David SuarezMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700'Cnv,-*n1ior Cerior D ve M>am 3oocl•. Florido 33134 OFFICE OF TtiE CITY CLERK Telephone: 305.673.7411 RECEIVE® DEC 16 2021 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CIT Y OF PAIAMI BEACH I arri .n compliance with th4; affiliation requirement of Miami Bea;;h City Code Sections 2-22 (4). as f.che,:k (•:') all that apply): I art) a resident of the City of Miami Beach for six months or longer. �1 Home Address: ' -r',4�tc _ A ❑ I have an ownership interest (for a minimum of six months) in a business estahlished in the C;ty of P,tiami Beach (far a miririum of six months) Name t Business: Business Address: ❑ I am a foil -time enihloyee of a business (for a mniniurri of six rlonthsl and i am basec in an office or other location of the Lmsiness that is physicaky located .n M am Beach (for a minimum of six months}. Name of Business: Business Address: "Ownership lntorest" means the ownership of fen percent ! , 0%) or n7ore (inrtt;d)0g :he ownership of 10% or more. of the nutstandrnq c-,ap tal stor:kj in a business. "Business' means any sole ompnetorsh.p. spoosorship..;orporairc:n, ;emdecl hab4dy company. or other entity or L)zjsiness asslx;iation. Under penalties gf perils, I declare treat i have read the fo,ogoing document ano trial the facts stated in it arelr u / J _ 1 Sigrla4ir� Date Printed Name