NO~CE ~ HERE~ gi~ th~ a Public H~dng will ~ held ~ ~s M~yor and
Commission ~ the C~ of Miami B~, Florida, in the C~mission ChamP, 3~
floor, C~ Hall, 17~ Convention Ce~er Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on
~n~ay, Janua~ 14, ~, ~ 5=~ p.m., to consider the es~blishme~ of a
Restrict~ Resldentia~ Pa~ing Zone for the ~ke Pancoast Ne~hbo~o~ ~d
expanding existing Residential Parking Permit Zone Two (Flamingo P~) on the 5~
b~k of Espa~ola Way.
Inquiries may ~ di~t~ to the Pa~ing ~padm~t (305) 673-7505.
INTERES~D PA~IES ~e invE~ to ap~ar at this m~g, or to ~
by an agent, or to ~p~s ~eir views · w~lng addm~ to ~e C~ Commi~lon,
~o ~e C~ Clerk 17~0 Conve~ion Career DrNe, 1 st Floor, C~ Hall, Mami B~h,
F~da 33139, Copl~ of th~ ~in~ces am available for public ins~lon during
n~al ~slne~ ~u~ in t~ C~ Cle~'s ~ce, 1700 ~ C~ DrNe, 1st
Floor, CIW Hall Miami Beach Fl~ida 33139. This m~lng may be co~inu~ and
under such cimum~es ~dEi~al I~al n~i~ woud not ~ ~mv d~,
Ro~d E, P~her, Ci~ Clerk
C~y d Mi~i B~h
Pu~a~ to ~tion 286.0105 FM. S~., the CiW hereby advises the public that: if a
~n d~id~ to appel any ~ision made by the CI~ C~misston with
to any mailer co~ide~ at its m~ting or ~s heari~, ~h ~m~ mu~ ~sum ~
a ~tim ~ord of t~ ~in~ is re=de, which ~ Includ~ the t~imony
~ ~id~e u~n which the ap~l Is to ~ ~, ~s n~lce d~s n~
~nse~ by the C~ for the Intr~u~lon or admi~ion ~ o~e~i~ inadmlssl~e or
~rrelevant ~iden~, nor d~s ~ authors challenges or app~is ~ ~h~ise
allowed by law, To r~uest this mMeria~ in a~ssible, sign language
i~erpmtem in.marion ~n access for pe~ns w~h disabilities, and/or any
ac~mm~at~n to ~i~ ~y d~ume~ or paAicipate in any ciW-s~ns~
',on~ :t 305-6~-2489 ~ice), 3~73-7218 ~ five days in
your ~u~. ~ usam may ~ ca 711 ~lorida Relay
~ ~232
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission ;f the City of Mia~.t
Beech, Rorida, will hold a Workshop Meeting on Thursday, January
2004, commencing ~t 3'00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor,
City Hell, 1700 Convention Center Drtva, Miami Beach, Florida, regarding
Cultural Affairs Strategic Planning.
The City Commission may discuss other City business at this meeting.
INQUIRIES may be directed to the Tourism and Cultural Development
Department at (305) 673-7577.
Robert E, Pamher, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the
public thab If e parson decides to appaal any decision made by the City
Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its
hearing, such parson must ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal Is to be based. This notice does not constit.ute
consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise
inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or
appeals not othef~viss allowed by law.
To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters,
information on access for persons with dlssbilitiee, and/or any
accommodation tO' review any document or participate in any city-
sponsored proceeding please conta, ct 305-604-2489.(vo1~co.), 305-873-
7218 (1TY] five days in advance to Initiate your request. ~ ~ Y usors may
also call 711 (FIo~:la Relay Service).