Minutes Meeting #1 - March 31 2021
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov
Ad Hoc North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
4:00 – 6:00 PM
4:03 PM Mayor Dan Gelber welcomed the Committee and thanked them for their service.
4:06 PM City staff introduced themselves: Acting City Attorney Rafael Paz; Assistant City
Manager Eric Carpenter, Capital Improvements Director David Martinez (Committee
Liaison), and Economic Development Director Rickelle Williams (Committee Liaison).
4:09 PM Committee members introduced themselves in the following order: Manning Salazar,
Commissioner Jose Smith, Daniel Veitia; John Bowes; Betsy Perez; Romina Orozco-
Encio; David Sexton.
4:25 PM Rafael Paz provided an overview concerning the Government in the Sunshine Law, the
Public Records Act, and ethics considerations. Rafael Paz responded affirmatively to
Daniel Veitia’s request that the City Attorney’s Office be present at all future committee
meetings. Betsy Perez asked for clarification regarding the use of social media. In
response, Rafael Paz advised that members are permitted to use social meeting but
cautioned against using social media to communicate with other members regarding
Committee subject matter. Jose Smith and Rafael Paz distinguished social media
communications from taking personal notes that are not intended for disclosure to
anyone else.
4:48 PM City consultant Shaun Bourgeois, Daedalus Advisory Services, provided an overview
and introduction to the draft North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan, with a PowerPoint
presentation addressing an executive summary, CRA administration and governance,
and the district’s existing conditions.
5:07 PM Jose Smith asked whether the City had already determined with Miami-Dade County
the NBCRA’s percentage share of tax increment financing (“TIF”) and Rickelle Williams
explained that the City was actively negotiating the interlocal agreement with Miami-
Dade County at this time, including the sharing of TIF between the City and Miami-
Dade County. Rafael Paz added that the City’s position will be to seek more favorable
terms than the County’s initial draft of the interlocal agreement in order for the NBCRA
to achieve meaningful short-term progress. David Sexton noted that the City’s previous
two CRAs received 95% TIF funding and Jose Smith commented that it would be
unlikely that the County would agree to similar terms.
5:12 PM Daniel Veitia inquired if Advisory Committee members were restricted from advocating
on behalf of the NBCRA to Miami-Dade County and Rickelle Williams indicated that
there was no restriction. Eric Carpenter noted how negotiations are a compromise
between both parties and the City will endeavor to secure enough funding in order to
achieve the change envisioned for North Beach.
5:14 PM Manning Salazar asked which Miami-Dade County Commissioner will serve as the
County’s representative on the CRA Board and whether the draft Plan is already in final
form. Rafael Paz responded that the Board of County Commissioners will decide
among themselves which County representative will serve on the NBCRA Board and
Rickelle Williams noted that the draft Plan was referred by the NBCRA to the City’s
Planning Board for review and comment at the Planning Board’s meeting next month.
Accordingly, the Plan is still in draft form and is anticipated to be presented to the City
Commission for review and approval on May 12. 2021. Noting how Shaun Bourgeois’
presentation addressed the NBCRA’s authorized powers, Rafael Paz clarified how the
NBCRA is prohibited by law from performing eminent domain.
5:28 PM John Bowes asked whether the data presented in the consultant’s preceding
PowerPoint presentation represented North Beach in its entirety or solely the NBCRA
district. Betsy Perez remarked that the rental transiency data suggests a need for the
NBCRA to provide residential housing solutions that reduce transience among renters.
Shaun Bourgeois confirmed that the PowerPoint data represented solely the NBCRA
district and not all of North Beach. Daniel Veitia and Manning Salazar commented that
similar data reflecting all of North Beach may be of interest.
5:31 PM Following completion of discussion by the Committee regarding the presentation on
Chapters 1 – 3 of the draft Redevelopment Plan, Rickelle Williams encouraged
committee members to reach out to her with any questions regarding the presentation.
5:32 PM Manning Salazar nominated Jose Smith to serve as Chair of the committee and John
Bowes seconded the nomination. David Sexton also nominated Daniel Veitia as Chair
and Betsy Perez seconded the nomination. A vote was called, and Jose Smith was
elected Chair of the Committee (four favorable votes: Manning Salazar, John Bowes,
Romina Orozco-Encio, and Jose Smith).
5:36 PM John Bowes made a motion to nominate Daniel Veitia as Vice-Chair of the Committee
and Jose Smith seconded the motion. A vote was called, and the Committee voted
unanimously to elect Daniel Veitia as Vice-Chair of the Committee.
5:39 PM Jose Smith inquired whether it was necessary for the Advisory Committee to adopt
bylaws or rules of procedure. Rafael Paz responded that the City does not require its
advisory committees to strictly adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order, but that committees
and boards follow e
5:41 PM Betsy Perez made a motion to approve the meeting schedule and Daniel Veitia
seconded the motion. A vote was called, and the meeting schedule was approved by
acclimation. The committee discussed committee business including meeting dates,
times, and scheduling.
5:46 PM Daniel Veitia made a motion to convene meetings once per month from 4:00 PM to
6:00 PM after the initial four-week period of weekly meetings and Betsy Perez
seconded the motion. A vote was called, and the Committee voted by acclimation for
the proposed meeting schedule.
5:48 PM The floor was opened for public comment, but no members of the public submitted
5:49 PM Rickelle Williams thanked everyone for participating. Daniel Veitia and Jose Smith
thanked City staff for supporting the NBCRA and the Committee. Manning Salazar
made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Daniel Veitia, and the meeting
was adjourned.