Barbara Kaufman練献納憾 City of Miami Beach 1 700 Convention Center Miami Beach, Fio「ida 33 OFFICE OF THE CITY Email: BC miamibeach TeIephone: 305.673.741 愈選曲 AV看丁OF AFFt」IATION WITH THE CiTY OF M漢AMI BEACH l am in comp=ance as (Check (/) a旧ha 二/am a resident Home Address: □ lhaveanowne City ofMiami B Name of Busin Business Addr □ lamafu冊me O伸Ce Or Other minimum of six Name of Busin Business Addr “O仰ersh佃/nt OWners母) Of lO ′偉usiness’’ me COmpany, Or Ot Unde「 Denalties of ith the a制ation requi「ement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), apply): fthe City of Miami Beach for six months or longer" Å在 役後で /生名音∴ううノr/ Ship inte「est (for a minimum ofsix months) in a business estab=shed in the ach (fo「 a minimum of six months). mpIoyee ofa business (for a minimum ofsix m。nths) and i am based in an location of the business that is physica=y located in Miami Beach (for a months). rest,, means the owneIS砕) Of ten percent (10%) or more thc/uding the Or mOre Of the outstanding capita/ StOC砂/n a business. ns any so/e prop万etorsh毎 SpOnSOrS朽), CO仰O伯tion, /imited /iab〃dy er entity or business association・ e申ry, i declare tha= have 「ead the foregoing document and that the facts ノ符・∂0一ま′ Date 存再生A u Printed Name Received December 20, 2021 Office of the City Clerk