New Performance Rating System:CITY OF MIAMI BEACH · ager's Office R ( e o Memorandum To: From: Subject: Department DiI?e~(~;-s{:LERK'S OFF ICE Jorge M. Gonzalez ~ ~, City Manager J ~ NEW PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL RATING SYSTEM Date: January 23, 2004 I have reviewed our existing performance appraisal system and the recommendation of the Performance Appraisal Team. After careful review, I approve the following rating system for Unclassified and Others employees. SCORE RANGE PERCENT INCREASE 90-100 4 80-89.99 3 70-79.99 2 60-69:99 1 ' 59.99 or lower 0 Implementation of the new performance appraisal system is effective January 1,2004. If an employee's performance evaluation's due date is on or after January 1, 2004 the new rating percentages will be applied. If an employee's medt increase was already processed with the due date on or after January 1, 2004, Human Resources will review the evaluations to ensure rating accuracy and make any necessary salary adjustments. If you have any questions, please contact T. C. Adderly in Human Resources at extension 6542. JMG/MDB/TCNPKR c' Mayra Buttacavoli, Director of Human Resoumes, Labor and Risk Management Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Patdcia Walker, Chief Financial Officer Don DeLucca, Police Chief Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief C:~ocuments and Settings~umarotpWly Documents~ew perform appr rating sys.doc