Carmen DatorreBEACH City of Miami South 1700 Cckny�,,,oliorl CenlerDflivo &A ". 0 rn i L� C 0 C P , `I w' i c1h, Q 33 m !f 3 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: fiL Telepor* 305 673 ;411 RiEFC�/V,e,D C DEC 1.7 2021 F0PA41AA41 8i�Ac/-/ 6 01Z rHc- C/Ty CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WIT I THE CITY QE MIAMI BEACH I am iornpliance with the affiliation requirement of KliarrBeach 0,,ty Code Sections 2.22 (4), asall that apply)- v ta resident of the City of Miami Beach for &x months or longer. Home ddrew L 0/1 have an ownership interest (for a min.,imum of s.lix months) n a' business cstabltshed--, :n th e pity of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). Name of Bus nbss. Business Address: .'� ✓/� :'"'1 35 /-5 I am a run-time employee of a business (for a minimum of six months) and I am based in an office or other location of the b,usiiriess that is physically located in Miami Beach for a minimum of six months). Name of 5 - Business Address:- . ....... 331 "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of ton percent �10%.) or more (including the ownership of 10% or mare of the outstar?6nq capfta�l stock) in a business. 'Business " means any sole proprietarship, sponsotshop, corporation, hinited fiabdity cornpany. or other entily or business assn ctation. Undo, r. penalties of perjury, I statkin ota're true. �11 turp �.?' , 77a Printed Name that I have read the foregoing document and that, the tat-ts Date