Minutes - NBCRA Advisory Committee 7-21-2021City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov MEETING MINUTES Ad Hoc North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee Wednesday, July 21, 2021
4:00 – 6:00 PM Members in Attendance: Chair Jose Smith, Vice Chair Daniel Veitia, John Bowes, Romina
Orozco-Encio, Betsy Perez, Manning Salazar, and David Sexton I. Welcome & Attendance At 4:02 P.M., Advisory Committee Chair Jose Smith opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance. II. Approval of Minutes
• Motion: To approve the June 16, 2021 meeting minutes.
Motion made by: John Bowes Motion seconded by: Betsy Perez Motion passed: 6 – 0
III. Legislative Update
At 4:04 PM, Deputy City Manager Eric Carpenter delivered an update on the legislative approval process for the North Beach CRA. Specifically, on July 20, 2021, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners approved an ordinance creating the North Beach CRA Trust Fund and
a resolution approving the Redevelopment Plan and Interlocal Agreement. Mr. Carpenter noted that the City and County agreed to amend the Interlocal Agreement to require that ten percent (10%) of the TIF revenue generated in the redevelopment area be specifically designated for the
purpose of funding projects associated with affordable and workforce housing including construction, rehabilitation, and preservation. In light of the floor amendment to the Interlocal Agreement, a joint item approving a final negotiated Interlocal Agreement will be brought before the City Commission and North Beach CRA Board on July 28, 2021. Chair Smith shared his experience of attending the July 20 Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners meeting and John Bowes requested that the link to view the recording be shared with the Committee.
IV. Item for Approval: Biannual Report
At 4:14 P.M., Rickelle Williams, Committee Co-Liaison and Economic Development Director, explained that the draft Biannual Report had already been shared with the City Clerk, however, the document required ratification by the Committee.
• Motion: To approve the Biannual Report.
Motion made by: John Bowes Motion seconded by: Jose Smith Motion passed: 6 – 0
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(Note: the adopted Biannual Report is available online with the Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee agenda materials, at www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra).
V. Follow-up Discussion / Item for Approval: North Beach CRA Logo At 4:15 P.M., Jennifer Seoanes, Marketing Manager, Marketing & Communications Department,
introduced updated concepts for the proposed CRA logo which incorporated the comments expressed by the Committee at the previous meeting. The Committee provided additional feedback regarding the different colors used and it was agreed that the Communications
Department would return before the Committee once these suggestions were incorporated into the design.
(Note: the PowerPoint presentation is available online with the Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee agenda materials, at www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra). VI. Discussion: Grants Opportunities At 4:24 P.M., Judy Hoanshelt, Grants and Intergovernmental Affairs Director, presented on the City’s public grants process, covering topics such as the City’s centralized grants project selection, current award grants and pending awards related to North Beach, and potential/future grant opportunities. Chair Smith and Ms. Hoanshelt also briefly discussed the administration of CDBG loans by the City.
(Note: the PowerPoint presentation is available online with the Ad Hoc NBCRA Advisory Committee agenda materials, at www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra).
Rickelle Williams also introduced Dexter Peralta, newly appointed Neighborhood Affairs Manager for North Beach, within the Marketing & Communications Department’s Neighborhood Affairs Division.
VII. Discussion: Byron Carlyle Theater
At 4:44 P.M., Manning Salazar requested that the agenda item regarding the Byron Carlyle be postponed to a later date in order to provide adequate time for the Advisory Committee to prepare for a discussion on the matter.
Elizabeth Miro, Assistant Director of the Property Management Department, provided a brief update on the property and shared about a facility conditions report prepared by an independent consultant. Daniel Veitia asked that the report to be provided by staff at the next meeting include an update regarding the status of electricity at the site.
• Motion: To defer today’s discussion regarding the Byron Carlyle Theater to the subsequent meeting agenda. Motion made by: John Bowes Motion seconded by: Jose Smith Motion passed: 6 – 0
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• Motion: To place a recurring update item, not a discussion item, on the Committee’s regular meeting agenda.
Motion made by: John Bowes Motion seconded by: Betsy Perez Motion passed: 6 – 0 Manning Salazar noted these issues of importance for discussion: (i) funding for the future use of the Byron Carlyle; (ii) which development option to pursue; and (iii) proposed programming, uses, and operation of the developed space. The Chair confirmed these topics would be the agenda of
the discussion at the next meeting. VIII. Discussion: 72nd Street Community Complex
At 4:57 PM, Manning Salazar expressed his desire for postponing today’s agenda item regarding a discussion of the 72nd Street Community Complex project. Mr. Salazar explained his request to
defer were for the same reasons he stated for delaying the discussion regarding the Byron Carlyle. David Martinez, Committee Co-Liaison and Capital Improvement Projects Director, discussed the
various channels by which City staff provides regular updates on this prominent G.O. Bond project.
• Motion: To defer today’s discussion regarding the 72nd Street Community Complex to the subsequent meeting agenda and to place a recurring item for a brief project update on the Committee’s regular meeting agenda. Motion made by: Jose Smith Motion seconded by: John Bowes Motion passed: 6 – 0 David Martinez provided a detailed update on the status of the project, including the history of the procurement process relative to design build firms and the City’s responses to issues encountered in the project planning process. Chair Smith acknowledged that City Administration is consumed with their work and the many projects affecting North Beach, therefore, he requested that the Committee be respectful of staff’s time in making requests for regular updates. The Committee
engaged in detailed discussion of the 72nd Street Community Complex project. IX. Committee Member Comments
At 5:33 P.M., John Bowes, David Sexton, Betsy Perez, Manning Salazar, and Romina Orozco-Encio expressed gratitude for the information presented at today’s meeting and their pleasure
that the North Beach CRA was approved at the County level. Daniel Veitia echoed the others’ praise for the collaboration at today’s meeting and he also requested an update at the next meeting regarding economic development efforts in North Beach.
Chair Smith polled the Committee members as to their opinion whether the Committee should observe a recess in the month of August. No Committee members were opposed to reconvening
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for their next meeting in September. Finally, the Chair provided praise for City Manager Hudak, with whom he attended the BCC meeting the previous day. X. Public Comment
At 5:40 P.M., Chair Smith confirmed that none of the members of the public present at the meeting desired to offer public comment. XI. Adjournment At 5:40 P.M., the meeting was adjourned.