Ad 245 'CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE'OF A PUBUC MEETING PURSUANT. TO THE FLORIDA GOVERNMEi~T~d- ,CONFLICT RESOLUTION ACT HEREBY GIvl~i that on NOTICE IS ...... assessment "~=~""~ ....... 2004, at ~ p.m., a Floor, City Hem, t/ _ cl,,~d Governmental confli~" Florida pursuant tu the '- ..... a Florida Statut--~, b~-..tv~n_, ..m..-e~i Beanh r"City') and for designee fo as well es other appropriate ,OaUe ch and iami-oade.. from the ~ty o~ ~u?,, ~_e~c~ ~onflict between me~,,,~'- · · es 'nlng to u m ,. which was. discuSS ISSU per~, .~_ {~r, mil' n oavment to the ~/,]T~_~.~; ....... 4-25484 whiCh was set forth m- Re~luflon No. 200 February 4, 2004 by the of Miami Beach, Florida. mental entities discuss the issues meeting, the govern.~ .... ~ .... =~ssment of the conflict from · - totheconmct~u~um,~ · - ~. pe~mntng_~o~.._ ~ ~o~h novemmental entity involved. the perspe~uw ,,, ~ ~ bern of the r-.~ Commission, th~. Two or _mom .ma?~ ....C;n;~oners, or m .em.. oers ...... County_Boa~. ,OT__C,o~u_n~..yo,-; be in attendance at this meea-~l,. ,City or (~ount~ rx~uua 0105, Fla. Stat., ifa ~ decides rsuant to Section 286. ' or the county Pu ...... 'a,~ision made by .the .C'.d:y .... such ] c.,~ ~- · at their m~ul,~, . -- ?o~.?~f to any matter conslderea a~ ..... roceedings is ma ......... s ~ .--.-.-~ the testimony ~..~ ~_d po which recoro the appeal is to be based. ' 'al in acCessible format, sign lan~ To recluest this matan ..... ~--r ~=~ns with disabd~ ;.:._..~+,~ information on ac.~ '.~'.,~,~;~--~nv document o~ IliL v.--, ation tO r=-,~.. -.-- .,~2'anv accommod .... .-~a~n- niease cont~. r,nrtJciOate I~1 any ~,~-~1~"'.~ ~.,~ -z~8 I-ITYI Tire Qays ,,,: R05-6 248cj (voice) or _. Try, ~,,r~ m~v also call 711 adv~ancO4e to initiate, your request ............. (Florida Re~ay Service). Ad ~0245