The City of Miami Beach proposes to adopt the
following Ordinance:
An Ordinance of the Mayor
and City Commission of the
City of Miami Beach, Florida,
Amending the Land
Development Regulations of
the Miami Beach City Code;
Amending Section 118-593,
"Historic Preservation
Designation"; Amending
Section 118-593(e},
"Delineation on Zoning Map";
Amending Section 118-
593(e)(2), "Historic
Preservation Districts (HPD)"
by Deslgnatthg the North
Beach Resort Historic District,
Consisting of a Certain Area
Which Is Generally Bounded
by the Southern Lot Lines of
6084 Collins Avenue, 6261
Collins Avenue and 210-63rd
Street to the South, the Center
Line of 71st Street to the
North, the Center Line of
Collins Avenue and the
Western Lot Lines of Certain
Properties Fronting on Collins
Avenue to the West (Including
6084 Collins Avenue, 6300 Collins Avenue, and 6574 to 6650
Collins Avenue), and the Erosion Control Line of the AflanUc
Ocean to the__East (Excluding 6605"Collins A.v. enu_.e.), as_M.ore
Particularly De~'orlbed Herein; Providing that the u~y s 4onmg
Map Shall Be Amended to Include the North Beach Resort
Historic Distr ct Adopting the Designation Report Attached
Hereto as Appendix "A"; Providing for Inclusion in the Land
Development regulations of the City Code, Repealer, Severabllity
and an Effective Date.
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'N that a first reading public hearing
on the Ordinance will be held by the City Commission on
Wednesday. January 14. 2004 at 5:05 e.m.. or as soon thereafter
as oosslble, in the City Commission Chambers, Third Floor, City
Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida.
The historic district proposed for designation is shown on the Map
within this Zon ng Map Change. The district boundaries may be
mQdified by the City Commission at this meeting
All persons ara invited to appear at this meeting or be represented
by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the
Miami Beach City Commission c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention
Center Ddve, First Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139.
The O dinance and o her related motor a s epsrding the proposed hlsturic distric~ are available for
public inspection during no ma business hours i~q the City Clerk's Office, Lnquiriss may be directed
to the Planning Oepartreent a I30§) 673-7550. The beednp on this Ordinance may be continued st
h s meeting and ~JndSr such c cumst~nces addit onal legal not ce would not be provided,
person may contact the City ClerWs Office at {305) 673-741 t for information as to t11e status of the
Ordinance as a rsoud of the meeting.
Pursuant to Sec ion 2~6.010§, FIe. Stat, the City he eby advises the public that: If a parson
decides tu appeal any decision made by this Board with respect to any mst~er conslbemd at its
mae ing or Its hen lng, such person must insu e the a verbatim record ol the prsoeedings is
made, which record includes the test runny and ev dance upon which the appeal is to he based.
T~ s notice does not constihJte consent by t~e Cty o he ntreductlon or admission of ctbe~lso
inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does d autho ize challenges or appeas ne o herwse
allowed by law.
Ad e238