Ad 0244NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public headng will be held by the Mayor and City Commlssi(m of the City of Miami Beach, Flodda~ in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 CoovenUon Center Ddve Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, February 2004, at 10'.30 a.m., b3 consider the fo lowing: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 142 "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" OF THE CiTY CODE, DIVISION 7, CCC CIVIC AND CONVENTION CENTER DISTRICT, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY CODE IN ORDER TO ALLOW OF DEVELOPMENT REGULATION~I~Y A FIVE-SEVENTHS VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION FOR ~DEVELOPMENTS PERTNNING TO GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR LEASED BUILDINGS, USES.AN~ ,~TES WHICH ARE WHOLLY USED BY, OP~.N AND, ACCESSIBLE TO THE GENERAL PUBUC, OR USED BY NOT-FOR-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL~ ', OR CULTURAL ORGANIZ~ONS,~OR FOR CONVENTION CE4. HOTELS OR CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL ACCESSORY OR CITY UTILIZED PARKING LOTS, 'PROVIDED THE~i CONTINUALLY USED FOR SUCH PURPOSES; AND TO AMEND THE PUBUC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH WAIVERS, PROVIDIN6 FOR CODIFiCA~ON, REPEALER, SEVERABILrr~AND EFFECTIVE DATE. ~: ~'* Inquiries may .be- directed to the Planning Oepartmefft at (305) 673-7550. INTERESTEB PARTIES' areinvi'ted to appear at this meeting, or tm represented ~'en agent, or to express their views In Wiling addressed to the CIty Commission, c/o the City Clerk, t700 Convention canter Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach., Roi;fca 33139. Copies of this ordinance are available for pUblic-inspecUon during normal business I~urs in the City Clerk's ConvenUon Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami I~acn, Roflda:¥ 33139. This meeting, may be continued and under such~ circumstances additional'legal nbtice would not be provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk . City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Santte~:286.0105, F{a. Stat., the CH:y h~reby ~dvise~ the pelvic that: ff a I)er~a decides td ~ a~ pectsthn made ~ the City Comm~sslan with respec?t~, considered at its meeting or Its flemtng, sucll person must ansure U~at a vef~atrm re the proceedings is made, which record includes ~ testimony.and ev~ence ~ whi~h..Ute appeal is to be basad. This noUc~ does rmt constti~ con.mt by ~e C~ty for 1tm . .mm~x]t~oa or ad/n ss on of otherwise inadmissible re'irrelevant evidence, ~m: doe~ it aut~of:ize a3allef~es or appeals not otherwise sllqwed by law. To request this materrel in accesmble format, sign language interpreters, information an ~ccess fro' pers?ns w~ dis~il~es, and/or any accommodaUon th review any document or perUcipate m any ci~-sponsored ~t~ding, please contact 305-604-2489 (vo~), 305-673-721~ five days m ad~al~ th request. TT~ usem may aisc cal~ 715 (Flmtda Relay Ser~ce) · {Ad ~x0244) * ' '. '~ ': ~ - ' ' '-r. irt