Liliam Lopez 12/31/23M IAM I BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE CHECKLIST APPOINTEE: Liliam M. Lopez DATE OF APPOINTMENT. 12/06/2021 soARcoMMwurree.P//$ 0o _.e Avomntea y. Lo·_k'_56o"ale z ron.scows roRamson» do€ p/3/h3, j)/7/ /2 ( scan> o Letter of Appointment TERM END:Z' TERM LIMIT: /' /= k> Scan o o Letter of Reappointment [2y]'./3'/ovo»wronrovoent ·mates o corroe- uaso o Scan o o'6are4#a és#itee Application (Completed on. ) Scan o o Résumé/Curriculum Vitae / 1 7¡1_,/ J ,1¡. o Diversity Statistics Reporting (Completed on_/a_ / t _L), Scan o o Oath RECEIVED DEC 15 2021 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS BOOK ✓City Code Ordinance Section applicable to the agency, board or committee City Code Sections 2-21, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 ✓County Code Section 2-11.1 -- Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance (as amended through December 2010) ✓Amendments to the Code of Ethics Ordinance (September 2009 through July 2012) ✓Highlights of the Miami-Dade County Ethics Code ✓Sunshine law and Public Records - Frequently Asked Questions ✓Memorandum - Solicitation by City Board and Committee Members o Citywide Permit Application (Parking Department Form) o Booklet - Guide to Sunshine Amendment & Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees Scan o o Source of Income Statement Scan O O Acknowledgment of Financial Disclosure Requirement O DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORTING Keep COP Y in file and ORIGINAL for Annual Report] Received on. 12/06/2021 _Signea X 'l j o»»I2[/5'2/ •• VO/JS]9] [}y [pp/0/ee, Date CONCLUDED & RESIGNATION LETTERS Term Expired Letter Date Processed Initials Scan o Resignation Letter Date Processed Initial6 Scan O Removal letter due to absences Date processed Initiais Scan o F:\CLER\BOARD AND COMMIT TIES DATABASE\CHECKLIST MASTER\B&C Checklist 2015 MASTER. do0cx We ore committed to providing excellent public service and sale»y to all who live. work and play in our vbront, topical, historic comm unity M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/OO Convention Conter Drive, Miami Boa ch, Horida 33139 yywy_miamibcachl].go OF FICE OF THE CITY CL ERK , Rafael E. Gr an ado, Ciiy Cl erk Tol: 305.673.7411, Fox. 305.673.7254 Email: CityClerk@miamibeachll.gov D e cem be r 06 , 202 1 M s. Li liam Lopez 4200 A lton R oad M ia m i Bea ch, FL 3314 0 SUBJECT: Miam i Beach Com m ission For W om en C o ng ratulatio ns! Y ou have been reappointed by Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalezto the above referenced , boa rd or com m itt ee nam ed above, fo r a term ending: 12/31/2023. Pursuant to C ity of M iam i Beach C ode Section 2-22 (5) a, "N otw ithstanding any other provision of the C ity C ode or of any resolution, com m encing w ith term s beginning on or after January 1, 2007, the term of eve ry bo a rd m em b er w ho is directly appointed by a m em ber of the C ity C om m ission shall autom atically expire up o n the latt er of: D ecem ber 31 of the year the appointing C ity C om m issioner leaves office or upon th e app ointm en t/el ection of the successor C ity Com m ission m em ber." If you are unab le to accept this appointm ent, or have any questions, please call the Offi ce of the City C le rk at 305.6 7 3.7 411. Please read the encl osed m aterials carefully. C o ngratulations and good luck. "e R afL ranado C ity C lerk cc: M onica Be ltran, Parking Di rector V eronica Paysse, C ity Li aison ATT A C HM ENTS: Lett er of A ppointm e nt O ath C ity C ode/Or di nan c e section ap plic abl e lo agency, board or com mi tt ee C ity C o de Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 an d 2-459 O rdina nce N o . 20 06-3543 - Am en dm ent to C ity C ode Section 2-22 M ia m i-D a de C o unty C ode Section 2-11.1 - C on flict of Interest and C ode of Ethics O rdinance C ity Wi de Pe rm it Ap plic ation - (P arking D epartm ent Form ) Bo okl et - G uid e to the Sunshine A m endm ent and C ode of Ethics fo r Public Offi cers and Em ployees M IA M I BEAC H City o f M iam i Beach , I7O Convantion Cantor Drive, Miaml Boch, Florida 33 139 www.miambeauc.bl.go! OFFKCE OF THE CII'Y CIERK, Rafool E. Gronado, Ciy Clork Tol: 305.673.7411, Fax 305.673.7254 Email: Ciykouk@mlomboochl.go Oath of Office Oath of Civility and Acknowledgements TO : Ms. Li liam Lopez RE: Miam i Beach Com m ission For W om en J do solem nly swear or affi rm to bear true faith. loyalty and allegiance to the Govern m ent of the United States. the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-m entioned board or com m ittee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 12 /3 1/20 23 . To m y colleagues and to all of those I represent and serve, I pledge fairn ess, integrity and civility, in all act ions taken and all com m unications made by m e as a public serv ant, I have been issued a copy of section 2-11, 1 of the M iami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Eth ics Or di n an ce), as well as Florida Comm ission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Am endm ent and Code of Ethics fo r Public Officers and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Com m ittee, I m ust com ply with the financial disclosure " requiremen ts of M iam i-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or comm ittee on which I serve) on July 1st, fo llowing the closing of the calendar year on which I have serv ed. Sworn to an d subs cribe d before m e this _ p lease visit the City of M iam i Beach website at www.m iamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/B oard and Com m ittees for additional information regarding th e Financial Disclosure Requirem ents MIAH . Em? SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMENT Section 2-11.1(i) of the County Ethics Code requires that certain employees and public officials file a financlal discl osure Statem ent on a yearly basis by July 1st of every year. Dlsclosure for Tax Year Ending ¡ Last Name First Name Mi ddl e Name/lnitlal 2020 Lopez Lliam M Malling Address -· Street Num ber, Street Nam e, or P,0, Box 4200 AIton Road City, State, Zip Mlami Beach, FL 33140 If your home address Is your mailing address, and your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Fla. Stat $119.07, read instructions on the following page and check Hele. Fillng as an Employee (check one) [] county I] Public Health Trust [] Municipal: (Municipality) Departm ent Position or Title Employee ID Num ber Work address ¡ Work telephone Employment began on/ended on Filing as a Board Member (check one) DJ county E] Municipal: City of Miami Beach (M uni cipal ity ) Board where serv ing Commission and Wom en Al tern ate addre ss (lt hom e addre ss ls exem pt ) I Work telephone ¡ Term began on/ended on 305- 534-1903 1201/2021 List below every so urce of incom e you recei ved, along with the address and the principal activity of each sour ce. Include your public salary, Place the sources of incom e in descen ding order, with the largest so urce first. Examples of so urce s of incom e include: com pen sa tion for services, incom e from business, gains from prope rty dealing s, interest, ren ts, dividen ds, pensi on s, IRA distribu ton s, and soci al secur ity payments. Also, include any source of income recei ved by anot her person for your benefit. However, the incom e of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed, It continued on a separate sheet, check here. L] Name of Source of Inc ome Address Description of the Principal Business Activity South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 333 Ath ur Godfrey, 8pg4. 6uta 300 Presiden/CEO Miami Beach, FL 33140 Condominium 2457 Collins Ave. Apt 701 Rental Property Miami Beach, FL 33140 I hereby swear (or affirm) that the Information above is a true and correct statement. dei. "%, n, : nlure ot Ponson lsc ,[ nr- 12/06/2021 Dato sign ed cv P EECP S PN: [ Hardcopy tues9P1 5 2021 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK REMEMBER TO PRINT, SIGN, AND SUBMIT TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VIA EM AIL OR HARDCOPY. M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email:. B C @m iam i b each f.g ov Telephone: 305.673.7411 AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH S T A T E O F F LO R ID A C O U N T Y O F M IA M I-D A D E I a m in com p lia nce w ith the affi liatio n requirem e nt of M iam i Beach C ity C ode Section s 2-22 (4), as (check (/) all that apply ). o I am a reside nt of the C ity of M iam i B each for six m onth s or longer. H o m e A ddr e ss 420 0 Al ton R oa d. M ia m i Be ach, FL 33140 u have an ow ne rship In te rest (for a m inim u m of six m o nths) in a busine ss established in the C ity of M ia m i B e a ch (fo r a m in im um of six m onths). S o uth F lorid a Hispanic C ha m be r of C om m erce [[a m e f [[8]m@Si B usiness A dd ress 333 A rthur G odfr ey R oad . Su ite 300., M ia m i Be ach, FL 33140 o I am a full-tim e em p lo ye e of a business (fo r a m in im um of six m o nths) and I am based in an offi ce or othe r lo ca tio n of the bu sin e ss that is physica lly located in M ia m i Beach (fo r a m inim um of six m on ths ). [yap9 tf P 11 g]me 8S [1JS/me ss (]([fess Ownership Interest" means the ownership of ton percent (10%) or more (including the ownership of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. Business" means any sole proprietorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity or busin ess associ a tion. U n d er pen al ti e s of perjur y , I de cl are th at I have read the foregoi ng docum en t an d that th e fact s stat ed in it ""{ta. 92,#,," sora/7"" t/r ose Li lia m M . Lo pe z P ri nte d N ame N O TA R Y S w o rn to (or affi rm e d) an d su b scribed befo re m e , by m ea ns of o physica l pre sence or o online notarization, we ]aay or.)Ee .2 lo» Ly114L.ogz_ } (Ci ty of M ia mi Be ach B oard /C omm i ttee M em ber ). roaceat Fi [S)sue@ Le Fo rm of Id e ntifica tio n lly no wn if z., WI NSLO W THO MPSON pp5, soary bi -sate o'Fr«@ 33.3/ comm ission r HR 198190 ?t" w comm. Expires Nov 15, 2025 Bon ded thr ou gh Nation al Notary Assn, soras4sNt4y,P091600 /r!y2 'et k) (N O TA R Y SE A L) N a m e of N otary , Typ e d, Printe d , or S tam ped M IA M I BEACH CITYWIDE (CW) BOARD & COMMITTEES La cwy o+ tan»sí seo«d, PARkio rARrNr PARKING PPLICA[ION 1755 Morldlan Aonue, Suite 200/Miami Beach, FL 33139/Ph: (305) 673-7505 or (305) 673-7000 ox1. 6200 PARKING A cilywide (CW) parking permi t is hon or ed at m etered parking spa ces and restricted residen tial zon es par king spaces. A CW parking permit IS NO T honor ed in proh ibited are as. An Access Card will be pro vided to you for Cily Hall G ara ge (G 7) access. IM PO RTA NT N O TE: Your veh icle licen se plate serves as your "pa rking permit", In order to avoid any unnecessary enfo rcem ent actions, it is important that our records reflect the most current and accurate info rm ation regard ing your vehicl e licen se pl ate. Inaccurate and/ or outdated vehicle inform ation may lead to the issuance of parking citation(s) and/ or the tow ing of your vehicle. Please note that this new access card CA NN OT be hole-punched or perforated in any manner. To use the new card please hold the card at close proximity to the reader until the gate opens. You may need to try the other side of the card. Please ensure you hold the entire surfa ce of the car d against the reader until the gate opens. A CKN O W LE DG EM EN T: I acknowledge that should m y access card be lost, stolen or damage, l will be responsible to p a y a $10.00 replacement fee. Board Member information Date of Application: 12/06/2021 Applicant N am e: Li liam M. Lopez Board/Com m ittee N am e: Commission of Women A ddress: 4200 Alton Road. Miami Beach, FL 33140 EMail A ddress: [topez@sflhcc.com W ork Ph on e: 305-534-1903 Home Phone Cell Phone: 305-562-9220 Pre ferred Contact Method: Vehicle information Tag: JXVT32 Color: White State: FL Year: 2018 M ake : Lincoln M odel: MKZ Applicant Sianat ure: es Please pro vide signe d form to the Parking Department located at 1755 Meridian Aven ue, 2" floor. W orking hours are 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. or emai l to: ParkingReception@miamibeachfl.gov e-mail subject: BOARD & COMMITTEE PARKING APPLICATION - APPLICANT NAME Park ina D epa rt m ent Sect ion PERMIT SYSTEM GARAGE ACCESS Expi ration Date: ID Card Serial #: Issued By Print Name: Print Name: Si gnat ure: e Signa ture: í Date issued: Date Completed: y l i n Hl Hl#à ll r d th3hi/ana llh""hitlh Il"a 'i ahi tUl M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miam ibeachfl,goy OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 BOARD & COMMITTEE FINANCIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) Lopez Liliam M. Last Name First Name Middle Initial I understand that no later than dul1of each year all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements . One of the following forms must be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of July 1, of each year: 1. A "Source of Income Statement;" or 2. A "Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1 )1;" or 3. A Copy of your latest Federal Income Tax Return. Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail, or both. #«-t9, St n 12/02/2021 Date 1 Members of the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment will be notified directly by the State of Florida, pursuant to F.S. $112.3145(1)(a), to file a Statement of Financial Interests (Form 1) with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections by 12:00 noon, July 1. Planning Board and Board of Adjustment members who file their Form 1 with the County Supervisor of Elections automatically satisfy the County's financial disclosure requirement as a Miami Beach City Board/Committee member and need not file an additional form with the Office of the City Clerk. However, compliance with the County disclosure requirement does not satisfy the State requirement. Page 5 of 6 F:CLER$ALLREGBOARDO AND COMMIT TEE APPLICATIONS FINAL DRAFTS\BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION REG FINAL.docx Updated: June 2020 M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Bea ch 1700 Convention Center Drive Mi ami Beach, Florida 33139 wwwmiamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Em al l: BC@miamlbeachf.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 DIVERSITY STATISTICS REP OR I Lopez Liliam M Last Name First Name Middle Initial The fo llow ing info rm ation is voluntary and has no bearing on your consideration fo r appointment. It is being asked to com ply with C ity diversity reporting requirem ents. Gender: J al e J remate O O ther [l 1 prefer not to ans w er. Race/Ethnic Categories: What is your race? O Afr ica n Am erican/Black O A sian or Pacific Islander ] C auca sian /whi te O Native Am erica n/Am erican Indian Lo ther - Print R ace. O I prefer not to answer. Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latinola? gyves o O I prefer not to answ er. Do you consider yourself Physically Disabled? Ives R o D I prefer not to answer this question. Page 6 of 6 F:CLER$ALLREGBOARD ANDO COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS FINAL DRAFTS'BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION REG FINAL.docx U pd ated: Jun e 2020