Alex Carrasco/E,A //] l/ru\ City of M ia m i Bea ch 17 0 0 Con v enlion Center Drive M ia m i Beach, Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Emai: BC@miamibeachß.goy Telephone: 305.6 7 3.7 411 AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I am in compliance with the affiliation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as (check (✓) all that apply): o I am a resident of the City of Miami Beach for six months or longer. (mm Jk (][S i«our o I have an ownership interest (for a mínimum of six months) in a business established in the City of Miami Beach (for a mínimum of six months). [[qm]% f [[[][]Si PJ [I S [R @ S S, J }Tes} V I am a full-time employee of a busí~ess (for a mínimum of six months) and I am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). ame ot oses._Zen /5Z hlr2et U/, ns.A» 4o/ Q/, , zioca, &-. a3/37 "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownership of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. "Business" means any sole proprietorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity or business association. jury, I declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it /e4 23 -o>t Date NOTARY Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me, by means of o physical presence or Xonline notarization, ht6 22 day or December _,2o21y eXander Carrasco (City of Miami Beach Board/Committee Member). X Produced ID FL DRIVERS LICENSE Form of Identification Personally Known Ci.i 'per (NOTARY SEAL) Signature of Notary_ Public Charles J. u'Agostin Name of Notary, Typed, Printed, or Stamped .iii, CHARLES J. DAGOSTIN ?j? wcoMwsso + 1os7os #j,%k.is; ExP RE s: December 14, 2025 @?" Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwrit ers Received December 22, 2021 Office of the City Clerk