Ad 236 NOTIOB I~ HBI~BY given that a Pubic. H..earln_g..will.b?..held,
by the Mayor and-City Commission o! me ~t~ .,o! Ml~.m~l.
Beach, Florida, in the (~,ommission Chambers, 3re hOOt,
Hell, 1700 Convention Center Drive, MI,,mi
Florida, on Wedneaday, danuar,d 14, 2004, at 5:35
p.m., to consider approv ng the location of the Miami Beach
Convention Center for conventions, expositions or eventS
involving adult materials, pursuant to the provisions of Florida
Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department (305)
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting,
or be represented by an agent or to express their views in
writing addressed to the City Comm ssion, c/o the City
1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Ha,
IBeach Florida 33139 Th s meeting may be continued
under such c rcumstances additional' lega notice would not
b· provided.
Robert E, Parcher, City Clerk
' City of Miami Beach
de~ldes to appeaJ an~ clec~,._n~m__.a~._.~l~ ne~:~n must en~ure ~l~t a verbatim 1~3ofld of
~on~ldered at its meett,ng or._ ?_?. n~_ .m_~.¥ nclud e~-~d~e testimony and evidence upon which t?
to review any document or pamc,p .... ;~ ~' ~v~ da s In"advance to InRiate