Lot 2, Block 18DHQ1 .it—,-.v.v.,.-..-v s.~,... •yen 92629 APR 30 PH 12:3 10Ac.•* f 9311 ft 813Off|4^REC 8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OB'THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE -J T COUNTY,FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -05 S lift' t»=': «r"CASE NO.72-21184 (Kehoe) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,a Florida municipal corporation, j : FINAL JUDGMENT Petitioner, (11):;: (23) (24/25) (2e) (33 . (40) Parcel Nos-Eleven Twenty-three Twenty-four- Twenty-five Twenty-six Thirty-three Forty -vs- JOE KASDIN,et al.,: Defendants .j : THIS CAUSE came on for trial and the jury having been duly impanelled and sworn to try and assess what compensation should be paid to the Defendant-owners of Parcel Nos,11,23, 24/25,26,33 and 40 and the jury having heard the evidence and the charges of this Court,and having retired to consider their verdicts did,on April 2,1976 return the following i rdicts: RECORDED APR 20 1976 RICHARD P,BRINKER ClIRK ill 9297 pc 985;U-'. A A i>y'i.J DUiOT LUr Y WKS^iWW¥¥:¥:^h ''^¥'-'fi /':•':."-:-r ;" ™r *'"'"sryxm r:^mlllfM9311K814•-: •:iMIW.THE CIRCUIT .COURT OP THE llTFT "-'Mi JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE .' COUNTY,FLORIDA .' Igg-},:iS GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -0 5 .f r CASE NO to 72-21104 (KgIioq). CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,a Florida municipal .; corporation, m hi IS:Petitioner',-" -vs-1VERDICT^ JOE KASDIN,at al-,%>r ;-ms-(Parcel No.11)aDefendants.i 1733 ,the jury,find as follows: That an accurnts description of the parcel constituting the property nought to be taken in this cause and tried,before the jury is as follows:.. PARCEL NO.11 :VS If1. •I'S 5&-V- :r •: Lot 3, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 1S2 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida, Block 13,ALTOS DEL MAR SUB NO,2 2.We find the full compensation to he made by the ''§Petitioner for.the taking of the foe simple title to the parcel .$ ; •!hereinabove described,is as follows: SForParcelno,11 described above,we : find the total compensation to be made therefor as follows ; Value of land taken (including all improvements)$35 ,250.00. _ 5 1 ,058,05 _ J a. ii b.Moving Costs TOTAL AWARD .m$_|?,303,05 V .•<; Bo nay vc all. Dated this 2acU<tay April*3^76. & --JS8a$8KW*" i 9297 w 086 'r. -2* BEST COPY?mmm .v • ffi 9311 >c 815 m % IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH .';" JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IM'aIID FOR DADE ' COUNTY ,.FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -05 4:' CASE ho..-72-21194;(Kehoe) »v;.* CITY:OF MIAMI BEACH,a .Florida,municipal .corporation,..."4 Petitioner,II VERDICT {Parcel Mo.23) JOE KASDIN,et al.,:-v ir Defendants . WE,the jury,find,a?follows: That an accurate description of the parcel .constituting the property sought to be taken in this cause and tried before the jury .is as.follows:. i. PARCEL NO.23 Lot 3,Block 15,ALTOS DEL MAR SUB NO.2 according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book •!at page 16 2 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. 1 v?e find the full compensation to he made by the Petitioner,for the taking of the foe simple title to the parcel hereinabove described,is as follows: For Parcel No.2 3 described above,we find the total compensation to be made thnrofor as follows: 2.,\y is M 13 a.Value of land takon (including all improvements) b.Moving Costs TOTAL AWARD Sj>A,2sq,QQ ^..2,526,75 5.98,Z^.?5 } So say wo all. Dated this _2nd day of April,1976,:J _.. D.E.WILLIAMS '""FOtCfMAN .1.* £1 9297 «987i« •i1-::'./i "3 *illm IBESTCOPY1I^">'Yxjk.&& :*\ mm ; '&9311 k 816 * Ife §#33 8PS?.IN THJ-t 'CIRCUIT -COURT OF THE 11TH ,JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND..FOR DADE . .:COUNTY,.:FLORIDA 3.V '".•"::: :GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -05 -CASE..NO.?2-21'184 (Kehoe);' Kr;:v V. g£p : $ ":'•..... m CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,;a Elo.rida.:municipal corporation ' v :« t-w;".S S mr. -Petitioner,'..VERDICT {Parcel Mos,24-25)—vs—'. JOB KASDIN,et al., ..•Defendants . z4 -m 'M MWE,the jury,find as follows: 1.That an accurate description of the parcels , constituting the .property sought to he taken in this cause arid .n tried before the jury is as follows:.../..:.. •;:.PARCEL NOS.24-25 .:\• Lot 4,Block 15,.ALTOS DEL MAR 'S.US NO.2 according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 162 of the Public Records of D«de County,Florida, and ..: ;Lots 5 and G,Slock 15,ALTOS DEL MAR SUB NO.2.,according to the .Plat thereof,recorded in Plat Book •!at page 162 of the Public . 1 Records of Dade County,Florida..'. 2.No find the*full compensation,to be made by the Petitioner for the taking of the fee simple title to the parcel hereinabove described,is as .follows: For Parcel Nog.24-25 described above,wa find tho total compensation to bo made therefor as follows: :S'' •/S.$ &1'$3 "S ;"3:-~4 i' ... : 1 '':> .i a.Value of land taken (including all improvements) b.Moving Costs ?_m^25J)0 ^ asfj $318,883.QQ ''M.. JS0HA..IMMD So say we ail. Dated this '-0 XaI •312nddayoffApril,lh76, I 13':.- .A3&'8t 9297-k.*xs&&l.:L ; -FOREMAN *.i. BEST COPYIP m-..i ...• v (IFm-::•*•.: .V'K ;* n ••IN .THE CIRCUIT1 COURT.OF.THE -'11331..':4>||| ,JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE " ..COUNTY,FLORIDA '' ;'-/GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION •05 -/..; 'CASE-tTO.72-2li04 (Kehoe) Wmi •ivV;':V'>CITY OF MIAMI REACH •a "'Florida raunicipsi /,' ..corporation,.•. 'V . •: § Petitioner ,1 :h!,MVERDICT__. .(Parcel No'..26} ••.</ JOE KASDIN,at al., :Defendants . 'we,the jury,find as follows:••;. 1.That on accurate description of the parcel constituting the property sought to he taken in this cause and .tried before the jury is as follows :,.,• 'PARCEL NO.26 :.'-'. .-Lot 1,Block 17,ALTOS DEL MAR 'JO.1 ...' .according .to ;the Corrected Plat thereof recorded in Plat.Book 21 at page 40 of ./;. the Public Records'of Dado County,Florida. 2.We find the full compensation to be made by the Petitioner for the taking of the fee simple title to the.parcel hereinabove described.,is us follows- .For Parcel.No.26 described above,we :. find the total compensation to be iria.de .1 . therefor as follows.: a.Value,of land taken ..(including all improvements)$_^130^,861:OQ^..'i h.Moving Costs TOM,AWARD Go say we all. Dated this 2nd._day of April,1376. 4 I J® 1's: $ o W $130 »861 .00 <v1 '•u s-uiuttlAN Itj s &4 ''JI-/_ 1 - EiilUn- Wrnrnm^mmmBESTCOPY -y-'.!?•?; ,&9311 «818 .Vv: ? .in THE.CIRCUIT 'COURT OT:THE.1ITH ./'judicial .circuit in and;for dade ; _;-COUNTY ,FLORIDA ,1 .•;1 -. .GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -Q5 "•'..:'.'??,-r ..--": :.CASE MO.72-21131'(Kehoe) u : :y; • :-CITY:OF .XilAJ-II BEACH,:a-.• .Florida ..rnunicipal ,•... .;:.^orpor4tion,;.1 •• Petitioner,.:ir ' " {Parcel No.33} ..f-vs JOE KASDIN,et al., Defendants .i :-.:d••.1> W.,the jury,find as follows: 1.That an accurate description of the parcel *hy Eought to bo taken in this .cause and.constituting the y-'M -triad before th 'lows :'.&. -!waPARCELMO.•' ..Lot 2,Block . accordina to the Ccrrc-cted Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 11 at page 10 of the . Public Records of Dade County,Florida.. m...,u MAR.NO.,1 T:I 2.We find tho full compensation to be made by.the 'Petitioner for the taking of tho foe simple title to the parcel '.heroinabove described/is an follov/s:. For Parcel ?to.3 3 described above,-we . !find tho total compensation to be.wade .;.therefor as-follows;•. %%a .Value of -land taken ' {including all improvements)5 ?.5?.v9P,... §_k.'*«?.-.?}.. 5 97 ,71?«15 .fc Sb,Moving Costs total award -m So say wo aXl • i2ndDated,this day of April,197.6. >..»•- D.E.WILLIAMS - pm ,,1 9297 ft 9906"u ' :* BEST COPYliiilPflf1 fl.STC;a5a«SQSE3 •Atf5 Iw !!#£- sWl r :•:III THE 'CIRCUIT COURT OF.TKEJ1TH .TIM; •:JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IM AMD FOR.DADE ..:<i CpUNTV g FLORIDA .'I :'''.|i .'' ..'GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION -05 ::i "''P"•• ..CASE.NO.7-2 -.211 34",(Kehoe ) m- air 't,w"\• ^feT ' CITY "OF MIAMI .J5KACH , -•Floridalmunieipai ...... corporation,-T a .i..; I I r II a 'a-. ! mp- Petitioner.-, :VERDICT . -V3-. (Parcel Wo.40)1 S-'-"TOE.KASDIN,et al,.t Defendants.?>;?.. WE,the jury,find as follows:.• 1.That an accurate description of the parcel .•' constituting the property sought to be taken in .this cause and !tried,before the jury ia as 'follows:'....•:..... 'PARCEL UO.40 '''.'"''...'" ..''Lot'3 p Block 19,ATJ03 PJ-L MAR MO.1 .'•.,. ..according to/the Corrected.Plat thereof.'" ..recorded in Plat Book 31 at page 40 of the .Public Rocord3 of Dade County,Florida. .fe V i .:: ?.; 'v5 ;We find the full compensation to be made by-the .Petitioner for the.taking of the fee simple title to th©parcel hereinabove described,is as follows::, ..For Parcol Ho.40 described above,we :..find the total compensation to he made • .therefor as.follows.: .2'."If1 Value of land taken (including all improvements)S,_-96(,25Q.,QQ,, -0" a . 0 \6b.Moving Costa TOTAL AWARD $95,250.00 So say we all. 1 •<? Dated this 2nd day qf April,1976. D..13*WILLIAMS FopryAM ®9297 ft 991 £?fc'-7- iffBESTCOPYfUw T? V.'; V :%f "-^9311 ft 820 .? 1 • •«• I fe The Court having received said verdicts and being otherwise 1;-V'::'i • :v ful v, .f: taken or involved in this judgment are as follows: -/,.PARCEL NO.ELEVEN :•"\ prised in the premises ••.'*. ;ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: it is ;** ;1*Accurate "descriptions of the parcels or properties . j •r •;. :LO.t 3,Block 13,ALTOS DEL MAR SUB NO.2 according to the Plat thereof recorded i v.'in Plat Book 4 at page 162 of the 1 .Public Records of Dade County .Florida. PARCEL NO.TWENTY-THREE Lot 3,Block 15,ALTOS DEL MAR SUB NO.2 ^ according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 162 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. PARCEL NOS,TWENTY-FOUR and TWENTY-FIVE Lot 4,:Block 15,ALTOS .DEL MAR SUB NO.2 . .according to the Plat thereof,recorded :in Plat Book 4 at page 162:of the .Public;Records of Dade County ,Florida,... and .' Lots 5 and 6,Block 15,ALTQS DEL MAR SUB NO.2,according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at page 162 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. •-i :: PARCEL NO.TWENTY-SIX Lot 1,Block 17,ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1 according to the Corrected Plat thereof ,recorded in Plat Book 31 at page 40 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. PARCEL NQ.THIRTY-THREE Lot 2,Block IB,ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1 according to the Corrected Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 31 at page 40 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. PARCEL NO.FORTY Lot 3,Block 19,ALTOS DEL MAR NQ.1 according to the Corrected Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 31 at page 40 of the Public Records of Dade County,Florida. -8-•V. /.I ^9297 k 992'l ii as BEST COP 1;V a;a^ay .V:9311 fi 821*»C «-;• <i/'s 2,The compensation,exclusive of attorney's fees r and other expenses and costs,to be paid:by the Petitioner on .account of the taking of the fee simple .title .to.the .abov» j :described parcels for public purposes is as follows s ' e- !'•!. For Parcel No.Eleven .:The total compensation awarded is $97,308.05'«. For ;Parcel No.Twenty-three ... .The total compensation awarded is.., For.Parcel No.Twenty-four/Twenty-five The total compensation awarded is .. For Parcel No.Twenty-six The total compensation awarded is ,, For Parcel No..Thirty-three .... ..The total compensation ;awarded is .....$97 ,7.17.15 . For Parcel No.Forty The total compensation awarded is^.. ..$98,776.75 $318,883.00 •.$130,861.00 • ..:$96,250.00 The Petitioner,CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,be and it is hereby ordered to deposit the total sum of RIGHT HUNDRED .THIRTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE and 95/1Q0 " 3. ($839,795.95)DOLLARS into the Registry of the Court in the above captioned cause within the time provided for such deposit by ' Section 73.111 of Florida Statutes.Upon deposit of the foregoing sum the fee simple title and right to possession of the above described parcels and property shall vest in the petitioner. Upon deposit of the sum set forth in paragraph 3 hereof,the Clerk of the Court be and is hereby directed to pay to the Defendants the following sums,less any delinquent ad valorem taxes and 1976 ad valorem taxes for Dade County and the 4. la 9297 n 083sfr nfC -9- ;; •-ii; .t-,"fir 1PT cQlMiPIWlP m ->':.fe:93ii:r822 ,i'v;-v !„ i£ v£ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,prorated to the date of deposit: For Parcel No.Eleven Pay to Anne Petrouski Zavis as owner "the sum of .. «cf.'.V ..$97,308.05 :':s- .For .Parcel No.TwentyH:hree ... Pay to Edgar J.Petrini and !"Carmella M.Petrini;his wife as .owners and Max Weiss,the suni of ....$98,776.75 -For Parcel -Nos.Twenty-four/Twenty five .and Twenty-six :.. Pay to Harry Sargeant the sum of ....$449 ,744 .00 : For Parcel No.Thirty-three Pay to Sampson Sholes,as owner and Morris Sholes,as mortgagee the sum of 'V' ...... •\:v: •j $97,717.15 For Parcel No.Forty Pay to Irene Yarwood, the sum of as owner, $96,250.00 5.The Court retains jurisdiction of this cause to .determine the rights of any lessees,mortgagees,judgment creditors,.. .lien holders and other claimants in respect to the compensation for !. the parcels which are the subject of this Final Judgment.The Court also retains jurisdiction of this cause to asSeSS and award,reasonable attorney's fee,costs and expenses of the Defendant-owners separate and apart from this judgment,, DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami,Dade County, Florida this day of April,1976. :-. 'i >GE,CIRCUIT COUR1 Copies furnished to: COPIES or THE APOVF ORDER WERE MAILED T0AT}(}.,V$Q;IfSl.'llRQ ON THE DmTl 0.-£i>i7TV ii.ERfcQf. John R.Farrell,P.A. W.Frank Esslinger,Esq. George B.Foss,Jr.,Esq. John M.Murrell,Jr.,Esq. John M,Brumbaugh,Esq. Joseph A.VJanick,Esq. 7/_tBY »SSS8a Uk biKItt HtMiMliH *mh nau^ h«h mum JUCflARD P.DRINKER, CtEAK CIK9IT COURT P" 9297 r 904 .i SEC tv&w -10-S5 i MMM.