Grants Presentation (7-21-21)North Beach CRA
Advisory Committee
City’s Centralized Grants Process
Project Selection
Current Awarded Grants (North Beach)
Grants Pending Award (North Beach)
Potential/Future Grant Opportunities
Centralized Grants Process
Team Effort:
Research and notification of available grants
Coordination: Department recommends projects
Match projects to available opportunities
Project Selection
Timeline of receipt of grant funds
needs to match project start
The project must match the
agency’s mission.
Matching funds are often
required, the City is required to
have these funds available.
Example of Current Awarded Grants
(North Beach)
Florida Department of Transportation
Transportation Alternatives Program
Provides funds for alternativetransportation (bicycle, pedestrian)
Awarded: $1 Million. North BeachOpen Space Beachwalk. PedestrianPaver Walkway from 79th Street to 87th
Miami-Dade County
Neat Streets -Street Tree Program
Provides funds for reforestation
Awarded: $47,270. High Quality Salt
Tolerant Trees along Biarritz Drive from
South Shore Drive to Fairway, and
Fairway Drive along Fairway Park
Grants Pending Award (North Beach)
U.S. Department Homeland Security
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
North Shore Park Youth Center
Pending Award: $1,536,437
Protect facility from hazards by replacing
exterior window and doors with impact
resistant product.
Florida DEO Rebuild Florida
Critical Facilities Grant Program
Protects Critical Infrastructure
Pending Award: $3,550,000
75th Street Water Booster Station ($800,000)
Normandy Isles Water Booster Station
Sewer Pump Station 29 ($2,200,000)
Potential/Future Grants (North Beach)
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity: Job Growth Program
Provides funds for public infrastructure, transportation and utilities to support Economic Development
Deadline: Rolling grant cycle
Maximum Award Amount: No maximum stated, average award in FY 2020 was $3 million
FEMA: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program (BRIC)
Provides funds for mitigation projects
Deadline: Not announced yet, usually October
Maximum Award Amount: No maximum stated, majority of projects for FY 2020 were in the
$200,000-$800,000 range
Potential/Future Grants (North Beach)
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity: Rebuild Florida General Infrastructure Grant Program
Provides funds for large-scale, multi-jurisdictional water, transportation, sewer and infrastructure projects
Deadline: September 17, 2021
Minimum Request: $2 Million
Florida Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Program
Provides funds for alternative transportation projects such as bike and pedestrian pathways
Deadline: Usually January
Maximum Award Amount: $1 Million
Potential/Future Grants (North Beach)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Resilient Florida Grant Program
Provides funds to protect inland waterways, coastlines and shores against sea level rise
Deadline: September 1, 2021
Maximum Award Amount: No maximum stated
Florida Department of State: Special Category Historic Preservation and Cultural Facilities Grants
Provides funds to preserve significant historic structures and renovate cultural facilities
Deadline: Usually June
Maximum Award Amount: $500,000