Minutes - May 5 2021City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov MEETING MINUTES Ad Hoc North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee Wednesday, May 5, 2021 4:00 – 6:00 PM Members in Attendance: Chair Jose Smith, Vice Chair Daniel Veitia, John Bowes, Romina Orozco-Encio, Betsy Perez, Manning Salazar, and David Sexton I. Welcome & Attendance At 4:04 P.M., Advisory Committee Chair Jose Smith opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. II. Approval of Minutes Chair Smith and Economic Development Director / Committee Co-Liaison Rickelle Williams discussed a proposed amendment to the April 14 meeting minutes requested by a Committee member. Acting City Attorney Rafael Paz addressed the purpose of meeting minutes and explained that the meetings are recorded, therefore, meeting minutes should be general in nature. • Motion: To approve an amended draft of the April 14 meeting minutes. Motion passed: 7 – 0, by acclimation Rickelle Williams noted that an amendment to the April 28 meeting minutes might be forthcoming once Manning Salazar provides comments. Mr. Salazar read into the record his desired amendments to the April 28 meeting minutes and the Committee discussed whether the existing draft of the minutes addressed Mr. Salazar’s concerns. Discussion regarding meeting minutes ensued. • Motion: To approve the April 28th meeting minutes. Motion made by: Daniel Veitia Motion seconded by: David Sexton Motion passed: 7 – 0 III. Presentation & Discussion: North Beach Art Culture & Tourism At 4:16 P.M., Lissette Garcia Arrogante, Tourism & Culture Director, thanked David Sexton for partnering with the City to activate Normandy Plaza and she presented on the City’s cultural arts events, affairs, and programming strategy in North Beach. IV. Presentation & Discussion: Public Safety At 4:23 P.M., Police Officer Julio Blanco, Miami Beach Police Department’s Neighborhood Resource Officer for North Beach presented an update on North Beach policing efforts. Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee Meeting #5 Minutes – May 5, 2021 Page 2 of 4 At 4:27 P.M., Chair Jose Smith and Rafael Paz discussed enhanced community policing initiatives as an eligible reimbursable expense by the NBCRA. • Motion: To emphasize and put focus on funding and resources to support community policing initiatives. Motion made by: Betsy Perez Motion seconded by: Manning Salazar Motion passed: 6 – 1 V. Redevelopment Plan proposed modification (Section 8.6) At 4:36 P.M., Rickelle Williams lead discussion regarding another proposed modification to Section 8.6 of the Redevelopment Plan, as recommended by Miami-Dade County, pertaining to a Projected Redevelopment Costs table (figure 33). The Committee discussed the proposed modification, whose purpose is to include data that is necessary to satisfy a statutory requirement that the Redevelopment Plan identifies publicly funded capital projects in the community redevelopment area. The Committee further discussed the Byron Carlyle site and whether it should be included in the table of identified capital projects. At 4:57 P.M., the Committee discussed Manning Salazar’s motion for the Committee to request that road elevation projects be expressly removed from the Redevelopment Plan’s Projected Redevelopment Costs table. Following explanation from Assistant City Manager Eric Carpenter that the City Commission had implemented street elevation projects as a matter of policy, the pending motion failed for lack of a second by another Committee member. At 5:02 P.M., Chair Jose Smith, Rafael Paz, and Rickelle Williams responded to an inquiry as to why the Zoom meeting chat feature was disabled and how the chat messaging feature was potentially violative of the Sunshine Law. • Motion: To include "i.e. Byron Carlyle" in the economic development and community revitalization section under cultural asset investment (in the Projected Redevelopment Costs table within the Redevelopment Plan). Motion made by: Manning Salazar Motion seconded by: Daniel Veitia Motion passed: 7 – 0, by acclimation At 5:16 P.M. Tom Curitore, Assistant Director of the Code Compliance Department, addressed the City’s code enforcement measures in North Beach and the Committee discussed the importance of promoting code compliance. VI. Presentation & Discussion: Interlocal Agreement At 5:27 P.M., Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager and Acting City Attorney Rafael Paz presented an explanation and status update on the interlocal cooperation agreement between the City, NBCRA, and Miami-Dade County. The Committee posed questions about the negotiations regarding the interlocal agreement and Eric Carpenter explained how the negotiated TIF arrangement will operate. Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee Meeting #5 Minutes – May 5, 2021 Page 3 of 4 VII. Items for Approval • Motion – To favorably recommend the Redevelopment Plan as amended. Motion made by: Daniel Veitia Motion seconded by: Jose Smith Motion passed: 7 – 0 • Motion – To favorably recommend the lnterlocal Agreement as presented by staff. Motion made by: Daniel Veitia Motion seconded by: Manning Salazar Motion passed: 7 – 0 At 5:39 P.M., Rickelle Williams requested clarification regarding the schedule of the Committee’s upcoming monthly meeting dates. Following Committee discussion, it was decided that Rickelle Williams will reach out to each Committee member individually in order to determine their preferences regarding a future meeting schedule. VIII. Committee Member Comments At 5:50 P.M., John Bowes expressed his support for Daniel Veita’s suggestion that a future meeting of the Committee could involve discussion of ways to enhance economic development in North Beach. At 5:51 P.M., Romina Orozco-Encio advocated on behalf of small businesses and expressed a desire for initiatives that support the business community. At 5:53 P.M., Chair Jose Smith requested that the City’s CDBG staff present to the Advisory Committee regarding statistical data and funding amounts for CDBG programs in North Beach. At 5:54 P.M., Betsy Perez expressed her gratitude to everyone involved with the Committee and indicated her satisfaction with the progress being made. At 5:55 P.M., Vice Chair Daniel Veitia requested specific topics be placed on a future agenda of the Committee, including: economic development initiatives in North Beach, analysis of resort tax data and other data related to business attraction, and production of a pamphlet guide on “How to open up a small business”. At 5:57 P.M., Manning Salazar also expressed his gratitude to those involved with the Committee and underscored the important purpose that the Committee plays in the advancement of North Beach. At 6:02 P.M., Daniel Sexton advocated on behalf of promoting arts and culture in North Beach. IX. Presentation and Discussion: North Beach CRA Logo & Tagline At 6:04 P.M., Dean Chambers, Visual Communications Manager in the Marketing and Communications Department, presented several NBCRA branding logo proposals for the Committee’s review and comment. Several Committee members agreed that the prevailing logo Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee Meeting #5 Minutes – May 5, 2021 Page 4 of 4 should incorporate the Normandy Fountain. The item will be discussed again at a future date after City staff incorporates the Committee’s feedback. At 6:14 P.M., Vice Chair Daniel Veitia made a motion to include on an upcoming agenda include a discussion on resort tax data, economic development data, and the status of economic development in North Beach. At 6:16 P.M., Chair Jose Smith requested that a City staff member address the Committee on the availability of any potential government grant funding for the NBCRA. X. Public Comment At 6:18 P.M., Matis Cohen addressed the Committee regarding the NBCRA logo proposals, the status of Ocean Terrace redevelopment, and support for the City’s street elevation program. XI. Adjournment At 6:27 P.M., Vice Chair Daniel Veitia made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Betsy Perez and Manning Salazar. Note: the substantive motions passed by the Committee are memorialized in Letter to Commission 204-2021.