Steven Oppenheimer ResignationD'Agostin, Charles DECEIVED
From: Steven Oppenheimer <> DEC 012021
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 12:58 PM
To: D'Agostin, Charles CITYOF MIAMI BEACH
Subject: Re: Yearly Affidavit of City Residence/Business OwnershI t}iet,C ty f OAWa� h
(Health Advisory Committee)
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Thank you for reaching out to me. I have moved to Boca Raton and
no longer reside in Miami Beach.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a healthy year.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:51 PM D'Agostin, Charles<> wrote:
Good Afternoon Board Members!
You are required to complete the attached form and needs to be returned to me by January 14"', 2022 DEADLINE by
Close of Business. This requirement is mandatory and to verify your residential address/business address is accurate
and this will be completed by January every year as long as you are serving on a Board or Committee in the City of
Miami Beach. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Board Liaisons please ensure that your Board Members complete the attached and help getting this back to me. Thank
you so much and Happy Holiday season to all.
Charles D'Agostin
Office Associate lll, USAF Veteran
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139