Public Works Presentation 4-28-21<< 1 >> << 1 >> North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency April 2021 Presented by: Roy ColeyPublic Works Director << 2 >> Integrated Water Plan << 3 >> << 3 >>Three Major Tasks Informed the Stormwater CIP Blue Green Road Raising NIP Prioritization << 4 >> << 4 >>What is Blue Green Infrastructure? •Green stormwater infrastructure typically uses vegetation and/or soils to treat and reduce stormwater flows •Blue stormwater infrastructure temporarily stores and treats stormwater •BGSI is typically designed and sized to capture more frequent storm events •Different from coastal strategies, such as living shorelines, dunes, mangrove plantings, and oyster or artificial reefs << 5 >> Blue/Green Infrastructure to help mitigate Rainfall Events << 6 >> << 6 >>Greening of the City might include bioswales which retain stormwater. << 7 >> << 7 >>A freshwater lens is created when greening is present. << 8 >> << 8 >>Currently Implementing Bioswales in Our City << 9 >> << 9 >>How Will Blue Green Fit Into the City’s Flood Mitigation Program? •Complements “grey” infrastructure •Provides some detention/flood mitigation, but alone will provide little or no benefit for: –“sunny day” flooding –flooding from major rainfall –storm surge •Designed for storms 2 inches or less, which is about 25% of the much larger storms typically used for flood control << 10 >> << 10 >>Road Elevation Analysis •Evaluates elevations at edge of road (EOR), not crown, and at bottom of road base (BORB), and picks the most protective standard •Assumes 30-year road service life •Updated Sea Level Rise projections •Target frequency of flooding (applies at end of road service life): •Local Roads: 50% chance per year (includes roads classified by City as “Local”, mostly residential roads) •Major Roads: 20% chance per year (includes roads such as Washington Ave. classified as “Minor Arterial” and “Minor Collector”) •Emergency Roads: 10% chance per year (includes roads such as Alton Rd. classified as “Evacuation Route and access to First Responders) << 11 >> << 11 >>LiDAR Elevation Data << 12 >> << 12 >>Road Elevation Analysis << 13 >> << 13 >>Harmonization with Adjacent Properties •If constraints are identified by the City Engineer, as a result of the minimum road elevation, then harmonization exception criteria supersede, at the discretion of the City Engineer. •Example exception criteria may include: •Inadequate horizontal space to construct road improvements and tie back to existing grade •Driveway grades and grade break cannot meet City standards at new elevation, posing access concerns •Adverse stormwater management conditions created << 14 >> << 14 >>Neighborhood Project Prioritization: 11 Categories Project Categories Objectives and Benefits of City Projects Brief Description Aesthetics Business visibility, landscaping, historical integrity, green streets Coastal Flood Risk Management Exposure and sensitivity to king tides, sea level rise, storm surge, extreme weather Economic Development Type of development Emergency (Critical) Facilities and Roads Emergency response effectiveness Environmental Benefits (Ecological)Type of environmental benefits Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility Infrastructure that enables more and safer pedestrian and bicycle movement Potable Water/Fire Suppression System Public safety, public health, and infrastructure condition Rain Driven Storm Water Management Flood management, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance Road Classification Type and capacity of road Sanitary Sewer Service Delivery Provision of service, capacity and condition of system Transportation –Road Condition/Remaining Service Life Condition and service life of road << 15 >> << 15 >>Neighborhood Improvement Project Prioritization << 16 >> << 16 >>Water Treatment Systems –Our Current Strategy Water Quality Treatment Systems: Five Stages of Treatment Injection well to sequester First Flush Outfall for Large Storms << 17 >> Seawalls << 18 >> << 18 >>Citywide Seawall Status Proposed Schedule DESIGN PERMITTING CONSTRUCTION STATUS Project Location DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN/PERMITTING Jefferson Avenue Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN/PERMITTING Lenox Court Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN Garden Avenue Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN Bonita Drive Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN Rue Notre Dame Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN Trouville Esplanade Street End DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN 7150 Indian Creek Dr.DEC 20 -MAY 21 MARCH 21 -AUGUST 21 SEP 21 -FEB 22 60% DESIGN Maurice Gibb Park CIP COMPLETED COMPLETED NOV 21 -JUN 23 CONSTRUCTION Brittany Bay Park CIP COMPLETED COMPLETED JUN 21 –APR 22 CONSTRUCTION 8100 Hawthorne Ave CIP COMPLETED COMPLETED FEB 21 –JAN 22 CONSTRUCTION << 19 >> << 19 >>North Beach Seawalls << 20 >> Proven Results << 21 >> << 21 >>Our Program is Working 1.27’ NAVD 1.80’ NAVD << 22 >> << 22 >>Flood Mitigation Results Palm Island 303 North Coconut Ln AFTERBEFORETides: 1.42 ft NAVD 10/17/12 Tides: 1.88 ft NAVD 10/15/19