all necessary documentation. Your Reasonable Measures Application will be reviewed for consideration by the City Manager, ar his designes. Approval is not guaranteed and the City Manager's decision is final. Further information on the Equal Benefits requirement is available at http://yyw.miamibe achfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement- related_ ordinance-and. procedures/ II 20200 7 1D5 20 9. Public Entity Crimes. Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees to the requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. x YES NO 10. Non•Discrimination. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. Failure to agree shall result in proposal dis ualification. x YES NO 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree that no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi, nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. x YES NO 12. Fair Chance Requirement. Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code, the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing that the business has adopted and employs written policies, practices, and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, set forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code ("Fair Chance Ordinance.), and which, among other things, (I) prohibits City contractors, as an employer, from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment; (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not apply for the position, and (ili) prohibits placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the position. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in •ro osal disqualification. YES NO 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or alter solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system, BidSync.com, However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation, This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Receipt Initial to Confirm Receipt Initial to Confirm Receipt Addendum 1 Addendum 6 Addendum 11 Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 ITB 2020-071-DF 21 9. Public Entity Crim es. Sect ion 287.133(2)(a), Flor ida Statutes, as currently enacted or as am ended from tim e to lim e, slates th at a p e r s o n o r a ffi lia te w h o h a s b e e n p la ce d o n th e co nvicted vendor list followi ng a conviction fo r a public entity crim e m ay not subm it a p r o p o s a l, p r o p o s a l, o r re p ly o n a c o n tr a ct lo p r o v id e a n y g o o d s o r s e rv ic e s lo a p u b lic e n tity; may not submit a proposal, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perfonn work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in s. 237Q11 or CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees lo lhe requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, and certifies il has not been placed on convicted vendor list. Failure to agree shall r¡sult in reposai disqualification. T]is o 10. Non-Discrimination. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter inie a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, age or disability. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disralific¡uon. [Tvs o 11. Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from North Carolina and Mississippi. Pursuant lo Resolution 2016-29375, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prohibits official City travel to the states of North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the purchase of goods or services sourced in North Carolina and Mississippi. Proposer shall agree thai no travel shall occur on behalf of the City to North Carolina or Mississippi, nor shall any product or services it provides to the City be sourced from these states. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer agrees il is and shall remain in full compliance with Resolution 2016-29375. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. GJrs L Jo 12. Fair Chance Requirement. Pursuant to Section 2-376 of the City Code, the City shall not enter into any contract resulting from a competitive solicitation, unless the proposer certifies in writing that the business has adopted and employs written policies, practices, and standards that are consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance, sel forth in Article V of Chapter 62 of the City Code ("Fair Chance Ordinance"), and which, among other things, (i) prohibits City contractors, as an employer, from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history until the applicant is given a conditional offer of employment: (ii) prohibits advertising of employment positions with a statement that an individual with a criminal record may not apply for the position, and (ili) prohibits placing a statement on an employment application that a person with a criminal record may not apply for the posilion. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: Proposer certifies thai it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Proposer agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing ils compliance upon request. Proposer further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract, and shall entitle the City lo the immediate termination for cause of the agreement, in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. Failure to agree shall result in proposal disqualification. ves [Jo 13. Acknowledgement of Addendum. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation which may provide additional information to Proposers or aller solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every Proposer having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system, BidSync.com. However, Proposers are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation. This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the Proposer has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Initial to Confirm Receipt Receipt Receipt Addendum 1 Addendum6 Addendum 11 Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 1TB 2020-071 ·DF 21 TOWN OF JUPITER WATER PLANT 11088563 Steve Glazer 17403 CENTRAL BLVD, JUPITER, FL, 33458- (561)-741-2630 stepheng@jupiter.fl.us Provided the customer with the latest Cisco Catalyst 9200 switches along with DNA licensing. This implementation was part of a project to upgrade the water plants networking equipment as the network infrastructure at the time was over 5 years old. Pinellas County, Business Technology Services Robert Sullivan Solutions Architect 315 COURT ST Clearwater, FL 33756 727-464-4786 rsullivan@pinellascounty.org Phase 1 of network refresh along with datacenter upgrade with UCS servers. System was outdated and project Is planned for 5 years to update technology and continue to modernize the datacenter. Scope of Hardware (1st phase of County Network Refresh) QTY ITEM 250 C9300-48U-E 100 C9300-24U-E 20 UCSB-B200-M5-U 4 FPR4150-AMP-K9 10 C9500-16X-E 20 WS-C3560CX-12PD-5 2 APPD-PEAK-K9 Florida Division of Emergency Management David Clark - Systems Project Analyst 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32399 850.815-4705 david.clark@em.myflorida.com Network upgrade and Cisco contract holder, network refresh of outdated equipment, ISE implementation as well as wireless upgrade. Services provide for the network and security upgrade. Provide hardware, software and services for projects and engagements. TO W N O F JU P IT ER W A T ER PLAN T 110 88 56 3 Ste ve G laze r 1740 3 C EN T R A L L VD O , JUP ITE R , FL, 33458- (561)-741-2630 stepheng@jupiter.fl.us Provided the customer with the latest Cisco Catalyst 9200 switches along with DNA licensing. This implementation was part of a project to upgrade the water plants networking equipment as the network infrastructure at the time was over 5 years old. Pinellas County, Business Technology Services Robert Sullivan Solutions Architect 315 COURT ST Clearwater, FL 33756 727-464-4786 rsullivan@pinellascounty.org Phase 1 of network refresh along with datacenter upgrade with UCS servers. System was outdated and project is planned for 5 years to update technology and continue to modernize the datacenter. Scope of Hardware (1st phase of County Network Refresh) QTY ITEM 250 C9300-48U-E 100 C9300-24U-E 20 UCS-8200-MS-U 4 FPRA4150-AMP-K9 10 C9500-16X-E 20 WS-C3560CX-12PDO- 2 APPD-PEAK-K9 Florida Division of Emergency Management David Clark - Systems Project Analyst 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-815-4705 david.clark@em.myflorida.com Network upgrade and Cisco contract holder, network refresh of outdated equipment, ISE implementation as well as wireless upgrade. Services provide for the network and security upgrade. Provide hardware, software and services for projects and engagements. Sinc rely, Blake Benn Regional Manager Cisco Systems 469-420-4708 bbenney@cisco.com 60 liGh CISCO April 25, 2017 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to certify that CDW Government LLC (CDW•G) is a Cisco authorized reseller, installer and maintenance provider. As a result, CDW.G is authorized to resell Cisco products to education, healthcare, state/local, and federal customers throughout the United States. CDW is a Cisco Gold partner, which is reserved for only our highest partners globally. For more information on Cisco's partner ecosystem, please see the following link to the Cisco partner site: htip://www.cisco.com/c/enhis/pat iners.html. Please contact me directly if there is any additional information required to support CDW•G's response to your RFP. u}u lt 1s€0 April 25, 2017 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to certify that CDW Government LLC (CDW·G) is a Cisco authorized reseller, installer and maintenance provider. As a result, CDW·G is authorized to resell Cisco products to education, healthcare, state/local, and federal customers throughout the United States. CDW is a Cisco Gold partner, which is reserved for only our highest partners globally. For more information on Cisco's partner ecosystem, please see the following link to the Cisco partner site: hip://wwyy_cisco.com/c/en/us/partners.html. Please contact me directly if there is any additional information required to support CDW·G's response to your RFP. 5ME BlakeBenr Regional Manager Cisco Systems 469-420-4708 bbenney@cìsco.com ATTACHMENT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A TT A C H M E N T D IN SU R A N C E R EQ U IR EM E N T S TYPE 2 - GOODS, SERVICES & MAINTENANCE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The vendor shall maintain the below required insurance in effect prior to awarding the contract and for the duration of the contract. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a material breach of the contract, which could result in withholding of payments or termination of the contract. A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440, and Employer Liability Insurance for bodily injury or disease. Should the Vendor be exempt from this Statute, the Vendor and each employee shall hold the City harmless from any injury incurred during performance of the Contract. The exempt Vendor shall also submit (i) a written statement detailing the number of employees and that they are not required to carry Workers' Compensation insurance and do not anticipate hiring any additional employees during the term of this contract or (ii) a copy of a Certificate of Exemption. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if vendor has no owned automobiles, then coverage for hired and non-owned automobiles, with limit no less than $1,000,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage. Additional Insured - City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers' Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the Vendor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed in the form of an endorsement to the Vendor's insurance. Notice of Cancellation - Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Beach do EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. Waiver of Subrogation — Vendor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect the waiver of subrogation on the coverages required. However, this provision applies regardless of whether the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Acceptability of Insurers — Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A:VI' or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for members of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FWCIGA, FAJUA). Carriers may also be considered if they are licensed and authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. Verification of Coverage — Vendor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting 1 TYPE 2 - GOODS, SERVICES & MAINTENANCE IN SURA NCE REQUIREMENTS The vendor shall m aintain the below required insurance in effect prior to awarding the contract and fo r the duration of the contract. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a material breach of the contract, which could result in withholding of payments or termination of the contract. A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440, and Employer Liability Insurance for bodily injury or disease. Should the Vendor be exempt from this Statute, the V endor and each em ployee shall hold the City harmless from any injury incurred during performance of the Contract. The exempt Vendor shall also submit (i) a written statement detailing the number of employees and that they are not required to carry Workers' Compensation insurance and do not anticipate hiring any additional employees during the term of this contract or (ii) a copy of a Certificate of Exemption. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 general aggregate. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if vendor has no owned automobiles, then coverage for hired and non-owned automobiles, with limit no less than $1,000,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage. Additional Insured - City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers' Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the Vendor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed in the form of an endorsement to the Vendor's insurance. Notice of Cancellation- Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Beach c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. Waiver of Subrogation - Vendor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect the waiver of subrogation on the coverages required. However, this provision applies regardless of whether the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsem ent fr om the insurer. Acceptability of Insurers - Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. B est rating of A:VII or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for members of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FW C IG A, FA JUA ). C arriers m ay also be considered if they are licensed and authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. Verification of Coverage - V endor shall furn ish the C ity w ith original certificates and am endatory endorsem ents, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Vendor's obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH do EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P.O. Box 4668 — ECM #35050 New York, NY 10163-4668 Kindly submit all certificates of insurance, endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing agent, EXIGIS, at: Certificates-miamibeachriskworks.cotri Special Risks or Circumstances - The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. 2 co v e ra g e re q u ire d by th is co n tra c t. A ll ce rt ifi c a te s a n d e n d o rs e m e n ts a re to be re c e iv e d a n d ap p ro v e d by th e C ity be fo re w o rk co m m e n c e s . H o w e v e r, fa ilu re to o b ta in th e re q u ire d do c u m e n ts prio r to th e w o rk be g in n in g sh a ll no t w a iv e th e V e n d o r's o b lig a tio n to pro v id e th e m . T he C ity re s e rv e s th e rig h t to re q u ire c o m p le te , ce rt ifi e d c o p ie s o f a ll re q u ire d in s u ra n c e po lic ie s , in c lu d in g e n d o rs e m e nts , re q u ire d by th e s e s p e c ifi c a ti o n s , a t a n y tim e . CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P.O. Box 4668 - ECM #35050 New York, NY 10163-4668 Kindly submit all certificates of insurance, endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing agent, EXIGIS, at: Certificates-miamibeach@riskworks.com Special Risks or Circumstances - The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. 2