Liquid Office User.docLiquid Office User Instructional Manual April 30, 2003 Authored by Luis A. Sahuquillo What is Liquid Office? .................................................................................................... 3 How does Liquid Office fit into our organization? ........................................................... 3 Generating Real Business Value with LiquidOffice ..................................................... 3 Logging into Liquid Office .............................................................................................. 4 Finding Liquid Office through Microsoft Outlook ....................................................... 4 Finding Liquid Office through the Intranet .................................................................. 5 Liquid Office Login ..................................................................................................... 5 Finding the HR Request for Fill Form ............................................................................. 8 Viewing the forms in the "Public Forms" folder .......................................................... 9 Using the "HRFill" form ............................................................................................... 11 Approving a form ...................................................................................................... 13 Rejecting a form ........................................................................................................ 17 Withdrawing a form from the routing process ................................................................ 21 2 What is Liquid Office? Cardiff LiquidOfficeTM is a powerful Web-based eForm management solution for creating, deploying and automatically managing the routing, tracking and approval processes for electronic forms. LiquidOffice is simply the fastest way for organizations to put all their organizational forms online to automate the mission and business critical processes they drive. For example, imagine having your request for fill, request for purchase, or request for purchase forms all electronically filed in one place. No more lost paperwork! How does Liquid Office fit into our organization? Generating Real Business Value with LiquidOffice LiquidOffice enables organizations to stay competitive by increasing the efficiency and productivity of every employee in an organization. · Rapid return on investment - Eliminate waste associated with manual processes, printing and storing. Increases employee productivity - Utilizing standard Web browsers, users access dynamic HTML or PDF forms with intelligent features including database auto-fill profile fields, automatic routing and back-office connectivity. · Reduces operational costs - It adds automated business rules to corporate forms, eliminating redundant administrative tasks. · Eliminates data errors - Incorporates database validations, calculations and other intelligent eForm features. Scales to meet organizational requirements - Cardiff's XML architecture enables easy connectivity to various back-end databases and other back-office applications. Logging into Liquid Office You can log into Liquid Office through one of two locations: · Your Microsoft Outlook Liquid Office folder · The City of Miami Beach Intranet Finding Liquid Office through Microsoft Outlook You can find a link to the Liquid Office system in your Microsoft Outlook environment. In order to this, you must first open your Microsoft Outlook program. Next, you must find the "Public Folders" folder in the "Folder list" section of the screen (it should be on your left hand side). Open the "Public Folders" folder and the "City of Miami Beach" folder underneath it. You should then see a folder named "E-Forms" underneath the "City of Miami Beach" folder, open this folder. This is your Liquid Office Newsgroup. Please make sure that you check the news group frequently in order to see any new announcements pertaining to Liquid Office (i.e. the announcement of the implementation of any future forms). See figure 1.1 for more detail. Figure 1.1 Liquid Office Outlook Newsgroup Archive Folders ~ AppBcore; ~ Calendar ~ Contacts ~ ODHP ~ Dele[ed Items ~ HImPrin~ ~ ~s ~ ~nbox ~ O~bo~ ~ ~e~o~T~x [~ City Hall ~ Hee~ ~ana~emen~ ~ ~et~ork Operabons Cen~er Recreation, Par~, ~ Culture ]n~ernet Newsgroup~ Hgr's WeeNy Update New Hires ~J ~ Sahuquillo, ,,, Liquid Office Instruction Manual Thu 6~12~200,,, I MB ~:~ Sahuquilla~ ,,, Liquid Office Thu 5~lJ2BB3 ,,, 3 KB 4 Finding Liquid Office through the Intranet You can also log on to the Liquid Office system through the City Of Miami Beach's Intranet. In order to do this you must, first and foremost, log on to the intranet itself. After you log on to the intranet you will see a link under the "My Department" heading (on the bottom left hand corner of the first page) labeled "Liquid Office". Next, click on this link. See figure 1.2 for more detail. Figure 1.2 Intranet main page ........................... ~ Miami Beach excellent public service and e Miami Beach Fourth of ]ulw CelebraBon 2003 ~ safety~o all v~o live, ~rk, and ~ ~7~'~7:" A_ll~erica City ,~. ~ ......... ~ ......... , ............... 2003  . Du~l Co~chinq F ...... for C~B E~iplo~es ~]one ].) ~-~'~ ~~ Hcki ..... aichsrd Liquid Office Login The initial Liquid Office Iogon screen should look like the graphic displayed in figure 1.3 below. In order to Iogin to the Liquid Office system you must type in your network user name and password. If you change your network password please make sure you use the updated password. Figure 1.3 Liquid Office Login Page h~p :llrniarnibeach8 J O/index ,h~rnl ( A I~. D I F F ]QUIDOFFICE Completing your user profile After you successfully Iogon to the Liquid Office server you will immediately be taken to the "Forms (Folder: Favorites)" section (if you look at the menu bar on the left hand side you will see the "Forms" item highlighted in white) of the system. On the left hand side of the screen you will see a menu with a blue background. You must choose the "User Profile" option on this menu. After you click on the "User Profile" option you will see the following graphic on your screen: Figure 1.4 User Profile Page VIDOFFICE On the "User Profile" page you will see all of your contact information which should include your first and last name as well as your email address. You should also see two buttons at the bottom of your screen named "Fields" and "Customize". Click on the "Fields" button. After you have done this you should now see the following graphic on your screen: Figure 1.5 User Profile Fields U 1 D OF FICE ; Us~ l~c©f~,]~ J.'ieIds This is the "User Profile Fields" page. You must now find the "business_department" field and make sure that the checkbox beside it (on its left) is checked. If the check box is checked, you must now enter the department fund code pertaining to the department you work for, if you are not a manager, or the departments you oversee, if you are a manager. After you have done this click on the submit button located in the middle, left hand side of your screen. Finding the HR Request for Fill Form After you have successfully your User Profile you must then click on the "Forms" option located on the blue menu to the left. You should now be taken to the "forms (folder: favorites)" page (if you look at the menu bar on the left hand side you will see the "forms" item highlighted in white) of the system. In the center of the screen you will see a small folder icon with an arrow pointing upwards, click on this icon. See figure 1.4 for more detail. Figure 1.4 Folder: Favorites Section h~p :llrniarnibeach8 J O/index ,h~rnl Notice the "Forms" item is highlighted. Click on this folder. LI~IDOFFICE Viewing the forms in the "CMB_Administrative Forms" folder After you click on the folder in the previous graphic (see figure 1.3 above) you will then see the directory structure of your Favorites folder (there should only be one subdirectory or subfolder named "CMB_Administrative"). This folder will contain forms which will be made available to the city's entire user community. Next, click on the "CMB_Administrative" folder in order to access the forms residing inside of it. See figure 1.5 for more detail. Figure 1.5 Favorites Directory Structure h~p ://rniarnibeach8 J O/index ,h~ml Notice that the "Public" folder is contained within the Favorites folder. This is where your HRFill form will reside. LI IDOFFICE After you open the "CMB_Administrative" folder, click on the globe with the sheet of paper underneath it. This is the "HRFilI" ~ form in HTML format. You also have the option of choosing the "HRFilI" form in Adobe format~; however, opening the form in this format is highly unadvisable as it may take a bit longer to download. See figure 1.6 for more detail. 10 Figure 1.6 Choosing the "HRFill"in HTML format h~p :llrniarnibeach8 J O/index ,h~rnl This is where the "HRFill" form is available in both HTML and Adobe format. Using the "HRFilI" form After clicking on the ~ button, in the previous step, you should now see the "HRFilI" form on your screen. You may begin filling out the form. First, you 11 must choose an empty position in the drop down list labeled "Please select the position you would like to fill". This list contains the title, as well as the position number assigned to this position (This number is strictly used by budget for ordering purposes). After you have selected a position you may fill out the rest of the form. Note: You cannot apply for a position that has not been designated to you by the Budget department. After you have finished filling out the form scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the form, choose the "Submit" option from the list and press the "Go" button. Please, do not choose any of the other options from the previously mentioned list. The HRFill form is only setup to handle the Submit and Reject events. See figure 1.7 and 1.8 for more detail. Figure 1.7 HRFill form (Used to Request a List, AdveCLi so a position, or Hiro) Please select the position you would like to fill J INFORMATION TECH SPEC I1:1849 ~ FRO M: L u is S a h u q u il lo i DATE: 4/30/2003 DIVISION: Applications FUND CHARGE CODE: ,, ;;;;;7,:;; CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified PREVIOUS INCUMBENT: Joe Shmoe D~TE ¢O BE)VACATED: ~ ~200~ i Figure 1.8 Bottom right hand corner of form ]2 ACM Signature Submit Approving a form Once the form is submitted the manager of the employee who has submitted the form will receive an email notification through Microsoft Outlook. Note: If Microsoft Outlook is not running on the user's computer they will not be able to see the email notification. If for some reason the user is not able to operate Microsoft Outlook he/she has the option of using the web to check their emails. The manager receiving the email will see the message displayed in figure 1.9. Once the manager opens the email message he/she will then proceed by clicking on the link at the bottom of the message. Clicking on the previously mentioned link will take the user to the Liquid Office sign on page. Figure 1.9 Request for Review email ]3 The "HRFRi" form has been sent to you fo~ yotu review. Fonu e~eated by~ A~stxato~ Fonu c~eated on~ May 1, 2003 3~3.1 AM Please click on ttue lirJk below to access the fomi. Sent by: zrd~mibeach~lO hLtp :f/xmazrdb e acl~ 10/index.ht~l?lp=/lfs ezvex?DFS A chon=Rou[eGeSnb ox~DFS Chen[=JSP After one signs in (or logs on) he or she will then see the form waiting for their approval (or rejection) in their corresponding inbox. See figure 1.10 for more detail. See the "Rejecting a form" section of this document for the procedure explaining how to reject a form. Figure 1.10 User's Inbox 14 Notice the title of the form contains the position title which the submitter is requesting to fill. The next step in the process would be for the user to open the form. Remember to open the form in HTML format by clicking on the ~ HRFill button. Once the user opens the form he/she will see the position title on the on the top grayed out. This is an indication to the user that this form has already been submitted and that it is awaiting approval (or rejection) by the user. All of the fields (or entries) on the form, except for the position title and the fund charge code are editable. If the approver of the form wishes to add any additional notes or comments there is a field where he/she can insert any relevant notes. After the approver finishes entering his/her notes he/she must then click on their corresponding digital signature button at the bottom of the page. See figures 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13 for more details. After the approver clicks on their signature button they will see a time stamp with their network user name above it. This signature confirms the user's approval of the form. After the previous step is completed the user must then choose the "Approve" option from the drop down list on the bottom right hand corner of the document and then press "Go". The form has now been approved and the next manager in the routing hierarchy will receive an email (exactly like the one in figure 1.9) notifying them that the "HRFilI" is awaiting their review. The next manager in the approval hierarchy must now repeat the previously mentioned steps. Figure 1.11 Digital Signatures 15 CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified PREVIOUS INCUMBENT: John Doe DATE (TO BE) VACATED: 5/30/2003 REASON POSITION IS VACANT: John is retiring NOTES: Good luck John! ~ Notice the signature button appears only for ~ the manager  currently logged on to the APPROVALS REQUIRED {AS OF 10111)1): / system. (Classified positions- prior to interview~) (U n class iff · d p o s i tio n s ~rtisin g or hire) __ Fna App ore App ore Figure 1.12 Time Stamp Approval ~'¢~'d off~'¢¢ i 1 Thu May1 09:29:06 EDT 2003 Budget Manager Signature Fiqure 1.13 Approval Option 16 Rejecting a form If the manager reviewing the form wishes to reject it he/she must not press the digital signature button. Instead, he/she must go to the drop down list on the bottom right hand corner of the form and choose the "Reject" option from that list. Next, the user must now press "Go" in order to complete the rejection process. After this is done, the manager who had previously submitted the form for review will receive an email notification indicating that their request for fill has been rejected. See figure 1.14 and 1.15 for more detail. Figure 1.14 Rejection Option Figure 1.15 Rejection Email The "HP,.Fi:Lt" form has been rejected and returned to you. Form created by: Adndrhstrator Forr~ c~eated on: May 1, 2003 3:3J AM Form rejected by: Liquid Office 2 Form rejected on: May 1, 2003 10:0P AM T o view the form and the data simply p o~nt yot~ Brows er to the l~k given below. Sent by: trdandbeact~10 http://nda-mibeachS10/~ndex'htr~l?lp=/lfservef?DFS Action=l~outeGeEnbox~DFS Cllent=~'SP 17 Once you click on the link provided in the email above and you log into the system you will see the rejected form inside of your inbox with an X next to it. If you are not the submitter of the form and you have received a rejected form in your inbox, you must also reject the form. In the rejection process the form must be rejected by every user in the routing hierarchy until it reaches the submitter. Only the submitter of the form has the right to withdraw it from the routing process. This is similar to the approval process where the form must climb up the routing hierarchy in order to be approved by a user designated as a final approver where it is then automatically withdrawn from the system by the software itself. The only difference lies in the fact that in the rejection process the submitter of the form must manually withdraw the form from the process. The user also has the option of seeing the routing history of a particular for residing inside of their inbox. In order to see the routing history the user must click on the "Trace Route" button ~ See figure 1.16 and 1.17 for more detail. Figure 1.16 Rejected form in User's Inbox This X indicates that the form was rejected by someone in the routing hierarchy. Figure 1.17 Trace Rout display 18 The following is an example of a hypothetical routing scenario displaying both the approval process, as well as, the rejection process: Approval Process Final Approver (City Manager) I Approver reveiws the form approves it. 2nd level Manager (Department Manager) 1 et Level Manager (Budget) 2nd level Manager reveiws the form and approves it form. %vel Manager rece~ and logs onto Liquid Office to review form. ,? 1 et level ManagerapprovesreVeiwsit. the form and otThe let level Manager recieves email'~ if ica[ion and logs onto Liquid Office toJ review form. / Submitter of Form Process begins with a user submitting a Request forposition.Fill form with an empty 2nd level Manager (ACM) I st Level Manager (Budget Officer) Submit[er of Form Rejection Process 2nd level Manager reveiws the form and rejects form. vel Manager receiv~ and logs onto Liquid Offioe J to review form. ? 1 st level Manager reveiws the form and approves it. Process begins with a user submitting a Request forposition.Fill form with an empty )er re~ gs on to the system o reject form. Submitter manually withrawls the form from the system. Note: When the "HRFilI" form is rejected by a certain user in the routing chain it must then be rejected at every level underneath the user (or manager) who initially rejected the form until it reaches the submitter. When the form reaches the user who initially submitted it must be manually withdrawn by him/her. 2O Withdrawing a form from the routing process In order to withdraw a form from the routing process you must be the actual submitter of the form. When a rejected form reaches the user who submitted it the user will see the form in his/her inbox with an X mark beside it (see figure 1.18). The user must then click on the "In Process" menu option which is located on the left hand side of the screen. Next, the user must check the checkbox located next to the corresponding form. After the checkbox is checked the user must then press the "Withdraw" button on the bottom of the screen. Figure 1.18 Notice the "In Process" menu option on the left hand side and the title of the Position Fill Request form. Also notice the checkbox next to the form and the withdraw button on the bottom of the screen. This will withdraw the form from the routing process. Keep in mind, a user would withdraw a form only when it is completely inadequate (for example, if for some reason or another the position status of the corresponding position on the form was, suddenly, changed during the routing process. Otherwise, besides the position title, the rest of the information on the form can be changed and 21 resubmitted. Remember; keep this guide handy in case you run into trouble. Also, please keep in mind that the form is only meant to be used by you, the City's upper management. If you want to have someone else fill out the "HRFilI" form you need to have that person contact me (Luis Sahuquillo ext.3728) so I can give them some important instructions.