Consultant Presentation (4-7-21)The North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan Advisory Committee Meeting April 7th, 2021 The consultant team Financial & economic development advisory Physical planning & public engagement CRA Plan advisory The Structure of the CRA Plan Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Administration & Governance 3.Existing Conditions 4.Real Estate Analysis 5.Neighborhood Analysis 6.Beautification and Infrastructure Analysis 7.Redevelopment Plan Concepts 8.Goals and Implementation Strategies 9.Financial Analysis Overview Situation Review Strategies Meeting 1 Sections 1-3 Meeting 2 Sections 4-6 Meeting 3 Sections 7-9 Meeting 4 ILA REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS4 Starts area-wide, then moves to the CRA’s area REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Estimates of buildings by type Estimates of buildings by real estate class Affordable housing developments in Miami Beach 4 REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Estimates of residential units by real estate class 4 REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Retail and commercial (pgs 50-51) 4 REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS4 NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS Shows current state and areas of concern5 NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS5 Shows current state and areas of concern BEAUTIFICATION & INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Shows current state and conceptual approaches to possible changes6 BEAUTIFICATION & INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Shows current state and conceptual approaches to possible changes 6 BEAUTIFICATION & INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Shows current state and conceptual approaches to possible changes 6 BEAUTIFICATION & INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Shows current state and conceptual approaches to possible changes 6 BEAUTIFICATION & INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS6 PREVIEW: REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CONCEPTS7 The current state analyses provides the basis for the concepts to be used in the implementation strategies PREVIEW: GOALS & IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES8 The current state analyses and concepts from Chapter 7 cross-cut the implementation strategies QUESTIONS?