Gino Santorio 12/31/22Gino Santorio Health Advisory Committee City Commission 12/31/2022 12/31/2026 1/20/2021 1/20/2021 12/17/2020 3/29/2021 3/29/2021 3/29/2021 Received on March 29,2021 Office of the City Clerk 29th Mar M l BEACH City of Miami Beach 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Em ail: BC @m i ami be ach f _gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA . C O U N TY Op M iam i -D a d e I am in com plia nce w ith the affi liation requírem ent of M iam i B each C ity C ode Section s 2-22 (4), as (ch eck () all th at apply): [] tam a re si d en t of th e C ity of Miami B each for six m onth s or long er . [] th ave a n own er sh ip intere st (for a m inim um of six m onths ) in a busi ness est ablish ed in th e / City of M ia m i B each (fo r a m inim um of six m on th s). [] 1a m a ful l-time emp l oyee of a busine ss (for a m inim um of si x m onth s) an d l am based in an offi ce o r oth er location of the business that is physically located in M iam i. Beach (for a mi n im um o f si x m onth s). "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownership of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. "Business" means any sole proprietorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity or business association. U n de r pe nalties of perjury, I decl ar e that I have read the fo regoing docum ent and that the fa cts state d in it a re tr ue . • A d>,g> 3/8laca S ign a ture Date S A 5 e@ l¢ P rin ted N a m e N O TA R Y S w o rn to (or affi rm e d) and sub scribe d before m e, by m eans of physical pre sen ce or l onlin e no tarization , thi 1ó4y or March ,21_by Gino Santorio (C ity of M iam i B each B oard/C om m ittee M em ber). X P ro du ce d ID FL Driver's License Form of Iden tifi cation P e rs onally K now n ala Z'Aaatze Signature of Notary Pubi Charles J D'Agostin (N O TAR Y SEAL ) N am e of N o tary, Typed, Printed, or Stamped A8',, Charles J. DAgostin @ NOTARY PUBLIC Fl STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG168171 Pio Expires 12/14/2021 X Received March 29, 2021Office of the City Clerk