Minutes - NBCRA Advisory Committee 11-17-21 (final) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra MEETING MINUTES Ad Hoc North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee Wednesday, November 17, 2021 4:00 PM Members in Attendance: Chair Jose Smith, Vice Chair Daniel Veitia, John Bowes, Romina Orozco-Encio, Betsy Perez, and David Sexton Member Absent: Manning Salazar 1. Welcome and Attendance At 4:07 p.m., Committee Vice Chair Daniel Veitia opened the meeting and greeted all attendees. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Motion: To approve the draft meeting minutes of the October 20, 2021 Committee meeting. Made by: John Bowes Seconded by: Romina Orozco-Encio Motion passed by acclimation 3. Meeting Time and Location Co-Committee Liaison and Economic Development Director Rickelle Williams noted that a discussion topic had been placed on the agenda concerning a request by Committee member John Bowes to reassess the Committee’s regular meeting time and location. Following brief discussion, all Committee members present concurred in their willingness to adopt a 4:30 p.m. monthly meeting start time, commencing with subsequent regular meetings and pending input from Chair Jose Smith. At 4:14 p.m., Chair Jose Smith joined the meeting. The Committee also expressed concurrence with establishing a quarterly in-person meeting, with a preference for potentially conducting the meeting either at the Normandy Shores Golf Club clubhouse or the North Shore Park Youth Center. Rickelle Williams offered to look into venue availability and feasibility for future in-person meetings and she will provide a follow up to the Committee at a later date. The Committee agreed to keep the December 15, 2021 meeting date scheduled on the calendar. North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2021 Page 2 of 3 4. Update: 72nd Street Community Complex At 4:21 p.m., David Martinez, Committee Co-Liaison and Capital Improvement Projects Director, advised the Committee that no significant activity had occurred since the previous Committee meeting update in terms of the 72nd Street Community Center Complex project (the “Project”). Mr. Martinez and Rickelle Williams discussed the process for the Committee members to be able to view the electronic documents submitted in bid proposals from firms interested in selection for the Project. Mr. Martinez also shared that, on October 14, 2021, the Parks & Recreational Facilities Advisory Board had unanimously adopted a motion in support of the Project, as currently proposed, without any reduction in scope. 5. Update: Byron Carlyle Theater At 4:29 p.m., Dexter Peralta, North Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator, provided an update to the Committee about the City’s planning efforts for community outreach regarding the Byron Carlyle Theater. Elizabeth Miro, Facilities and Fleet Management Assistant Director provided an update regarding ongoing property maintenance efforts at the Byron Carlyle Theater property and acknowledged Vice Chair Veitia’s request to include the adjacent parking lot behind the Theater in the ongoing maintenance services. In addition, in response to Vice Chair Veitia, Ms. Miro indicated she would provide an update at the Committee’s next meeting regarding efforts to reinstate electricity at the property. 6. Discussion: Business Assistance, Attraction, and Retention At 4:33 p.m., Rickelle Williams addressed business assistance efforts relative to North Beach, including North Beach business participation in the City’s CDBG Small Business Assistance Grant Program and the Vacant Storefront Cover Program. Vice Chair Daniel Veitia expressed his desire that initial activities of the North Beach CRA should prioritize small business attraction and business startup assistance. Romina Orozco-Encio and Chair Smith provided comment supporting with Mr. Veitia’s suggestion. Rickelle Williams described the City’s business concierge services available to the public and shared that information regarding these resources are available on the City’s website, MBbiz.com or by contacting the Economic Development Department at MBbiz@miamibeachfl.gov. At the request of Vice Chair Daniel Veitia, Rickelle Williams offered to investigate the feasibility of enhanced economic development and business services including the possibility of dedicated North Beach CRA staffing for this purpose. North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2021 Page 3 of 3 • Motion: To encourage development of an informational resource guide to educate the public on how to open a new business in Miami Beach. Made by: Daniel Veitia Seconded by: John Bowes Motion passed: 6 - 0 • Motion: To express support for the allocation of funding in the FY 2023 budget to establish a North Beach CRA office or physical presence located within the North Beach CRA district. Made by: Daniel Veitia Seconded by: John Bowes Motion passed: 6 - 0 7. Discussion: Water Quality in Area adjacent to Park View Island At 4:59 p.m., Amy Knowles, Chief Resiliency Officer and Interim Environmental and Sustainability Director, accompanied by Environmental Resource Manager Lindsey Precht, delivered to the Committee a PowerPoint presentation regarding an Update on Park View Island Water Quality. Following Mrs. Knowles’ update on water testing and response efforts, the Committee engaged in general discussion regarding water quality issues in North Beach and near Park View Island. Following discussion, the Chair and Vice Chair noted that the Committee would not take any specific action regarding this subject at today’s meeting. (Note: the PowerPoint presentation delivered by Ms. Knowles is available online with the Committee agenda materials, at www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra). 8. Discussion: Homelessness in Normandy Fountain Business District At 5:17 P.M., Miami Beach Police Department Lieutenant Michael George appeared before the Committee in lieu of Captain Marlen Rivera and engaged in discussion with the Committee members regarding concerns with a perceived increase in incidents related to the homeless in North Beach. Lieutenant George offered to further investigate these concerns with his colleagues at MBPD, including making efforts to redistribute available resources—when feasible and as needed—to address these concerns. Chair Smith requested that any specific efforts include the homeless encampment across the street from the Byron Carlyle Theater. 9. Discussion: Street Lighting in Normandy Fountain Business District At 5:27 p.m., Rudy de la Torre, Infrastructure Division Director of the Public Works Department Streets Division, addressed the Committee regarding the conditions of street lighting in the Normandy Fountain Business District and the City’s efforts to assess and upgrade the streetlight electrical infrastructure. Romina Orozco-Encio thanked Mr. de la Torre for visiting North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2021 Page 4 of 3 her business and pledging his assistance. In response to the Vice Chair’s question, Mr. de la Torre advised that FDOT’s infrastructure project along Collins Avenue in North Beach remains an ongoing FDOT project. 10. Committee Member Comments At 5:38 p.m., Romina Orozco-Encio thanked Rickelle Williams for recent assistance with specific matters related to her business and Vice Chair Veitia offered praise to the Economic Development Department and all City staff. Chair Smith also thanked Deputy City Attorney Nick Kallergis for attending today’s meeting on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office. 11. Public Comment At 5:40 p.m., Chair Smith confirmed that no members of the public desired to provide public comment. Romina Orozco-Encio quickly added that a community event was occurring that evening from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. at the Normandy Fountain and encouraged all to attend. Rickelle Williams thanked the attendees and Vice Chair Veitia for his praise of the Economic Development Department. 12. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 5:41 p.m. Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 4:30 pm