Presentation by Environmental Department 4-28-21North Beach Community Redevelopment Area April 28, 2021 2 BEST AVAILABLE PLANNING, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING1 GUIDING PLANS & POLICIES: PUBLIC + PRIVATE 3 IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS As we plan for flood mitigation and sea level rise, we address broader resilience: •Safety: Reducing flood risk and avoiding damage •Aging Infrastructure: W&S, Roads •Blue-Green Infrastructure •Urban Tree Canopy •Aesthetics •Water Quality, Sustainability and Environmental Resources •Mobility •Historic Preservation •Private Property Adaptation •Social and Economic Resilience Climate Risks Increased Heat Increased Storm Events Rising Sea Level / Groundwater Southeast Florida Unified Sea Level Rise Projection Resilience Planning • • • GREEN BUILDING ORDINANCE Design, build, and operate a new generation of efficient, environmentally responsible, healthy and resilient buildings HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS ORDINANCE •Solar Panels •Wind Turbines •Sustainable Roofing •Sustainable roofing ▪Solar Roof ▪Blue Roof ▪White Roof ▪Cool Roof ▪Green Roof ▪Metal Roof •Solar carports •Cool/Porous Pavement in driveways •Residential Height exceptions URBAN HEAT ISLAND ORDINANCE •Chapter 46: Tree Preservation Code •Chapter 126: Land Development Regulations •Street Tree & Lot Area requirements •Urban Forestry provides guidance for managing the urban forest •Increase citywide canopy coverage from 17% to 22% •Reduce palm canopy coverage on public property from 57%to >25%by 2050 •Diversify planting palette •Improved tree preservation of existing mature canopy •Optimize tree growth in public rights-of-way TREE PRESERVATION PROGRAM •Building permit fee waiver for all solar projects •Zoning review fee waiver for solar roof or other renewable energy system projects •1-Day walkthrough permit review SOLAR INCENTIVES ALTERNATIVE PARKING INCENTIVES •Encourage the use of alternative modes of travel. •Reduce automobile parking requirements for providing: •Short-term bicycle parking •Long-term bicycle parking •Carpool/vanpool parking •Drop-off and loading zones for transportation for compensation vehicles (Such as Uber & Lyft) •Scooter, moped and motorcycle parking •Showers for commercial uses •Requires new buildings to provide EV infrastructure •2% of required offstreet parking spaces for EVS •EV parking spaces and charging stations standards EV-READY ORDINANCE The photo shows the front of the property elevated 5 feet above BFE (13 feet NGVD and 11.44 feet NAVD). Red line shows the lowest living floor elevation of the house. PRIVATE PROPERTY ADAPTATION: Land Use Board Review Criteria FREEBOARD ORDINANCE • • • • • • • • • • GRADE ORDINANCE •Height of Buildings =Base Flood Elevation + Freeboard •Commercial properties height= base flood elevation + freeboard •1st floor Height-tall enough to allow the 1st floor to be elevated to BFE + Freeboard, with a future minimum interior height of at least 12 ft (as measured from the height of the future elevated adjacent right-of-way elevation as provided under the city's public works manual) •Future Crown of Road: 5.26 NGVD (3.7 NAVD) •Residential Districts Yard Elevations: •Min Yard Elevation: 6.56 ft. NGVD (5 ft. NAVD). •Max Yard Elevation: Greater of 30 inches above grade or Future Adjusted Grade (Adjusted Grade from Future Crown of Road). •Requires stormwater retention and retaining walls •Address overtopping of the seawalls that cause flooding to adjacent properties •Codify the minimum seawall elevation SEAWALL ORDINANCE Fiscal Responsibility “TO ADDRESS IMMEDIATE AND LONG-TERM CLIMATE AND WEATHER RELATED RISKS…IN OUR VIEW, THE CITY MAINTAINS AMONG THE MOST ROBUST PLANS ATTEMPTING TO ADDRESS THESE RISKS THAT WE’VE REVIEWED FOR U.S. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS.” AA + www.MBRisingAbove.com Elizabeth Wheaton Environment & Sustainability City of Miami Beach ewheaton@miamibeachfl.gov THANK YOU!