Proposed Modifications to Plan following April 14 meeting City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov April 28, 2021 Ad Hoc North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee Proposed Modifications to Redevelopment Plan 1. Committee recommendation to include language that the NBCRA explore opportunities for promoting development of Class A office space. Proposed edit: ❖ Plan page 92 (Section 8.4.1) - no change made but existing references to office development highlighted below Key Sub-Areas for Phase I Redevelopment As noted earlier in the Neighborhood Analysis section, there are a few neighborhood sub-areas that have key commercial hubs or real estate assets in the North Beach CRA where a critical mass of improvements will indicate the area is changing for the better. These sub-areas include Town Center, Normandy Isle Fountain Area, North Shore and the West Lots. The following high-level overviews and associated implementation strategies are critical for revitalization of these sub-area or neighborhoods. Town Center The creation of a Town Center was first presented in a 2007 concept plan and then further developed in the 2016 Plan NoBe. The vision is to take the existing commercial hub of North Beach and transform it into a compact, pedestrian-friendly town center that is vibrant, dynamic, and includes a mix of uses with an attractive residential living environment, compatible office uses, and neighborhood-oriented commercial services in medium-scale density. There are a number of short-term and long-term strategies to bring the Town Center concept to fruition. ▪ Promote a diverse mix of residential, business, commercial, office, institutional, educational, and cultural and entertainment activities for workers, visitors, and residents. ▪ Encourage pedestrian-oriented development within walking distance of transit opportunities at densities and intensities to support transit usage and Town Center businesses. ▪ Partner with the City and County to provide a balanced mix of transportation options, including efficient buses, a connected bike network, walkable streets, and a connected street network for all modes of travel. ▪ Provide opportunities for live/work/play lifestyles and increase the availability of affordable residential and Class A office space. Proposed edit: Proposed Modifications to Plan April 28, 2021 Page 2 of 5 ❖ Plan page 93 (Section 8.4.1) - new text underlined Normandy Isles - Fountain Area The 2016 Plan NoBe set the vision for the Normandy Isles Fountain Area to become a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented shopping district with a combination of protection and enhancement. The Fountain area needs to transition from its current automobile-centric layout to accommodate pedestrian movement and transit connectivity. ▪ Redesign Normandy Drive and 71st Street to include wider sidewalks for pedestrians, on-street parallel parking, two traffic lanes, dedicated transit lanes, additional crosswalks, and protected bike facilities. ▪ Support redevelopment of sites around the fountain to include retail, Class A office space, and residential. ▪ Integrate the fountain parcel with the rest of the block. ▪ Encourage shopfronts on the ground floor and residences above. ▪ Enhance Maimonides Street to upgrade it from alleyway to inviting space with elements like murals, trees, kiosks, areas for outdoor dining, whimsical lighting, art installations, and other beautification efforts. 2. Committee recommendation to encourage and support the development and rehabilitation of the City’s cultural venues and facilities, but striking reference of any specific properties such as the North Beach Bandshell or Byron Carlyle Theater. Proposed edit: ❖ Plan page 88 – new text underlined and strikethrough denotes deleted text 8.3.1 Cultural Tourism Cultural & Heritage Tourism is an economic driver for communities. Destination cultural assets present opportunities for rehabilitation, restoration, investment, and development. The NBCRA can capitalize on North Beach’s history and cultural assets to position the district for additional cultural tourism. The CRA has an opportunity to capitalize on these assets through a variety of activities, including but not limited to the recommendations outlined below to impact cultural tourism. * * * ▪ Support and enhance the North Beach Bandshell and other cultural facilities, venues and assets through cultural tourism and programming. 3. Committee recommendation that references to ‘ambassador’ be removed from Section 8.3.4 (Implement Neighborhood Ambassador Program to spur community engagement and collaborations, Promotional Activities and Events). Proposed edit: Proposed Modifications to Plan April 28, 2021 Page 3 of 5 ❖ Plan page 90 (Section 8.3.4) – strikethrough denotes deleted text 8.3.4. Implement Neighborhood Ambassador Program to spur community engagement and collaborations, Promotional Activities and Events The CRA should produce events and activities that further the work outlined in this Plan to increase awareness about the Area’s aspirational brand and position itself to attract new investment, businesses, development, and cultural arts venues through a variety of activities, including but not limited to the recommendations outlined below for activities and events. ▪ Develop signature community events that promote community pride, especially related to Miami Mid-Century Modern (MiMo) architecture, the arts, culture, music and history, and encourage resident participation throughout the district. ▪ Create economic development opportunities for local businesses to increase their client bases during community celebrations. 4. City revision to address requirement in Section 163.362 (3), Florida Statutes that “[i]f the redevelopment area contains low or moderate income housing, contain a neighborhood impact element which describes in detail the impact of the redevelopment upon the residents of the redevelopment area and the surrounding areas in terms of relocation, traffic circulation, environmental quality, availability of community facilities and services, effect on school population, and other matters affecting the physical and social quality of the neighborhood.” Proposed edit: ❖ Plan page 75 – Added new section entitled Neighborhood Impact Summary 7.3 Neighborhood Projects and Impacts Growth and redevelopment have both positive and negative neighborhood impacts. As mentioned in Section Error! Reference source not found. Safeguards to Ensure Community Redevelopment Follows the Redevelopment Plan, considerations of future neighborhood impacts including: Relocation of Displaced Residents and Businesses, Traffic Circulation, Environmental Quality, Availability of Community Facilities and Services, and Effect on Schools have been incorporated in the North Beach CRA Plan. Neighborhood Impact Summary The following describes the potential impacts of future redevelopment on the residential neighborhoods within the CRA. While neighborhood impacts have been considered in the identification of the Redevelopment Goals, it should be noted that no redevelopment projects have yet been planned. Specific impacts resulting from implementation should be further identified as individual projects begin the design phase. Relocation of Displaced Residents and Businesses The possibility of residential relocations is contemplated by this Plan in connection with future redevelopment projects. While no, or only extremely limited relocation is anticipated, it is important to note that implementation of Redevelopment Goals, strategies and initiatives may result in residential and/or business displacement. In the event that existing or future CRA Proposed Modifications to Plan April 28, 2021 Page 4 of 5 projects do require the relocation of residents or businesses, a relocation plan must be included as a component of the project as part of the official approval by the CRA Board. It is also anticipated that the CRA and the County, as well as private developers, will expand the housing stock and housing variety. This will provide additional opportunities if it becomes necessary to relocate residents within the redevelopment area boundaries. Additionally, any private development project which receives CRA incentives, and which displaces residents must submit a relocation plan for approval prior to the approval of CRA incentives for the project. To protect the residents and businesses within the redevelopment area, the CRA should formally adopt a relocation policy containing procedures for relocation. If required because of redevelopment, the relocation of residents and businesses within the redevelopment area will follow the officially adopted procedures. Expenses and financial assistance required by these procedures will become the responsibility of the CRA and its partners in the project which results in the need for relocation. Traffic Circulation Although successful redevelopment can increase overall traffic, the redevelopment area is part of an existing roadway network that serves eastern Miami-Dade County. As part of this redevelopment effort, it is anticipated that the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida will make a significant investment in improving roadways, including street reconstructions, lighting, beautification, landscaping, traffic calming, and pedestrian walkway enhancement, improvements that may be supplemented with CRA support. These improvements should result in better traffic flow and enhanced mobility for pedestrians and non-motorized transport. Implementation of individual redevelopment projects may require improvements or modifications to the existing roadway network. These localized impacts will be reviewed when specific projects are approved. It is also recommended that architectural and site-specific design solutions be considered to mitigate potential traffic and parking impacts of specific projects on adjacent residential neighborhoods. Environmental Quality The Redevelopment Goals and Initiatives proposed in this Plan are intended to improve the environmental quality within the Redevelopment Area. Several initiatives, such as rehabilitation/beautification grants, will provide funding for businesses and property owners in the CRA to make interior and exterior improvements to their properties. It is anticipated that improvements resulting from these programs will foster a new sense of community pride and spur additional revitalization efforts throughout the area, further reducing blighted conditions. Streetscape and landscape improvements associated with redevelopment projects will, when completed, upgrade the overall appearance of the area. Future redevelopment will improve the appearance of the commercial and residential areas throughout the CRA. Availability of Community Facilities and Services The Redevelopment Area contains a range of community services and facilities. These facilities contribute to the success of the Redevelopment Plan and support cultural, neighborhood, social and educational enhancement. Implementation of individual redevelopment projects and public improvements may require modifications to existing systems by both the public and private sector. Implementation of this Plan will supplement City, County and State infrastructure projects to encourage private development in the area. Any existing community facilities within the boundary of the redevelopment area may benefit from the economic improvement of the area by the implementation of the redevelopment initiatives, and the physical improvements of the surrounding area that will create economic revitalization with the advent of new businesses and Proposed Modifications to Plan April 28, 2021 Page 5 of 5 job opportunities. Community services such as innovative policing and code enforcement can be expanded utilizing the programs included in the Redevelopment Plan. Effect on Schools The Miami-Dade County School Board plans no other major actions affecting existing school facilities within the redevelopment area, in the near future. Residential development anticipated within this Plan will likely represent only a small percentage of overall County population growth and therefore not have a significant effect on school population. All CRA initiatives are subordinate to the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Development Regulations, or any countywide concurrency guidelines. The CRA should enhance its relationship with the public and private schools in efforts to activate key parcels and community events. This would be part of an ongoing effort to increase communication and outreach with North Beach area stakeholders, and support programs which enhance education where realistic. Given area assets and the strength of select industries, leadership should also explore and encourage charter schools and/or vocational programs linked to the culinary arts, hospitality, and tourism among other emerging industries. CRA funds may be used to encourage neighborhood preservation and mitigate development impacts within the following Redevelopment Goals: Economic Development, Resiliency & Infrastructure, Neighborhood Character, Quality of Life, Branding & Marketing and Leveraging Resources.